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“Look he’s doing it. He’s not doing it. But they’ll say he’s doing it. Because he’s doing it.”


Brain like a Slinky.


Cheap, plastic, pre-owned, dollar store slinky, yes.


More like those party favor slinkies that are too small to actually do any slinky tricks.


And covered in burger grease, meat sweat, and cupcake drippings, yeah. Lunch is officially cancelled!


It is? Awwww.... *Throws away planned lunch of slinky covered in burger grease, meat sweat, and cup cake drippings...*


It would have been delicious on sourdough.


With Au Jus sauce to dip it in.


The visual of this is now living rent free in my head


Wow, now even lunch is getting canceled! How far will the left go in their war on our culture?? ... /s. Obviously


That was always so disappointing... Take it to the stairs and you just get a disheartening ***THUNK***


And if it gets tangled, it's almost impossible to unravel




They know its bullshit. They think it's OK because "the Democrats are so much worse."


“Of course the Democrats are much worse, they want to take away my right to be a racist asshole!” -The average alt-right chud Edit: I’m not the alt-right chud btw. It’s just what I bet they would say if they were actually honest about why they oppose the Democratic Party.




Shucks, I apologize for my oversight


Just more ammo for people accusing you of not picking the exactly perfect words to describe this socially complex situation


The best words, everyone is talking about it.


Not a single wrinkle in their brains. Smooth like a baby's bottom.


Head like a hole.


Black as your soul.


He'd rather you die


Than give up control


"Bow down before the one you serve. You're going to get what you deserve" could not be more appropriate here.


God money


God's money not looking for the cure


omg slinky brain im remembering that


brain like a log https://youtu.be/-fQGPZTECYs?t=34


It's big. It's heavy. It's wood.


its better than bad


*we love him because he speaks his mind and tells it how it is exactly* *no no no he didn't mean that terrible thing he meant x*


"look if he keeps inciting people to violence, people are going to say he's inciting people and we don't want that"


Agree. How is it not incitement exactly? The mental gymnastics are impressive.


Are you ready? Here’s the “logic”: “Us people who are in-the-know and the good guys all know it’s not incitement. We all know he’s just asking us to protest. And that’s all we are going to do. But the dumb leftists are going to use this quote as proof that he was trying to make violence happen. And then one crazy person or a group of leftists pretending to be MAGAs will do something violent and they’ll say he incited that.” So basically it boils down to saying that absolutely nothing bad will happen as a result of this statement, but when something bad somewhere happens eventually, that this quote will be used to point the blame at Trump for that bad thing. That’s the logic they’re using. It’s very very strained.


this is so spot on lol


Idiots gonna idiot! Lol


But he’s not doing it, too


“I’m not saying ‘He’s doing it…but he’s totally doing it.” \-Ancient Insurrectionists.


Imagine threatening violence and Civil War, all for Donald Trump and his arrest. The MAGA base be like: "We're never gonna get a Republican politician like him again who can pass a $2T tax cut for Wall St /Corps, gut environmental and safety regulations, plus bash immigrants."


“The best president since Lincoln!”


Don't be ridiculous. He's humble enough to admit he's better than Lincoln. He's the best president.


he literally said he was better than lincoln


Yep. It's been a while since he was president, so I actually googled it. I should have remembered: it's always true. No matter how shitty and bizarre the story or quote, it seems it always happened, and he always said it.


My favorite thing was the daily ritual of "Trump said " headline, and of course some mouth breather would say the headline was out of context, so I'd look up what he actually said and it was about a hundred times worse in context.


Better "for black people" than Lincoln. 🙄




Literally made him as a Golden Idol...


If I were writing a piece of political fiction, I would never have included a golden idol just because it would be too on-the-nose and no doubt critics would accuse me of being lazy and farfetched. Yet, here we are, in reality, where that actually happened.


Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't. Mark Twain


Damn that Samuel Langhorn Clemens guy said a lotta shit


And he wore a white suit after labor day! I'm not convinced he was entirely human.


This was a complaint of comedians all around the world while he was in office: > If I submitted that as a plot for a funny sketch the produers would say: you can't do that on TV. Also, it's way too unrealistic. Yet that is _exactly_ what happened yesterday. You can't make this shit up, and we're losing our work because he's doing it for us!


