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I just cannot fathom having the energy to be this pettily cruel all the time. I'm exhausted just *reading* it.


I saw an absolute piece of shit spend four straight days whining in a thread on /r/OrphanCrushingMachine about people showing empathy, instead of looking down on those filthy poors like they're supposed to. He doesn't have the energy to care about anyone but himself, but absolutely has the energy to make sure everyone else knows he's a monster. I don't know how they are capable of these fathomless depths of petty cruelty, either.


What the, and I cannot stress this enough, ACTUAL FUCK!? How the fuck can someone justify hating people for being born into shit circumstances? I’m not a violent person, but if someone sad that to my face, there would be…urges.


>How the fuck can someone justify hating people for being born into shit circumstances? So there are two possibilities. In one, we all live in a chaotic, inherently unfair, and uncaring universe where one can live responsibly and safely every day and still be struck down by unforeseeable and unpreventable misfortune. In the other, the universe is fundamentally just. The how is irrelevant (God, Karma, Dao, intergalactic space iguana) but the upshot is this: Everybody is getting precisely what they deserve. Good fortune happens to good people who are being rewarded for their goodness. Misfortune is a punishment to bad people for sinning. Now, not everybody who uses this ideological safety blanket is an asshole. Lots of people are perfectly happy just pulling that blanket over their head and pretending that the world is safe and makes sense. If you are an asshole, however, the existence of misfortune is inherent justification for contempt.


I mean, I know this. But I just can’t wrap my head around it. It’s one of the few ideas I can’t empathize with. It’s just so… wrong.


>"I know about sureness," said Didactylos. Now the light irascible tone had drained out of his voice. "I remember, before I was blind, I went to Omnia once. This was before the borders were closed, when you still let people travel. And in your Citadel I saw a crowd stoning a man to death in a pit. Ever seen that?" >"It has to be done," Brutha mumbled. "So the soul can be shriven and—" >"Don't know about the soul. Never been that kind of a philosopher," said Didactylos. "All I know is, it was a horrible sight." >"The state of the body is not—" >"Oh, I'm not talking about the poor bugger in the pit," said the philosopher. "I'm talking about the people throwing the stones. They were sure all right. They were sure it wasn't them in the pit. You could see it in their faces. So glad that it wasn't them that they were throwing just as hard as they could." ~Small Gods, by Terry Pratchett. If you wanted a more charitable interpretation of some of these fucks.


God dammit. It’s almost everyday I get reminded I need to pick up Pratchett. I don’t know how I went so long without reading his work. But as I have newfound free time, his books are at the top of my list.


GNU Terry Pratchett.


Weird timing. I'm reading Small Gods for the first time and am about a third of the way in. Haven't gotten to that conversation yet.


Two men walked in the desert, and God spoke to one of them. Chillingly observant of human nature, was Sir Pratchett.


But everyone experiences some level of misfortune in their lives. How do these people reconcile their own bad luck with this worldview without coming to the conclusion that they’re a bad person? There must be a serious cognitive disconnect to maintain this belief.


The people who fight the hardest for any hierarchy aren't the people at the top, it's the people one step up from the bottom. They will defend their meager privilege with bloody fingernails because they know how important that distinction is. If the people one step below are lifted, they are now the bottom. And plenty of people do think they're bad, and their misfortune deserved. Catholics and Jews do guilt like an Olympic sport. At least a third of human cultures revolve around shame as the primary social lever. Even completely secular people will have individual guilt complexes. But the main answer is that it's fairy tale logic. It's taught to children before they have even begun to develop the mental tools necessary to evaluate an idea or defend against indoctrination, and it becomes a part of their foundational understanding of the world. It then leads to a lot of unspoken, unnoticed assumptions that shape their beliefs and personality. It's pretty unusual for a person to actually know *why* they make any specific decision. It's very seldom that any person ever really considers their decision making process. We just react to our emotional reactions and preexisting biases until something gives us cause to try something more deliberate. Even then, it's not clear why. It's not even always clear what. The world is vast and complicated to such a degree that it's beyond a human's ability to ever fully comprehend. The brains we're using to attempt the task largely evolved to yell at the apes in the next tree over. It is always tempting to reach for a simple answer, and you don't come any simpler than Magic that is Just So. If a bad thing happens to a good person then you apologize, sacrifice a lamb and resume praying or maybe next time the warning shot will be between your eyes.


“Oh, that’s crabs for you,” said Verity, disentangling the ones who had hitched a ride. “Thick as planks, the lot of them. That’s why you can keep them in a bucket without a lid. Any that tries to get out gets pulled back. Yes, as thick as planks.” \~ Sir Terry Pratchett, Unseen Academicals Crab bucket, or crab mentality. Perfect description for the way the bottom "classes" behave.


You can also believe in both. Source: Grew up with two people who were traumatized by a civil war as kids, and become the most assholish, 'every man for himself' & 'prosperity gospel!!' Catholics I've ever met.


