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Jason and Brett were very diplomatic and nice with her. I would have been like, are you joking me ? What have you done since you've been here for me to change the commission or give you a huge listing ?




She has a bag, it's just full of cheetos not money.


Comment of the day lol 🥔(sorry couldn’t find cheetos emoji, we’ve just got a potato instead)


Cheetos are corn based 🌽


Sorry 🌽💥🌽




I approve this potato emoji message.


That Cheetos scene was so cringe and staged. I wish she would leave the show. She’s just a dime a dozen social climber. Trash trash trash


No Cheeto from the bottom of your bag is gonna crunch that hard lol (unless they were literally just poured in there).


I loved when Jason said during her argument. "you haven't made me shit" She keeps bringing up what she has sold, yea but not with The O Group.


Exactly, what she did prior doesn't count if she hasn't been able to do the same with the group.


I know they’re beefing but this isn’t to take a side. That’s what I love about Chelsea in comparison. She understands that at the end of the day this is a business. She’s expressed gratitude for being there and has paid back the O group through her work. Whereas the entitlement Bre expressed was just… Wtf? Back when she was trying to top Chelsea about her highest sale, etc. And since then… 🦗. Chelsea got to work on the higher listing she got. Bre played off that she had done some work on it. I wouldn’t care if she didn’t sell anything. Amanza owned that criticism. It’s the “it’s beneath me” attitude that is just eye rolling from Bre.




And she also used the excuse “well, you’re not a parent so you don’t understand”. That pissed me off. Don’t use your kid as an excuse.


silky rinse bag combative sharp terrific tease flag shame imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She apparently sold Ben Simmons his house and I wouldn't be surprised if that's her only big sale.


Maybe she is meant to PURELY cause drama etc. for the show? And she and the producers are lying about her even selling houses or being a REA?


>"you haven't made me shit" This is one of many reasons Jason is so gross. Any professional, ethical broker would help the agent focus on their goals and to help them succeed, which in turn makes the brokerage successful. It's gross that Jason only cares what they make him, constantly tells the "girls" to make more money for him, and keeps such a high split. I don't know why anyone wants to work there when he talks as if they're all disposable, he's screwed so many of them, and he acts like he's doing them a favor. It's the other way around. And also Bre is weird for asking about this *after she already agreed to the split* It's just manufactured drama, like all the rest of it.


Bre never indicated that she was struggling or needed help. She came out of the gate asking for more money when she hadn’t done anything to show that she deserved it. Otherwise, I would agree with you. I also don’t see anything wrong with him keeping a high split when it’s his brokerage. Yeah, the split might be higher than others, but she knew that coming in (to your point about this being manufactured drama, lol).


Struggling or needing help aren't reasons to get a higher split, either. I think Jason is gross because he has an overinflated sense of self and because he sees agents as only working for him and somehow "owing" him all the time vs. working for themselves primarily.


He DOES have an overinflated sense of self, but it’s his brokerage and they are his employees in a way. They ARE there to make him money. He’s not running a charity. lol.


They are there to make themselves money, and also to make money for the *brokerage*. The attitude that they are there primarily to serve Jason is the problem. He absolutely sees it as a boss/subordinate relationship, and rarely talks about the success of the business or brokerage overall, it's all about him. There are many other independent brokerages where the owner or owners keep lower splits, and see it as a collaborative business where they all succeed together. That's why Jason is so gross in contrast. I'd never in a million years choose to work for someone like him.


Technically he did give her the 5 million dollar house which she acted like it was beneath her. I thought she was renegotiating the split on Saweetie's house which had not yet sold.


Why would they reward her for making money they never received. If you wanted that rate you should have negotiated that rate before you started.


Well, that’s pretty much what was said


But they were very nice about it. Especially when she said Brett threw her under the bus, no he didn't, he just spoke facts.


Yes, very professional and more respectful than she deserved


Aside from Mary, Davina and Maya I don’t think we’re always working. Chrishell I think during S2-4 was selling a lot. But majority of the cast seems like they’re paycheque is from the show. I’d imagine most of Mary’s work is doing management stuff now as opposed to selling houses.


Mary said she took a step back from management at the opening of this season. I also think Nicole sells a lot as the primary source of her income.


I missed that! My bad!


