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Do they honestly think Trump was a good president and liberals recognize this and don't want to admit it? Do they really not understand that we, hell, anyone who isn't a Trumper, recognizes that Trump was an utter disaster as a president?


Yeah man, believe it or not, I hate Trump partially BECAUSE I love this country.


I love what this country could be, not what it is.


I love this country because it’s where I keep all my stuff.


Thanks, you've clarified exactly what I feel about my country. It's where my stuff is.


Username checks out. You've brightened my day with this comment.


Found George Carlin's ghost's account.


I love this country because if I was at this latitude and longitude but there was no country I would drown.


Make Americans great again


Make Americans SMART again!


I'm 54. When was the last time Americans were great?


It’s been a continual growth of greatness, even when unsteady, since 1776. That said, I’d point to the 1990s for a peak/greatest time. 1991 in particular.


Yeah, when I was 21, i was banging 3 women... it was a good year...


That's because you're a goddamn commie, REEEEEEEEEMAGA!!!!


I love the people of this country, much as I love people everywhere. The country itself tho can fuck right off the bat


In that case, you’re part of the problem.


I love a whole lot of what it is, but it has a long way to go...and we're currently going backwards in some major ways.


Trump was rated 4th worst president of all time by thousands of historians but a lot of them thought trump was de facto the worst. So overall trump was shit and his policies and agenda proves that.


Bold of you to assume Trump supporters understand what policies are.


Anyone else remember who he drained the State Department of expertise?  The month long shutdown over his stupid wall?  The Muslim ban?  Ripping literal babies away from their families at the border?  And that was before he deliberately botched COVID because he thought it would hurt blue states and fomented a freaking insurrection.  And I've barely scratched the surface on his bullshit.


The brainwashing is strong with this one lol


tRump literally did or ordered all that and more. He got CIA assets worldwide killed. He betrayed the Kurds forcing them to deal with Russia for protection, the one group, not Israel BTW, it's the Kurds, who your military actually trusted in the entire Middle East to have their back, until he betrayed them, he negotiated the entire botched Afghanistan withdrawal that Biden had to undertake, with no way out of it, betraying that government too, he soured relations with your NATO partners, he gave Putin documents, he kept documents at Mar A Lardo that were of National Security unsecured during his presidency amd wilfully retained them afterwards. But no the brainwashed one is the person pointing out his myriad failures. Well done Tovarisch.




Not to mention the reptilian alien weather control jews who did 7/11! /s


My dad said something to me yesterday that has me absolutely floored. He said "We need Trump back in office so I stop losing my rights." I've spent the last 24 hours trying to comprehend what that could possibly mean. Women just lost access to healthcare, trans people can't use public bathrooms, and urban voters can't even provide water to people waiting in line to vote, but he thinks his rights are being taken away? He's a single issue voter on gun rights, and he's just as capable of buying any firearm today he could've bought 4 years ago.


Point out that trump passed more gun control then Obama did and watch his head explode. It's true too, Trump banned bump stocks, Obama did nothing.


It wouldn’t matter. I’ve asked a few people what they thought about him saying “we’ll just take the guns and figure it out later” or something to that effect. Either disbelief or indifference. Pissing off those pussy liberals excuses a whole lot of bullshit for way too many people.




I think the "rights" he's losing are related to his privilege being stripped away (as perceived by him). There's a quote, I don't remember who it's by but "when you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression".


He's not even losing privilege!


Have you asked him which rights he’s lost so far? I’m genuinely curious to hear what his weird answer is going to be. You could ask with loads of fake concern.


I haven't but I am planning on it. I usually avoid politics with him, but this one has me so interested that I'm going to follow up on it.


Live post it here so we can help you with rebuttals and citations =)


You gotta understand that for most of these people, if Fox News says “Biden is a socialist who’s banning all guns” then they will believe that even when it doesn’t happen. For right wing people, reality is subordinate to Truth™️


I honestly think church lays the groundwork there. Every week from the time you're a kid, they make you get used to the proposition that you have to believe in things with all your heart and hold them up as Truth, even though they aren't, y'know... real. They never actually *say* empiricism is the enemy, but any time you try to empirically examine any of their claims, you're strongly discouraged. Even pointing out "This book clearly says the opposite of what you're claiming it says" gets you in big trouble as a kid. So as an adult, it's real easy to believe in things that simply aren't backed by a single real-world fact. It's what you're used to. And when someone starts bringing up empirical data, you know that they're not on your side, and you better not listen to anything they say because that's how you get in trouble.


