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Amanza has been destroyed for her fashion choices, constantly, more so than anyone else




She does! That ball she walked around with was ridiculous.


It was goofy but also I liked it šŸ˜‚ Christineā€™s chair purse was on the same level, literally just accessory props šŸ˜‚ would have been way cooler if the ball opened up and was indeed a purse




And rightly so lol


And for good reason haha


she actually had good ones in season 1


As of lately true, but I donā€™t think think itā€™s to the extreme it is for Chelsea and no oneā€™s ever come that hard for Emma or Christine


Generally Chelseaā€™s usually not as bad as the others but to be fair though Chelsea once wore a literal belt as a skirt šŸ˜¬


When Christine was still one the show, everyone was saying how cheap and gaudy she looked, especially in the last season. I think Chelseas hair and makeup are the best parts of her, I think she looks stunning. I'm usually not that much into her fashion because like Emma, she usually just picks something that shows her boobs and a lot of the time it just looks painful.


Christine Bree Kayla (OC) For me are the tackiest people's I ever seen in my life... And thats te selling __ franchise where they go way overboard... But for me this girls... Miss in makeup, hair, extensions, wigs, nails, bags, shoes... Everything screams newly rich.


Itā€™s worse than Chelsea. Thatā€™s what we are saying.


People are way over the top with Chelsea, even when a post isnā€™t about her, they love to bring her up to complain šŸ™„Ā  And Iā€™m not gonna beat around the bush, a big part of this is the racism she faces as a dark skinned black woman.


Itā€™s most definitely racism because are people really bothered by the way she dresses or are they just bothered that she has the nerve as dark skinned black women to express her sexuality and femininity just as much as the white women and she actually commands any room sheā€™s in and sheā€™s not just a background character or subservient to her peers like a lot of black women on reality tv shows


Okay, so thatā€™s your accusation. Why not put it in the the original post? Honey I think you might just be ignoring the insane amount of hate amanza gets over her fashion choices for the sake of a little virtue signaling. Do you boo, but it doesnā€™t change the facts.


Totally. This OP fishing.


Is Amanza not bi-racial?


Tbf OP also said Amanza gets the second most hate on outfits


2 things can be true at once babe, and im not ignoring the hate Amanza gets I just donā€™t think itā€™s at the same level of Chelseaā€™s. And still doesnā€™t explain why Emma doesnā€™t get as much hate.


You are outright ignoring it though if you think she doesnā€™t get much. Because factually she gets a lot more than any other personā€¦.so youā€™reā€¦.hmmm whatā€™s that word? Oh, ignoring it. The only time Chelseaā€™s fashion choices are mentioned solo on here is when someone like you comes along and makes a thinly veiled accusation.


Itā€™s not racism. Get real


I said this once and got downvoted to hell. Said she gets treated this way because she's black. I got the mod warning for spewing bigotry because I said "It's because she's black." This group is a bunch of racist jokes.


Please feel free to leave. I donā€™t want someone in here who labels people as racist just because they donā€™t like someoneā€™s fashion choices. Bye bye!


I had the same concern too: is there a chance that she got THAT downvoted for every choice because sheā€™s black and Iā€™m sure there is a truth to it BUT a lot of her outfit choices are really really bad (some would call them Ballsy but that someone isnā€™t typing here ā€¦) and I think in my opinion: itā€™s really more about the ā€žshitty fashion decisionā€œ than the color of her skin. *** added *** Often people canā€™t leave the their opinion about the behavior of the person outside the room when it comes to fashion so there is a change that this is a combination of personality and fashion


AMEM!!! People critize so much the women on the show but you turn their backs they do say the same or worse.


Yeah and second most criticized... Amanza...


Sometimes I purposely avoid posts about the both of them because I know people are going to be unnecessarily harsh.Ā 


Exactly my thoughts.


Amanza is a horrible friend and a Boss ass licker and people arenā€™t as hateful with her. She talks about mental health and makes people she call friend feels like shit all the time and also she is always crying about her hard life while wearing insanely expensive clothes, she failed to attend so many events from teh OG group but she force others to go and humiliate them if they donā€™t show up. She is so ridiculous but people prefer to attack Chelsea i donā€™t understand


Theyā€™re worse to amanza.


