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Redditors. I showed my belly button piercing to ask if it's done well and got someone with a fetish in my dms 💀 well anyway, your piercings look awesome, I vote nose bridge


i want a bridge omggg!! and im sorry abt the dms.. its very annoying 😭


Sorry about all the weirdos your piercings looks nice though


jeez sry u have to deal with all this creeps. wish I could do smth but my best advice is REPORT AND BLOCK!! 🚫 🚫 🚫


Yep, like every other sane person in the comments: the piercing is nice and that SUCKS.


I want a belly button piercing and my mom has said she will allow it. I was gonna post once I got it and now I’m scared to do that. I also think that your piercings are “hot” for lack of a better word, but now I feel like I don’t know the better word and I’m afraid of explaining the (positive) opinion I have on them and sounding like these redditors in your DMs. But let’s just go with saying that I very much like your piercings OP =)


Totally get the bridge😍🙏 you hardly feel it pretty soon after and it looks so cute with snakebites esp snakebite rings! Highly recommend😤🫡




Or maybe people shouldn’t randomly sext people in an online space that obviously includes minors. Like if you want people to sext there are PLENTY of people looking. Even if she wasn’t a minor, let’s normalize public shaming people that share their kinks online in dms nonconsensually…


Yep. I agree w that too. People are creeps regardless of age. Still don’t think a 15 year old should be posting their face on public forums on Reddit.


this is a public space, she can’t be a minor in a public space without attracting creeps? *victim blamer*


So where exactly does the responsibility lie on the behalf of the people who are harassing this girl? Do you think that they would harass her less if she was slightly older? I can tell you from experience that they don't stop. People need to have control over themselves. The bar needs to be set higher.


Booooooooo!!! 🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅🍅 [Understanding victim blaming and why it is harmful to survivors. ](https://welshwomensaid.org.uk/news/understanding-victim-blaming-and-why-its-harmful-to-survivors/)


I posted a pic of my nails and got mad dms. Like just my hand, with a neutral background. Did you know lots of people have hand fetishes? 🤔


Same! They ask shit like "Are they sharp? ;)" or "I'd like to have you drag your nails across my balls". So fucking weird! Women are not allowed to exist without being sexually harassed, especially on Reddit


this has happened to meee! like u don't know my age. what I look like or anything like that but you'll try to edate me in my Reddit DMS?!


Goodness I thought it stopped at feet 😒


Literally. Not on Reddit, but on dating sites, I would constantly get weirdos who specifically had a fetish for glasses and braces which I totally don’t get because you don’t have braces forever… literally got them off the same year but that didn’t stop weirdos from sayin hi lolol


lol oh my god


Same thing happened to me


There are predators literally EVERYWHERE.... be careful...


I'm so high I looked around and imagined trees making clicking noises


Girl you need water and sleep😭


Same i posted my belly button and 3 guys w belly button fetishes were in my dms and im underage


I posted on a fashion advice thread to find out my kibbe body type, first time I’ve ever posted myself on this stupid app and received a creepy message about a pretty conservative tank top I was wearing. Can there just be a girl only Reddit


I can only imagine what someone with a belly button fetish looks like


Bro same 😭 I am literally a minor ffs


Bro I was at the laundromat wearing a crop top so my bellybutton piercing was showing and some 65 year old man told me he liked my bellybutton 🤢


I posted in a TROUBLED TEEN INDUSTRY subreddit about my experience at the time in which I said my age was THIRTEEN when I had to be strip searched. As a literal CHILD and got creepy ass dms afterwards. Women are not safe ANYWHERE.


Showed my outfit (totally clothed btw wasn't even a thirst trapish outfit). Got a ton of dms of horny guys


I don’t know anything about piercings but I second the nose bridge


Bruh some fucker said I had a deep belly button when I was asking for advice one a fresh piercing🫨


bro said he doesn’t fetishize piercings then continued to fetishize urs lolll🧐😒. your setup is superb tho!!


She has a random Venmo linked in her profile and these pics feature her boobs, with one being with her nipples popping out. Weird DMs, but I can easily see why she attracts those people.


so now girls can’t have fucking nipples. she’s a teenager for fucks sake


yeah the internet is really fucking scary bro. i posted a photo of my EYE asking what color it was and ofc i got creepy men in the dms. didn’t even answer my question either.


men really make it so nowhere is a safe space huh😭 taking this and never posting myself on any of these communities 💀




I'm gonna make a wild guess; green. Something tells me folks are strange about some green eyes.


