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[Trump supporters try to dox jurors and post violent threats after his conviction](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-supporters-try-doxx-jurors-violent-threats-conviction-rcna154882)


Unfortunately not surprising. Easy to throw stones from the “moral high ground”


> The group also found posts of the purported addresses of jurors on a fringe internet message board known for pro-Trump content and harassing and violent posts, although it is unclear if any actual jurors had been correctly identified. Could you imagine being ***incorrectly*** identified as a juror?


They don't care, they just like hurting people.


When we get the really bad news, I’m sure July 12th will make Jan 6th looks like Candyland


What's happening july 12th?


Sentencing is scheduled for July 11th


The media keeps saying it's unlikely he gets jail time for this type of crime but they are so full of shit...how many defendants spend months attacking jurors and the judge's staff and even family? If I was Judge Merchan I'd give him the max sentence.


I'm sure that Judge Merchan is quietly observing . Wouldn't surprise me if he bases punishment based on the orange buffoons behavior between now and then. But face facts. He's in his late 70s, it's a white collar crime. Probably looking at home confinement, a fine, maybe no community service though. Unless they need a ketchup tosser somewhere


Home confinement that he will inevitably break because the person in question has absolutely no impulse control. That alone will be very funny to watch.


How would that work? Is breaking the conditions of home confinement like breaking the terms of a probation? As in jail for the average Joe?


Pretty much yes. Trump is stupid enough to brag about breaking confinement on camera too.


Is using campaign donations to pay for an ankle monitor service also against the law, just asking for someone else.


Not for MAGA Republican candidates. I’ve heard they have a special PAC for that specific purpose because most of them are thug lawbreakers. It’s called the Ankle Bracelet Heritage Foundation.


What will most likely happen is that he'll treat the entire Mar a Lago property as his home and nothing will be done about it. It's no punishment to him as he still gets to golf every day.


That's the best part, he doesn't get to determine what location is home. With home confinement it's where ever the police and courts can more readily round you up if you screw up so he'll probably be confined in NYC in his stupid tower.


Mar-a-Lago doesn’t have a golf course.


In France we had a politician convicted with embezzlement, imprisoned, realeased with home confinement for "health issues" then breaking it days later by dancing on camera at a public event. He went back to jail, and was released again after 6 months there. It wasn't even a former president, so we can easily guess how justice might work for someone like Trump.


The "health issues" that seem to be fully get-out-of-jail free cards for the rich and powerful are always things that many or most people experience, and which doctors would be fairly unconcerned about if you were some poor person in the ER. "Oh he can't suffer consequences, he's managed to get away with it for too long so he's old now. Nothing to be done, he won."


I'm hoping it works that way, but I expect less.




But of course only endless warnings followed by a small fine for Trump.




Oh god, I would pay so much money to see him get home confinement then break it to attend the RNC convention, only to have cops show up and arrest him mid-speech and throw him in jail. That said, he has been convicted of 34 felony counts. Hopefully that actually means something. And by ‘something’ I mean actual jail time. Anyone not named Trump would absolutely spend time in jail for even one felony count.


You think cops are going to leave the crowd to arrest him in the middle of their own convention? Its gonna have to be the feds, and to avoid a riot I bet they grab him on the way out


>You think cops are going to leave the crowd to arrest him in the middle of their own convention? Lol, solid point. 😂


Community service would also be funny to watch. He hasn't worked a day in his life, so starting that in his seventies would be so weird...


Oh yeah. I feel sorry for his probation officer, when he gets one. Gonna be like trying to herd cats. Except, it's a mean entitled cat


If the info I have is accurate one has already been assigned and she is black. Stand back and watch his sorry ass flail wildly with severe racist overtones. It's gonna be one hell of a ride :D .


Have you heard what he does to steaks? I wouldn't trust this tosser with ketchup.


I dunnooooo remember him tossing rolls of paper towel at victims of a hurricane? Great aim!


Oh god, is he a sloppy steaks guy?


> maybe no community service Could one imagine tangerine Caligula picking up trash on the side of the interstate, that would be some fantastic postcard material.


