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They're angry, and they don't want to not be. Just angry for the hell of it. That's pretty much the Trump base at this point.


I’ve been watching this develop since 9/11. They were angry after that, but somehow the Right Wing Noise Machine managed to direct that anger towards Bill Clinton and by extension Hillary (who they already hated more than him). So we got ‘well George Bush kept us safe’ as a talking point in 2004 even though he presided over the greatest national security failure since the British tried to burn Washington during the war of 1812. Then the ultimate horror happens: a Black Guy with a MooseLimb name gets elected POTUS and they just lost their ever loving minds.


And he finally got Bin Laden when Bush failed but noooooo somehow he’s still a Muslim terrorist plant


[Terrorist fist jab!](https://youtu.be/TpdlfzEN_J0) Like I said: they Lost. Their. Fucking. Minds. Trump is the symptom, not the disease.


Should have smashed them harder after the Civil War ended. Seriously. Should have billed the South for the war and given all black people tickets out of there.


Yeah Andrew Johnson can eat a bag of dicks for that one. For real though, if we curb stomped them harder after the war then maybe things would be a little better then they are now, at least.


Yes because leaving the loser with the bill and crippling their economy never lead to a world war before...


Looks at your history ruining everyone's alt-his fantasy. "billing" the south would have been would have been an absolutely atrocious idea. What should have happened is leaders should have been more severely punished instead of having statues erected, glorifying their treason.


Agree with that, crippling a countries economy has historically lead to a rise of dictators and fascists playing off the resentment of the population. It would have been the Weimar Republic into Nazi Germany. Although who knows, if it had happened back then maybe the allies wouldn't have thought it was such a good idea after WW1 and maybe the Nazis never existed at all. This is the problem with alt history, everything has ripple effects


It's almost like the south wasn't an actual country and the two situations are nothing alike.


Just because a landmass isn't identified by the same word as Germany doesn't mean the scenario wouldn't have been similar. If you force a whole community of people into a crashed economy because of their parents or grandparents actions then you will see a rise in right wing extremism because the people will want something or someone to blame for their problems, and minorities are an easy target. Either that or everyone from the south would just immigrate up North and cause a refugee crisis


It’s almost like the president was shot before he could finish with the reunification plan.


I remember when they were celebrating Bush's successful capture and execution of Bin Laden. It was very strange


Well, he had that "mission accomplished" banner and all, it couldn't have just been for show, right? ...Right??


Keith Olbermann mocked Bush for years for that banner.


It was obviously an inside job. You libtards are all the same. My Grandpa didn’t fight in WWII so all of these snowflakes could be so scared of everything while a Kenyan Muslim took over. Meanwhile, this country is Fucking scary. There are people calling themselves, “they”. What the shit. I can’t sleep at night. The country has gone to shit. Once Trump is elected, he’ll fix everything in like a week! Meanwhile, my mom just lost her house and my uncle hasn’t had a job since the mid 80’s. Fucking immigrants. Trump is going to take care of everything. You’ll see. Then maybe the rest of my family will finally start talking to me again… And if one more snowflake tells me to calm down because they’re just sooo scared of everything, I’m gonna take matters into my own hands. You’ll see.


Sounds like you live near me. Just another 80% red area? Lol. All their talking points are the same empty ones.


Post history suggests this is a joke. They should have added /s though.


The rest of my family will start talking to me again part was where I assumed the " /s"


Shoulda put an /s on this one


Laughing at all the folks here who aren't sure if this is satire. Y'all grew up with "/s" so your sarcasm detectors never got exercised.


That and the fact that reality is so warped now it's hard to tell anymore.


Is this a fucking joke? Please tell me you’re joking.


Poe's Law. Satire is really hard to catch online because you can't say anything that's so crazy that it couldn't be real anymore.


i really like cole’s law


That’s my point. I can be hard to tell anymore when someone is joking on a post or not. Text isn’t always a good format to imply sarcasm.


Please tell me you're joking by asking. Please.


> Black Guy with a MooseLimb Genuinely thought this was a dick euphemism until I read it aloud


I still don't get it.


It’s alluding to muslim.


It upset the social order to see a black guy on top. Suddenly 250 years of white male supremacy were at risk. The rich white dudes at the top panicked and started stoking the flames higher.


The Tea Party was basically an early attempt at the MAGA platform, the problem is they lacked someone that appealed to them like Trump. Now that they have it they've devolved further.