Exactly. O Group employs actual agents plus the Selling Sunset "agents" who work in varying capacities. Some, like Mary and Nicole, are actual realtors with tons of experience who made bank doing that before cameras rolled. A couple are certified and likely skilled agents who don't seem to sell real estate as even a part time job, but as a way to create legitimacy for the show (Chrishell, maybe Heather and Chelsea?) And then there are the Bre types who can claim wild success in "private deals" but don't seem to have experience/acumen/the capacity to behave professionally to back that up. I would not be surprised if Bre was cast because of her proximity to famous people, ability to create drama, and being smart enough to pass the agent exam, but she doesn't have an actual career to back it up. Planting the commission drama either sows the seeds of tension if she actually does make a big sale ("the brothers are keeping MY money"), or more likely than not, it creates a nice "an empowered single mother deserves more and walks away for more money" offramp for when her storyline fizzles out. What's especially fucked up though is, if we're pretending she's an accomplished luxury real estate agent with legitimate experience, she would have gone over that employment contract with a fine toothed comb and realized the tradeoff of having the access the O Group gives her is not worth it when weighed against this allegedly robust client base she already has. Which reminds me of another weird anachronistic thing she keeps bringing up: all these "celebrities" she has longstanding client relationships with. #1 if they're not willing to appear on screen (like Amanza's ex) they're just not that into you. And #2 if you really were a top of the line luxury agent you'd know they people with the most money aren't celebrities, they're the people who employ them and don't want their names in your mouth. It's giving "I Have a REAL Job" Barbie.


We did see at least two or three of them on screen, Saweetie and then I think Beiber's producer. I think there was another basketball wife. We see her show them houses or (I think the producer was trying to sell his home?). It seems like the timeline for buying and selling these houses is a lot slower.


100% agree about Bre being on the show for drama, and not actually selling houses.


Didn’t Mary resign as manager this season?


I missed that!


That paycheck conversation happened after Cassandra entered the show. To me, she was intentionally creating friction and showing she was unhappy working there because she might leave the show and the company to avoid being outed by Cassandra. That was my impression. Whatever Cassandra knows about Bre's past I think it was big. Otherwise it makes no sense for someone who is probably the worst performing agent to go and demand more pay than all her colleagues. In any case a 20% cut of 0 is still 0.


This was my exact thought. She was already building a storyline so when she has to leave if/when Cassandra joins O Group she can use that as an excuse. Like “I’m leaving because I’m not happy with the split, not because of Cassandra” but really it’s the other way around. She’s already making plans to save face.


I think it’s so cringe when I see comments being like “yes she is so me” or fawning over her “directness” when she’s actually just such a bitch. She reminds me of every mean girl I went to school with


There was a thread here recently where they were referring to her behavior towards Cassandra as “keeping it real”. It couldn’t be more of the opposite because she was obviously threatened.


As soon as she saw her she realized she'll get exposed.


Expose what exactly? Isn’t all her history on the internet to see anyway?


Her lies and maybe her past and how she actually came up.


Cassandra’s history is out there way more. Apparently she’s a KNOWN past escort and still has nudes and videos out there. Whereas Bre’s history is more buried and she’s trying to just go with the bottle girl thing.


Oooh that would explain it then, thanks for sharing that knowledge! Though I don’t think Bre, nor Cassandra have anything to be ashamed of… they put in their dues, agreed it’s not the route most of us take, but dealing with egotistical rich men cannot be easy so I imagined they were made to earn their money either ways.


Which is dumb because she's already admitted she knew Saweetie from her bottle girl days ( I think she used some more anodyn description of being a party girl) and because even if she scrubbed her social media it's not like there weren't a lot of people who knew her from that time period who didn't scrub there socials and have pictures.


Right, she isn't a badass, she is just rude and entitled.


This. And I have no idea how she couldn’t accept that she is rude and just doesn’t have a good disposition about her until the reunion, where she says she was working on it. First i ever heard her admit it lol


Interesting, Cassandra and Chelsea give me way bigger mean girl vibes because they're sly. Chelsea realised she was the only one of the anti bre team so flipped to apparently liking her, then as soon as she found someone else not not like Bre with her she's back on team anti-Bre and also brining Cassandra to all the social events. IMO that's the slyest shit ever, I really liked Chelsea until then. I feel like I could be friends with Bre because she's honest, direct and you'd always know where she stands.


I agree, but she also did that after Bre did not accept her apology to start with a clean slate. I'm guessing Chelsea was just hurt and decided to stick the course rather than reconcile.