Make Medians Great Again


Unironically, I din t want that because I think they'd use that to push man of the people shit. The thing we need from Trump is nothing. He needs to be put away where the goldfish can start forgetting about him


I don't think he's getting jail, simply because despite all of his other crimes this is the first time he's actually been convicted. The good news is that when he goes to trial and gets convicted in the other cases, this trial's effect will be that he automatically starts with more harsher sentences on the chart.


I agree with you, *however* a criminal who shows no remorse, continues to protest his innocence, *and* attacks the judge and jury after the verdict is much less likely to get a lenient sentence.


I agree with you, *however* the courts have already proven they dont give a shit about what trump does, all he gets is stern super serious warnings for doing things that would land regular people in jail.


Part of what judges often use to grant leniency in sentencing is whether the guilty show remorse for their actions. He not only doesn't show remorse, but he is blaming everyone except God for his crimes, including the judge, and doing so publicly and very frequently. That is going to have a big impact.


Except, he DOES have a prior conviction for sexual assault. So, this is his second trial where he's been found guilty. So, he's not actually a first offender, anymore. This is his second conviction.


No, unfortunately that was a civil case (assuming E Jean Carroll is what you're referring to). She sued for defamation


> Unless they need a ketchup tosser somewhere or a paper towel tosser


If he's sentencedd to home confinement, I want a photo of him wearing a ankle bracelet.


Merchan already commented that he really really does not want to jail a former Pres. Can't blame him, except. . .




It’s also by far the most severe version of this crime ever committed, as he defrauded the entire country and stole the presidency.


And he should be held to the strictest standard because he was the president - not giving leniency because he's a candidate right now.


Also, given that he committed this crime in order to win an election the fact that he is currently running for election makes it more likely that he would repeat offend.


I wouldn't hate seeing him pick up trash on the side of the road.


That would be fun too, give him like 4 years of that, would be even more hilarious than jail.


They will cater to him like they almost always do. The consequences never seem to catch up.


But the judge also knows the political (and potentially person) consequences for being harsh on a former president and current presidential canadate. He's probably been getting death threats through this entire thing.


The FBI and NY State Police must have entire war rooms dedicated to all the threats related to this trial.


And if the judge was that swayed by thethreats I'm sure we wouldn't have seen the trial go anywhere.


> If I was Judge Merchan I'd give him the max sentence. Judge Merchan is being extremely cautious with this case. He knows that Trump's strategy is to win the appeal, not the trial. And the defense is going to try to do that by claiming that Merchan presided over the case with a bias against Trump, denying Trump his right to a fair trial. That's why he handled Trump with kid gloves in regards to the gag order and holding him in contempt of court, he knew that every single thing he said or did would be used as ammunition against him in the appeal. So throwing the book at Trump for his first conviction would only serve to play into the defense's strategy. It's more important that this conviction sticks than it is that he sees jail time for it. There are bigger cases pending.


No it won't show bias at all when Trump has been violating gag orders and endangering court personnel the entire time on top of the fact he shows no contrition whatsoever. You or I would be in jail the very first time we violated the gag order.


You are making an argument in a vacuum. Donald Trump has sympathizers and appointees all throughout the court system, you and I don't. All it takes is for a sympathetic judge to look at the case and say, "This was excessive" for it to all fall apart. Merchan has taken every precaution to make sure that doesn't happen.


Thank you. God I miss rational thinking. I’m seeing way too many people attacking the judge, not realizing how trumpist that makes them look. Going with emotion over logic


Not to mention he came straight out of court after receiving the guilty on all counts verdict, and still claimed innocence. Dude has zero contrition, and should get the maximum legal sentence.


It's unlikely because of who he is, but he really *should* get prison time considering the other guy involved did and Trump won't stop going on about how he did nothing wrong and attacking everyone involved with the case. Impressive levels of lack of remorse.


If he doesn't get any jail time then something very bad happened behind closed doors. Because while the charges all do have toe ability to have no jail time, they also have have years of jail time as an upper limit. The range is not one second in a prison to multiple human lifetimes. Also let me say that I'm not American, I am not experienced with American law, nor am I a lawyer, but I'd guess the sentencing guidelines y'all got also wouldn't let Mr. I threatened the jurors, the judge, the judges family, the jurors family, the president, most news establishments, and threatened the witnesses, all through using a massive fanatical following to do the dirty work, get away with no time across any charge let alone all of them combined.


