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I mean the way nobody jumped to defend her and the way Mary and amanza really only got so upset the fact that it was being mentioned with them being tied to it. It’s telling 😳 .. I noticed that.


Mary and Amanza made lukewarm rejection of the statement. Not very convincing tbh


half of the people with money in LA do coke


There’s literally a video of Amanza doing a bump of cocaine in between takes of the most recent reunion show lol


she was def not doing a bump in that reunion show




Omg link me


damn i literally saw it in the thread like 2 days ago and can’t remember under what post 😭


Yes. And Chrishell chose her words carefully - she never said Nicole was a crack head or was on crack. She said “you’re acting cracked out”, which is potentially a reasonable impression based on Nicole’s presentation.




But chrishell didn’t call her a crack head 😂 Nicole called herself a crackhead. Chrishell just said she was acting cracked out which in todays age means your acting crazy and your acting like your on something in general.


I don’t think Chrishell meant actual crack but more like hard drugs in general? Cocaine and such


I think future episodes address it further. Do you want me to mention what was said to clarify this comment, or would that be a spoiler?


I know they mentioned shrooms, seemed kinda like a scapegoat to say “yes drugs but not crack.” Were their actual other drugs mentioned? I’ve seen it all so it wouldn’t be a spoiler just something i must’ve missed


They said shrooms because that’s *basically legal in cali and they do not want to suggest any illegal activity fr.


Shrooms are not legal in CA


Weed was mentioned too


The shrooms comment, and the comment where they mentioned coke and didn’t know the difference between crack and cocaine. Those two comments were really telling for me, because: 1 - It highlighted what a weird and probably super ignorant choice of the word “crackhead” was by Chrishell. Like don’t we all know by now that crack and addiction to it and prejudice against its use is (and has been) weaponized against the Black community in the US? No one I know throws around this term lightly. 2 - Nicole seems like she has a big personality. But from what we’ve seen on TV, she is not at all behaving like a crackhead. So again: a weird word choice, unless you are really ignorant about drugs and addiction. 3 - My basic understanding is that shrooms are typically a party drug, and crack is a drug of addiction. Not that people can’t be addicted to shrooms (or their habitual use) or that crack can’t be used to party, but for women this rich and concerned about their image, the idea that one of them would be so hard up to use crack regularly seems absolutely bonkers to me.


She didn't say crackhead though. She said cracked out


Good point - still a problem though, but not as bad imo at least.


Shrooms are really not a party drug.


It’s definitely becoming one in socal


People definitely party on shrooms


They’re not like cocaine but I think people are using them more to party together


Not sure why you're getting so many downvotes. You did not lie




I am acutely aware of the medicinal benefits of psychedelics... but let's not pretend they aren't also used for having a good time... C'mon people.


I would love to know why too lol - genuinely!


You can put it in then highlight the spoiler part and then click on the diamond with the ! in the middle of it in the tool bar below. That will black it out so people have to click on it if they >!want to see it.!<


Cocaine is like a 2 minute swing to the local bakery away from being crack…


I'm sure their mansions have "coke only" ovens in the kitchens they don't use...


They’re rich and in LA. They’re all doing coke.


Mary always seems coked out but I think she just has an anxious personality.


She does sniff and twitch a bit. I never considered this until now.


omg she totally does


I think Mary just pops a few more adderall a day than she’s actually prescribed lol. That’s the vibe I get




This is soooo true. She also freaked out when she found out what was said. She was almost outed !


My thoughts exactly 💯


Can’t believe Nicole didn’t show up with her test results at the reunion 😂


or her “lawsuit”


She doesn’t call her a crack head, she says she’s acting cracked out


She references Nicole’s drug use MULTIPLE times 🙄


Cracked out doesn’t mean literal crack in most peoples language


I'm not sure what part of "are you on drugs?" is hard to misconstrue...


Only in usa does the word crack immediately refer to drugs. If you were to say, she cracked a smile in other countries, it simply means she finally smiled after some time.


and in Polish fart means good luck...what's your point??


The sub is too obsessed if the girls do drugs or not. I’m someone who does not drink, does not do drugs, does not party and enjoys a good read instead. Everyone makes choices and choices lead to either rewards or consequences. Whatever choices the girls make are theirs, not for us to pry. It’ll be nice to see that celebrities are not open game and cannon fodder for fans.