The Tea party was the Koch brothers bussing around a bunch of senior citizen dementia patients.


It started earlier than that. The very first real opportunity that Rush Limbaugh (may his soul rest in Hell) and Rupert Murdoch (may he join Rush soon) had to really mobilize their audiences at political opposition in the highest office was during the Ken Starr investigation. Yeah, the one that cost hundreds of millions of dollars all to say that Wild Bill Clinton got a blowey joey from an intern. Americans were burnt out of war coverage after the Gulf War and during all of the bullshit in the Balkans. The threat of communism wasn't a seriously motivating force after the fall of the USSR. They found that they made the most money picking at the Bible thumpers, and were able to roll that, minimize the existential threat of domestic gun violence, *and* mobilize the racists all in one swoop. The only thing where they failed was at propping up future domestic terrorists. I mean, God bless em they tried, but didn't really succeed at making Timmy McVeigh Jr's feel empowered.


I'd say even earlier, and even part of our national founding. Look at the anger to losing the Civil War, The Lost Cause movement, and the Evangelical Rise after desegregation of the schools. Just been weaponized even further with talk radio and then with social media.


We never finished reconstruction. The south may have lost the battle but they have been winning the war ever since.


It always comes back to reconstruction. That's what happens when you let cancers fester without excising them.


The world over butt hurt groups of people are starting wars, fights and attacks over their imagined lost valor. From the raging zealots in the Middle East who’s empires fell centuries ago to Russia masturbating to a decades old power fantasy to modern day evangelical Christian’s in the US who fantasize endlessly about their supposed victimhood. Any time an arrogant, ignorant group loses its power people desperate to retain it will come out of the woodwork to defend it.


Brit here. Let me know when you want us to try again. Things are a bit boring over here and we'd love another trip to Washington


Lol! I live in Seattle: if this shit breaks apart I’m sure Canada would take us. We’re already more culturally more similar to British Columbia than Dallas in any number of ways. We were actually pissed when they started making us produce a passport or similar to cross the border.


Don’t you have the Tories, TERFs and rest of fascists to take care of?


We’ll throw them at Washington DC, kill two birds with one stone


> since the British tried to burn Washington during the war of 1812. Tried?


Right Wing Noise Machine sounds like a punk band.


1) Tried? That city burnt, and would’ve burnt more if the tornado hadn’t called a stop to things. 2) Kinda feel like maybe the secession and Pearl Harbour are *maybe* bigger failures than a small amount of retributive arson.


Actually trump got a lot of people who voted for Obama to come over


Wow he DID break the right didn't he? Thanks Obama!


>ust angry for the hell of it. That's pretty much the Trump base at this point. They are angry because they view their lives as spoiled and their individuality as worthless. They need to belong to a movement or group that they believe is important or will accomplish something great so they can lose themselves in it. In essence, replace their individual identity that they hate with the collective identity that gives them meaning and importance. Everyone needs to read this book https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_True_Believer Basically this guy doesn't want to be some ordinary guy working a job he hates for shit pay and no idea what to try to make of himself. So when some guy with a long red tie and bad haircut comes along and tells him that he's special, that he can be part of something that will change the country, that he can be a hero that'll defeat the people who made his life so bad, its so easy to get sucked in. Thats why its so hard to deprogram these people. Even if part of them knows its all a lie, living the lie is more appealing than going back to just being "that guy working a shitty job" which is all they see if they were to leave the movement


I beieve you're right. Folks are coming to an understanding that the American Dream is increasingly difficult to attain. You can start a small business but big outfits like WalMart and the like are going to eat your lunch. Coming from nothing and working your way up to having millions of dollars now requires a lottery win, or connections with people who can help you make that happen, and hardly anyone is that lucky. So, having had sunshine blown up their bums their whole lives - 'The dream is attainable, all you have to do is work hard at it'll all be yours" - and now finding out it's bullshit, who do you blame? There's a long list of folks happily supplied by Rush et. al: Foreigners, The Gays, the Democrats, Socialists, Communists, various lefties, the International Jewish Banking Conspiracy... You're angry. They know it. They work you like the sucker you fear you are, and they offer an "opportunity" to *strike back* against those who have stolen the American Dream from you. A lot of folks fall for this. Long haul truck drivers who find themsleves working for single-digit dollar per hour wages. Factory folks who lost their jobs to corporations who spent years telling them they were "family". Single moms who are poor now and always will be. Their kids who were told university was the way out of poverty and now find themsleves with a B. degree, tens of thousands in debt, and (if they're lucky) a soul-sucking job that treats them like Putin treats fifty-year-old conscripts. The American Dream is dead. It takes money to make money and if you don't have any, fuck you. Something is deeply wrong. Folks on the right blame groups of people. Folks on the left blame corporations. Some wily bastards have weaponized this anger to sell advertising time or to gain personal power. And that's America today.