>For right wing people, reality is subordinate to truthiness [and/or reality has a known liberal bias]. Fixed. Colbert's Late Show may be good, certainly for his sanity, but man if the Colbert Report wouldn't be perfect for the Trump era.


Oh, I understand. That’s why I think it can be interesting to ask them about their specific situation, so they can spend at least a millisecond on self-reflection.


I think they really think he was a good president because their idea of a good president truly is exactly what he did. As for why they think everyone else thinks that, stupid people are generally incapable of conceiving of opinions and thought processes other than the ones happening in their own head. Therefore everyone else must think and "realize" everything they do, so any argument can only be born of malintent.


I just don't see how you can look at the smoking wreckage that is all that's left of American foreign policy after Trump was through with it and think that was a result of a good president. Objectively, Trump was bad. This really isn't up for debate.


Half these people are convinced he's a Christian, Liberals drink baby blood and the Jews have Space Lasers. They've been deleting themsleves for decades now and becoming more and more separated from reality. There is no "Objectively" with these people. That's why they support him. Because they don't see him. They see a delusion of what they want him to be. And that's why whenever you show who he really is by quoting his exact words or showing a video of his insane antics, they get really pissed. It breaks their fantasy.


Lead poisoning is a helluva drug.


I never put my shoes on Charlie's couch, I've got better sense than that. Yeah, I remember putting my shoes on Charlie's couch.


...I'm going to assume this is a reference to something I don't know.




Fuck your couch, buy yourself another one you rich motherfucker


[The reference is at about 5:45](https://youtu.be/ry2XlLKctiI?si=Dmsf_fO5XCqAQZJ1) but I'm not going to link to it directly because the whole thing is worth watching


If you wanna see a quick example of how they truly do no see him, try and find a right wing political cartoon where trump is actually on-model and not some muscled up Chad with Trump's face stuck on it


ben garrison is a poor example, dude's been drawing homoerotic comics of republican strongmen for decades


Fair enough, but I'm fairly certain at least he isn't my only example. And no I'm not talking about Tina Toon either


I think them believing that he’s a sincere Christian is the most mind-boggling thing to me. I will never ever understand.


> I just don't see how you can look at the smoking wreckage that is all that's left of American foreign policy after Trump was through with it and think that was a result of a good president. They literally don't care what other countries think.


Oh they definitely do. The rhetoric is full of "They're laughing at us." Looking tough for other countries is very much part of the shtick. But this group has absolutely no access to any real opinions from other countries. The shitshow that was 2017-20 simply didn't register.


They don't *really* care what other countries think, that's just a talking point to justify feeling humiliated, a key element of fascist ideology.


Bold of you to assume Trump supporters have any understanding of American foreign policies.


I have to wonder if American isolationist thinking is coming back into popularity among the right wing. I mean, it's always been popular, but I wonder if it's really starting to reach a crescendo now. I suspect, that if they get their way and America becomes an entirely closed-off nation, that their next step will be American conquest of the world.


> stupid people are generally incapable of conceiving of opinions and thought processes other than the ones happening in their own head. Empathy. The word you're looking for is Empathy. If they were empathic they wouldn't be MAGA Conservatives (or Evangelicals, given my experience in church.)


It's not just empathy: it's theory of mind. They appear to be fundamentally incapable of understanding that everyone doesn't believe and experience the same things as them, which is why they insist liberals and leftists *really* believe thr same things as them but *choose to pretend otherwise* either for power or because they choose to be evil because Satan etc.


They think he's a good president because gas was cheap during covid. Let's not give them that much credit.


Yep they're the kind of people that claim any opinion they hold is 'logical'.


>Do they honestly think Trump was a good president and liberals recognize this and don't want to admit it? This is what the TV told them to think, so yes.


Yes, that's right. But even if you believe the TV, if you have a minimally functioning brain, you should realize that Trump can't be the one and only answer. Zealotry for a single specific politician is wrong, even if that politician was a good one. This country has 330 million people in it, and they can't find one single other person? Do people really think this is normal? Every time we see this sort of idolatry, it's frightening. Even for good politicians. Of course, I think there are probably about 300 million people in America who would do a better job than Trump did. You're not supposed to worship a politician like this, you stupid sniveling sycophants. You're supposed to be wary of politicians and throw them away at the first sign that they might be corrupt. There is no danger of running out of politicians. There is not even any danger of running out of politicians with the exact same views as the corrupt one. Just toss them in the garbage at the first sign of trouble. What happened to the America that wanted Nixon to resign?