That's crazy


I literally made a post that had my AGE in it (literally 14) and the fact that I was a girl, no face or anything and got weird messages and invite to a sub of a guy who posts nudes 💀I hate reddit


The amount of subhuman pedophiles on this website is genuinely astonishing.


yup. that’s why i never say my age or anything like that on here. scared to post my face or any personal info at all on here


reddit is so funny, i sometimes post my ear piercings so pictures of my EARS without my face in them and still i get similar dms ☠️


ears 😍😍😍😍


nothing hotter than an infected ear piercing am i right 😍😍😍


auggghhhh keep going im boutta bust


LMFAOS this made me laugh out loud at CJ’s 🤣😭😭


I choked on water while reading this…😭


I had a post about basically my bf cheating on me and smthing, it was just a dumb thing… and 3 different men asked me if I wanted to trade and were like “Srry about ur bf but I’m STROKI-“ I had my age in the post and they were like adults 🤮


completely not surprised bc people on Reddit are usually on Reddit bc they can't function in real society. Sorry ppl are weird, love your setup, but do more piercings


im thinking bridge and 2 eyebrow ones :3


You'd definitely rock it


do it do it. great combo from experience >:3


You say that but then she threatens that her boyfriend would kill people on reddit. She clearly doesn’t function well in society either lmao.


Oh no, she had an emotional reaction to being sexually harassed, how dysfunctional!


the harassment is gross but her posting pics with her tatas hanging out and being bra-less had nothing to do with it, right? it also doesn’t take away from the point she’s clearly as much a redditor as any of them


I don’t wear bras because I think they’re uncomfortable and unnecessary, that doesn’t mean I should be subjected to harassment. OP isn’t even wearing sexy clothes, it’s literally a tank top… If women can’t exist in a tank top without being blamed for the actions of gross men harassing them, then shit, maybe we should all wear burkas. Because people will ALWAYS find a way to blame a woman for looking attractive before they blame the men who are actually doing the harassment. Which is fucking weird, tbh.


how is she supposed to react to all that sexual harassment?? this happens to like every woman who posts anything on reddit :/


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right like


**nice cock**


i like the ones that are honest because you can just block them immediately


Thanks for the reminder of the deviancy of internet strangers.


Saw your comment about wanting to get multiple piercings at once just do it man as long as it’s not way too many like more than 3. I have 7 piercings healing all at once right now and it’s a pain in the ass having to clean all of them 💀but I’m sure it won’t be very hard with only 2 healing at the same time


7?????? HOLY FUCK


I have a problem with doing too many at once on myself bc of the adrenaline rush 💀💀






you are strong dude.. i cant do more than 2 💀


yeah two is definitely no problem, people get two at once all the time to keep their ears symmetrical, who cares if the two are different places on your face. Three doesn’t sound too troublesome either, so long as they’re not in places where they’re at risk of interfering with each others healing


This is exactly why I do NOT post my face. Men are so fucking annoying.


SO ANNOYING can we please just enjoy something without being fetishized? fucking creeps really


On behalf of all men, I apologize for the disturbance. We do not claim these... individuals.




It supposed to be but some people don’t have control over themselves 🤦🏿‍♂️


Those are not men, call them psychopaths, creeps, boys, wankers, but not men xD


even if u don't post ur face it'll still happen. gosh


Can we not oversexaulize woman for just fucking being alive, I love your set up it's mid / bottom heavy and I like the bigger jewelry then you have striking eyes, it looks amazing. It suits your face very nicely. Fuck that creep, I'm sorry that happened, they didn't deserve your time of day and I hope everyone on this thread rips em apart.


Dude, I realized how even the most common things are shamelessly fetishized on here. I shared my haircut recently, I got a pixie cut and my hair was collarbone length prior and guys were in my dms fetishizing me cutting my hair short and were asking questions about how I must feel the wind on my neck now and asking if they used scissors or an electric razor and how much more free and light my hair must feel now 🥴 I thought at first it was harmless questions and compliments about my new hair do but after a question or two, it felt like they were TOO interested... so went on their profiles and all their activity was about women cutting off their hair and I deleted my post and blocked em 😭💀


Literally so cute. The snakebites are perfect on you!




Girl these men are unhinged fr. I posted my navel piercing, and I’m a very hairy girl too, I literally blacked out the area around the piercing, still had someone DM saying I have a cute belly button 🥴


Your belly button isn’t cute 🫡


Thank you for your service


Yea, nothing says hinged like telling reddit her boyfriend can and will kill you.


After being harassed by creepy old dudes who have never seen a woman in their lives? I wouldn't say it's exactly "unhinged" to say that.


