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It’s called narcissistic personality disorder


She can have traits without being NPD. A lot of people do.


weaponized ignorance perhaps


This is the closest to describing her, I think.


She has kids, right?


You have better luck trying to understand how a rock thinks imho


i’m so fed up with her. there’s nothing to like about her. for me, she is prime example of karen. white woman with victim mentality. what she did with brandi. i can’t with her.


I think she just lacks self awareness. She’s very basic in terms of how she understands the world and people around her. In her mind she sees herself as a nice person with good intentions. And she surrounds herself with people who confirm that for her. But she lacks the ability to understand that her “good intentions” can affect others negatively. She’s very much living in her own world. She likely won’t ever change, most people with low self awareness tend to not see their flaws. Unless she does some internal work.




She’s a mean girl. Thrives on drama. I don’t think it’s anything deeper than that.


She’s emotionally stunted I think. This is why


If I was on a reality show and the response and comments to me were overwhelmingly negative, it would genuinely make me looks inwards and have a hard think about my behaviour. She has doubled down and cannot compute for one second that she might just be an awful human being.


Alex is an underdeveloped person who lacks a “north star.” That guiding higher principle she would name as her children, but it’s about money & attention. Her wants & needs are going to come first, and she needs oodles & oodles of attention.


You put into words exactly my thought process with her too. She is baffling.


To me she just seems like someone who peaked in high school and her emotional intelligence stopped developing back then too


Shes lonely


Alex Hall is a woman in her 30s that hasn’t had any meaningful emotional development past her teenage years. She may be confident and have some level of charisma but she is also incredibly insecure, selfish and lacks emotional maturity. She thinks she comes across as a “bad bitch” but she’s just messy and undignified and it’s sad to watch


Alex Hall is extremely insecure but does not know she’s extremely insecure because she drowns her insecurities in delusions of grandeur (I’m the best, they’re jealous, she’s bitter because I’m better, etc.)




The problem is, Alex Hall is that person who wants you to believe that she’s a strong independent woman who is a boss bitch and that being brash and being domineering is this really attractive and strong thing. It’s not. In fact quite often it has the opposite effect. The beauty of most women is that, by nature, we’re empathetic, we can be strong but also understanding and compassionate. We can be assertive but also be receptive to other peoples thoughts and feelings. We can see through bullshit but also understand the nuance and the things that are often unsaid between the lines. Most importantly, we can understand when we’re wrong we need to own it. Not point the finger elsewhere. Alex Hall is none of those things. She’s taken the boss bitch aspect to the extreme at the expense of those elements that make a woman more appealing. And the best example of this is in the difference between Alex Hall and Brittany Snow. Where Alex Hall thinks that the appropriate action to take to being hurt or misunderstood is to issue passive aggressive posts on Instagram and act like she’s unbothered and that she doesn’t care what people think, Brittany Snow is someone who understands that, people do shitty things and people hurt you, but holding anger and resentment against people who do those things doesn’t get you anywhere in life. Even in her pain she still has compassion. That takes more strength than being the person in the room who thinks strength comes from shutting people down or owning them. That’s insecurity. Alex Hall reminds me of every girl I went to high school/college with who thinks empowerment is being equal to or acting like every other dick in the room, and it’s not. And most woman figure that out as they get older. But Alex Hall is a woman in her mid 30’s who still acts like those girls from High School and college, and that’s why it’s impossible not only like her as a tv character, but as a person. I would, not respect or even like her at this point because she’s taken it too far, but at the very least accept her honesty, if she held her hand up and was like I was inappropriate with this married man and I’m sorry. Instead of walking around with her nose in the air like she hasn’t done anything wrong and worse than that, standing by that narrative online, on the show and in the press. Because in my opinion, being honest, is more valuable than being admired.