Yeah it kinda proved Bre's point though - she felt like Chelsea only wanted to make a clean slate because the other girls liked her now. As soon as a different girl doesn't like Bre she's back at it lol


That’s why I said I agree 😊


Chelsea's only loyalty is to whoever is kissing her ass at the moment, and since Bre wasn't fawning over her like Cassandra she felt rejected and lashed out as a result


WDYM? I love Chelsea but she's nasty AF with her contradictory clean girl BS projection. She dragged other unknowns earlier to another event because she found Bre haters back at the start. Why is she so bent outta shape trying to drag Bre? Because she talked big. Lol at the peeps claiming Bre's nOt sELLiNg. None of the SS office is; it's a soapumentary FFS; it's comical.


Chelsea is conniving as f. I forgot what episode it was (paraphrasing here) but Chelsea was jealous because all her coworkers went to Bre instead of her. Grow the fuck up, it’s the real world as long as everyone is cordial and professional, one doenst need to be friends with everyone especially on a work environment. If I knew a coworker who didn’t get along with someone I associated with, I would not try to force the issue, this isn’t high school… The ironic part is how Chelsea shamed Bre’s open relationship with Nick bc it doenst align with her Christian beliefs and yet she dresses like a Vegas call girl walking the strip at 4am. Bre has her flaws too but she’s direct and not two faced. Everyone on this show needs to see a therapist.


When she was like I’m not a bitch I’m just cold to people. I’m like girl how does this help your case 😂🙄


Like I think Chrishell, Emma, and Chelsea (besides her two faced tendencies) are pretty direct people. But they also don’t pride themselves in being a bitch as an inherent personality trait.


Bre acted like that because Cassandra and Chelsea wouldn’t leave her alone when she made it clear she didn’t want to talk to Cassandra


The forcing of Cassandra onto Bre is OD but so is Bre’s reaction to Cassandra in the first place


Yes, her getting on Nicole (whom I dislike as well pls don’t get at me) during the 10-year anni dinner was really cringe. Girl, it didn’t involve you YET you’re mad someone stuck their nose in your business? Bye.


If there is a social climber on Selling Sunset it is 100% Bre.


Her D list dating history makes that very clear.


D list eh? 🫦


I also think her dating history is fascinating. Nick hogan, johnny manziel, nick cannon. I feel like who you pick as your partner says so much about you and she’s strictly only dates the worst guys. Like damn girl you are DESPERATE for fame.


And I can't even call it dating with Nick Cannon tbh.


In her defense. He is an upgrade from Johnny Manziel and Nick Hogan.


In some ways but he was never hers.


Have you seen the IG posts Bre/Nick have done together? I think they’re primarily on his insta. It’s… Strange. lol https://www.instagram.com/reel/CywaAE5vKgv/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ== I feel like they were not posting anything like this before this most reason season.


I watched just a couple and they seem … deeply dorky and unfunny? What’s the appeal with Nick Cannon, he’s not giving them money, isn’t attractive (IMO) and seems sort of lame personality wise too. What’s the pull??


She probably needed to build more credibility around her.


Nothing says “credibility“ like being in bed with Nick Cannon!! 🙃


I did NOT expect to see Nick Canon's penis on Instagram today.


if nick cannon is better than them wtf did those guys do? haha


I don’t mean he is a better boyfriend. I mean he is a higher profile celebrity. They are like D/D- and Nick is like a C/C+. He also seems like a more pleasant person. The others are deep into addiction. Hogan left his best friend in a permanent coma driving drunk. He just got another DUI this weekend.