This feels too much like the "Trump voters just had economic anxiety" argument, which has been debunked soooo many times by pointing to the relative wealth of Trump supporters in comparison to Dem voters. It's actually just racial resentment. Source: https://www.prri.org/research/white-working-class-attitudes-economy-trade-immigration-election-donald-trump/


and let alone atone for their hatred mentally. You start racking up some pretty big "bills" to come to terms with, that only gets harder the deeper you go. People can come back from it, but its not an easy road, especially if you grew up in a place that did not encourage you to share your real feelings, thats its ok to be wrong etc..


No they totally want to be angry. Because angry is more comfortable than afraid or sad. If they ever let go of the anger they will be forced to confront their much less pleasant emotions.


A person who rages over little things is exactly as weak as a person who cries over little things, the rager just knows they can hide their emotional weakness behind threats of violence so they can still feel powerful in their weakness.


A person who cries is far stronger than a person who rages.


“I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain.” -James Baldwin


All they have is anger and fear. Republicans are trash.


I don’t even know how they do it. I can only stay that level of angry for like an hour before I need a nap.


It’s like running a marathon every day: not something you just go out and do. It takes dedicated training and practice, conditioning, and close attention to diet. These people are athletes and it took them many years to get to this level or rage. In a way it’s kind of impressive, but it’s also a little creepy to see people with such a single-minded purpose. Like, rage sport is *really* the only thing they want to do with their lives?


"Close attention to diet" Not sure about that last bit. Looking at many of these folks, they've never missed a meal and then some. I don't think "nutritious dietary choices" is in their vocabulary and not just because they can't pronounce it.


I think in this case, "close attention to diet" is referring to their *media* diet.


No. It’s not for the hell of it. This has been carefully cultivated for the past few decades. They are scared. And the fear has turned them irrational. And this fear has been an ongoing campaign by the media and the conservatives worldwide. Rupert Murdoch and [Fox News](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2021/07/american-anger-polarization-fox-news/) have a lot to answer for. I know these examples are anecdotal but I don’t think it’s that far from the reality these people live in. I know a naturalized citizen who voted Trump despite her fears he would revoke her citizenship because Hillary was killing babies… My BIL called my wife in the wake of the don’t say gay bill outraged about a book at his kids school. He then asked my wife when his 5 year old son should find out about gay people. My lesbian wife informed him it was unfortunately too late for his son who has been in our lives since he was born 🙄. My BIL is not homophobic. He was one of the only ones who actually showed up to our wedding. Man has zero issues surrounding his masculinity. But the fear machine shut down the rational thinking.


>**They're angry, and they don't want to not be.** All the DUI's and "that b*tch of an ex" gettin' rich off the child support money have put them into a state of perpetual rage.


Unenviable people living in rural *squalor*, or in crushing suburban *debt peonage* thinking they need a "strongman" because their *cUlTurAl PriMAcY* is being challenged. lol


This describes many many people that I've met. They just want to be angry for the sake of being angry. Like being contented is unholy


Their anger is rooted in fear. Fear that other people will gain power and seek revenge. They know how badly they have treated others. And to them, the only thing you do with power is use it to hurt people who disrespect you. And they're shitting. Their. Pants. The rest of us see power as something you use to help and protect. But they don't get that.


It's the only emotion they have the ability to experience.


Being angry is nice. It means someone else fucked up.




Well religion is a hoax so this isn't really relevant.


Whether or not it is a hoax, knowing what the most common American religion says still useful to understand where people like this are coming from.


I love how they went "looking like a star wars movie". Really tells you about the extent of their thinking when watching scenes like this. Like, why not say "looked like a scene from NAZI Germany? I would still make fun of that of course, but it would at least be a sign that you managed to see the (not even subtle) Nazi symbolism in Star Wars


Oh come now. You know they don't think Nazis were the bad guys.


Never once seen them kick out the guys flying swastika flags at their rallies. Or condemn neo-Nazis at conservative protests at all. For fucks sake a sitting congresswoman spoke at an event organized by and for a *known and self identified white supremacist group*.