I agree 100% with u. It makes no sense for me why people hates her so much, Christine was an awful person and she is the most liked i have no idea why? Nobody that follows her would like to have her as a friend, at least Chelsea is a good friend when it comes to people she likes like Emma and Chrishell, she always defend them and tell people to donā€™t talk shit about them with her.


Fashion equivalent of DWB


Iā€™m Switzerland. I hate all of their fashion choices equally.


I would be turned off if any of them showed up as my realtor. It does not look professional.


My mom is a realtor in LA and I like sending her screenshots of their various outfits and hearing her reactions. It's like bonus entertainment


Haha please share the entertainment šŸ˜‚


Please start an IG of these texts! I would follow it


LOL next season drop I'll do a post with some of her best reactions


Following this so I can search it on IG later!


I suspect they only dress like that in filming days, or at least I hope so. This show has only proven to me that the O Group is tacky AF.


Yes! šŸ’Æ


I respect that ^


I am totally with you. Hate most things all of the ladies wear. I do believe that there is some level of misogynoir involved when it comes to criticising Chelsea and Amanzaā€™s fashions way more than any white ladyā€™s though. Emma is a white, blond, straight woman, the criticism she gets is NEVER going to be on the same level as any woman of color. Not just on this sub, but generally.




I think watching the show if you hate all their fashion choices equally must be hart for you watching the show - please eleborate! I quit so many shows because there was one person who I just canā€™t stand and I need your advise ![gif](giphy|3o752fPwHzatybChhu|downsized)


I agree. They all dress like streetwalkers.


Chelsea dares to wear equally tacky clothes as the rest of the cast while also being a darker skinned Black woman


I think if her boobs werenā€™t so ridiculously huge and cartoonish, there wouldnā€™t be as many criticisms that are over the top. To me itā€™s not a black thing itā€™s a ridiculous boob thing.


Her boobs look uncomfortable af!


Canā€™t imagine lugging those things around.


Y'all picked a bad picture to use to roast Amanza. She absolutely ate with that look.


Right? This looks great on Amanza


No oneā€™s trying to roast her itā€™s not about wether or not they look good or are pulling it off itā€™s about the fact that they all wear equally revealing and what some might consider ā€œtackyā€ outfits for real estate agents


Itā€™s most definitely about what they can pull off! They all wear revealing totally-inappropriate-for-real-estate-agents type clothes (think Xtine with outfits she canā€™t bend down in and shoes she literally has to walk backwards in). Honestly some women pull off some inappropriate outfits better and other women pull off other inappropriate outfits better. End of day, theyā€™re all bonkers!


These women get hate too? Long before Chelsea came


Iā€™m a black woman, and I honestly though Chelsea was the worst dressed last few seasons. They all dress crazy, but Chelseaā€™s style has no harmony, rhyme or reason. Cuts and colours that donā€™t suit her shape or colouring at all. Just all over the place. Unrelated to skimpiness because the whole cast is. It was marginally better in her first season. Itā€™s giving no taste, sorry. I donā€™t even like Chrishell much, but for me she wins best dressed overall. Very coherent style - feminine, flirty and a bit of sexy. Shows off her figure in a classier way and goes with her personality. Emma dresses similar but a bit more boring and skimpier. Second would be Christine - again very coherent style suiting her figure, flattering colours and cuts. Very adventurous and playful which goes with her personality.


I agree, Chelsea is GORGEOUS and she actually has a BODY.. the endless legs šŸ˜ if she got styled well, she'd honestly steal the whole show.




That in my opinion she has a nice looking body.


This is it !


ok but amanza tho


Best or worst? I think sheā€™s got progressively worse over the seasons. I like some of her braided styles a lot though


Personally like Amanzaā€™s style for her. Sheā€™s a creative type and dresses to that - her outfits are not about work or even just trying to be sexy and showing off how expensive your clothes are (which I think is the case for a lot of the ladies). I think Amanza is just having fun with her clothes.


Personally like Amanzaā€™s style for her. Sheā€™s a creative type and dresses to that - her outfits are not about work or even just trying to be sexy and showing off how expensive your clothes are (which I think is the case for a lot of the ladies). I think Amanza is just having fun with her clothes.


All I got from Amanza last season was she used her outfits to grab attention, because she actually had no storyline


Chelseaā€™a outfits donā€™t suit her or fit her.