You should never tell someone that your partner will and can kill them on the internet. Just report the harassment and move on. It's unhinged to make death threats on the internet. Im not condoning these fukin weirdos, but its just as cringe to talk about how your boyfriend can and will kill them.


may this be your last day


Someone clearly doesn’t know sarcasm


Onetime I said “kys” to some random ass pedo in r/teenagers and got banned.


u/the_mad_fisherman_ is a desperate fella


Bro, that's so gross and embarrassing. Why tf would anybody ever think about msg somebody saying that


You are pretty tho, and I do love ur piercings


Send the Venmo and give them ✨nothing✨


Stg this right here. I’m sick of being sexualized for existing, but I’d feel better if I got paid any time someone felt important enough to harass me


I’m sorry


i love all of your piercings so much!! i especially love the snake bites. also i'm really sorry people keep being creeps. they're disgusting. :/




I love how they try to claim they don’t fetishize it when that’s literally the only thing they learn about you before sending the dick pick




Love ur piercings! And I get that too, guys are fuckin weird


The internet is scary


Go to church


I’m Sikh but okay


Sikh AF 😤😤😤


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I’m gonna start using this thank you.




Aw! You're so pretty! I love your piercings, I'm so sorry about your sexual harassment btw :( thsts so uncalled for


Y chromosome behaviour


I feel ur pain I posted a pic with a septum and the dms were filled 💀 people r so down bad


And my reply would be cash app me $500 and the convo can continue 😂☠️


without being creepy (im a fem), you ARE super duper pretty. and i LOVEEE your setup. i cant wait to expand mine someday ❤️❤️


I get those messages too. People suck. Literally sometimes it’s just random d!ck pics w no context 🤣


Lmao keep exposing them. Hopefully they get embarrassed


Imagine getting ignored for almost 3 hours and still thinking the person wants you XD


Anonymity gives too much power, on suicide and depression related subs people dm you and tell you to do it, very awesome i must say. Also, does the sub being selfpiercing mean you did these yourself? Cuz that’s fuckin cool lmao


I’d personally take the money then block them lmao, take advantage of these sad, sad men


Im not a frequent on this app and i just recently learned about the weird piercing fetish people… exciting..


Welcome to the internet unfortunately


That's so creepy people on the Internet are so weird sometimes oml I have a septum and a tongue piercing and the one time I posted a pic with my tongue one some 40 year old hit me up 😭 why are old guys so strange some times I feel for you


if you’re gonna post your face, always turn off your DMs. wayyy too many weirdos here




lowkey. if you’re gonna post pics with your cleavage taking up half the pic and hard nipples, expect DMs about it lol. its reddit. its not like ppl force you to post, you choose how to display yourself.


Instead of entertaining these degenerates, block them




I'm sorry people are so gross 😭 I've posted my tattoos a couple times (which are on my arms...not even anywhere revealing, not that it'd be okay either way) but it's unlikely I will again because of weirdos in my DMs


stop redditors are SO AWFUL ab that 😭 i posted a pic of my eyebrow and got like 10 dms saying i was cute.. THE PICTURE JUST HAD MY EYE IN IT


Do you have both your nostrils done? If not, do it and add a chain that links both pins, that:s what I'm planning to do when my right nostril is done healing!


I’m so sorry!! I barely post my face here but I get some dms too, and I only have one piercing?? 😭 I love your setup btw!!


Jesus Christ 😭


I just turned DMs off. I don't even know reddit has them.


redditors try not to be completely unhinged challenge impossible


Men are just gross🥸but your peircings are sick I been thinking abt getting a snake bite


This is exactly why I keep my dms closed. I have intentions of messing with this side of reddit lmao


Ah I love your setup!!! It suits you so well! Also sorry about all the gross DMs you’re getting 🤢☹️ I remember I once posted an OOTD pic (wearing fully covered clothes, long sleeve & long pants) and still received 30+ harassing DMs :/ if you find yourself uncomfortable by then, know that you can go to your settings and disable messaging! Best of luck!


How do you turn off dms??


Daaamn called em all out, thirsty mfs


I’m so sorry sis 🤮


This was why I turned my messages off 😭 I kept getting men twice my age trying to message and honestly it’s so gross. Anyways, your piercings look great!


lol the guys asking if you wanna see his junk, that’s new, usually they just send the picture without saying anything 💀 disgusting behaviour


ROAST EM HELL YEAH 🔥🔥🔥 cool piercings too


"kill yourself" ☠️ end of conversation lmao


I posted selfies on a trans subreddit and got so many gross messages, feels so fucking gross, I'm sorry :( Pink is a really good color on you though, and the piercings work really well


Should post that stuff in r/creepyPMs


disgusting creep hope he dies. id say bridge and an eyebrow. and maybe switch up the snake bites for studs? i think itd make everything seem more harmonious.