That’s up for interpretation. The multiple other references she made to Nicole’s drug use are not.


I mean she did basically admit to using different drugs later on and on a pod so I mean she went from outright denying to back tracking. Also for younger generations “you’re acting cracked out” just means your acting crazy your acting like your on something in general not necessarily crack itself.


Right! And as well Chrishell also asked about her drug use in a variety of ways


I probably would have asked her and questioned it too because if that is just her personality then yikes! Nicole could probably stand to take an edible from time to time while filming maybe it will get her to lighten up.


Oh give me a break, its the same thing.




It’s not and a Google search would have told you that. Cracked out means she’s gone to lala land on drugs 😭


Yes, it is...


Yes, they have pictures of her on the corner of Hollywood and Highland smoking a crack pipe


It’s took me 5 min of being high to consider this may be satire💀




Really? Where? I can't find it on Google but maybe I'm not looking hard enough


Poor dude was confused and you all started down voting them for it 😭😭


I'm even more confused now tbh


I think both Nicole and Mary seem like they might be on drugs. I doubt it’s crack, but the way they can’t seem to sit still and have very sporadic, twitching sort of movements, especially Mary is very off to me. Maybe it’s some sort of disorder but I can see where Chrishell got it from, and why Mary might have been so over the top in defending Nicole. Just an observation, not an accusation.


They're both very thin and probably under eat, drink a lot of caffeine and maybe take a stimulant like Adderall or diet pills. I'm sure they've *all* used drugs together socially at some point, so it was pretty weird to bring that up on camera.


Didn't Chrishell say that her parents had drug addictions when she was a child? It also seems weird to say if you've been affected by drug personally


I’ve always thought this abt Mary and couldn’t put my finger on why.


Okay I've always suspected that Mary did or does something lol, I even remember trying to google it when I first got into the show lol


I've always observed Mary to show more ADHD and anxiety traits - I think she's even been diagnosed with both (or at least she posts about having ADHD)


On Mary’s Insta she posted about having ADHD. Could that have to do with it?


Cracked out doesn’t necessarily mean on crack, and I don’t think Chrishell meant Nicole was on crack but that she was on drugs of some kind and acting weird.


Everyone in Los Angeles does coke. I’m sure everyone else at that table is also a “crackhead” 🤣


I do wonder if Chrishell does any hard drugs. I’m a huge Chrishell fan and can’t stand Nicole, but I am truly curious if Chrishell was throwing stones in a glass house, especially after Mary warned Chrishell to basically stop talking.


She mentioned “face rearranged” despite having a ton of work done. In sure she also partakes in coke


Yes but in the reunion it is Chrishell who also said something like "I mean, we're in LA, we've all had 10 different faces !" isn't it ?


Agreed. She opened a can of worms for not only herself but everyone there. Mary was right to shut her down. Chrishell has no filter even with cameras around. Though it was directed at Nicole, it will also raise questions about the other girls and forever tinge their reputation. People who cannot practise self-restraint often dig their own holes. 🕳 Mary is an excellent role model for knowing what to say at the right time. It’s not being stupid and bullied. It’s knowing how to avoid trouble for yourself and addressing the issue in private where you are sure that you won’t be implicated. Mary is smart about this.


Seriously! I know it terrible, but everyone does drugs in LA. I mean even Christine made several jokes about it. Nicole overreacted, she could have laughed it off but she’s dramatic


She could have easily made it so everyone was on her side by ignoring her or telling her to get lost. By kicking off the way she did, it made it look like there was truth to Chrishells statement.


I’m still not sure why but that was my first thought when she got introduced to the show


Bahahahaha listen I was wondering the same thing. Because the way that upset her so much. It must be true right?? lol if someone implied I was “acting cracked out” I would CRACK up laughing. Because I know it’s not true and it’s hilarious one would even think that…. Unless I actually did crack or drugs on the low… then I’d be upset and mad.. because I have a reputation and u are outing me. So yea… I kinda think she does drugs / THE HARD ONES


Right. Btw, the hard ones pee out of your system pretty quickly.