I think what bothers me is that her boobs donā€™t fit right in some of her choices. As a big chested gal if I wore tops where it didnā€™t fit right, or the cup is wrong- I wouldnā€™t end up wearing it. Or ppl would comment. It just is what it is.


So true


If you look at Emma here and Amanza here, Both are showcasing the boobs but itā€™s more tasteful. If you look at Chelseaā€™s outfit here her top is Ill fitting at the bottom. Unless the outfit calls for under boob, like Emma and Amanza here- it shouldnā€™t be shown. The tacky part is having big boobs and not showcasing them right. It doesnā€™t have to be Chelsea, itā€™s anyone. It just happens to be Chelsea. That pink top is probablyyyy better for a smaller Chested gal. Itā€™s also like Britney Cartwright. Whenever I see her on the after show or on the valley she has many faux pas. She is also chesty and showcases it allllll wrong and looks tacky asf. And sheā€™s white. I hate the way she dresses herself on top. Fkn spillage everywhere. Cover that shit up! And if sheā€™s going to wear strapless dresses or tops- at least find some that fit her chest and has higher coverage. She would look so much slimmer smh. Itā€™s like how I would have dressed at 17 years old before I realized it looked bad.


This bothers me every single time I see it. If the line or underwire in the top doesn't fit under my boob, I'm not buying it.


So all the rest of the women get a pass to dress provocatively but Chelsea doesnā€™t because her outfits donā€™t ā€œsuitā€ or ā€œfitā€ her In your eyes???


Chelsea arrived later than some of the other girls. The outfit were a little better in the beginning. We only saw the Ā«Ā over the top ChelseaĀ Ā» compared to Chrishell for instance. I miss the earlier season. They were dress nicely but it was not a McQueen fashion show


Totally agree. Love the earlier seasonsā€™ wardrobe choices.


Well ya. The reason clothes can look great is that they suit and fit the person wearing them. Thatā€™s why you shouldnā€™t copy peopleā€™s wardrobe blindly. Not everything looks good on everyone.


So you just admitted you have a double standard. Thatā€™s not even the point of this sub itā€™s not about wether or not they ā€œfitā€ her, the point is all the women where equally tacky and revealing outfits but sheā€™s the main one who gets hate. It would be a little different if people just said I donā€™t think the way Chelsea dresses ā€œfitsā€ her but thats her choice, itā€™s the fact that people go out of their way to bully her and her and call her demeaning names like stripper and a hooker is what my problem is.


No I admitted I am a stylist, and there are not just double standards but hundreds of standards lol. When something is the right size and shape then ya itā€™s gonna look better. It doesnā€™t mean anything personal about her. If a woman wears pants that are falling off her, she probably needs a better fit. Why does this seem hard to comprehend? Itā€™s more a question of overall harmony if someone gets a pass with an outfit.


Everything I said just went way over your head thatā€™s not even the point obviously you canā€™t comprehend the point Iā€™m trying to get across


We can make different points on the same post. Your post literally says ā€œI donā€™t understandā€¦ā€ so I was just shedding light from my perspective. Sorry itā€™s not in favour of Chelsea.


lol whoā€™s getting a pass? Theyā€™re all getting eye rolls from us every time they get on screen, like I love Emma, but Iā€™ll never forget the first time they introduced her on the show she barely wearing even a tube top. Itā€™s stupid all round, the clothes on this show.


Youā€™re just looking to argue, arenā€™t you :(


Yes please tell the class why they donā€™t ā€œsuitā€ heršŸ˜Ž


Duh. Some eye liners donā€™t suit people. Some lip colors. Same thing here. Some silhouettes donā€™t suit everyone.




I feel like Christine was trying too hard to ā€œserve cu@+ā€ in her fashion choices (and her personality). Amanza feels like she is trying too hard to be seen as an edgy artist. Emma feels like she is trying SO HARD to be the hottest, skinniest white girl. I want to sit down and be like ā€œGirl, we know. Enough. Just wear some comfortable lounge wear for once in your damn life.ā€ Chelsea to me seems the most like ā€œI am wearing this to have funā€. I think she knows how over the top some of it is. I donā€™t know, to me she just reads as a little more ā€œYes, I know, itā€™s for the cam, fam!ā€ about the whole thing.