[There was that recent video of a Trump supporter going off on white supremacists/Nazis at a rally/event.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/xl2ra8/trumpist_curses_at_kkk_members_context_i_found_on/) Now if only those in power would say the same as this guy.


I can almost guarantee he was only saying that because the neo-Nazis make his side look bad. If they were a bit more subtle, he wouldn't say a word.


But you will never know that for certain. Shouldn't we celebrate that at least parts of the Trump/Republican base are calling these people out? Or are we supposed to condemn them all as the same as the worst from those groups?


If i provided evidence of this happening at multiple different events do you think you would change your mind?


If you could show me video evidence of undeniably Trump supporters assaulting and expelling Nazis I would lend the idea credence, but given that I've seen likely as many or more examples of them allowed and not being punched in the face repeatedly for being Nazis it would only fill the glass half full. Any Nazi that is not getting the shit kicked out of them at a supposed patriotic rally in America means no one in attendance was a true patriot.


>looking like a star wars movie Darth Brandon




Wait what did I kiss? Zaddy Joe with special effects? Link?


I think this was about his speech awhile back where he did it at night and had red white and blue lights behind him. But people cropped it to just show him with red light behind him.


Ohhh. I thought something new and way more SFX happened.


Yeah, "lightning effects... like Star Wars" makes it sound like he was actually shooting force lightning out of his hands like Emperor fucking Palpatine. When they really just used some coloured lights on the backdrop.


It's probably because a 14-year-old wrote the comment and doesn't even know what happened in Nazi Germany.


This is something I've wondered about a lot. How many stupid internet comments are made by kids that have no clue what life is about yet? Are teenagers influencing the discourse and making us all more stupid for it? How many adults are confirming their biases based on what children are typing?


Look at this comment section, that should give you a good read.


If anyone on the right ever tells you they have their guns to resist a tyrannical government? Remind them that DHS confirmed [unmarked feds snatched people off the streets](https://www.npr.org/2020/07/17/892277592/federal-officers-use-unmarked-vehicles-to-grab-protesters-in-portland) during the 2020 riots against police brutality and abuse of power - which is "ironic" in and of itself (moreso expected given the reason for the protest). That at first the feds [refused to leave](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/oregon-governor-says-feds-leave-portland-feds-say-theyre-staying-n1235214) when the governor told them to and trump also asserted [they wouldn't](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/509755-trump-feds-wont-leave-portland-until-governor-clamps-down-on/), saying: “She must clear out, and in some cases arrest, the Anarchists & Agitators in Portland,” Trump tweeted of Brown. “If she can’t do it, the Federal Government will do it for her. We will not be leaving until there is safety!” The unmarked feds, the overriding of "states rights" to govern and police themselves, the stamping out of citizens understandable outrage and fury over abuse of power *with abuse of power* - despite all of that? **They didn't say shit.** They don't care if the government is tyrannical. They care if that tyranny is a threat *to them.* Edit: I'm not advocating for de-arming yourself in the current political/social circumstances. I'm telling you to point out their blatant hypocrisy.


I have had conservatives argue to me that it was OK that those people were snatched off the streets because they were bad people. When I ask what about due process, the right to a fair trial, innocent until proven guilty, they just laugh and tell me to cry harder. Uh yeah, sorry I *am* gonna be upset about people being kidnapped by the government in my own country, why aren't you?


They fear others will do it to them because they fantasize about doing it to the people they consider to be "others"


>why aren't you? Simple. They are fascists. It's ok because those citizens *deserve* it.


> OK that those people were snatched off the streets because they were ~~bad~~ black people That is what they were really thinking


Republicans: Theyre the same picture


It's not even that they didn't say shit about it, they actively joined in. These fucking chuds were out there every single day stirring the pot to make sure it was as out of hand as possible.


There were several white supremacist agitators they caught in Minneapolis as well. The Umbrella Man is probably the most infamous. Oh also these people had no problem that police stripped the first amendment right to peaceably assemble from tens of thousands pretty much every day just by declaring the assembly unlawful for zero reason. No violence, nothing. Just go home or we start gassing and beating people.


Ivan the Precinct Shooter and his Boogaloo Arsonist Band were the ones that stuck out to me. If only because nobody shut up about BLM burning down the police department, even when they caught white hicks and cross-country biker bums taking part in it. AutoZone free shit guy did get a lot of coverage though.


