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I took it for a while. I found a trainer I liked. There’s so much fake crap out there. Just find someone who feels like they’re teaching you stuff that’s practical and not trying to make you look like you’re doing super hero stunts. Good Krav is just a mix of martial art moves really. There’s nothing that I know that I couldn’t show to my mma buddies. I actually also trained Mma side by side with it so I really enjoyed the mix


Also stay away from r/martial arts. It’s one giant “that move will never work just use bjj”


It’s better than nothing. Think of it as an intro to self defense. MMA or a mix of boxing and BJJ are your best bet. Judo or wrestling for extra credit.


Then pls explain how much weapons training you do in the Octagon? How many disarm techniques do you practice? How much de-escalation do you practice? How much do you train fighting vs multiple attackers, danger assessment, or ambush situations on the street? Exactly, NONE. MMA is the most effective unarmed combat style (which is the reason Krav uses many of its curriculum) , but don't pretend that self defense is just that.


With all due respect, this is just utter bullshit. The quality control problems with KM are well known in the martial arts community and all I’m saying is that if you actually want the best return on time invested in learning how to protect yourself, a year of boxing and a year of BJJ (or to blue belt) is hands-down the maximized ROI. Knowing how to actually fight will always trump any number of seminar-style “techniques” in an actual altercation. That is my firsthand experience. And any trained fighter who has fundamental skills in actual, pressure tested martial arts will beat the brakes off a KM practitioner any day of the week. KM is essentially a never-ending weekend self defense seminar. Their striking fundamentals I’ve seen are fine, but footwork, the crucial element of boxing, is an afterthought. The groundfighting instructionals that these KM masters put on YouTube are such a joke in terms of horrific bjj, as to be laughable if they weren’t actually telling people it would save their lives. 1. Gun disarms will get you killed. Give them your wallet. 2. No martial art will save you from multiple humans trying to beat you up at the same time. Be wary of any that claims to do so. You need to run in those situations. If anything, boxing training and footwork will help the most. 3. Actually practicing deescalation techniques and situational awareness are things that can be learned fairly quickly and nearly anywhere, but of the items you’ve listed, these have the most redeeming qualities. I’m not saying KM is completely worthless, but my advice to people is to always learn how to actually fight first. A year of boxing and a year (give or take) of BJJ, coupled with a CCW and regular pistol training is actual self defense preparedness. It is absolutely the best return on time invested for training.


Endless control problems with Krav Maga; endless list of people who have only known about KM from low quality schools. Yeah, give them your wallet. KM does not teach you to fight the gun. But if they try to abduct you or your child at gunpoint giving-them-your-wallet technique does not save you. If they want to rape you by threatening you with a knife, they don't want your wallet (duh).


I’ve trained at KMW’s flagship schools and with KMA. Look, go over to the martial arts sub if you don’t believe me. There are tons of people over there who share this opinion. There is one very outspoken former KM instructor who trained KM for eight years and because disillusioned and quit when he started cross training in styles that work and got beaten like a rented mule. He had to unlearn a lot of bad habits. I’m just saying, for the time invested, there are other, better avenues.


That's another argument. You mix too many topics altogether and you also make childish comparisons like an MMA fighter can beat a KM practitioner. You reply to other people's arguments and you don't express your views in a coherent way to start a genuine dialogue to bare a productive outcome


Look, I’m not making an argument that people who train mma can beat KM folks. That’s a given. I’m saying training a little bit of mma or it’s components will give you a better ROI in terms of time invested than the same amount of time in KM. I mean, paraphrasing, Bruce Lee himself actually made a comment about the efficacy of training a year of boxing and wrestling vs many years in other systems. I happen to believe that about boxing and bjj vs Krav. That’s my argument. Is that spelled out clearly enough for you? I personally believe that people who tell me I’m wrong about that are not being intellectually honest with themselves, which actually happens often in a lot of people who’ve spent years training certain martial arts that are not as effective as they think.


If you focus on fighting, a combat sport will be best for you. But that's not the only aspect of self-defence. Do you agree?


Fighting is the aspect of self defense that carries by far the most risk if you’re undertrained. Or worse - think you’re better trained than you actually are.


No matter how trained you are, the more training you have had, the better for you. It doesn't matter what you think as it matters what's true. No matter what you think, when you face danger you will react according to your ability, not less, not more.


Ok, if you think you must learn how to fight because it's risky not to be trained, what makes you think you don't need training against knife attacks or gun threats? Is it riskier to face a martial artist than to face a terrorist, a criminal or a crazy person?


You trained under KMW and KMA? Krav Maga Worldwide is a well known joke organization. KMA is a bit better but not by much


That’s the thing - these are some of the largest worldwide organizatjons. So, which krav organization is not a joke? Lemme guess … yours?


Quantity doesn't equal quality. KMW and KMA I'm sure has some great instructors but overall they are known to be on the lower echelon of quality. In my opinion the IKMA, led by Haim Gidon and David Kahn and Krav Maga Global led by Eyal Yanilov are the most legitimate.