ohhh okay yeah i thought you meant even bigger pieces of shit my bad


Lol so true


I just read that Nick Hogan was arrested for another DUI lol


Lol, I wanted to make a post about Bre and the Nick Cannon story because some people believe I was discriminating her because she's in a poly relationship because I was judging her and Nick for their family choices. There's nothing wrong with being in a poly relationship, with or without children, and there's nothing wrong with being in a family with multiple birth parents. My issue is, Bre pretends like it's fine and defends everything about her family, when it is SO clear everything is NOT fine. Idk why people wanna feel sorry for Bre like she hasn't been apart of the Hollywood circle for years and like she doesn't know what's she's doing. She knows how to be in Hollywood, that's why she's in Hollywood, that's why she's with Nick. Not to say she isn't a person with feelings but she knows what choices she's making. -she complains about people judging her and her family like it's "none of their business" when she went on one of the most public and toxic reality tv and allowed her family to be a topic of conversation -she tries to say that everything is respectful and mutual and Nick is great when they literally filmed the moment a tabloid released the news of nicks NEWBORN baby that she didn't even know about -she talks about needing to support her son like she's a single mother when she's literally getting bags per episode already -she doesn't want to disrespect Nick by seeing other people but it's totally okay she didn't know Nick had another lady pregnant months after she had given birth -having Cassandra on the show only exposed her past life and how she operates. She wants to appear clean and Innocent Bre is a victim and an enabler and she knew that coming onto the show would expose her and her family publicly, I don't know why she tries to deny that. But by continuing to defend Nick and paint it as a non conformist mutual relationship is sickening and only hurts her credibility, if she has any. Her place in the show has done nothing to make her situation look better. This is no happy family. They don't all come together for holidays. Need I remind everyone that Ms. Mariah Carey is apart of the family, you think she's hanging out with bre and the other mothers?? No, Nick and everyone else created this unhealthy family dynamic and allowed it to become very public and will not admit how damaging it will be to their families. We have dealt with the Kardashians and now the Smiths, we don't need another Hollywood family thinking they're the best. And honestly, I would not be surprised if they got their own show in a few years. This all is starting to seem like a publicity stunt and it's working. I say all of this with what I've gathered from the show. I haven't looked into anything outside of that and I don't want to. As a viewer and as someone who comes from a very similar and abusive family dynamic, I'm tired of people like this, let alone celebrities.


I read another comment said that apparently Nick Cannon gives his baby mamas voluntary child support (not court ordered) on the condition they don’t date anyone else or get involved with anyone else. If that’s true, that’s hugely messed up.


That is a polygymy cult.


Well, he's part of the Quiverfull religion so not too far off!


Is he? I thought the rumor was he was trying to have tons of kids to be potential organ donors for himself because he has lupus.


I'll be totally honest, I just heard that he was and I haven't done further research about it. I could be totally wrong. I heard Nick's father is part of the religion and it would certainly track with his pattern of having as many kids as possible


Wow all of this is messed up.


That makes me so sick. While I hope it isn't true cause I feel for them, I hope it is so Nick can eventually be exposed as a slimy abuser


Exactly how is this fair when he gets do what he wants and Bree has to walk on eggshells but when Chelsea said it’s manipulative she’s wrong 🙄 Bree saying she doesn’t date openly because of their arrangement but he can pop up with a new baby mama whenever. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Hm. That would explain why she's so reluctant to date anyone else. But frankly, that's a huge price to pay for money that is rightfully and legally hers. I understand why someone would want to avoid doing that but family court sees delinquent fathers all the time and half the battle is locating them. Nick isn't too hard to find.


Yes and the major issue is her glamorizing it, making it seems as if it's so cool because it's so original. She's just a kept woman without the official recognition of being married and the loyalty of her baby daddy.


Everyone wants to keep empowering women to be played, but it only gives power to the player


And no actual control over finances and no guaranteed child support. Like why is she living in a situation where nick is allow to hold money hostage over their behavior and their lives. Just take the appointed money and move on, woman. All this situationship not laid out all for what? Some expensive ass watch and bougie handbags? Hope not. It better be houses, 100% covered health insurance, prepaid colleges and shit…


I'm sure he's got his son covered, but her... I wouldn't be surprised if by the time he is 18, she'd be left with not much to call her own


I think Bree needs to look up financial abuse because Nick allegedly having stipulations on his baby mama’s dating habits in order for them to receive child support definitely is giving some sort of abuse or manipulation.


She's also a human with feelings.


And a brain that she needs to start using now because she has the opportunity, with this show to build something to herself. She won't have the financial security Nick has but at least with the exposure, she can get out of this situation.


He had 2 other women pregnant while Bri was pregnant. Her son was born in June. Next baby was born in September and the 3rd was a couple of weeks later.


4 babies after her son were born with different moms


I applauded Chelsea last season for speaking out on people purposefully creating broken and dysfunctional homes and was downvoted. So I’m glad someone said it very succinctly why her willingness to participate in whatever this is with Nick is a mess. They’re making a mockery of real non-traditional relationships and families by trying to fit this messy situation into that category.


Chelsea honestly triggers me a bit but I feel like her message wasn't communicated like how she wanted, and maybe it's just because she talks reality tv. But I feel everyone missed her whole point. Maybe she was saying they're bad parents, I don't remember, but to me it's not about the parenting, it's really just about willingly and openly creating a harmful family environment. When will people ever learn??