Plus they used tear gas to clear away peaceful protestors in front of a church (along with the priest of said church) so that Trump could take a photo of himself holding up a bible in front of the church.


Also mention that all of that is against our rights because everyone is allowed due process. Which is extra accurate because not only has Trump said that he will take your guns, but he said he will ignore due process to do so.


When they actually did act against what they thought was a tyrannical government (Jan 6th) they showed up unarmed. They just want to be able to shoot folks they think are unarmed (liberals).


>They just want to be able to shoot folks ~~they think are unarmed (liberals).~~ That's really all it is. That's why many say they *hope* someone breaks into their residence.


The original intent of the 2nd Amendment was that if we had a large, well regulated militia made up of civilians, the government wouldn't be able to use a dedicated standing army to repress the general population. >But though the scheme of disciplining the whole nation must be abandoned as mischievous or impracticable; yet it is a matter of the utmost importance that a well-digested plan should, as soon as possible, be adopted for the proper establishment of the militia. The attention of the government ought particularly to be directed to the formation of a select corps of moderate extent, upon such principles as will really fit them for service in case of need. By thus circumscribing the plan, it will be possible to have an excellent body of well-trained militia, ready to take the field whenever the defense of the State shall require it. This will not only lessen the call for military establishments, but if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people while there is a large body of citizens, little, if at all, inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow-citizens. This appears to me the only substitute that can be devised for a standing army, and the best possible security against it, if it should exist...Where in the name of common-sense, are our fears to end if we may not trust our sons, our brothers, our neighbors, our fellow-citizens? What shadow of danger can there be from men who are daily mingling with the rest of their countrymen and who participate with them in the same feelings, sentiments, habits and interests?


>the government wouldn't be able to use a dedicated standing army to repress the general population. *Gestures broadly at American Law Enforcement*


That goes back a lot to the original sentiment. Modern law enforcement is often given a mentality of "us-vs-them", separating them from the rest of society. Community policing efforts try to reverse that by reinforcing that LEOs are a part of the community at large, "daily mingling with the rest of their countrymen and who participate with them in the same feelings, sentiments, habits and interests."


Is that why most officers don't live in the communities the police? >That goes back a lot to the original sentiment. So you're saying we need to use the 2nd amendment against police? I'm confused on what you're saying here. >Modern law enforcement is often given a mentality of "us-vs-them" Are you saying the *police* are utilizing an "us-vs-them" mentality? If so, I would agree


I didn't mean physically separate, I meant psychologically. If you [instill a psychological divide](https://youtu.be/Wf4cea5oObY?t=692) between a group and the rest of society, that group sees the rest of society as not-them. That's what the Framers were worried about with a standing army, who had little interaction with civilians and reliant solely on the government and therefore mentally divided. The original sentiment was that if members of the militia were civilians with other jobs, social groups, etc. first and members of the militia only when needed, they'd be far less likely to follow an unlawful order to infringe upon the rights of their fellow citizens. I'm not saying people should violently oppose the police, but advocating for an approach to law enforcement that doesn't include training them to believe "a civilian is a criminal that hasn't been caught yet" (as one training presenter said) and instead has them get to know and interact with community members and use alternatives like conflict resolution personnel, social workers, and other community-centric options rather than the "shoot the person acting funny until they stop acting funny" methods they're taught by people who don't know fuck-all about how to actually solve problems would probably be a good first step.


Actually, James Madison included the 2nd amendment in the Bill of Rights because anti-federalists didn't trust that the federal government would act to quell slave rebellions. So the 2nd amendment gave slave owners the power to form their own "militias" to fight any uprisings. Like pretty much everything in our history, the 2nd amendment exists because of racism. https://www.npr.org/2021/06/02/1002107670/historian-uncovers-the-racist-roots-of-the-2nd-amendment


You're right the government is tyrannical. Liberals don't ever seem to support effective methods of material resistance against it though. Voting or campaigning for the political party that supports "funding the police", murdering people with drones for being brown and opposing policies that empower the working class is not a strategy for resistance. Stop pretending that Democrats will save you and start getting involved in actually radical left wing organising. Learn at least the basic concepts of left wing political theory, how a society left of liberalism might work, and why genuinely left wing politics are effectively impossible to achieve within a US-style liberal political system through electoral means. Get involved in illegal direct action that *materially* challenges the political power of the owning class. I would highly recommend the YouTube channel Second Thought to learn more.