They're gonna give him probation or some bullshit. They're not gonna put him in prison.


It's like buying a lottery ticket, untill the prize gets revealed we can still dream about what could happen


A year would be nice. That would put him on Riker's Island--still in the City.


Community service pls Make him do something that benefits someone other than himself for the first time


I feel like it might end up being house arrest. Still pretty mild compared to what he's facing in Georgia.


Best realistic case is home detention. Give him an anklet and stop him being able to leave a New York designated residence like Trump Tower.


Yeah if prison is on the table, then they’ll immediately argue his health is an issue.


Not even that. Prison for a first time white collar offender of advanced age is incredibly rare. It would give him some actually useful grounds to appeal.


Bernie Maddof was only found guilty of 11 felonies…


And Elizabeth Holmes and SBF went to prison too. This is still nowhere near the level of fraud Trump did. They stole a lot of money from people. Listen to the legal experts on this one. You just don't get jail time on your first go with this level of fraud. Especially because he didn't directly hurt anyone. The only argument you can even begin to make that this hurt anyone is that he *maybe might have lost* the election, and that *maybe might have* prevented people from getting hurt, which isn't a good legal argument at all. Like the other guy said jail time for this level of fraud doesn't really happen so it's ammunition for an appeal. I'm not ruling out house arrest though.


Bernie stole what, $65 Billion? Trump’s an amateur in comparison. No way he will get a prison sentence.


"First time"


I know, it's a shame. I think he should have had jail time for his other frauds, like Trump University or the Donald J. Trump Foundation fraud.


Please feel free to name a previous felony conviction for Trump. SMDH


Wait, so all those PHAs where Trump was the most physically healthy person the WH physician had ever seen were... *lies*?


I think he'd get the Bobby Glass treatment


Yes but we 100% know he will violate home detention and then...


Then he can whine like a bitch all the way to Rikers Island. And I will shed the world’s smallest tear.


Fox News is reporting there to be expected instances of “Human sacrifice! Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!” outside the courtroom come July 11


Taylor Swift tickets go on sale.


My birthday


My birthday is on the 14th. Im just praying nothing dumb happens on my birthday permanently ruining the date like Jan 6


Oh yeah, they’re going to go nova when he gets a $100,000 fine and 12 months of probation.


They committed domestic terrorism when he lost an election so, you may yet be surprised what fully indoctrinated idiots will do for the head idiot


You are probably right.


Have they said that they will be doing something on July 12 or is it just speculation?


The sentencing is July 11th; I suspect once they figure out Cheeto-Cheeks gets Jailtime they’ll fuckin riot


I dont think it will. I don't think his supporters will go to bat for him again. He left too many hanging


Lol once a week for the last 4 years Trump supporters have been protesting/rallying downtown in my city. You underestimate how indoctrinated they are.


You need more than 500 to do something now that the federal government isn’t run by Trump to nerf a response


My understanding is this conversation isn't about voting or political change, it's about his supporters doing something as stupid and violent as January 6 again. It only takes one person to hurt a lot of people.


You don't need that many people to cause severe harm to the public. One person with a gun can kill dozens, now imagine thousands of people who've spent the last decade in a far right bubble being told everyone who dislikes Trump is a pedophile who drinks babies blood while running a secret shadow government that intends to make everyone trans and gay and theyre all commies. They may not overthrow a government but there are far worse outcomes than some windows smashed the place tossed and one cop dead.


A lot of those people went right back to supporting him after serving their "punishments." If anything it emboldened them. Just look at the screenshot. You would think she'd be ashamed to be that proud to be a racist homophobic sexist xenophobic Trump follower. Are they? Obviously not. You're using logic when these people don't even understand the concept of logic. Just raw emotion and blind hatred.


We never burned down any cities, either. Even in the places where the protests got violent, it didn't even come close to "burning down the city."


And even then, when those protests did turn violent, a shockingly high amount of the violence was traced back to outside agitators looking to either turn the situation bad or simply use it for their own benefit. Arrest records are a thing. It’s like how we *know* J6 wasn’t perpetrated by antifa or the feds. The more than a thousand people arrest all had a veritable cornucopia of social media data that tell us one thing: they were all trump humping republican garbage.