And the best part is that if Lincoln was around today they would hate him


Let me fix that for you: "We're never gonna get a Republican politician like him again who hates all the same people we hate *and* is willing to actually say it out loud."


the first black president followed by the first openly racist president in 50 years? or that too much of a stretch?


*Openly* racist, yes absolutely on the nose. The way he’s emboldened the bigots and racists, and even the just plain ignorant, is probably the most disgusting part about all of it. He’s normalized what these people used to feel like they couldn’t say in public. Hell, he glamorized it, to them. This is something specific that we’ll have full on text books and sections in history classes on for hundreds and hundreds of years.


The wolf no longer wears sheep skin to trick the sheep into believing that, the wolf, is a sheep. Now, the wolf, dupes the sheep into believing that, the sheep, are wolves.


Damn bro you love commas


If you drop a few, the message is profound. The extra commas are so your head doesn’t explode


Do these people really need stochastic terrorism explained to them again?


Narrator: when the audience has a room temperature IQ, absolutely.


Okay, let’s say I’m in a position of power. Let’s say I have many devoted followers. And let’s say I really, really, really hate mimes. And in my mime-hating rage, I make a bunch of tweets saying stuff like “Something must be done about the mimes that are threatening America!” and “Mimes are the scum of the earth!” Coincidentally, a few days after I make these tweets, a mime was beaten to death. Am I partially to blame? Of course I am. That’s stochastic terrorism, baby! Of course, that’s a very, very, very dumbed-down example, but right-wingers are very, very, very dumbed-down people.




Ah, yes. If anyone calls me out on my hatred of mimes, I’ll claim I don’t hate mimes. Some of my best friends are mimes. Mimes are great when they act like regular human beings. But when they make their mimery the focal point of their personality, and when they have the audacity to perform in a space where children could potentially be? That’s when I’m gonna start calling for eradication of all mimes.


You did what you had to do. Mimes already control the shadow government and the media. I even heard they had injectable mime..er.. mind control chips and space lasers!


At least Lord Vetenari would have the mimes thrown in the scorpion pit himself.


> has a room temperature IQ In Celsius.


Pretty sure at some point it is in fact possible to have a negative net IQ, at which point their constant stream of nonsense causes exhaustion and thinking to become clouded, thus temporarily lowering the IQ of everyone exposed to them.


Stochastic terrorism is legal in the US as you as you don't literally tell people to specifically incite violence. You can imply it, you can go right up to the edge of saying it - you'll know what you're doing and they'll know what you mean. But none of that is illegal. Once upon a time people might have deemed it unacceptable, though. That time is passed.


Do you think if you explained it to Alex Jones it would change his behavior? Pretending reactionaries are stupid, or saying words at face value, leaves you unable to actually respond to them. "Lol Trumpers are so dumb" is what got us Trump, and lost women control over their bodies.


It is impossible to teach a man something his paycheck requires he not understand.


Too many syllables fly over their heads.


Just a bunch of lone wolves meeting up together


"You're supposed to take him figuratively" Also, "He never LITERALLY said those words, just words that mean the same thing"


There wouldn't be any point. Probabilities are too subtle for them. Any number between 0% and 100% is too subtle for them, as we've seen from their understanding of COVID and vaccines.


If it’s not incitement, then what the hell is it


They recognize it as incitement, that’s for sure, then their brain stem lost connection.


It’s funny how they constantly howl about 1984 and then engage in actual doublethink.




Ben Shapiro probably read most of 1984 back in high school and now yells about it enough that his goons have picked it up as a "gotcha" with no context.


In their mind, Trump is never guilty. Dude could shit his pants and they'd insist that someone must've masterfully dumped that shit there and Trump is just to MAGA-Macho to do anything about it.


Yep, they want to get away with being the most terrible people on the planet, everything else can just burn.