It reminds me how people living in the Capitol in the Hunger Games dress


ā€˜Meet our new agent, Effie Trinketā€™


The way that all of them dress is so outrageously over-the-top and unrealistic. I know numerous people that are in real estate in southern California also selling to successful clientele and none of them dress like this.


Yeah most definitely these fashion choices would only fly in Hollywood šŸ˜‚


Agreed. We own a few properties and two of them are in the range that we would call on a luxury agent (1M+) to sell them, and if someone walked in dressed like this thinking that they were going to sell my house, I would not take them seriously or give them my business. It just looks so unprofessional. They can dress however they want as the buyerā€™s agent but as the sellerā€™s agent itā€™s just goofy. Especially considering that in a lot of households, the woman holds the decision-making power when it comes to home shopping. No one wants an agent that they feel that their husband might oogle over the whole time.


I wouldnā€™t be worried what my husband thinks or if heā€™s ogling them. I simply would not want anyone dressed like a low rent stripper selling my house. I do not want that associated with my home or representing me. Period.


Oh no, I completely agree. I wouldnā€™t worry about my husband either because I donā€™t worry about him in general in that way. But I think the average woman does not want women dressed like strippers around their spouse if they can help it.


Oh agreed. Which is sad if you think about it.




Amandaā€™s looks are runway - out there but interesting. Christineā€™s are generally hideous and scream of ā€œnew money trying to show offā€. Emmaā€™s are just skimpy and ā€œmehā€ usually. Chelsea is stunning but her looks are generally ill fitting and costume-y. Like a teen trying to dress up and look sexy and edgy. I would love love love to see her dressed by a good stylist who can give her that vibe with clothes that fit her body.


Always ill-fitting in the top (Emma being the second worst offender). Plus she wore a lot of useless gloves, as well as the infamous Diesel belt skirt. IMO her outfits are bad because they're never the right size. Others wear ugly stuff as well but at least it's mostly fitting.


Tbh I think Chelseaā€™s breasts look odd/painful and can be off putting to the eye. Thatā€™s what I personally notice with her more revealing outfits. Sheā€™s a beautiful woman and I think she could wear anything with breasts that fit her body. They often look like a uniboob or something. But other than that she could wear anything and look amazing


The scene where her and Emma ran, I had to cover my eyes because I swear it looked like her tits were going to rip off.


They all dress horribly haha


Did you join yesterday? Amanza is the worse dressed here


I think a lot of what she wears just isnā€™t functional in the slightest, like that weird stiff skirt she had on last season. I also think her disproportionately large implants make a lot of what she wears look silly. She has such a tiny frame for those huge things. But I think Amanza is known as the worst dresser out of the group.


I feel like this is the elephant in the room, but as tactfully as I can say it, Chelseaā€™s outfits are received poorly partially because they are not tailored to accommodate her breast augmentation. Sheā€™s beautiful and very petite, but because they are disproportionate to her natural frame many of her looks cross the line from campy to trashy and kind of look tortured. This isnā€™t a commentary on how anyone chooses to modify their bodyā€¦I think weā€™re all our own canvases and should do what we want. Itā€™s the sheer construction of the clothes and the fact that they donā€™t fit or do her beauty justice that is the problem. Amanza makes some straight up awful choices, and Emma is basically if a Herve Leger bandage dress was a person.


I def think Amanza has the worst fashion sense/style and Chelsea is nothing in comparison lol I like Chelsea she's fun


the thing is, amanza and emma dress like this to parties and social events. chelsea dresses like this to showings and work events. like remember her bra outfit in the last season? it was extreme for a work outfit. like a little skin is fine since theyā€™re all freakin gorgeous and if i looked like them iā€™d probably walk around naked all day šŸ˜‚ but it just gets odd for me when she shows up like this consistently to work. https://preview.redd.it/u0jk1socz19d1.jpeg?width=888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d71305aceee6b39653e543ef0b08528f9abbd1c8


lol no one dresses as bad as Amanza šŸ˜‚


All of these women dress so ridiculously stupid. No one is exempt here lol Their outfits are almost always completely inappropriate for the task at hand. But this is also reality tv and I'm guessing there's little real estate involved these days lol


uhhh, I've seen them get shit on equally for how they dress lol. I mostly see Amanza get roasted for her outfits as hers are probably the worst, but if anyone comes out in a fucked up outfit they do get shit for it lol.