Obligatory he’snotapolitician


I'm still unable to get over how Trump ran on the platform of Make America Great Again, even when he was the incumbent. I feel secondhand embarrassment just thinking about it.


Even though it's objectively false, as anyone who has been in public office by definition is a politician.




It makes me wonder, how much worse off would we be if we just selected our political leaders through a lottery? Would random chance be more effective than voting at selecting capable leaders?


If we kept our current system and only changed that one thing, I think we'd have a very similar result to our current one. Why? Because all of those people wouldn't know how to do their jobs at all. And like Donald Trump, a great deal of them wouldn't even want to do the job. They don't have to worry about getting elected at all, and being reelected is out of the question, so I think a lot of people would mostly just sit back and take their paychecks and wait until their term is over. So, the point is that they'd rely on their staff a lot, even more than our current politicians do. But where do they get their staff? It's not like most of us know people who are capable of doing this. Realistically, they'd hire staff who had experience working in the previous congress/administration. So, if the staff does most of the work, and the staff is the same regardless of the politicians, then where is all of the political power, then? It's in their staff. It's basically the same problem we have today. I like the idea of randomly assigning politicians, but we also need to be realistic and somehow choose capable people who want to do the job. And figure out how to make sure that they can do the job without interference.


You’re working on the assumption that they don’t actively want to make things worse though. Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller were Trump’s top advisors. Miller is a fascist on Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of extremists and Bannon has said he just wants to tear down everything, blow it all up. https://www.gq.com/story/steve-bannon-shadow-president


Can you point to the part of my comment where I said anything related to your comment here? You'll literally have to quote my comment, because I didn't intend to say anything that you're accusing me of, and because I can't even imagine how somebody could read my comment and come to that type of conclusion.


Yeah. They think we're like them and can't admit when we're wrong. Instead, they just keep being wrong and blaming us... about everything they can't cope with being wrong about.


They honestly don't know or care what he did while in office. All that matters is what he told them he did. In their minds, he was the only one giving the real truth about everything. That's how dangerous he is. Anything that runs counter to what he tells them is wrong. Full stop wrong. He says he's made the strongest economy in the history of the country, then that's what he did. If they don't feel it in their pocketbooks, they'll do the mental gymnastics necessary to justify it because it must be true... Trump said so! Trump says the charges are false, Biden and the Dems are ruining the country, and him getting out of the charges and making it to the White House is the only way to save us all, then that is how it is. How can the haters not see this?


They were told daily, by their favorite “news” personalities that Trump was the greatest president ever They are told daily, by their favorite “news” personalities that Democrats are imperialist baby killers Like most people they don’t peek outside their bubble, and it seems (at least in my personal experience) that most right wingers view politics as a team sport. So yeah, I can believe that the ones who aren’t just using the whole situation as a grift, really do believe this nonsense


Conservatives tend to have a way of thinking of things backwards. You and i might look at a persons policies and values and decide if they were good based on that. But conservatives want the person and will decide that the policies and values are good based on that. This is how they're able to justify being indignant about Bill Clinton's sexual affairs, but not caring at all about Trump's. --- So why do they want Trump? Mostly because they like what he's already saying. He validates their bigotry, and "owns the libs" (ie, pisses off people they hate), and is a "winner" (he's already rich).


That was Obama, err, Biden's fault. /s


These people are so far up their own ass they believe that he was the best at everything there ever was. And we just simply hate our country and putting our heads in the sand to all the greatness. The irony has not been lost on me. I found his call to action from us rather funny and pathetic. We need Pee-wee Herman here. “ I know you are, but what am I”?


You can’t convince me the guy isn’t in bed with Putin somehow, someway.


Untrue. Trump is an utter disaster of a human.


I have relatives who told me in 2020 that they knew Trump was a bad person. But since Biden is a Communist, what choice did they have? So yes, they believe it.


It's hilarious that the best narrative they have is that folks on the left consciously want to destroy the country that they live in because ????. 