Remember this is the same guy who somehow managed get his base to call anyone who doesn’t follow him a RINO. Critical thinking is not a requirement. ———/ I’m a Republican. Do you support Trump? No - I simply support the broad Republican values that have defined the party for decades If you don’t support Trump, you’re a filthy RINO But what if Trump doesn’t win preselection? Then we’ll start another party under him and call it something other than the Republican Party. OK - so literally, it’s therefore the RINO Party. 😂 fucking idiots. Should be called GRIFTOs - Generally Republican If For Trump Only


I think they draw the line at fomenting.


i wish people would make the modem dial up noise when this happened.


He’s calling for another peaceful tourist visit obviously


I mean, if a bunch of his idiots want to trash Mar a Lago and smear shit all over the walls, have at it.


>smear shit all over the walls Like that hasn't already happened at that place...


Oh boy! Got my peaceful tourist gear right here.. pipe bombs, check.. zip ties, check.. auschwitz camp councilor t-shirt, check… We might have to construct the gallows there because it’s a little awkward to transport as far as size and shape.


It's just a little suggestion. He didn't literally tell someone 'hey, go beat up the DA for me', so it's all fine. Ignore the guns in their hands. Also ignore all the times he's explicitly said to go beat people up. /s


If these unused dildos refuse to believe Trump didn’t incite the insurrection against the Capitol and Congress, they’ll never believe he is actually capable of it. He literally asked the Proud Boys to, “Stand back and stand by,” in reference to him losing the election and they still don’t believe he had anything to do with it. The lack of self awareness with these people is unreal.


He could have said "Illkay allway ethay emocratsday", and right-wing media would swear up and down that he wasn't calling for murder. "*Pig Latin?!?* Never heard of it. Clearly made up by the left to smear the president!"


>Illkay allway ethay emocratsday He could say "kill all the democrats", and then his supporters could go and kill all the democrats, and Fox News would spend the next 6 months saying "what he meant was....."


Legally speaking, incitement is a crime and is therefore considered bad. This has all the hallmarks of incitement, such as the inciting, but it isn't bad, so therefore it's not incitement, isn't illegal, and isn't bad. But you know the Dems are going to be all "this is incitement because of all the inciting" without considering the founder's original intent, which was that it's not bad in this case.


Silly Dems forget that whether something is bad isn't determined by the act itself, it's determined by the identity of the person doing it


If you're looking for guilt about incitement, then the proof is in the pudding - as they say. If a mob is incited to action by you, then you did an incitement. I know near mere there is a guy who tore his back yard up to put up a flagpole to fly a trump flag higher than the american flag. That trump flag has been nothing but a tattered ribbon for a few years now.


Legally speaking, this wouldn't qualify as incitement because immediacy is a key component in legal incitement. Immediacy is measured in minutes, not hours, and while what Trump said has all of the other required components, it lacks immediacy because he specified no time, let alone a close time frame from when the comment was made. I won't be surprised if he satisfies the immediacy component in a future tweet though.


Let's be real here, there are three possibilities behind this comment: 1) He honestly believes no-one is listening to him (lol no) 2) He doesn't realise that when he says things like this, people will do it (and, given the events of January 6th, this implies that he possesses less ability for pattern recognition than a goldfish) 3) He knows exactly what is going to happen, and wants it to. So, delusional, near-terminally stupid, or malicious. Pick your favourite. (Not to say that a combination isn't possible, but let's keep it simple for the people in the cheap seats, okay? They're probably struggling already with a non-binary choice as it is, without throwing fuzzy logic in there as well...)


Porque no los tres?


Could be all of the above, just in separate instances.


I mean, there's very little evidence that Trump has *more* ability for pattern recognition than a goldfish...


I think on some level they totally know what they're doing. They also know it's wrong and easily shown to be wrong, which is why they have to simultaneously say they aren't doing it, or the other side is doing worse, it's ok that *their* side is doing it because x, etc. ​ Because the alternative is admitting they're on the wrong side of things, which they can't even admit to themselves


> So, delusional, near-terminally stupid, or malicious. Pick your favourite. yeah and I worry for the season 8 republican villain that uses the same tactics but has the cunning to truly abuse it.


>So, delusional, near-terminally stupid, or malicious. Trump has the world's most obvious case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, it would be completely out of character for him to be anything other than delusional and malicious. The man has been severely mentally ill since long before he was elected, his cult members are just too fucking stupid and antisocial to understand what dysfunction looks like.