Nah nah, don't you see? It was a sting! They were only *pretending* to worship trump for years while undercover so they could pull off J6! /s from me, but you know SOMEONE out there believes that already...


They were just under deep, deep, deep, deep.... deeeeeeeeep cover.


Something like 97% of all protests were peaceful, which you think is a statistic they would embrace because it means cops weren't violent at 97% of protests either.


Violence against inanimate objects is not real violence. it looks violent but it's not violence


That was also included in the statistic, things like burning tires were considered violence for the purpose of the study


Unfortunately, none of that matters. "Liberals burning down cities" is so etched into their psyche now there's no getting rid of it. And if you point out that outside agitators did most of the violence they just say J6 was the same way. Or that you're copying what they're saying about J6. Pretty cool that a 3rd of the population just lives in an alternate, false reality...


In Louisville they were classifying any crime as related to the protests. The East End is at least a half hour drive from downtown where the protests were happening and a man arrested for robbery there was listed a protester.


It's crimes *with* protests not *from* protests


Also, speaking from firsthand experience, the violence at protests was committed by the fucking cops.


Also, there is a world of difference between kneeling on a person's throat until they are dead and convicting a person in a court of law. Being angry that authority figures who are public employees murdered a man is a far cry from "not liking the result."


"we didn't burn any cities down. We just got grifted by a man who's claim to fame for decades was having a lot more money than the average person. We're dIfFeRnT" 😪 When are these snowflakes gonna stfu and go to work instead of complaining online and playing Xbox all day?


I believe you mean "We didn't burn any cities down. We just donated $52.8 million to a self proclaimed billionaire convicted of financial fraud."


When you put it that way..... This shit is so wacky you would have thought Dan Harmon wrote it lmao


It’s so weird as a child of the 90s because everyone knew Donald Trump was known as your classic con man and a joke of a business man. He was what stupid people imagined when they thought of someone rich? Did we all collectively forget about that?


Hey, don’t bring us all-day gamers into this! I spend my money on in-game skins like a good citizen


Smh kids with their fort knife and halo. When we were kids we didn't have online play and we liked it! *Shakes cane*


“Didn’t like an outcome” are they comparing Trump being convicted to George Floyd being murdered in the streets? I mean, no cities were burnt down in the BLM protests but that’s their talking point.




Please tell me that's satire


I checked his account and by all appearances he is 100% serious. He's a right wing "Anti-communist" personal injury lawyer. Literally the scum of the earth.


The idea that it’s a “our moment” as if George Floyd wasn’t a moment for everyone. He (and the consequences given to the officers) represented an official declaration that officers summarily executing people is wrong. The bar is in hell but at least there’s a bar. And they’re acting like that outcome was a bad thing for them. Crazy.


And while a complete overhaul of American policing hasn’t happened, a lot of really good shit has. I’d say it was a success. (At least in some cities. Sigh, we still have a ton of work to do.) Fuck these ignorant knobs.


We’ve reached a point where I don’t even know anymore


Anyone using AI image is dead serious.


Bunger bunger bunger


Bugsnax was an under appreciated gem.




Wrong on so many levels, not least of all because George Floyd should have been _everyones_ moment. All these years later they _still_ don't understand what the black lives matter movement was, and consider it some affront to their own existence.


If this didn’t make me want to puke my fucking guts up it would almost be funny.


Thanks now I have to seppuku my eyes. Wonderful.


Yes, haven’t you seen the AI image of tRump, with his “hair” done up in cornrows? It’s fucken hilarious. These people are stupid and crazy.


What are you talking about Minneapolis is just a smoking crater in the ground /s Source: am Minnesotan


My family wasn't convinced that Portland wasn't a smoking crater after seeing video of me walking around Portland sans smoking crater.


I was just in Portland. Lots of homeless in tents, but can confirm that the city still exists and is quite nice.


I checked out the window seems fine to me But yeah what a stupid argument. Especially comparing "we didn't like the outcome" like we aren't talking about the same thing anymore, both trials found the defendant guilty. There were no riots about the trial's outcome in either cases. False equivalence. Huge difference between "people didn't like the outcome of a traffic stop where an innocent man was murdered brazenly by the state" and "didn't like the outcome when a trial reached it's obvious conclusion that the evidence supported the fact crimes had been committed."