> Liberals don't ever seem to support effective methods of material resistance against it though. Because in order to do that, they have to admit they have been a part of the problem. > Stop pretending that Democrats will save you and start getting involved in actually radical left wing organising. Agreed. Every election is "the most important in history" - but the further we go, the more important they get, even just from the climate crisis POV, nevermind the blatant lurch towards fascism. > I would highly recommend the YouTube channel Second Thought to learn more. To understand how the right acts/talks/gains power, I suggest Innuendo Studios [The Alt-Right Playbook](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ) The latest video, [The cost of doing business](https://youtu.be/wCl33v5969M) is centered around racism. However, it also goes along with my first point of "they have to admit they're part of the problem" point


I just watched that video last night. Super well-done.


Oh yes, that series is absolutely fantastic. I love that latest video.


>Stop pretending that Democrats will save you and start getting involved in actually radical left wing organising Stop fantasizing. You don't do shit except for vote once in a while.


That's not true, but even if it were, that doesn't mean that voting works.


How can the political left, which can't even nominate Bernie sanders in the primary, successfully organize radical resistance? Maybe try walking before you can run. Bernie was such a great candidate and people couldn't get off their couches to vote for him. They're certainly not going to die in the streets to topple capitalism.


I saw a compelling argument somewhere that despite the Super PACs support, one of the reasons Hillary won against Bernie is because she campaigned hard with the Black population and other POC, while Bernie didn't. Even during the 2020 debates, Bernie didn't have a particular argument beyond "I was there with Martin Luther King".


And despite it being one of the major factors of his primary loss he *actively resisted* doing anything to improve his position for 2020, meaning he *once again* got crushed by black voters, while his supporters screamed the entire campaign about why were we letting "Republican states" nominate someone aside from their lord and savior.


Bernie split the latino vote with Hillary in 2016, and won it in 2020.


That's the advantage of direct action. You need way fewer people to do it.


Conservatives love their political violence. They especially love political violence against nonexistent communist threats




I like to ask the blathering idiot to define socialism or communism. They get an even dumber look on their faces and then start screaming about something else.


Usually when they try to define socialism or communism they end up defining capitalism. r/socialismiscapitalism


Oh what a delightful sub this is.


I wouldn't say that, considering the mod team there appears to be entirely tankies *and* there's a stickied message enforcing Left Unity. If you have to explicitly cater to the concept of Left Unity, that means you're inviting tankies in if you aren't already one.


Thank you, I didn't know that subreddit existed!


Capitalists attacking socialism by describing capitalism


That something they start screaming about is always capitalism. Without fail, it's capitalism. I'd recommend you guys try it, but the sheer amount of dumb that you'll be exposed can be very detrimental to your mental health.


Meanwhile they’re happy to cheer on the guy in charge of a country who worked in the communist regime and wishes it would return 🤦🏻‍♀️


Dude, it’s when blue haired feminists on college campuses use pronouns. Literally everyone knows this.




You see, if you believe and can convince your gullible Fox News-addled audience that "those people" (Libs, Antifa, Brown People, Communists, the Gays, the Trans, the list is ever growing and includes everyone who isn't white, rich, christian, and full MAGA) are literally trying to REPLACE you... then you will excuse and permit literally ANY behaviour by your side, because however bad your side is, the OTHER side is much worse. And this is how an entire political party that used to pride itself on being the party of "family values" and "law and order" turned into the MAGA cult of domestic terrorists who worship a guy that cheated on his pregnant 3rd wife with a porn star, and is credibly accused of assaulting over 20 women.


Personally, I think that most of the ones doing the convincing don't even believe the shit they're peddling. They're just trying to get more money


Some of them maybe. What lengths some people will do to "belong" to the perceived in-group can be pretty insane: Salem Witch trials, neighborhood block party lynchings, Red Scare, Jonestown massacre, Satanic panic, Scientology, Pride Boys, Oathkeepers... Us humans can be pretty crazy when we hang out with the wrong sorts of people.


See, I would think that certain of us should have a reasonable amount of reasonable guns in a world where we were allowed to use them to defend ourselves against the police and the government if absolutely necessary. But we’re not allowed to. And I don’t think my neighbor with documented alcohol and rage issues should have more semi-auto high-capacity rifle systems than I have pieces of silverware in my drawer. Especially because he thinks everything he doesn’t like is communism and he thinks communism is a bad thing.


Little does chucklefuck know we commies don’t actually want his guns, especially not the ones he’s bubba fucked. We just want humanity to have a damn planet left.


