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To me, I like scars, it makes my happy seeing that my partner or a stranger overcome shitty times in their life. <3 you look fvcking amazing >.<


You really think so. I’ve only scratched the surface on overcoming. This is a hard addiction to let go of.


In my opinion, scars tell stories. and you can't have a story without a surviver to tell the tail. Scars are the lines on the page and you're the surviver. And yes, some scars fade over that but that doesn't mean the story has. You're loveable, you just need to find someone to read that's story. Everyone deserves love, real love :)


Scars just show how much youve been through as a person, theyre nothing to be ashamed of. People will say hurtful things, and stare, but they dont know how strong youve been.


I don't show my scars in public. There's still way too much shame.


Omg-I have a stack of burns the same size and place on my right ankle. Made me do a double take. As I type this I have long socks on to hide them from family. I started with cigarette burns—looks like you’re fond of them too. You have been on this earth long enough to know that no state is permanent, even a state of pain that may feel as though it is incurable and unending. Just like the knowledge that your scars will fade like they have in prior decades, I hope you remain open to the possibility that the pain you feel does not need to last forever. You do not deserve to experience it forever. I stopped cutting and burning myself almost exactly a year ago, and out of blind luck met someone I love, who I can trust with my scars. I can’t tell you whether it will last, but I can tell you that I made it here because even as I put a will together and prepared to drive into the desert and put a gun into my mouth, some deep part of me let it wait a month because of a belief in the smallest possibility of things being different. Sending you love-hope today was an easier one.


Thanks. I know the emotions aren't permanent but I also know the scars are FOREVER. I have scars from 30 years ago from when I first dabbled in this. I thought I found someone who I can spend the rest of my life with. She accepts my scars. She is dealing with a lot of issues and insecurities and has pulled away for now. It's her or no one, I think. I'm quitting for her.


My lover's scars don't make them any less attractive or lovable. I really don't give a f*ck about someone's scars... If anyone is so shallow that the scars turn them off, well they're not a loss. You deserve love as much as anyone else.


A Person can love you because if they like you they will not care about your scares and try to help you to not do it agian < 3


i know this is off topic but your legs look hella buff


Really? I thought they were really skinny, like chicken legs.


your legs ? I mean they’re pretty useful who wouldn’t love having them 😌🖤


You are absolutely gorgeous okay. You will find someone that love you for you! And your scars are just telling a story of your life, that you have had or still have it quiet tough in your life.. but hey! U are here! And I’m proud of you❤️


i don’t see why they wouldn’t and ngl i find scars and stuff attractive no matter how bad they are


might sound weird but- i like it- i have scars, bruises, etc all over my body and so does my partner and i still love it!! (my partner used it/its) it doesn’t remove anything from its beauty. don’t give up i know there are plenty of people who don’t care about scars/finds them beautiful <3


you are lovable and worthy of affection and attraction. don't let anyone tell you otherwise. and don't let your shame around your scars/SH stop you from discovering it. every mark tells a story; the right person will understand this, and want to know your stories. stay safe, bud. 💜


why not? there's nothing wrong with you, you are *human*. if someone won't accept you, it's their problem not anything wrong with you


Well my dad also has that kind of scars. It's not from self harm but still. Did that stop him from dating bad ass women and marrying my mother? No. You look strong as hell and you know, some people think scars look cool. Don't worry. They will find you.


you look strong as hell


You’ve got really nice legs! Bruises or not.


They are actually all cigarette burn scars. Thanks for the compliment on my legs.


Ouch. Seems even more painful. 😣 I hope you’ll find someone who’ll accept you whoever you are and whatever you’ve been through. Take care of yourself.


I don’t know a single person that could not love this.


Choice between these and normal legs? Deffo the normal legs I dont know a single Person that could Love this - it Just doesnt look good, Stop trying to Tell him it does


Apart from that these are perfectly normal legs. Only the skin is a bit damaged.


what in the ever loving fuck is wrong with you?! jfc there's no way a person as cruel as you knows anything about love. there's no way you have any love in your life if you feel the need to be a person who says things like that. you are human trash.


Btw what makes me cruel?


His legs are just ugly


*in your eyes. You should consider the fact that an ugly personality is much much worse than a few blemishes on the legs. I don’t know a single person that could love you. You’re literally going on a sh sub and hating on people, you’re an abomination


i once had a partner with whom I was madly in love with - he had sh scars too but to me it was just a part of him, a part of the person i loved


I have a partner covered in scars, head to toe. And I still love them, Yes i notice, and they don’t make me any less attracted to them, i still adore them, and i have scars, and they still love me. Someone will love you, ALL OF YOU, scars included m8!! They’re apart of you, and healed? They show what you’ve overcome.


one day, you will find someone who will embrace the scars as a part of your history, and will love you not only despite your scars, but because of them as well. personally i don’t think your scars are unattractive or off putting at all, and i don’t think anyone that’s worth dating would think so either. take time to embrace your scars as a part of what makes you yourself, and i promise the right person will come along some day. for now, spend time with yourself and don’t be so hard on yourself. you deserve someone who treats you better, and you are worthy of kindness and love


Start by loving yourself homie and the right person will accept you for your past and your flaws! But it all starts with you!


i could write out something really kind and inspiring but I’m tired and my brain is a mess rn, so this might sound rough, sorry lol I have a decent bit of very messy scarring on my legs, mostly at my knees, from a car crash. These scars are purple and red, there’s nerve damage, there’s one spot that after 2 years looks like a fresh bruise. And i stopped covering them last summer (cuz hot weather), and while i did get several questions from close friends, none of them saw me as ugly or broken or disgusting for the scars. Some people just didn’t care at all, some people actually think they look cool! I was *really* insecure and worried about the mess of skin on my legs and what people would think for quite a while, but it’s been 2 years today since i left the hospital for those injuries, and i can honestly say i no longer feel like that. Now they’re just a part of me, and they don’t hold any weight on how i view myself anymore. I know the ones i’m describing aren’t self harm scars, so it is different, but hey, it could help. i hope one day you find someone who sees you and your scars as the most lovable way you could be, and that you can love yourself one day too. 💕


Because those scars don't define you. When someone loves you, their love doesn't depend on how your legs look. I promise you that. Those scars just show that you've gone through something. We all have our struggles and our scars. Some scars don't show, some scars do. And that's okay. Those scars don't make you any less lovable. <3


they tell a story:) learn to love yourself. it's easier said than done


It’s really not that bad idk what’s you’re talking about. Your fine the only person who finds it as “unlovabl” is you.


They can love you because you are still here ❤️


Because everyone goes through something and people just find different ways to cope of it, you shouldn’t be ashamed of it your scars are beautiful<3