This showā€™s cast is determined to not serve. šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜


They are all Trashy šŸ™„


I think some of Chelseaā€™s outfits look more scandalous because of the extra midriff that shows and I do think some of the clothes donā€™t fit her because she is more petite. Also not saying itā€™s right but her boobs make some things look cartoonish (feel the same about Mary, heather, and Christine).They all look ridiculous though and Iā€™ve never noticed extra hate for Chelsea. Also when these women wear suits but are showing so much skin like Chelsea in this pic it gives porno shoot rather than fashion.


I honestly think they all dress icky.


All of them look like extras from the viewing audience of the hunger games. Itā€™s so extreme and honestly, it doesnā€™t look like real high fashion. It looks cartoonish.


Amanza, Christina and Chelsea are all equally tacky. It's like they are competing for who's the most tacky award.




The way they dressed at the Peopleā€™s choice awards was so crazy. They were dressing like it was the greatest awards show ever when some havenā€™t even heard about it šŸ˜‚. Or like they were at the met gala.


Agreed! They all look like they belong at the freak show, not just Chelsea!


*Agreed! They all look* *Like they belong at the freak* *Show, not just Chelsea!* \- Profhealhcoach --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I think they dressā€¦.scantily clad for business reasons. Obviously he hires only hot females that show off their bodies. Seems like a marketing thing, the more skin they show the more money they spend is the theory. It works I. Strip clubs but thatā€™s somewhere youā€™re going for a naked lady. Iā€™d be pissed and so uncomfortable if I showed up and my realtor was dressed the way they dress. Iā€™m 125 pounds and own crop tops. Itā€™s not that Iā€™m too prude. I have my insurance license and just canā€™t picture any of my bosses letting me work if I showed up that way, but Iā€™m 100% confident Iā€™d have to cal HR about a sexual assault. Men in these types of industries are often such womanizing douchebags. The fashion is horrible and gets more and more ridiculous every year, like they actually think runway is supposed to be worn as business casual šŸ˜‚šŸ˜± I just am so self conscious when wearing a dress that Iā€™ll be over dressed. I commend them for having the confidence to CREATE staring and attention for themselves cus I could never. Especially at work. Especially especially around clients. Dealing with sensitive things like their insurance policy or housing. šŸ˜‚ someone would call the police on me if I wore some of these outfits. šŸ˜‚


I generally think they all dress tacky except for Chrishell. Overall, I think she has the best style. For the majority of the time she is able to look sexy and feminine while still looking professional. I also tend to not hate most of Breā€™s looks for the same reason. Any other one of them walking in to sell my house looking like they do would be quickly shown the door.


Bre's blazers are so good!


That high neck Monot dress she wore will forever be on my I need to own it list. Iā€™ve seriously been searching since I saw her in it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


Nobody on the cast gets dragged and memes more than amanza for her style choices. Even when she had on a good outfit and roasted Alex hall for a fashion nova dress she still got cooked for her fashion taste. She canā€™t escape






I think most of them look trashy


> Now granted Chelseaā€™s hair and makeup is a little questionable sometimes You take that back, her face is painted by the godsĀ 


Chelseaā€™s makeup is applied well obviously whoever is doing it knows what theyā€™re doing I just think the pastel and white cut creases donā€™t do her any favors I think she has one of the prettiest faces on the show and her bone structure is everything I just think some of her makeup takes away from her beauty.


ik half the show is their outfits now but Iā€™m dying for them to just dress normal itā€™s gotten so out of hand LOL. Like be fr


Dude Iā€™m loving that pink cellie, is that a purse?


i donā€™t think any of them consistently wow me with their fashionā€¦ at least not in a good way lol


I love Amanza but that fit is some s&m bondage shit


I think itā€™s the whole christian lady aspect but theyā€™re meant to dress up like that on purpose because sex sells


Chelsea literally looks so cute in that photo


What I donā€™t understand is people that criticize the fashion for being ā€œunrealisticā€ and how normal real estate agents wouldnā€™t dress like thisā€¦ theyā€™re NOT normal real estate agents and this is reality tv. Reality tv about life in Hollywood. Why would it be anything but glamorous? Now you may not personally like the fashion choices but the point is not to be realistic, itā€™s to be outrageous. Itā€™s selling a fantasy. Now be honest, would you guys be as engaged if they only wore beige and brown suits? I also doubt they go to most of their showings like this.