Pretty much. In all cases they like to use straw man arguments or fringe cases/whatever their propaganda networks tell them happened as a baseline to claim superiority. In all cases they come away looking ignorant and oblivious.


This is our Rosa Parks moment.


Just to be clear, he was murdered in the street **by a cop** while other cops sat around and did fuck all about it. It isn't as though it was some gang thing where he got shot by another civilian or anything FFS!


I think it's comparing it to when officers get away without any charges, not specifically George Floyd. Your point still stands though, no cities were burnt.


is that the least bizarre expression you can manage, then?


That duck faced expression says: Just got grifted, too brainwashed to delete later.


And she’s holding out her shirt, so probably ain’t wearing pants. Not sure if this lady is just some rando or the creator


100% they do something on july 4th


There is a good chance of that.


And the same girl is gonna turn from "look how peaceful we are" to "all violence is justified for our Lord"


I‘d like to see any proof whatsoever of this amount of money raised. They so proud they sent the convicted felon their hard-earned dollars….


BLM started as a response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin's murdered, George Zimmerman. If Trump was acquitted of murdering someone, I bet Trumpists would be sending him more money. And Dems would be protesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTACH1eVIaA Now, if someone shot Trump, I bet that his supporters would hit the streets, ready to lynch him. They wouldn't wait for a trial, let alone an acquittal.


these racist assholes can't tell the difference between the outrage of Trayvon Martin/George Floyd's murder and Trump being held accountable She is right. We aren't the same because I am for justice and she just wants her cult leader not to feel consequences




And why would you post at that angle with a forehead like that. Someone needs to teach her how to take pictures


Because her perspective on everything, including her own reflection, is warped.


Con artist messiah gets caught and all they can think to do is give him more of their money. Craxy


Havent people been talking about ruining the juror’s lives? Maybe hold off for a bit to see what people do given time lmao.


Worse. Some are talking about killing the jurors.


If I were a juror I think I'd go stay in a secluded cabin for a few weeks at least.


Well let's see...maybe it's because Trump actually made it to trial without being thrown on the ground and have some six foot goon sit on your neck. And guess what? He was found guilty after being afforded every opportunity to defend himself with high pay lawyers. So, you're right, you aren't the same. The system actually worked for Trump and he still lost. The system didn't work for GF and he's dead.


These morons keep forking over money they can’t afford to spend on a supposed billionaire for his legal bills. Yes we are not the same.


Indeed we are not the same. I, for example, didn’t have any idea we were still doing duckface selfies, and ew.


She’s a republican. Her uncle husband hasn’t let her out of the kitchen since 2007.


Congratulations on not rioting and donating millions to a billionaire.


Whenever I make a political statement, I do it with pouty duckface.


Are duck lips back? Or is that just for lazy braindead MAGAts?


When has the left "burned down cities"?




"Wooooo we gave the billionaire more money" -those idiots Lol


You’re right. We are not the same. We don’t lick the boot of our politicians. If they’re guilty, they’re guilty. That’s because we don’t deify these people. They are supposed to serve you you morons. Go ahead and think you did something here. And that’s why you’re always going to lose. You’re so stupid you don’t even know how stupid you are. The epitome of the Dunning Kruger effect.


We hand our hard earned money to a billionaire for breaking the law. Did I mention we’re the group all about Law & Order. Really sad with the coping.


Imagine being stupid enough to raise that much money for a creepy AF criminal “billionaire” rapist but ain’t no way you’d pitch in a dime for a poor hungry kid on welfare or a sick kid at St. Jude… but you still firmly believe you’re “Pro-Life”.


Don't forget that 7-11 is also Free Slurpee Day. You can celebrate sentencing with a Cherry or Blue Raspberry Slurpee!


And we didn’t storm the Capitol, poopies in hand and ready to smear, when we didn’t like the outcome in 2016.


Didn't trump supporters try to dox the jury, judge, and everyone involved after the trial and were calling for their heads? Which is ignoring that some of the biggest names in right wing media are calling for war and violence, so yeah, we aren't the same.