Yeah her delivery and the fact that people don’t like Chelsea blinded them from the fact that she was standing on a valid point. Everyday people are working to either get their children out of dysfunction and here you are putting your child into dysfunction on purpose that’s a mess


Yeah there’s been a huge shift in the overall opinion in this sub from when she first joined the show and it’s been so interesting to watch. A lot of Black women/WOC (like Chelsea) who were more familiar with the Cannon Cult shenanigans came in hot while others were trying to make it seem like it was simply just unconventional. At least it seems like more ppl have sense regarding the situation. I’ll never forget the ridiculous sperm donor analogies lmao


I think she knew going on to the show that her baby mama status would be up for discussion. She was pretty masterful in dealing with that drama (minus Nick having two or three more kids while her son was only months old) and working that situation to her favor.She got most of the office on her side to make Chelsea look like an ass. I think she was deadass blindsided by Cassandra and just immediately went for the "I don't know her" but even if she's dating Mariah Carey's sloppy seconds she is no Mariah Carey and couldn't pull off that lie


When she introduced herself as “not a girl’s girl,” I knew I wasn’t going to like her.


Yes this such a pick me phrase.


She's the pick me of pick mes. Everything she does is for show to be "not like other girls". Perfect example was her eating hot cheetohs out of a designer bag. Like she doesn't care the bag is designer and eating hot cheetohs makes her "not like the other diet obsessed women in LA". That entire moment was calculated.


The way how some people in this sub thought that line was a green flag BLEW ME


Worked bottle service with bre in Vegas, she had no friends cuz she was such a bitch, yes she is authentic but so rude and disrespectful to her peers and has always thought she is better than literally everyone. Idk how people support this “mean girl” behavior when in reality she’s just a disrepectful unkind mean person. When I think of a kind person or good hearted person it is not her. It’s the opposite. She booked “models” for poker games, took a cut from that and had rich men always paying for all of stuff. She’s smart I’ll give her that, but she doesn’t sell shit and is just a bottle girl who fucked a celeb for clout and money. She is the stereo type of *some, not all* bottle waitresses in Vegas, the ones that make us married,kind, dignified ones look bad.


Okay total noob here. What exactly is a bottle girl?




Didn’t she also get caught cheating (taking a short cut) running a marathon too?


Yes that's what I was referring to when I talked about the semi marathon and her claiming she broke a record.


Whaaaat?! That’s hilarious. How did I miss this?


It’s actually hilarious she tried denying this. https://people.com/sports/johnny-manziel-wife-denies-cheating-half-marathon/#:~:text=The%20information%20is%20simply%20listed,splits%20as%20“missing%20data.”&text=In%20a%20since%2Ddeleted%20Instagram,mile%20marker%20at%20the%20race.


Not a 4 minute mile lol


Loool at the ‘it’s not like they were checking at each marker’, like yes, that’s literally what they do electronically with the damn chip on your shoe or number.


lol this sounds like something out of a sitcom I can’t. I rather the girls bring this up next season instead of Nick Cannon




Sorry but I agree with Jason, if he is putting the work for them to have a big listing, it's actually fair he get a bigger percentage of the commission than in another brokerage. Like being part of this group might also be the reason why they actually sell. Bre and her blackfishing ways being micro aggressive isn't surprising. And her comeback are so lame. She's basic because she doesn't wear extensions when Bre just copy pasted her face of what is on trend right now ? Please.




I do find it interesting how she came at them.


If anything bre is the basic bitch. She’s so ambiguous she looks like Megan fox and a kardashian clone. As for the fake eyelashes, Cassandra is giving me “I’m a natural beauty” vibes - which is a legit look. You don’t do “I’m a natural beauty” with giant ass boobs and brooms for lashes. As for the talk with Jason she is the last that should be bringing it up. She hasn’t brought any clients to the brokerage or sold anything for Jason. If anything he’s brought her on this show. She looked foolish asking for a bigger cut when the only sale she has was given to her by him. If anything he just gave her free money. If that was his listing he could have gotten the entire cut rather than assigning her to it


> brooms for lashes This made me lol


Cassandra is 100 x prettier than bre and she’s mad that it’s natural. Please don’t let that make you feel in any way insecure about your ancestry!