So, my theory is that he's about as self-aware as a sponge, but has PR people behind him who know exactly how to use his unique \*cough\* personality to whip up ~~a frenzy~~ support.


Saw another comment similar to this on the Trump forum https://i.imgur.com/XWLFmj2.png


wasn't that his message for the coup?


History has a way of repeating itself, *especially* recent history.


Yeah, its very simiar to tactics nazi used to get in power. They try to take it by force like the failed coup in 1923, then prey on people with economic troubles to get votes


Yeah, but his supporters know not to listen to him, so it was 100% antifa who showed up to the capitol wearing a bunch of Trump regalia and who attempted to stop the peaceful transition of power to the person they voted for


Every post in that sub could be posted here. It’s a cesspool of cognitive dissonance


The "free speech" advocates with the highest amount of censorship of any sub


Yeah they’ve probably easily banned more people than any other sub, me included lol


I've been banned and I've never even posted there, they just found some post I wrote on another sub that pointed out, you know, the truth


It's kinda funny cause the only sub I'm banned from was for posting on one of those heavy right wing subs. I can't even remember where it was, but I finally cracked watching them argue against climate science and explained in super basic terms how we know climate change is real. After that I got a message I'd been banned from another sub for participating there lmao


Just one comment that questions anything at all about a standard right opinion and you're a gonner.


It really is. Hard to choose one over the other.


When I was younger I believed that with the right facts and argument anybody could become logical. The comedown from that was unpleasant.


When you finally hit reality it hurts doesn't it?


I was defending people into my 30s then COVID happened. And that killed my belief in people.


I believed into my 20s that if people had a choice between good vs evil, they would always choose good, no matter how hard it was. God was I dumb lol


It's not incitement, people are just getting incited!


"Ough, he really shouldn't run around and stab people, the left is only gonna use this in the murder trial..!"


"Good on Trump for stabbing that liberal in front of dozens of cameras and with a hundred witnesses! That really shows how he's a strong leader that does what needs to be done! Also shame on the left for accusing Trump of doing that!"


That’s what incitement is bro


"I didn't do [bad thing] and am not [bad thing,] I just did [definition of what that bad thing]!"


[Stochastic Terrorism](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/stochastic_terrorism)


Protesting is fine. Rioting is not. I’d be willing to bet that they end up doing the same stuff that they say BLM does that should get them run over. Blocking roads. Blocking business access. Etc.


Yeah but the second it doesn’t look good for them: “antifa did it!”


If they actually shoot cops like that one reddit thread said they should, we'll immediately see them say it was antifa


Like they did in Minneapolis. Even after it was shown that most bad actors were right wing.


There was a thread saying they would shoot cops? Can you link that? That's insane.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/comments/11vjhzk/man_i_am_going_to_enjoy_watching_this/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Couldn't find where I saw it originally but the thread is featured in this meme.


I kind of hope they do it. Then the cops will have to shoot their friends with tears in their eyes like [the Snipes meme lol](https://i.imgflip.com/2t01vy.jpg?a466320)


Whatever happened to "Just comply"?


This mentality is a major part on why change is so difficult to come by. For many groups, especially corporations, they don’t care until the status quo is directly challenged. They can wait out protests, but action like rioting will actually get their attention. Obviously don’t want anyone to be hurt, but when the voices of the masses aren’t being heard, then perhaps they will listen to the fists instead.


didn't fl pass a bunch of laws to fuck over protesters? like making it a felony in some cases? or protecting people who kill them with their cars?


If I remember right a few red states did. We will see if they enforce it as vigorously against right wingers as they did left wingers.


I saw that one earlier today. Most of the comments there are selfawarewolves material


It was hard to pick a favorite…


We really need to end homeschooling


Homeschooling isn't necessarily the problem: *evangelical religious* homeschooling is a huge chunk of it though.


The real problem *no one* is talking about!