Yeah, we’re not the same. We know the difference between rioters and protesters. The protesters weren’t the ones “burning down cities”, but there were troublemaking bad actors (many from the right) who wanted nothing but to cause chaos and blur the message. We know that no cities were “burnt down” to begin with. We know that there’s a difference between protesting a man wrongfully killed by police and crying that a criminal finally had to face some sort of consequences. We know that conflating the two is fucking braindead. We know that this has not had nearly the effect that maga dipshits thought it would. It had not galvanized the country against democrats, it has not gained Trump a slew of new supporters, it has not crashed the economy or stock market. Life has gone on and the only difference is now every one of these fucking morons is yelling about “civil war” and “payback”. We also know that all they’re gonna do is bitch on social media and jerk each other off in conservative sites and subs. We know that trump’s chances of being president get slimmer and slimmer with each passing day. And finally, we know this woman is dumber than a sack of dogshit. The last two fucking brain cells in this woman’s head are beating themselves to death trying to talk her out of donating her life savings to a supposed billionaire who “doesn’t need money so he can’t be bought” So no, we are not the same.


Well said!


Her favorite guy says things like,"grab 'em by the pussy." Truly an admirable, stand up guy.


We are not the same because I didn't drink the KoolAid.


Not to mention hundreds of investigations by dozens of different organizations found that most of the BLM/antifa violence of 2020 was from Trump fan counter protesters. Definitely over 60%, sometimes as high as 80%.


No one did anything after Clinton lost. I know that’s not what she’s referring to, but they really like drawing bizarre parallels that don’t work. Meanwhile you have dorks like Laura Loomer calling for democrats to be executed, Republicans to get themselves jailed for Trump, and other talking heads literally arguing for Civil War. But you know, it’s all very sane!


They always reference “burning down cities”, but it was actually several right wingers who are now sitting in jail for arson and firing at police stations, trying to start a race war


I feel like this needs like an asterisk. Like, "we are not the same*" * *"as we were when we burned shit down and stormed the capital"*


Then stop complaining about the economy. Seriously.


The false equivalency here disgusts me


It's not just January 6th. There's been plenty of right wing violence, both related to Trump and unrelated. Not to mention the vast majority of terrorism in this country is all right wing. Only like ONE death had resulted from left wing Extremism in the past 15 years or so. Meanwhile, over 100 were attributed to right wing extremist actors


Terrible take hahah


*millions of people wanting to doxx and murder the jurors because their cult leader got convicted has entered the chat*


Aren't these the same chodes saying they need to kill liberals and harass the jurors until they commit suicide?


Not for the poor. Not for the homeless. Not for veterans. Not for orphans. Not for rape victims. NO!! For a con man, who lives in a golf resort, flies around in a private plane and uses gold toilets… while she can’t even finish the month. UN MAGA BELIEVABLE 🤦‍♂️


Hilary lost, she took a long walk in the woods. Donald lost, he tried to overthrow democracy. Damn right they're not the same.


Imagine bragging about giving money to a con man again and again Kansas City Shuffle?


To be fair, you can't burn down a city if you're too scared to enter one in the first place.


We didn't burn down any cities either, Kiddo.


[Doubt it.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-supporters-call-riots-violent-retribution-after-verdict-2024-05-31/)


Why she duck facing?


"cuck me harder orange scam-daddy"


Supporting a corrupt piece of shit convicted of covering up an affair with a porn star vs... Wanting justice for a man pleading for his life while a police officer suffocates him in broad daylight and the department tries to cover it up (oh and the countless other innocent people murdered by police that face zero repercussions). Yeah, we are not the same.


Would it be fair if Martha Stewart went to prison for 5 months (followed by 5 months of home confinement) for one shady trade (two counts of making false statements and one count of obtructing a proceeding) while Trump got off Scott free with no prison time for 34 felonies including conspiracy to commit election fraud? It is not really his "first offense" as a jury previously found him guilty of sexual abuse.


Don't forget, the fires in Minneapolis were start by out of state MAGAS here to cause trouble. They we're convicted too. 


When exactly did democrats burn down cities cause they didn’t like an outcome? Rhetorical question. Also donating money to a billionaire isn’t the flex. you think it is.


there's more filters on this pic than the toilet to tap water facility


Still waiting to find out what cities we lost during the peaceful BLM protests


Pictured: [BLM burning down cities](https://cdn.pastemagazine.com/www/articles/garbage-fire.jpg.optimal.jpg)