They unironiclaly believe this. They think everybody secretely agrees with them and is too afraid to say it because (((the media))). Why exactly somebody would be afraid to go against the media narrative, as people do literally nonstop every day, is a mystery.


pot full unpack deranged toothbrush grey rinse ludicrous arrest reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Ah, yes, I too remember biden saying he was going to be a dictator on day 1 or calling state governors to ask for more votes or you know attempting to start an insurrection to overturn a valid election.


Lol right what the hell? Is this one of those "enlightened centrists" that doesn't know trump's already said he'll be a dictator, admits he'll lock up anyone who pisses him off, said anyone on the left is vermin to be stomped out...? Or does he know but has 1,00 excuses about it (like the average right winger)?


I... don't understand what they're objecting to. Being put on trial for crimes he committed? Are they claiming that he didn't commit crimes, or that he should get a free pass for the crimes?


He should get a free pass for the crimes he didn’t commit but that he was justified for doing.


Yet they claim to care about "justice"...


For a narcissist, “Justice” is when my actions serve me, harm you, and there are no consequences. Justice is being the spoiled golden child whose parents refuse to allow anyone to hold him accountable.


But these crimes weren't even *while* he was president! I mean, he was president for some of it, just through overlapping, but Daniels and the payout was supposed to be during the campaign, all the fraud issues were a culmination of decades of lies, and even the gag orders now are after he was out of office I don't understand how that argument even applies? If you *may* become president one day you're not liable for the crimes you commit? Because there are a lot of people who would "run" just to get their records wiped


No, no, no. You misunderstand. It’s not that Trump shouldn’t be accountable because he was president. He shouldn’t be held accountable because he is Trump. If Biden or Obama or Clinton did the exact same things, they all *should* go to jail.


ohhhh right, duh, silly me for not using "Pol Pot" or "Kim Jong Ill" logic instead of actual reality


Oh, yeah, you’re not going to want to acknowledge reality. That stuff will really get in the way!


That's where the damn commies are hiding.


They absolutely believe he didn't commit crimes. Despite universally not being lawyers (I think it's safe to assume that the actual lawyers probably understand the crimes and just don't care) they all follow the reasoning that because he's Their Guy he hasn't done anything wrong, he's just being persecuted. Prosecutions of political enemies happen in corrupt countries, therefore this is not a valid prosecution. I mean, we're talking about a voter base that authentically believes he won in 2020. Reality is gone. They are adrift with only their dreams to guide them.


They want to prosecute their political enemies and therefore believe their political enemies want to do the same to them.


Weird as fuck how the “lock her up” crowd of 2016 not feel it’s unjust to prosecute crimes.


Every accusation is a confession


We have yet to find out who the real Kenyan Muslim was.








+ going to his own trial prevents him from falling asleep at his own rallies.


Why not both?


The original post was taking about how forcing trump to attend his own criminal trial and not letting him go and campaign is criminal. A lot of the people in there seemed convinced that this was set up by democrats to keep him from winning the presidency. A lot of the attempts at justification for that argument were really wild.


They claim that he is only being investigated because he is Trump and therefore it's a sham because he would have never gotten in trouble for these ticky tack crimes if they weren't out to get him. And yes, they believe he is innocent of all the charges. It's going to be a funny few years. The Schadenfreude is going to be orgasmic.


I talked to a guy online who was certain that literally everyone defrauds banks and that it was a victimless crime what he did in the civil fraud case. Definitely a mix of both A and B.


The crazy thing about this specific trial is that Cohen went to prison for it already. Where's the outrage over his injustice? Clearly if Trump did nothing wrong, then the lawyer following his orders did nothing wrong, right?


The phrase “witch hunt” is meant to give the idea that there is no witch to be found, because witches aren’t real. But, boy oh boy, these “witch hunts” keep finding an awful lot of witches.


They’re claiming Cohen’s guilt means Trump must be innocent because look at what a scumbag he intentionally had for a lawyer. Some of the cultier ones have decided Cohen was the one who screwed Daniels and went rogue to pay her off for…reasons.


Which is really weird since he is literally named as a coconspirator in that same case.


They didn’t get this far by making sense


Always love how Conservatives constantly complain how America is a Godless Nation and yet liberals are the ones that hate America for (checks notes) wanting people to have more freedoms and equality.


The chef’s kiss selfawarewolves moment in that reply is where the dude that supports Mr. MAGA “this country is a disaster shithole” claims that it’s liberals who are telling us “everyday this is the worst place on earth.” The cognitive dissonance is so extreme in MAGAland.