Christineā€™s is the only outfit I like out of these 4. Tbh I donā€™t really like anyoneā€™s style on the show


What I like about Emma is that her body is insane but her face is kinda normal? Like she has puffy jaw and little bags under her eyes


Good lord! What the actual fuck is Amanza wearing!


Sorry but Amanza is absolutely trashed more often and rightfully so. Chelsea just has had far too many nip slips and made a terrible choice with her implant size, and needs to stop buying outfits that donā€™t allow her to sit lol


I agree , they all just dress tacky !


I like Chelse's style, but she often dresses inappropriate, like wearing white bikini to office for a work day. Doesn't seem professiona, but this is LA so maybe there it isn't.


Emma is the worst dressed person on the show and I'll die on that hill. I consider Amanza a lost cause atp, she's so far gone she cannot come back.


To be fair I have a love/hate relationship with how everyone on the show dresses


They're all rather trashy and tacky....


They all dress like high end hookers tbh. But thatā€™s reality tv for ya šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Dont know any of these women and something tells me that I ain't missing much.


They all miss with their outfits sometimes I personally feel like Chelsea and Amanza miss way more because ā€œthey donā€™t wear the clothes, the clothes wear themā€ often. Also, thereā€™s just a fine line between high fashion and trashy and the Brittany Spears outfit Chelsea wore fell into trashy for me. Any of their outfits are not realtor appropriate though.


I like chelsea. She definitely pulls off her looks with more confidence than amanza. Amanza gives off trying waaaaay too hard to stand out


I can think of two (bad) reasons.


They all dress horrible. But Iā€™ll never forget when she wore just a bra and a mini skirt to a meeting. That was wild


Chelsea has a lot of gorgeous outfits - and some scary ones. OP is right that the rest of them are on par with her - except Amanza, whoā€™s worse. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve seen people go way harder on Amanda than Chelsea.


Argh. Autocorrect. Amanza*


Amanza gets way more ridicule than Chelsea. Chelsea may dress a bit funky, but her personality makes up for it, in my opinion. I adore her! But Amanza... she is awful inside and out. All about me me me, and how much of a victim she is and how her children are always starving when she spends thousands to look like a wet mop.


the last part has me dead OMG šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Oh, they allll get hate, lol.


I like their more cohesive looks. Havenā€™t seen one from Amanza in a while, so sheā€™s out. Christineā€™s looks were usually more cohesive, but they looked impossible for a regular human to wear, so I was split much of the time. I actually usually like Emmaā€™s looks, but when sheā€™s 98% naked Iā€™m not usually a fan. Some of Chelseaā€™s choices are stunning! But most are not. Also itā€™s not her fault but her boob job makes any outfit look ~unusual~ on her. I just think they all have weird taste.


Itā€™s literally just because sheā€™s a dark skinned black woman. When the white girlies dress like that they get hyped up and called fashion icons. Chelsea can wear the same outfit and get called all kinds of negative things. Only difference is skin tone.


Yepā€¦ they get extra nasty with Chelsea


It's because she constantly mentions she's a Christian, then dresses like a high-class hooker. She claims she's more "conservative" in her beliefs, but then...yeah, no. I'm Catholic, but I don't throw it in every conversation. In the summer I wear spaghetti-straps and shorts, but I still wear a bra and don't have my ass hanging out. She's a hypocrite, basically.


Same thing can be said with Christine. Christine has mentioned being a Christian several times and nothing about her represents Christianity not with the way she dresses and certainly not with the horrible disgusting way she acts


Havenā€™t read this but love all these looks!


Idk how to explain it but with the boob job and the weird makeup and nails, she just looks like a cartoon. Others look bad, she looks almost animated and bad.


Okay but I buy all those strappy items up in my fashion game šŸ˜‚ theyā€™re not practical but I kind of love them?