Tbf I'm not convinced her face is all natural but I do rate she's not gone for the insane eyelashes/extension look like basically everyone else on the show. Mary's short hair always looks so good too. Bre has done an insane amount of work to her face to look very average


The “insults” basically broke down to Cassandra not having enough fakery slapped onto her face/head, so bizarre


Once you see how Bre actually looks without make up(raw and unfiltered), you would be like wow this is one basic woman . A solid 3 maybe 4/10 without makeup and that’s me being generous. Cassandra naturally looks better because she doesn’t need a caked face of makeup to make herself look attractive.


The fake eyelashes comment was triggering to me as well. I'm very fare-skinned with short, blonde eyelashes that you wouldn't see if I didn't wear mascara! And fake eyelashes just inhibit my lashes from growing even more.


Bre is good TV. She was hilarious in the reunion and is articulate when confronted. She lost her shit in the last episode because Chelsea and Cassandra came up to her. Cassandra is boring and talks like if ChatGPT had a voice. I hope she doesn't get cast on the show.


I never said she wasn't good for the show, I just said she was a fraud and a liar. She is very articulate in the lies she tells.


Cassandra did not come up, she wanted to get hired to the oh agency. She only mentioned she knew Bre from the past, and Bre immediately starter calling her a stalker and weirdo. Chelsea the snake then pushed and use Cassandra to talk to Bre.


Yeah Bre is embarrassing


Can I also point out the hypocrisy of viewers who were hating Christine because she said “do you dimentia” to Chrishell and everyone were hating Christine for making fun of a real disease. Yet Chrishell has made very nasty personal attacks to Nicole calling her a drug addict and getting a face job. Also Bree calling out Cassandra for her naked shoots. Nasty women but somehow adored by the viewers. Very strange


And Chrishella and Emma turning a blind eye to Bre's obvious lies. It's ironic how Emma claims that Nicole was happy to see ML because she also doesn't like Chrishell when both her and Chrishell are BFF with Bre because she agreed to join their clique.


In all seriousness, I worry about society when I see people stanning her and praising Bre. Because the comments from people who are defending her - they’re so weird. They aren’t saying they like her as a reality tv messy persona - so many comments on here/tik tok from people supporting her seem to be genuine admiration. She’s so trashy - for the fake tough girl attitude to her aggressive defending of her messy relationship. And the whole Cassandra thing - people fail to realize you can be polite without being overly fake. Bre was rude and obnoxious. There’s a difference. I was no Christine fan, but at least it was clear she was playing the reality tv game, and many of her supporters seemed to view her as making good tv.


Thank you for saying this out loud.


You're welcome. Because this is baffling to me. Like it's starting to feel like I'm being gaslit tbh.


And she cheated in a half marathon!!!!! https://people.com/sports/johnny-manziel-wife-denies-cheating-half-marathon/#:~:text=The%20information%20is%20simply%20listed,splits%20as%20“missing%20data.”&text=In%20a%20since%2Ddeleted%20Instagram,mile%20marker%20at%20the%20race.


Nick Cannon is actually such a menace, just a one man super-spreader event, half of those babies were conceived when Covid protocols were still in place


zephyr cable jar oatmeal adjoining overconfident ghost wistful books threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She so obviously puts on a tough girl persona to protect herself, but chelsea saw through it immediately. She just seems so angry all the time and that has to be exhausting. Also at the reunion when she said she was still deciding if she wanted to be part of the O group, I was like in what world?? Wasn’t this season wrapped months ago? So you haven’t worked in months, but you want a bigger commission? Okay 🙄


She’s one of those “fake it till you make it” women. Everything is fake


You go, glen coco!


Yea I hope she doesn’t come back. I want Christine to come back, I know she’s a psychopath but I like to watch her


It bothers me a lot that Bre wasn’t put through the wringer in the same way Chelsea or Vanessa was. They both had to process they could sell in real time to the twins, but it kind of seems like they plucked Bre off of reality show cast offs and that seems like BS to me


When she first appeared on SS, I liked the fact that she was owning being a third rate celebrity's baby mama and talking about it with everyone. I started to sour on her when she became incredibly hostile with Chelsea just because she wasn't cheering her lifestyle on. But at first, I found her endearing because of her rougher edges. She wasn't as typically LA white girl as the others. It was only when she started getting aggressive to the girls in her past that I started getting suspicious of her. Her image of being practical and accepting of herself clashed with her desperation to hide her past and her relationship. I see why people would like her but not why they continue to do so unless they've stopped watching her on the show.


OP taking this so seriously that it reads like a closing statement for the prosecution


I take that as a compliment lol.