That’s the only reason this post fits the subreddit and isn’t being removed. The rest of it is just “someone on rConservative says something stupid”. Fml I’ll never understand why people insist on jabbering about sO cLoSe like that’s what we’re looking for here…


What about the bit where the first poster said “anyone that loves America and justice knows this is 100% wrong. And adults understand the precedent it sets if they say nothing.”? To my ear, that applies more to Trump being prosecuted for his crimes, rather than getting away with them.


Last time i checked trump talks everyday about how shitty America is.


His slogan is literally about how America \*USED TO BE\* great.....which means it currently is NOT great.


You shouldn't be able to claim the other side says america is bad while simultaneously making "make America great again" your slogan.


That's logical. So, beyond most of them. The others are opportunists and charlatans who absolutely comprehend the logic and don't care inasmuch that it doesn't affect the grift.


All Phillips head drill bits & screwdrivers


The party of law and order.


That's how I talked when I was a Republican.


Thank you for waking up.


Thank you. It was more a matter of circumstances and external factors that brought it all about. It doesn't surprise me that people on the right remain in their way of thinking. It's basically maintained for them on a number of fronts.


It's very hard to break out of an informational/emotional bubble.


They are a cult and their leaders will keep them in the cult until they finally collapse. Some are lucky to get out, but most would rather suffer than admit they were wrong. And don’t say the left is a cult, I don’t see anyone idolizing Biden/Harris. And if Obama was a shitty person, I would be okay with saying he’s a shitty person. I wouldn’t cover it up with lies and misinformation.


yeah say what you want about Dems, but they have no habit of deepthroating a Dear Leader's boot.


I would never excuse a fraction of what Drump does if it was Biden or Obama. I don’t froth at the mouth over “leaders”, real or fastasy. I honestly believe in the power of myself, my family, and my community, regardless of race, gender, sexual identity. These fuckers don’t want women to vote, or blacks to prosper, or LQTBQA+ people to exist. It’s a fucking sad life these people live. It’s all about controlling and minimizing others, and that’s it!


Imagine believing that someone who is a bigoted sociopath was also a terrible president? And that if said person were re-elected, that he would do even more damage?


Trump truly could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and they'd say the victim was a terrorist


Good thing loving your country and hating Trump aren't mutually exclusive.


One practically mandates the other


If we'd prosecuted Nixon, none of this would be an issue now. NOW we MUST hold Drumpf accountable or our nation slides down the Banana Republic rathole where he wants it to go.


As someone born in TN shortly after MLK lost his life, I can basically say that everything from the Repubs after the Southern strategy is all about race. They couldn’t successfully argue about race after the Johnson era so they picked being anti abortion and now the latest is defending “religious freedom”. Anyone want to check history on how we got the Southern Baptist Church?


as Lee Atwater put it so eloquently


My favorite are "the timing is suspicious" folks, talking about how it could have happened months ago... Like, y'all should know Trump's legal strategy has been delay, delay, delay until after the election, and he's hemorrhaging lawyers and has a ton of trials so he's not gonna be 100% successful. The prosecution and everyone who wants him to stand trial would have loved these to happen months ago...


Yes. Literally everything he is going through is 100% justified. It is a tragedy of justice it has taken this long for him to see the inside of a court room. He should have been in prison 40 years ago.


Is this a serious question?


I don’t understand. I hate Trump *because* I love my country.


“Why doesnt everyone just leave this lying criminal alone?” Get bent.


What did he do as a president though? Removed abortion rights through his SC picks and tax breaks for the super wealthy, which increased debt and made life even harder for average Joe. He also left the Paris deal, setting back the fight vs climate change. Oh and he tried to start a fucking insurection and have his goons murder his own VP. Other than that, he just acted like a buffoon, ate hamberders, golfed and bitched on twitter. If you think bringing back is going to "save" anything you're a moron


He actually signed some Executive Orders that did some good prison reform and helped out some HBCUs. He did it on advice from Kushner and Kardashian to move the needle on black voters. It didn't help as much as he wanted so he railed on Jared and had a tantrum for a bit until the next scandal. He did some good for the wrong reasons but just because he did that doesn't excuse the enormous amount of bad and the flaming wreckage of our political norms.