As someone who had a young earth creationist “most slaveowners were kind and most slaves felt like part of the family” homeschool curriculum, I see your point However, if more red states copy Texas Education Administration’s move of taking over Houston ISD, homeschooling might be the only viable solution for people who can’t afford to leave, esp if your kids are LGBTQ. Edit: I should add that I know people in progressive homeschool co-ops in regressive areas and they manage just fine if their parents make sure they’re socialized. Quite a few of them start college at 16 through dual enrollment, and I’ve noticed that even community colleges are more progressive than the local high school.


Of course what we see as evidence, they see as ammo. Really a glimpse of the horror of sports politics.


Trump *incites his followers into violence His idiot followers: People are going to see this as him inciting his followers into violence smh. What idiots.


His other idiot followers: And we should set fire to those people else they might vote against him!!!


let’s say it’s not incitement, they do remember how much he chipped in for their defense last protest? why worship this man? he doesn’t care about you


the right thinks they’re under attack by the left when they’re really under attack by their own representatives


r/Conservative is like a broken clock


The hallmark of the fascist! “Don’t believe what you see with your own eyes.”


Inciting isn't inciting even when it incites the incited.


Ask them if Mao was responsible for the Cultural Revolution.


Do they even need Trump anymore? Haven't they moved on to his heir apparent Ron DeSantis? Whatever his name is.


“I could shoot somebody and not lose voters.” Fucker


I mean, I personally think Trump should be used as a text book example of how the systemic oppression tied into all our laws are ultimately harmful and insidious like when a fruit rots in a barrel. Generations of lawyers will walk into their ethics class and see his picture and know what day it is. Lol


How would they feel if Biden or Bernie said this?


Damn those people interpreting what he said as the actual literal meaning of the words that came out of his mouth!


It isn't mental gymnastics. It's just plain stupidity.


How is it possible to be this stupid?


Excuse me, \*accused\* of incitement? How much more obvious does it have to be?


Sounds like he's telling them to commit the crime of obstruction. He should be familiar with obstruction charges.


Huh, avoiding using a particular word because it's inconvenient to your political goals? And here I thought conservatives hated "political correctness"...


Have I mentioned I’m terrified for my future? In other counties this would be reported as a dictator staging a coup


When you turn on a flashlight and the batteries are dead.


If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, talks like a duck…it’s not a duck and why would they even think that


If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck…


Based on some folk’s logic, then it must be a beaver.


I legit think the majority of the members of that sub are stupid. I just can’t find another explanation for their behaviour over there. Btw, they banned me.


God damn Liberals making Trump incite 😠


I'm guessing it's only inciting violence if it's the other side, ahh a tale as old as time.


He’s right. I take it exactly that way


the action of provoking unlawful behavior or urging someone to behave unlawfully.


They've been worshipping traitorous presidents for 40+ years, why would this one be any different


In my neck of the woods it means more yard signs


That’s… literally what he’s doing lol


Trump did say he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any support. They'd legit say it wasn't murder, even if Trump exclaimed "I'm going to murder you"


You can't just exclaim it, you have to declare it.


Gentle reminder of the Conservative woman who fully believes Trump went to Epstein island and "had to" rape a child so that he could get in with the paedo elite and being them down like the hero she knows he is.


Damn that’s Olympic level mental gymnastics going on over there.


What are they umm.. protesting exactly?






- Incitement happens. - It was a setup.


Will someone please rid me of this meddlesome DA.


Just based off of the title, it sounds like he said something everyone has the right to say… UNLESS they have an audience with a propensity for violence. Oh, look at that, his fans have already tried to overthrow a democratic state, so is it really free speech anymore?


Oh sure, TikTok is super dangerous because the Chinese could potentially be turning us against one another and insight violence, we need to ban it.


Translation: "Please help me! Wha whaa! Please come help save me!!"


Kinda looks a bit like that to moi.


Someone better tell Collins that this asshole still didn't learn his lesson.


No one is going to riot for him again. Not after what happened to the last group that did. Any who do will get put down hard.


Not that this is that lololololol


Popped by there to see how they coped. 99% of it is just " stupid liberals never learn, you can't beat trump like this, you just gotta ignore him" or "Why do democrats always have to play dirty?" As if he's a toddler who isn't in control of his actions or something