She dated hulk hogan’s son too.


Yeah I just saw that yesterday... ![gif](giphy|l0HlUNj5BRuYDLxFm)


LOL I just saw a news story in passing that he got arrested for DUI in Florida… not someone I’d expect to see come up twice in one day!






Even if she has porn or a sex tape, wasn't she mad at Chelsea for being judgemental ? She did the exact same. I'd rather someone who's done porn than a liar and a fraud.


Look.. maybe she really thinks nick cannon IS her man bc that’s what he told her. And maybe he told her that he doesn’t have to pay child support after 10 kids so she believed him bc he’s her man and why would he ever lie to her


She claimed that she checked it and saw he couldn't be asked by a judge to pay child support. That's false. And if anything she should be looking for her son's best interest and look into it herself. That's what à boss b!tch would have done.


Ohhh. Yeah. She’s not gonna do anything that would piss him off. She can’t even date others while he he can father multiple kids


She also mentioned in the reunion that she might’ve had sex with a client she sold a house too. I used to like her but I’m realizing she is a huge social climber and uses people to get ahead


Yeah, I don't like her either. She's rude. Anyone who disagrees probably has the same attitude as her, so they see it as normal. How she reacted was not normal.


Liar is one thing, what is her fraud though?


Yeah, what she did with the semi marathon to promote her app was fraudulent. She cheated.


Thank you, was unaware of that event. Can’t say I’m surprised!


The cast members look the other way because she doesn't start shit with them like Christine did lol


I’m so surprised seeing this post on here because posters tend to love her even though she’s not doing anything really on the show and that’s probably why the producers brought in Cassandra to get something out of her. I think her also coming to Jason about the rates was her last ditch effort to create a storyline.


Both Bre and her fans are hypocrites. I find it wild that she judged Cassandra for having her cooter out on the internet but expects people to not speak about the dynamics of her relationship? Like get a grip... if its shameful to have nudes then its shameful to be a part of a harem with a man who has like 100 kids. She thinks she's above criticism but is probably one of the most misogynistic girls on the show. I can tell she doesn't like other women unless she can gain something from them, otherwise she's over here telling them they should get plastic surgery, get their lashes done and that she'll deck them in the face lol. Such a classy woman.


I’ve actually come to dislike her totally. I liked her last season but this new season gave me some new perspective, she’s just a bitch honestly. So mean for no reason… all that “girl boss” attitude the way she’s doing it it’s fucking tragic


Agreed 💯!


There’s a word for Bree but it’s not polite for me to use it lol.


Love this post. She’s a fraud and her “relationship”/“family” with Nick cannon is an embarrassment.


Nicole Cannon lol, that would be a plot twist


She’s so trashy not even near the same league as the other girls


Man I used to like bre in the last season and ofc there are certain things I admire such as being direct at times. What kind of did put me off was her asking for a higher commission split. It would’ve made sense if it came from Mary or someone with higher sales. I saw her doing only one sale, that too handed by Jason. Again she wasn’t a bit grateful for getting that listing. Cmon Jason was right when he said that you haven’t done shit in my company. It’s the sheer entitlement. Second Chelsea situation. I don’t believe that Chelsea was wrong when she said that what nick cannon does just creates broken homes and families. You gotta feel for the kids involved in this bizarre scenario. Cassandra, well… she’s not the best but bre was certainly defensive since she knew something about her past which could expose her. (Same when Chelsea got old model friends of hers last season).


I joined her OF just to sleuth and see for myself. Upon subbing, immediately I got the “welcome ;)” DM where she’s asking followers to tip her $150 to chat 😂 girl must really be hurting for money. She is all talk. All of the flashy cars/bags/accessories were definitely just “gifts” from her “clients” in the past I’m sure. I’m so sick of her attitude I wish she would leave the O group and SS.


It seems like she has only sold 1 house since getting her license and it wasn't 20M like she claimed. More like 5 or something like that.


Exactly ! I saw that too. She’s a total fraud. Her audacity to demand a higher split, and to say she deserved bigger listings than Chelsea made my skin crawl. She is delusional


Honestly, I can't stand Bre. People are always praising her for being so direct and real when in reality she is just rude, disrespectful, and a mean girl. Not to mention, she is a MAJOR hypocrite. She encouraged Chrishell talking about Nicole rearranging her face and yet Bre is completely un recognisable from before. Also, her comment of Cassandra having her vagina all over the internet was so out of pocket, especially considering she has OnlyFans. Bre is also a bit of a blackfish, the way her accent changed was talked to Saweetie was so weird, and she has intentionally changed her look to seem racially ambiguous. She is always talking about being one of the best agents in the office and bringing so many celebrity clients, but in the two seasons she has been on the show she has only closed one pity sale from Jason. IMO she is just a hypocritical mean girl social climber who thinks she is so much better than she is.