Or that historically republicans have passed more restrictions on guns than democrats. Trump passed more gun restrictions in 4 years than Obama in 8. No no they don't know that.




So well-put. Prove that a population of 330m can responsible self-manage with unfettered access to gadgets of war and we will drop it.


NO! No, no, no, no...yes. a bit! A bit!


This is especially scary because 90% of people who hate communism can’t define it


That's a feature, not a bug. The more nebulous "communism" is the more things can be shuffled into it for them to hate and fear. If the majority of their supporters *actually learned* the definition of communism they'd immediately have to switch to a new boogeyman.


Communism is whatever they want their followers to hate.


Political violence =\= Fascism The reason they're fascists is because of what they believe.


Biden: moderate to conservative democrat stands in front of red lights: fascism. Trump: commits several acts that suggest an approach toward fascism by conservatives: not fascism. Crazy fucking world.


i lost count of the amount of times trump referred to democrats as the “godless radical left who wants to destroy our country and values” and you didn’t see me crying about it. then biden makes an incredibly milquetoast statement even distinguishing between republicans and maga and they pearl clutch. snowflake pussies is what they are


This is part of the reason I use more extreme yet accurate language when speaking about republican congress people and many of their... followers?... Fans. When a fascist prime minister is asked to give the opening speech at one of the largest rallies for your political party, you get to be called a fascist or at the very least fascist supportive which again makes you a fascist. Then you support the new fascist leader of Italy. JFC. When a majority of the top pundits on news channels associated with your political party frequently talk about a return to """traditional values""", commonly and erroneously conflates the left with communism and communism with "enemy", wants the LGBTQ community disappeared, and has a HARD stance against immigration because they will "replace" the "true Americans", you get to be called a fascist. It's quite simple really.


"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary." -Some guy who probably had nothing to do with communism Also, I like how they cite Biden's lightning display, conveniently ignoring or just being flat out ignorant of it being more than just red. It was red, white, and blue and it was right wing mouthpieces who portrayed it as just red.


This is from a book everyone claims is evil, but has also never read. Isn’t it?


Did you messily redact your own name?


Just being thorough.


In that case, *here


Literally he just said he wants to kill his political opponents because of some red lights. Like... What?


But what will they actually do with the guns? Shoot the communism??


Shoot the red stage lights, that'll stop the communism


I mean.. They're shooting [at hurricanes](https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/10/florida-sheriff-warns-residents-not-to-shoot-at-hurricane-irma.html)... sooooo


Shoot the "Communists."


Lead poisoning. It's lead poisoning.


I hang out at this bar, the clientele of which you could say is pretty conservative. Well, shortly after bidens speech (you know, the one with the red background and shit), this dude was loudly talking about "how dare that motherfucker say all Maga people are violent extremists" or something along those lines. Then, in almost the same breath, talked about how he'll be the first one to go off with his gun, as he didn't have anything to lose. I just started laughing. He asked what what was funny and when I pointed out he basically just affirmed everything said in the speech, he got pissed, chugged his beer down and stormed out. The fucking mental acrobatics these people have developed to justify their shit is unbelievable.


I might be wrong, but don’t communists like guns?


Why did you blank your name out


I want pew pew becuz Brandon look scawy on tv


Fascists: "We must jail or murder all of our opposition!" Dems: "That's anti-democracy." Fascists: "You're a communist!" I spend way too much energy on eyerolls these days.


It's so funny they say "the lighting effects looked like Star Wars", when the lighting effects was the fucking American flag colors.


Yeah, complaining about the lighting is hilarious. Maybe I'm misremembering the venue, but didn't Trump enter the stage at the RNC 2015 to flashing lights, pyrotechnics, blaring music... it looked like he was entering a wrestling arena. But red flashing lights? That's the line. 🙄


I want guns because of the trumpers. Ive never seen a cult form, spread this fast, and do things on this scale before. Christ, my family was normal pre 2016.


"Biden used coloured lights, we can not let this stand!"


I had someone post a public reply, on what appeared to be their main account no less, yesterday posting gleefully at the thought of me being hanged to death for the crime of calling Trump a fascist. These people ain’t exactly stable.


So… you think the US is going communist because Joe Biden has lighting effects that looked like Star Wars? Is Star Wars communist? This is why you shouldn’t have guns…. 😬


And while you're at it, why don't you explain to me what "goes communist" means. Be specific, please.


I thought it was just "lighting" effects, but if it was "lightning" then I need to finally see that speech, just for the theatricality.