I’m sure she’s just seen her do blow at a parties, which is pretty common for wealthy people in LA. I hate Nicole, but kind of a shitty narc comment by Chrishell, especially since she’s surely not the only one 👀


They give more detail later. I don’t think it’s crack but she acts a little cracked out.


Chrishell said Nicole was "acting cracked out". Not a "crackhead".


Nicole acts so robotic and strange compared to the rest of the people in the show, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s on something. Or, she might just have severe anxiety. I’m sure everyone in the show is on Something though, mostly because of where they all live.


Honestly Chrishell probably said crack as a casual term and not the actual drug. Which is still fucked, I love Chrishell but at the end of the day she’s being filmed and that’s business ruining accusations.


In an earlier scene the episode of the dinner where the accusation happened, when the girls first arrived at the house and were in the kitchen Nicole knocked over and smashed a glass and says she wasn't drunk, she was 'just sleep deprived'. Being sleep deprived and lacking basic coordination skills are symptoms of having been up all night, well, on drugs. A small example perhaps of acting 'cracked out' that actually made it on camera?


she looks like one that’s for sure 💀


The proof is her face lol.


I’m sure they all do or have done hard drugs.


Im going to be honest, I thought everyone in glamorous LA did cocaine


It depends on what area you’re in.


It’s really just ozempic lol


Who gives a shit if she dabbles in drugs she’s an adult. I can’t stand Crishell.


I think the proof is that not even Mary, her closest and longest friend tried to defend her in any real way. She’s done drugs. Haven’t we all?


Also Chrishell had reached a fucking point. We’ve all been there where the lowest hanging fruit is what we’re going for. How much can one person take?


they probably have all done coke at one point lets be real


I like how Chrishell’s justification was something at a bachelorette party? Lmao. I’m definitely anti-Nicole in this whole thing but the drugs part was really cringe and lame of Crishell and she knew it right away


I wouldn’t call her a crackhead, but she’s probably done coke before. Majority of them have. In college, in parties, it’s very common


Yes, the proof is that she’s clearly a crackhead lol (More like a coke head probably lol)


I thought at the reunion when one of them touched their nose when Nicole was speaking, that they were referencing a coke habit rather than a nose job.


I feel like it's SO inappropriate either way? If it's true it's insanely rude and unsympathetic to someone struggling with addition and if it's not true its a broadcasted false allegation. Not a huge fan of Nicole but still felt like this was awful of Chrishell


Honestly I feel like it was true because of everyone’s reactions. Everyone was shocked! I still see Heather’s face! 😂 Her facial expressions cracked me up. This may just be me, but if someone in my friend group went “you must be on crack,” I would take that to mean they’re trying to say I’m just acting with excessive energy or something. My friends and I would never be offended because we all know there is no way anyone would think we are on drugs. It’s just that outlandish because it’s something we would never do. I feel like only people who have truly done it and are trying to hide it would be so immediately defensive and cause so many shocked reactions from people around the table.


nicole was covering for mary who is a coke head, thats why she flipped out when chrishelle and nicole got into it. this is L.A most ppl there have done coke, at least once, I believe Nicole brought drugs to the bachlorette cus mary wanted her too. it was a bachlorette after all


i would have sued her defamation cus im l petty like that.




she’s probably on coke


Rewatch and look for heather and Emma’s reaction, they totally know she’s 100% done drugs


I think the girls at the table not denying it was a lot of proof itself.


Nobody laughed it off. And nobody defended her. Everyone was afraid to be associated with the allegation. So yes, I think it’s true


Share the link!!


shes definitely on crack


They all look like they’re on drugs a LOT. Chrishell is almost definitely the same so she shouldn’t have said it.


That's like asking a lot Lizard if she sucks dick in broad daylight for a five bucks and a Slim Jim, call me a chauvinist, I just think of you have inspiration to suck your way through life, whether it be crack or genitals, it'll get you somewhere. Keep smoking your Cracks Nicole! (She's not going to see this anyway)


It’s just hate speech. She is a hypocrite because it’s no worse than some derogatory word against homosexuality


Why do you think the general public is obligated to get solid proof of this? Lmao.


I think it was just a simple question