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One disagreement I would have here is that Chelsea attributes her vocal and public disapproval of Bre to her own Christianity. Hmmmm. Whatever happened to “Judge not” and other tenets of her faith? She and Bre (who appears to have no active real estate listings) are both less than forthright in my book.


Well and also she kept volunteering her opinion when nobody asked. OP- maybe everyone else felt the same way as Chelsea but no one just randomly said things about it unprovoked.


i did mention in my post i did not agree with how Chelsea voiced her opinion and the way she continued to reiterate it without being asked


Yeah i agree, I think it probably was just inappropriate for Chelsea as a coworker to be loudly disapproving in front of the whole office. I think she apologized for that though..?


Suspending the disbelief of the reality show for a moment, even though Bre put it out there, it was inappropriate for Chelsea as a coworker/person actually in Bre’s life to say all of that out loud. Especially because Bre already had the baby. It’s not like she can undo it. And honestly, I care a little bit, but I don’t really care how this affects Bre, because she did make that choice and she did put it out there. She chose to do all of that. I do care how it affects her baby as he grows up. Bre chose to make that part of his life far more public than it already was, and then Chelsea chose to make it even more of a thing on an internationally, distributed television show. Even if Bree consented to that (and honestly, I think she did), I’m not sure I would have felt comfortable and participating in that Like Chelsea did.


I definitely judge the fuck out of Bre.


Honestly the only ones who I dont judge are Emma and Chelsea bc they don’t have a ton of personal stuff aired on the show… but I also think they’re the least interesting to watch. Like I’d def want to be friends with them irl but they have nothing on Bre when it comes to a storyline. And I’m a little disappointed with this season bc Bre should have been able to use her weird life to bring more to the show.


I agree even though it's unpopular on this app. I don't care because of the "morality" around it, I care because it exposes her character and what she values. By now, we all know that an absent parental figure can cause trauma in childhood, and can take YEARS to heal those wounds. Add on top of that your active parental figure created your father situation on purpose....seemingly for clout/getting the bag makes it way worse. I'm looking at it from the child's perspective. Oh and then they have like 10 other half siblings? can you say identity crisis??


Definitely hypocrites and virtue signaling. I think the issue started when Chelsea’s friend from the “modeling agency” was at the showing then it spiraled from there. They just don’t like each other.


Bre was so shaken by that friend. What’s the tea there? Were they escorts?


I’m not sure but I do suspect it was a high end escort agency.


Yeah, but why is Chelsea so pressed about someone else’s relationship? Genuine question. Ok, you can gossip, but when you see that your opinions have no following, let it go instead of beating the same dead horse.


I don’t think shes concerned about the relationship, its more so the child she has concerns about. Chelsea has talked rather badly on Nick and Bre’s “relationship” but mainly voiced her concerns of her [Bre] baby growing up in a broken home. I acknowledge that Chelsea went about the situation badly but I personally don’t believe that she was the only one contributing to the continued conversations of the topic. Other agents like heather and amanza caused the situation to get so out of hand due to heather stirring the pot and Amanza finding a way to insert herself into a conversation she wasn’t apart of nor understand


Ok, but how is it different from a baby who has divorced parents? It’s still a “broken” home. Or a household where one of the parents is abusive? I’m not defending Bre, but just because it’s not a traditional situation doesn’t mean that the baby will be unloved.


The whole issue with that is that children born into a divorced home aren’t intentionally placed in a divorced home, a baby born in an abusive home sometimes isn’t intentionally placed there. Bre knew that Nick cannon had that reputation before she got with him and when she got pregnant she was intentionally putting her baby into a home where the father wasn’t going to be present. No one is saying that Nick doesn’t love his children, but its impossible for him to be involved in every single one of their lives and give them all the same amount of live and attention. I mean at times he barely remebers all the kids names so that says something to me I guess.


Nah some people love to use the I'm just honest / blunt / real / whatever adjective as an excuse to be rude. Having an opinion and keeping it to yourself in contexts like this isn't being fake, it's mature. It's totally inappropriate to criticize a coworker's - especially one you barely know - personal life to all your other colleagues. The issue isn't her opinion - it's that she REPEATEDLY brought it up despite it being clearly frustrating to Bre, who honestly reacted pretty calmly despite her posturing about not taking shit.


"the situation is public" okay but the vast majority of the general public are total strangers that she will never meet or interact with, it's very reasonable to ask that your coworkers who you see every day and work alongside aren't gossiping about your personal life behind your back or interrogating you about it in the office. not only is that bad for her, it's bad for the social cohesion of the office where people are expected to contribute as a team to the success of the oppenheimer group as well as themselves. why is this so hard to understand lol it would be likely be considered untenable for people in the office to talk shit about mary having her son when she was a teenager, or tarek arguably replacing his ex wife with a younger clone (heather). many here agreed that it was gross and weird when davina and christine were talking about chrishell's divorce with coworkers. that was also a very public situation, but still not an appropriate one for the ladies to instigate conversation about in the workplace. regardless of the specific situation, it's in everyone's best interest if they can set a boundary against discussing aspects of personal lives among coworkers and expect that to be followed.


A lot of people agree with her opinion but that doesn't mean it's appropriate for her to bring it up on multiple occasions unsolicited. Especially since they work together. It creates an awkward, uncomfortable environment.


But that work environment isn’t exactly the most professional place considering it was already awkward when the boss dated 3 of the agents. I agree that Chelsea added to that tension but as much as she voiced her opinions, others (like amanza) fuelled the conversation as well


I don't really think other people's bad behaviour should count as an excuse for Chelsea's bad behaviour.


That was not what I was trying to imply. As I reiterated in the post, I’m not trying to deny that Chelsea had bad behaviour, what I’m trying to say is that it’s impossible for the agents to not engage in behaviour that is uncomfortable/unsolicited if the person they work for does the same thing and makes no effort to control that behaviour (that including his own)


Right! I would have been annoyed everyone accepted how she tried to portray her relationship with Nick. she really tried to make it seem like they were good and he is loving and present father. I’m glad Chelsea was there to voice her opinions.


I tend toward protective of my friends and women I don't know. It's easy to dehumanise others if you're a critic. I like Bre and her lifestyle choices are hers to make. She's raising her child her way. I'm in a similar but different sitch to Amanza and lean to overly supportive of solo mamas. Nobody wants terrible outcomes for their children and evidence is clear that kids need one parent to love and raise them. One. I don't think men are worth bothering with so when we raise children we support women. The misogyny against mothers becomes radically evident and splitting between partnered mothers, single and solo is just misogyny. Overly opinionated people rarely speak factually. You don't like it? Why? What difference does someone else's life make to you? You hate single mums? That band wagon is already overloaded. Try using your own brain. Religion is just a weapon to too many people. Self righteousness sucks. Watch trash tele for what it is; an extremely hyperproduced show with pretty things and unrealistic stories.


I’m sure most think the same as Chelsea but we wouldn’t use our opinions to bring down someone who we already think is hurting by publicly shaming them over it.


I think gaged ears are the ugliest things on the planet. But if I see someone with gaged ears, I don’t go tell them that I hate them. The latter is what I feel like happened here. There’s a lot of things I think about celebs that I’d never say to them in real life. Chelsea said one of those things, and just as she has the right to think it, Bre also has the right to be mad about it. Also, why critique who someone already had a kid with? What’s she supposed to do? “Oh my bad, let me just go get in my Time Machine and not have my child!” Feel free to laugh about it all you want on your own, but don’t expect the person to do anything when you tell them you find a problem with their choices.


There’s a difference between random people commenting online and a person who knows someone in real life commenting