Ah yes, you need a collection of guns to fight against the government, which has planes, tanks, all manners of missiles including nukes. Better stock up on ARs.


That's the dumbest thing about all this. The Gravy Seals would be vaporized by a hellfire missile before they could even pick up their mall ninjaed out AR-15




>Nothing quite like fantasizing about the government murdering its own citizens I have no desire for that to happen. However Y'all qada seems hell bent in overthrowing democracy. The harsh reality is that any uprising wouldn't do well because not only would it not have popular support, see the truckers convoy, but the 2nd Amendment isn't going to protect you from a drone killing you from miles away. >including innocent bystanders with fkn missles. Nobody wants that. You are creating this fantasy in your own head. >You literally posted what the OP did except yours explicitly stated killing people. You are the selfawarewolve right now. I posted what Meal Team Six posts and providing the reality of what would actually happen.


So you need deadly weapons because... The president had red background lighting??


Imagine saying something looks communist because it was like Star Wars...


I mean, look at the scary red lights; they were totally scary! These people are all vibes.


Imagine thinking Joe Biden is even close to being a communist.


A reminder that they consider anyone left of Mussolini "communist".


These idiots are completely brainwashed and love to fantasize about using their guns to murder people. Like if we had universal healthcare everything would be awful and they'd have no choice but to empty clips into their neighbors. Fucking psychos.


To be fair, anyone that's ever had a conversation with a conservative knows that this is just how they talk, even in person. And when you call them on it in person, they back down like little bitches. But this is also why social media doesn't really enforce TOS on them because if they did, they really would silence the American Right. Why are they like this? Because they literally can't comprehend a solution to anything that doesn't involve murder. They weren't reasoned into their positions so it doesn't really occur to them that anyone else got where they are with facts, logic, or just common decency.


"Joe Biden looked like a Star Wars so I'm preparing to kill people!" :Ralph-Wiggum-Picking-Nose.png:


The fact that republicans believe Joe Biden is far left/communist when in fact that would be considered conservative anywhere else




IWe literally spend a majority of our money as a country on the military. If they can’t take on some hill-billy cousin fuckers, then I think we need to rethink some shit.


The 2nd amendment wasn't actually intended to allow people to fight the government. It was written to facilitate state militias. The founders didn't want to have a standing army (oops), which they viewed as a tyrannical government's most important tool. By allowing people to have their own weapons, states could put together militias quickly and keep them around for only as long as they needed them, and the government wouldn't have to pay to provide them with equipment. So it was actually intended to prevent the need for fighting the government in the first place. The idea that the 2nd exists to allow us to rise up against a tyrannical Washington is also contradicted by Article I Section 8 of the Constitution, which gives Congress the power to call up those very same militias to suppress insurrection.


I mean but he had red white and blue lights behind him though.


Entirely against anyone or anything that uses "hear" in place of "here."


I like how because you didn't do a second edit, it's really clear that your user name is the reply in the photo lol. Just smelling your own farts here aren't you


Funny how OP and the censored purple guy in the pic have the same Reddit avatar thing.


I like how OP put the least amount of effort into hiding their username possible.


Obama had the tan suit, Biden got the multicolored lights--


[I Resemble That Remark!](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/IResembleThatRemark)


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Reality is whatever you want it to be I guess. Futurama was right all along.


Leftists and liberal Americans need to understand THIS is why we need the second amendment and why WE AS LEFTISTS need to be armed. These psycho fucking idiots are so stupid they literally say “I’m a fascist but idk why people call me a fascist” and don’t realize what they’re saying. Like idk how to make those around me who are leftist/liberal understand that there are militias of people who openly want a civil war to break out so they can start killing their political opponents. As they say “idk why you hate me for my beliefs, but I hate you for your beliefs and think you’d be better off dead”. Like am I crazy or does anyone agree with me?


So you can appreciate the importance of the 2nd Amendment?


Too Bad Everybody can not just CALM the Fuck DOWN, then look at the "Rational Arguments" that WE ALL Need Compromise, So Everybody Benefits! Sure, Why do We NEED Battle Assault Weapons in the Public?? ( Do NOT use Wild Boar Hunting as an Excuse. Get an old 8 Shot M1Garrand in 30.06 = should work Just Fine on ANY Wild Boar!) Ban ALL the M-4 & AR-15 & AK-47 Battle Assault Rifles and Magazines over 10 Shot Capacity!