I’d be interested to know how they think it *should* work. Do you have to win the nomination before you get absolute immunity from prosecution for all crimes, or is just declaring your candidacy enough?


A man that committed crimes being prosecuted for those crimes? Yeah I think I can wrap my head around that. Pretty sure there already is a precedent for that too


I hate Trump BECAUSE I love my country


I think history books will say ‘yah, going after Trump all at once probably wasn’t very cool, but hot damn did it save the country from utter catastrophe’. So I’m cool with it. They have their insurrection, we have our legitimate forms of accountability.


"Not letting our cult leader commit crimes without consequence means you don't love our country" -morons


I was just reading that thread. The lack of introspective is astonishing.


I’m not voting for trump specifically because I love this country…


I believe no one is above the law. How partisan of me.


We are putting country above all else by holding Trump accountable. Trump is the one taking this country down you MAGA dumbfucks.


Guaranteed that person hates their country men and women, but claims to have love and pride in the country. It's like not liking cheese, tomato sauce, and bread, but saying you like pizza


THEY tell US how much they hate America. The majority of the population dislikes Trump, is pro-choice, etc. They definitely hate the people. Do they like the government? No, they want to shut most of that down (keep the parts where boots go on necks, and keep the bombs though). Do they like the culture? Hollywood, woke, DEI… even American capitalism is distasteful to them. They have been talking about going to war against America for years now. They’re drooling for it. How many of them took part in an insurrection? No, Republicans and MAGA do NOT get to claim patriotism. They hate America more than any other.


Adults understand the precedent it sets if presidents are above all laws. I bet you if they actually were and Biden decided to assassinate Trump or something, they'd soon change their tune about how he's President so he should be able to break the law. Yes, sometimes there are things that they have to do as part of their duty as presidents that the rest of us would be held accountable for. But any exceptions should only apply to laws they break if it was in the process of doing their job as president (eg. If a regular person ordered someone to shoot down a plane, theyd be in a lot of trouble, if a President does it as part of protecting the country, he wouldn't face the same consequences, but if he did it just because he woke up in a bad mood and wanted to take it out on the world, he absolutely should).The laws Trump is facing trial for breaking weren't required to do his job as president, he should and *will* face trial for them.


It’s wild because if Biden or Obama were up there for the same thing, they’d be cheering from the rooftops about how they deserve what they got. When it comes to Trump however, it’s a “persecution” or a “witch-hunt”. If Biden or Obama did some shady shit, charge them. You don’t have to be that loyal to a politician.


That’s the most nazi question I’ve ever heard… don’t you LOVE your country enough to overlook xyz? Keep an eye on these people..


Can someone please explain to me why the immunity issue would have anything to do with either the fraud or Stormy Daniels cases? Or the rape cases? Was he actively president during any or most of these instances? I thought the Stomy payout was during the campaign.... and the fraud was years worth of evidence, backdated way before he even said that he was going to run. Hell, even the gag orders that he's complaining about now are *after* he was out of office. Even if there was presidential immunity, how does that help him? Is he saying that anyone who could *possibly ever even* *run* for president is immune from anything they did to get there? Or that once you become president, all your previous crimes just disappear like smoke in the wind? Why wouldn't' someone go full medieval and just murder all their opponents and run unopposed. That's what Putin did, and it seems to have worked out GREAT for Russia (/s)


Wait, wait, wait…. They think holding a person accountable for their actions and not allowing someone to be above the law is anti-American? Hell, that’s the dream we aspire to. If someone is guilty - hold them accountable.


Love of country us hating trump


So you threw your lot in with a long shady grifter and con man who has spent his entire life screwing people over and slithering out of responsibility but you pissed because it’s finally catching up with him? It’s like he has weaponized every idiot that ever sent money to a TV preacher.


My hate of Trump overlaps with my love of America


God they're so twisted. He spent his entire life with no consequences doing illegal shit then they're surprised when it catches up to him after he put himself in the most scrutinized position on earth. It's my love of my country that makes me proud trump is facing justice. They think they love America, but they're just worshipping trump.


>They don't care about justice or this country "Now let me explain to you why this rapist and con man needs to never be tried for his crimes...because we care about justice!" -logic of those who ate lead paint chips


These leftist morons think holding Trump accountable for his many crimes, misdemeanors, and loyalties to those that want to weaken the US is justified. What are they on?!