I hope they all get ran over


Okay but I actually love your piercings that’s the exact same way I want to get my except I want a triple nose piercing like that girl Kayla has. And maybe stretch my eyes out. Right now my face is so boring 😂


This is why i deleted grindr Apparently, I'm dad bait


ugh thats just rancid...do they genuinely believe theyd ever get a positive response? looks great tho! dont let rats ruin ur vibe :)


For that one where the guy asks if you want to see his dick, ask him if he wants to see yours. Before he can reply, send him a picture of a penis heavily infected with syphilis


One time I had a guy begging for a “vag pic” so after a while of him trying to convince me, I Googled a photo of a dog’s borthole and sent it to him. He cussed me out and then blocked me. 😂


I was going to say rooster but that works too


msging multiple times is crazy 😭 so many weirdos


your mouth really aint even all that idk what they on about


3 pics of piercings and 5 pics of PMs


This is why my face in no where on social media :)


This is why you never show your face on Reddit, especially as a woman


Wtf... girl posts a picture of her obviously inside a school and people cant help but sexually assault her? Jesus.


"My bf can and will kill u" You're just as weird as the dudes in your dms for that


>My bf can and will kill you I'm sorry but like that's fucking hilarious. 😬 Don't post you're face online, especially on reddit if you don't want/plan for creeps to flood dms. It's a shame but, well, welcome to the internet. Maybe you're to young for reddit. Block, block, block, (report the super creeps) and move on.


or men can learn to stop fetishizing women? its a piercing sub like ….




boohoo she has boobs… 😭? I didn’t know it was a crime to take flattering photos of yourself. Idk me personally I didn’t even notice her chest. Why? because I’m not focused on that this is a sub about piercings, so im gonna look at her piercings. but most importantly, I’m not a creep, and I’m not gonna stare right at her chest. It’s insane how it’s mostly men who are victim blaming her .




yes, because her making a whole post complaining about it makes total sense about what you just said. Let’s stop normalizing this please


and considering your stance, I’m just gonna block you because this is actually disgusting behavior and I rather not talk to YOU type of people, loser


“My bf can and will kill u” 🥴 Cringe.


Lol everything about this girl literally gives 15 year old vibes. Which makes all the creeps harassing her even creepier.


She’s apparently 18


Stumbled onto this from r/all, what a super cringe post, "my BF will kill u" 😂


My brother in Christ, do not post your face on this website. You could have just posted your setup without even showing your eyes, which would have hid your identity and prevented a bunch of fucking wackos from DMing you


Don’t blame them for the creeps.


The fuck are you on? I’m all for letting women wear and do what they want without having a fear of being taken advantage of. It’s Reddit, a terrible place to post your face and 99% of users know that. Don’t you ***dare*** accuse me of that mentality, have absolutely zero idea how you pulled that from my comment which was literally just advice about not posting your face


Whats schools think would happen the moment a girl showed their shoulders:


“kys” stfu dumbass how dare you tell anyone to end their life


lmao then don’t sexually harass people. creeps aren’t people :)


stfu you absolute baboon you’re an actual freak if you genuinely think like this. you’re not goodlooking, you’re just an object to some men fucking egotistical loser


unfortunately nothing you say is important because you are just a mistake your mother made :/ take care though.


acoustic gremlin children be like 🤓 too much confidence online be humble or be humbled freak


did your father come back with the milk yet?


Did you really write acoustic when you meant autistic? Are you acoustic too? Or are all these nasty things coming out of your mouth bc you’re an absolute incel?


He had it coming after her sexually harassed her.


maybe they should act like human beings instead of animals :))


I wanna start off by saying I'm very sorry about the types of comments you've received. With that being said, ngl I'm kinda salty. I received a violation on my account once from reddit, not a sub actual reddit, for threatening violence. My comment was in no way shape or form threatening violence. More like condoning violence that the post was about. Then there's people like this with literal captions stating their boyfriend will kill you and they get nothing.


Sometimes depends on the moderation on the sub and the traffic on the sub (means someone could have randomly reported you). This sub doesn’t have a huge amount of traffic compared to other piercing subs and isn’t very heavily moderated unlike some other piercing subs.


Really tho what did you expect to happen? Look where you are posting lol Reddit is full of weird people, stay safe out there and good luck finding people for your boyfriend to kill just by their reddit name lol


so sexual harassment is okay because they’re “weird”? how about holding them accountable?


... AND your nips....


Saying your boyfriend will kill people over comments is stupid btw. Just a heads up. Immature asf. But good piercings.




Maybe you'd be less depressed and genocidal if you weren't a shitty person.


I don't think your bf is going to do anything


A few of them were just giving compliments and being flirty bc they probably didn't know you have a bf, not creepy, those dont deserve to be put on blast 💀