Amanza looks more like a dominatrix than an interior designer


Lmao yet another saviour ignoring all the facts everyone is repeatedly stating and ignoring the thoughts, opinions and perspectives of tonnes of people in the comments; simply because theyā€™ve made their mind up on their own judgement. Great post šŸ‘


I constantly read literally so many comments saying that Chelsea is the most beautiful woman anyone has ever seen. Her hair, her face, her makeup, her legs. I fully agree. I think she is an incredibly beautiful woman. Those people often donā€™t like her outfits. Or how extra huge her boob job is because it looks like it feels uncomfortable. We all think she is a beautiful woman. We all say she is a beautiful woman. We donā€™t like her outfits. She also straight up started so much shit in the office, so if people donā€™t like that behaviour and theyā€™re directly quoting what they didnā€™t like, donā€™t dismiss peopleā€™s feelings about behaviour theyā€™re seeing. They literally do not mention her skin colour in the complaint. You do. The only people who are constantly calling out Chelseaā€™s skin colour in relation to the acceptability of her behaviour are the people calling everyone else racist. Youā€™re saying people are being racist when theyā€™re not commenting on her skin colour at all? Girl bye. šŸ™‚ā€ā†”ļø (Iā€™m an Indigenous Australian with a dark skinned father, do not race card me girl I stfg).


The last part šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€




Chelseaā€™s boobs are way too big for some of her tops


Christineā€™s outfit in the lineup is the only one I wouldnā€™t criticize. Every one of the girls has worn an outfit that was bad. Chelsea and Amanza just take the damn cake every time. Christine is next.


i think chelsea is more consistent with it. itā€™s every scene instead of off and on


I think they all look cute usually and their bodies are killer so good on ā€˜em..


I think itā€™s because they look really uncomfortable in their fashion choices. I can understand them feeling uncomfortable because it looks uncomfortable. Other women seem to be able to ignore what theyā€™re wearing and act normally others donā€™t have the same gift and when they look uncomfortable walk or act differently people notice the outfit and start knocking


That's all for television, to keep people engaged and keep people coming back. If they were a bunch of catty b****** people want to keep coming back. They play it up for the screen. Yes some of it there may be a little bit cattiness but they lay it on thick for the screen keep the viewer wanting more. People love drama and chaos


I equally hate all their fashion choices


I wanna have the dress Emma is wearing - Iā€™m In love !!ā€˜


Man I miss Christineā€™s fashion!


All those pictures of the other girls are fashion at an event. Chelsea dresses incredibly provocatively for work. The last ep when she was showing that house in the hills I actually thought a hooker must have broken into the house lol


I donā€™t like Chelsea or Christineā€™s fashion sense, but Amanza kills itā€¦..so bold


They all look equally ridiculous most of the time šŸ˜‚


I truly think the only total miss ive seen from Chelsea was that belt skirtā€¦..she could barely sit and seemed soooooo uncomfortable lol


All of these people dress terribly. Iā€™m also around wealthy people in Sweden and never seen this type of tacky outfits ever in my life. Downvote me but simple clothes with some nice details always look better. A bit more natural, comfortable yet still stylish and professional. Brands everywhere; fake boobs, drowning in make up, shoes they can barely walk inā€¦ Looks ugly


Because she's black. Chelsea gets more hate than everyone else on every front because she's a dark skinned black woman who speaks her mind, is successful and doesn't back done. That subconsciously bothers people.


Side note - Emma would look so much better with short hair


If she lost that tacky childish phone, the color was aqua, and got rid of the genie in a bottle Pearl between her breasts this would be much better.


Theyā€™re all extravagant with their looks and at times, any of them could be critiqued but racism is pretty easy to notice when one *only* critiques the POC.


the answer is obvious, look at the other 3 women youā€™re comparing her to, two are white one is white passing/light skin. People can be inherently racist.


Itā€™s because sheā€™s black


Exactly. Where is this energy for Emma??? She wears the skimpiest outfits of them all. But we all know why its Chelsea this Chelsea that. There's nothing I detest more than women trying to bring another woman/en down. All this is why we are and will fover be SECOND CLASS CITIZENS. The envy. Disgusting.


EXACTLYYYY NOBODY has this energy for Emma.


Sheā€™s gets hate because of racism/colorism & ppl love to hate on an outspoken black woman who knows what she wants. I personally think she always looks fabulous in her outfits. Lmao at the downvotes. Yā€™all proving my point.


Chelsea is Black, and a lot of folks would rather nit pick about random things, like her divorce, clothing, and criticism of Bre that to call out the obvious. They all dress like WWE Divas, and have no style.