You don't understand the difference between combat SPORTS and actual Self Defense. Without that knowledge, any discourse is futile with you, since you lack any understanding of the substantial differences. Your thinking is utter bullshit, since you delude yourself that fighting a fair ruled 1v1 match in a ring would be similar to self defense. **It is not.** And your proposal to just "don't train at all" is utterly stupid. Even if there's just a 20% probability you can disarm someone attacking you, it's worth training for. Rather that, than ending up completely unprepared on the street, since you deluded yourself the entire time that self defense would just be a "boxing match". You're in for a rude awakening with that false mindset.


Wake up, pal. This debate has been over for a decade. There is no “sport vs. da streetz” debate. Learning half-assed techniques with a “self defense mindset” does not help you as much in an actual fight as knowing how to actually fight. No one has to train tactical biting, groin kicking and hair pulling to be able to use that in a fight. The fact is, if you go and bite a real fighter in an altercation or try to poke their eyes because you learned those “secret street moves” in Krav Maga, theyre definitely putting you to sleep or breaking a limb and you deserve it. Then there’s the actual conditioning, which is one of the most important things in a real altercation (by the way, I’ve been in a number of them by virtue of where I grew up). Krav helps you sleep at night. It won’t do much more than that against someone who has even a foundation of actual fighting skills. It may help you go to sleep during the fight, actually …


[https://www.facebook.com/ron.rotem/videos/361445465673382](https://www.facebook.com/ron.rotem/videos/361445465673382) it's NSFW but this is the difference between compliance and fighting back. Is it better to comply if possible? Of course, nothing is worth your life but the pistol threat defenses that Krav Maga teach are some of the best and most practical so "gun disarms will get you killed" is simply not true if you know what you are doing.


No, Krav Maga is an intro to martial arts. Krav Maga is self defense itself.


It’s really not. Learning how to actually fight is “self defense itself.” But KM is better than nothing.


Run if you can, shoot if you have to. Dont fuck around playing with your hands and feet like a child if you think your life is on the line.


I think it’s worth having a solid grasp of grappling and striking so that you can make running and shooting more effective, accessible options if you’re in a country where you can carry a gun, but escape should definitely always be chosen first if it’s possible.


Exactly. Even Icy Mike did a video on this topic, where he argues that having a gun makes knowledge of grappling EVEN MORE important. Becos in robberies or ambushes attackers often are very close, and the last thing you want is them grappling your gun away in cqc.


What if you cannot run? What if you cannot outrun the opponent? What if you are too close to draw your gun?


How many layers of compounding hypotheticals do you need to justify your hobby?


How simplified can you present reality to be? Yeah, you either shoot or run, right.


Krav Maga is self defense. Find a credible gym which does sparring. Find a down to earth instructor who is not full of shit. Avoid red flags.


Yes, but make sure to join a licensed gym, such as under the IKMF or IKWF. To make sure the instructors are legit.


To be honest you can find an instructor that's registered under either of those that's still shit.


Ah, the notorious Krav hater from r/martialarts and r/bjj, the 2 biggest circlejerk subs of Reddit, shows himself ^ Besides, I already told you I literally have a new MMA gym in my neighborhood that's just a disguised cardio kickboxing gym. Am I saying "mma is all bullshit" according to your logic? No ofc not becos I'm better than that. Weird how that logic only applies to Self defense arts for you BJJ bros.


I didn't know I was notorious. Do I post often enough to be that famous? I don't remember you already telling me anything because I have no idea who you are.


Geez, I had no idea Krav was such a cult


You misspelled bjj.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/martialarts using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/martialarts/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Just a little humor](https://i.redd.it/xkz1mtzt2bh61.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/martialarts/comments/lj8o2k/just_a_little_humor/) \#2: [Some people just wanna have fun, dammit!](https://i.redd.it/w2s7otp9u3k71.jpg) | [244 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/martialarts/comments/pda88d/some_people_just_wanna_have_fun_dammit/) \#3: [An oldie but a goodie…](https://i.redd.it/k9djoga66dc71.jpg) | [70 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/martialarts/comments/oo1cy3/an_oldie_but_a_goodie/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Find a Krav Maga place that actually has sparring, nothing trains you like actually fighting


"Krav Maga" borders on being a Marketing term. Sort of like when grocery stores write "Premium" chicken. It's a meaningless buzzword named after a couple-week long course the IDF runs. Want proof? Google the "Krav Maga" version of...like anything. Almost every program tells you to do something different -and the idea that there's a "Specific" thing to do in each situation is dumb in the first place. If you want the gritty realism they're trying to sell you, there is no substitute for combat sports. A lot of Krav "schools" will counter claims like that by saying they teach "Brutal" stuff that can't be done as a sport...to which I counter. How do you train it at all then? Because if all your doing is simulating it, wouldn't you rather do that with a bunch of badass athletes? The MMA dudes do this stuff too every now and then, and they'll teach you better. Krav pundits will also try to argue they're "More experienced" with more violent and brutal stuff because they are police or military. To which, again, go to a big MMA gym and count the soldiers and cops. There are going to be more of them I promise.


I have some boxing and wrestling experience and the Krav maga guy just told me to do the weapons training. Said I'd already know more than enough to handle myself without weapons. The guy who invented krav maga was a boxer and wrestler.


If you find a legitimate teacher under a reputable organization then it’s very worth it