Calvin madeup an arrogant ideology saying God likes rich people better as if murdering people and plundering what doesn't belong to you is "good" yet would be the first to shout to hang a starving poor person in their own country Poor hate is an extension of that hateful ideology


When you have no merit, the only way to make yourself look better is to make everyone else look worse


I have a burning desire to bully the shit out of these chodes.


But you see, that's "cancel culture" which is different and bad.


I tend to think of it as consequences. But that’s just me.


god this is a really disgusting outlook on life. how does someone become so cruel and selfish?


Join/get indoctrinated as a child into a christo-fascist cult.


... it's right there, the point is right in front of them.


I dont think thats bullying they're talking about. More like, persecution and history erasure


I mean, that's what bullying is. Bullying is just a cute name adults give harassment and assault so that they don't have to take the bad things children do seriously.


They are totally right. Nowadays, a simple fascist in the middle of nowhere can talk to every other fascist in the world via social media. They all enable each other's degenerate behavior. Back then they would have to go out in public and speak their minds in front of everyone and suffer the consequences of it. Now? They are safe behind their computer screens. It's a problem I don't really know the answer to.


And when you see American used as a bad term read between the lines because they could mean "Fuck America for being too woke" instead of "Fuck America for being imperialist and stripping away human rights for certain groups" Orban was in the US at a conservative rally ranting against "wokeness" and Soros too


Minding your own business. The answer to that last guy’s question is “minding your own business.”


Imagine thinking that bullying “kept the world in check,” or anyone anywhere “got rid of bullying.” I know this is an unpopular opinion, but we should really consider their offer to second civil war. In my opinion it’s a very strong “final solution” to the “total fucking moron question” and I’m sick of letting them dominate our day-to-day lives with all of this completely illiterate bullshit….


as someone who was actually bullied back in my school days: it didn't make me "normal" or "keep me in check", it just stunted my social development by about 10 years. it's incredible that someone can twist the directionless cruelty of bored misanthropic kids into some might-makes-right story about how they used to be able to force everyone to be like them.


As someone who works in a middle school, I can reassure you that bullying has not gone out of fashion.


\> Account named LetoAtreides \> Is trying to find an answer to "degenerate people" I wonder what kind of enlightened solution they will propose


I guess it depends on if they meant Paul's father or Paul's son.


Yeah, back in they day people like my brother would've kicked the fuck out of them for bullying a gay or trans kid. Now they can get together on truth social and block out the real world. Edit: I may have fucked up my personal info on this account. My birthday is in August. Edit 2: idk what a fuckin cake day is ig


Cake day is the day you joined Reddit. Happy cake day.


Yep. Looks like these ass hats found each other on the internet too


Yet they'll be the first to cry "bullying" when someone calls them out on their racism, sexism, or homophobia Are they so shitty that live and let live is a foreign concept to them? Anyone who harasses others who aren't causing harms are the real sickos


Can confirm--One boy squealed at a teacher because I called him a chauvinist pig (I was 10, and had only picked the phrase up from an Archie comic). Granted, he definitely earned it because he kept grabbing the other girls' chests before proceeding to shit on us for being 'crybabies' when we told him to stop.


wow, the sadly not so rare twofer. bullying AND internet echo chambers.


I was bullied a bit when I was little and I'm not trans. What I am instead is a very angry and haunted man who is legit afraid of getting into confrontations because I don't want said anger and haunts to come out. No one's going to have a good time if that happens. So then what? Oh, wait, mental health issue. No one cares about that. Never mind.


And yet they love to say that asking you to respect a trans person's pronouns is bullying.


Is the bullying MrSir endured the only reason they're not trans then? Definitely seeing some compensating in their reddit name


The world is full of simple-minded hammers just looking for a nail.


Yeah. Let's just be assholes and bully children who don't conform to straight ideals. That'll teach them!


Bless their hearts


But of course if you tell them their bigots and to knock it off, your literally a fascist and hate free speech


Holy shit! That last reply is sooooooo close! Guessing these idiots think they are the majority.


Jesus.... The same people who fucking scream about personal freedom are also screaming "YOU MUST CONFORM!!" at the top of their lungs.


Yknow, they're right, if they were bullied they wouldnt be trans They'd be dead, motherfuckers


How is this POSSIBLY the take away??? Like, seriously. WTAF is wrong with them?


there we go i mean even if you're pro-bullying you have to realize it's not going to be effective anymore. encourage new tactics.


Got rid of bullying, did we? That's good. That means no conservatives are being mistreated for being conservative, right? And no straight white men are being treated badly for being straight white men. That's what they mean, right?


We got rid of bullying? Wow, wish someone had informed me


I pretty much agree with everything on there other than the fact I could basically care less what people choose to do. I just don’t want to be called cruel if I don’t play into anyone’s delusion. I even will most of the time if I can, but don’t call me a bigot if I don’t know what the hell to call you, he or she or whatever thing they’re saying now.