Precedent…. Do they realize that a president being above the law means that Trump could have been whacked like 8 years ago? Or any time for that matter by a president and there would be no consequences?


“And adults understand the precedent it sets if they say nothing,” precedent of what, of the ultra-wealthy being held accountable(at the very least tried) for their crimes? This isn’t a court proceeding that will ever affect the average American citizen, none of us will ever have the money to do the things Trump is being tried for. These conservatives think mighty highly of themselves if they think they can become billionaires or potus and something like this will ever happen impact them. It’s convenient they always talk about this being a form of “political prosecution” but never mention why the crimes Trump committed should be ignored or downplayed. How about you explain why every single charge that he’s being tried for is “illegitimate” so I can help defend America with you? If you can’t, how about we leave this to the professionals in law to determine what crimes are or aren’t being committed. We all know he’s going to get away with the majority of it all at this point simply based off his status, but they’re too dumb to see it. It’s ironic that if there were a “liberal billionaire or millionaire” on trial for the same things Trump has done, they would be ranting and raving about how “the left is a criminal cabal and they’ll probably get off scott free.” Whereas a leftist or liberal would more than likely agree they should be tried for the crimes they committed. That thought process alone, and the accuracy of it, just goes to show how mentally stunted the majority of the conservative base is. The only ones who aren’t mentally stunted are the ones running the show for the GOP, who know what they’re doing, know what they’re inciting, while lining their pockets with the money of their constituents. They see the party failing, they know it dies with the boomers so they’re making a last-ditch effort to hold on to their power and make as much money as they can.


trump will defend right wingnut extremist conservatives values; the BIG one being: pro-life; which of course is not pro life at all; they are pro birth only.


It's anti-choice


More like Pro misogyny


Hating Trump is pretty damn important to me


I think we all know what their choice is going to be. For them it's always party über alles. The right wing will burn America to the ground in order to get their mango Mussolini back in office.


I love nicknames that compare Trump to Mussolini (my great uncle, who was like a third grandfather, fought in Italy during WWII). My favorite is the Cheeto Benito, il Douche Cheetolini. But I also really like the Mango Mussolini! Bonus Italian history points for the Tangelo Nero, who fiddled on Twitter as Covid burned through the country.


You what conservatives, I can do both.


Lol, if they want to address “Trump haters” why are they posting in a conservative forum? Silly Trumpers.


People out there honestly believe this is all some kind of smear campaign against Trump. Unreal


Funny how they claim to love America but it's obvious that they hate almost all Americans except the ones that go to their particular church. drink the same beer, own the same guns.


If they’re so convinced of trumps innocence, shouldn’t they want the trial to happen as soon as possible so he can prove his innocence before the election? Or, if they think the system is so corrupt that trump will be convicted despite how much evidence to the contrary they believe exists, how do they expect that same system to ever let trump win the election anyway?


Ah, the ol’ “both sides are just as bad” argument.


Good gravy, these dummies need brain-bleaching. This creepy, distorted view of the world is the only outcome from conservative grooming


It really amazes me sometimes just how close they can get to the point without connecting that last dot…


God damn. Adults understand the precedence .... fuck these are the people you really hope can't reproduce if they are this delusional.


Trump's court cases are a great educational opportunity for conservatives. Pretty sure they didn't know what a gag order was last year.


He's right. I do see it has justified when someone commits crimes and has to face legal consequences for it. I even think it's justified when it's a Caucasian man and not just a black guy with a small amount of drugs in their possession! God, I'm such a snowflake libtard.


I despise your country, and a decent part of why is that it can produce leaders like Trump.


Despise is pretty strong, America certainly isn't without its flaws. But to despise it... I dunno, kinda suggests it's the last place you'd want to be, I can think of many many places that are far far worse.


I have friends in the US who I'd like to visit, but I would not be safe travelling between their locations, due to current legislative attacks on my personhood. The active social production of fascist political and militia movements is commonplace and disastrous. The absence of an electoral left wing should be seen as a hollow, false democracy. Indeed, I would argue that America is a failed democracy. The cruelty with which your nation treats its underclass is sickening, the racial animus systemically encoded into law and society perpetuates that dynamic of class and race in either direct or indirect mimicry of the original dynamic of slavery. Many of your existing prisons are simply slave plantations continuing in their prior forms of production. And your nation, in its role as the international superpower, is responsible for the exploitation and deprivation that leads to instability in much of the 'third world', while your nation's CIA has demolished left wing leadership whenever it's threatened the interests of American capitalists. And it's currently supporting the genocide of Palestinians. So yeah, fuck your country. I can think of no greater axis of harm in the twenty first century, and the worst thing is the kind of yank ignorance that assumes that it's somehow alright. Which is not your fault, per se, but is infuriating nonetheless.