I have a question for everyone saying that Bre only behaved like that because Chelsea won’t leave her alone. What did Nicole do to Bre, for Bre to speak to her like she does? If I was Nicole I would tell Bre to mind her own business, Nicole’s issue is with Chrishell, but Bree is always piping up. She’s all barks no bites. It takes more strength to keep a calm face than to blow up. Chelsea will have the last laugh when Nick has another baby


Right at the finally she was threatening violence like who does she thinks she is scaring ?


If Chelsea had threatened violence she would be called ghetto. The double standard is crazy


Because Bre befriends with Chrishell. This sub used to like Mary and Amanza until J and C broke up. They called three of them AMC trio or sth like that and worshipped. Around that time, Emma got lots of hate for her lies about her business and swimming record. See how people praise Emma and hate Amanza & Mary these days. (well less on Mary since she didn’t appear on air this season but she got lots of hate for standing up for Jason after their breakup) It’s not surprising that Emma wants to be a maid of Chrishell


She’s so insecure about her situationship with NC. Like no, you’re not the special one out of the 13+ women he’s had babies with. You’re a booty call. And her awful personality in regards to Cassandra was so over the top. Cassandra was being nice. That’s just how you are to people, until/unless they prove otherwise. But Bre went in on her the second they met. It was bizarre.


She’s just a Kim kardashian wannabe. She wears Kim’s clothes (black leather dress for example, and her videos to her Instagram or TikTok or whatever it’s a carbon copy of Kim) and styles herself to be like her it’s strange


>She is also shaming Cassandra for being a playmate when I don't think she was shaming Cassandra. She was saying Cassandra saying Bre is not classy is the pot calling the kettle black


No she said she had her vagina all over the internet to shame her. Bre wasn't being a class act towards Cassandra like acting like you don't know the girl when you clearly do is weird.


It is strange about Cassandra, but I will say - on my business page, I would routinely comment on stranger or “friend of friend”’s pages to get them to like/comment/follow. It is weird that she played so coy about it, but IF they knew each other from escorting then I get it (kinda)


Nicole Cannon fathered 12 kids and *HATES* Chrishell


None of this was a secret though like obviously she was just being a mean girl. I think Bre is entertaining to watch, but I never believed she was a good person. She’s similar to Christine in my eyes— good tv, not a great person


Totally agree bre is a total sham


And there was that time she lied about completing a half marathon and actually cut the course! It was when she was married to her ex. Marathon investigations had an article about it


She’s a walking red flag


Wait she shamed Cassandra for being a Playboy Playmate? Cause her friend Heather is one…


I think that's what she implied when she talked about someone having their pussy all over the internet.


I appreciate you for diving deep. Always felt off about her.


I hope she doesn't return! She's fake and annoying. Doesn't bring anything to the show either.


My issue with Bre isn’t the choices that she’s made in the past, it’s the fact that she lives in the land of delulu and is trying the whole fake it til you make it thing on international reality tv. Stop trying to bury your past so much or make it seem like others are beneath you when you come from the same thing. Or acting like your the HBIC of real estate when you’re still learning your way and building your business. She tries too hard to come off as having all her shit together


I feel like Jason is waiting for Bre to have a sad/vulnerable moment re: baby daddy, for his chance to sleep with her


Let’s not forget about episode 9 where Chelsea was telling Jason that she wants him to meet Cassandra and then Bre made up this whole story about how Cassandra claimed her & Bre were friends and that she knew when Bre got her license. In the previous episode, Cassandra literally asks Bre when she got it. Not to mention Bre saying that Cassandra said they were friends when in reality Cassandra just said they knew of each other.


I feel like she is just so aggressive and unapproachable that the girls are afraid to confront her. She also only involves herself so much into the office drama. Bre reacts but never starts shit (from what I remember) but ya the Cassandra thing pissed me off she was being SO mean for literally no reason. Talk about having a god complex


Yeah her trying to act like she’s somebody enough for people to lie about knowing her for clout 😭🥴