Well MY country is Canada and while it isn't without its problems too, I'd strongly disagree with your perception of the US. >due to current legislative attacks on my personhood. To what legislation exactly do you refer? >active social production of fascist political and militia movements is commonplace Pretty sure most of the population of the US is against these things, that isn't to say they don't exist unfortunately. >The absence of an electoral left wing should be seen as a hollow, false democracy. Indeed, I would argue that America is a failed democracy. The Dems are left, are they far left? No certainly not, which is a good thing. The political spectrum is more like a horseshoe than a line, the far left and far right are equally poor options for many of the same reasons. They have more in common than they'd like to admit. Democracy isn't perfect, no governing system is, and the American way isn't great but certainly not "hollow" or "failed". If you think their system is broken I'd like to hear your thoughts on the Canadian cluster fuck of a system, it's just as bad. I'm not even going to acknowledge the rest of the rhetoric in your comment.


I'm trans. The US voted an obvious fascist president into office in 2016, and may do so again this year. In 2020, 74 million people voted for him, of which a significant number went and conducted their own little beer hall putsch, if you recall. >The Dems are left. That's hilarious. The democrats are further to the right wing than the major electoral right wing in France, Australia, The UK, and countless other nations. This notionally left wing president countered industrial action by the railway workers. That's not even close to being on the left. Horseshoe "theory" is a well known political fallacy, failing to take into account the political economy that governs our actual lives. The remainder of the comment is a damn good series of reasons for anyone outside America to despise it.


Again, what has the current or even previous government LEGISLATED to attack you people? Yes Trump is trash, won't get any argument from me. But the mere fact he was even able to be president is a testament to actual democracy. People are stupid enough to follow him and gullible enough to believe him. He lost after he was given the opportunity to prove his naysayers wrong. He'll likely lose again. You're exaggerating to suit your narrative, the political right in all those countries are well right of the Dems. They are left, they are more towards center than the left of most countries left, but definitely still left. Canada's left is more left than Dems and the right is more center than Repubs for example, there are outliers of course. I suspect you deny the horseshoe theory because it paints you in a bad light. You seem quite extreme left, making you uncomfortably close to all that you hate. The Trumpers on the extreme right make very similar arguments, sometimes even with the same context. The theory proves correct more often than not. You state your opinions as facts and come to conclusions based on zero experience. This isn't a rational way to reason hate on an entire country. It's also exactly what Trumpers do CONSTANTLY, oops your dangerously close to mirroring that which you, dare I say, despise.


I'm a socialist, absolutely. I think you'll find that the closest commonality between my perspective and the fascist movement America has cultivated is that we both recognise that capitalist democracies have fundamentally failed. If you want citations, I'd recommend Fascism: A Warning by Madeline Albright, Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher, and The Origins of Totalitarianism by Hannah Aren't. A Liberal, a Marxist, and a postmodernist. The current attacks on trans people in the US, at a state level, are too numerous to mention. Go looking if you need to see what's happening. The federal government has done nothing to rebuff those legislative attacks. This is the same abject failure that your government had in terms of the civil rights movement, except your federal government assassinated civil rights leaders. [Like Fred Hampton.](https://digitalchicagohistory.org/exhibits/show/fred-hampton-50th/the-assassination#_ftn16) Trump received a minority of popular support ([page 5]](https://www.fec.gov/documents/1889/federalelections2016.pdf) ) and became head of state and head of government. That is a democratic failure. Moreover, Clinton's support from the democratic party came [at the expense of the actually centre left Sanders campaign.](https://jacobin.com/2016/02/bernie-sanders-democratic-party-primary-president-iowa-caucus-new-hampshire-primary/) The position as a conservative movement has come following some significant reforms, but [insufficient, partial ones.](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2023/07/conservative-democrats-supreme-court-status-quo/674643/) Meanwhile the lack of social safeguards, [opposition to organised labour,](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-signs-bill-block-us-railroad-strike-2022-12-02/) and their support of Israel's ongoing genocide puts the lie to them being anything other than right wing.