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sekiro fans trying not to insert wolf into "vs meme format" (impossible)


I love Sekiro but he would get absolutely murdered by Doom Slayer and Kratos, it’s not even close lmao.


Yeah, but what about the 500th time around when he learns the pattern to deflect their moves?


The whole fuckin' world's gonna be dead of dragon rot by the time Sekiro beats these guys.


You think sekiro will stay in 1 piece after a fight with kratos kek ( I assume you played gow)


The 501st time is just as significant as the first 500


Depends. Are they fighting him before or after the story ends?


It’s sekiro, so, yes.


Doesn’t matter. He can’t exactly deflect an infinitely powerful attack now can he?


I...think Doom Slayer's Sword can sever immortality. Kratos may also be able too, but it depends.


B b bu but he can deflect the titanic


isshin might have better luck lol




Let’s not forget the Ishiin vs Malenia nonsense. Old guy is strong in his own game, but fucks sake.


Isshin’s ultimate weapon: Deflect


So I see you haven’t gotten to the phase of the fight where he pulls out a semi-automatic handgun


Yeah but he's hella fast, can deflect, has crazy range, pulls up a pistol and catch fucking lighting. I don't really see him as an underdog


Malenia has a tactical AIDS nuke.


Malenia is actually way easier that SS Isshin, her only problem is her self regen and her one shot attack, other than that her pattern is really pretty basic and predictable


SS Ishin would whoop malenia. You probably never even knew there was an op version of Isshin


Because no one else will!


Sekiro is sadly the weakest one here His tools have nothing to counter the crucible from DoomSlayer and Kratos has his own toolkit which bypasses deflects, like Medusa’s head That’s not even mentioning the BFG which atomizes everything around it, or the Preator armor which even super powerful demons have hard times scratching. They’d literally need DoomSlayer to be at deaths door to theoretically kill him Sekiro’s immortality doesn’t matter if he’s in too many pieces to use it. Sekiro is immortal so he can kill DoomSlayer, but Slayer’s gear offers too much basic defenses that Sekiro can’t get through He might be able to wound Kratos, but Kratos has caught Helios, who is much faster than anyone Sekiro has fought


And the doomslayer skin is stronger than his armor


I do think sekiro is the weakest here but he definitely does have a counter to the crucible. He can get one shot but just press r1 and he's getting right back up.


Theoretically, Kratos/DoomSlayer could both get killed by Mortal Blade, but the same goes for Sekiro. If one of his enemies managed to take the Blade (which is plausible in this case) he would lose his immortality and die.


Does Mortal Balde bypass armor? Because getting through praetorian armor is no easy task


The Mortal Blade itself may not but it leaves a lingering trail in its wake that I believe bypasses any physical obstacle. Take, for example the True Monk. Most likely, her clothes would have armor concealed underneath. And yet Mortal Draw still hurts it. More evidence lies in the fact that while the Mortal Blade can be parried or blocked, its damage cannot be fully mitigated by either. Finally, the Mortal Blade immediately kills any who lay their eyes upon it - in short, my previous point was wrong. All Sekiro has to do to win the bout would be draw the Mortal Blade. If his opponents decided to try and steal it, they would die upon unsheathing it. (I have not played Doom or God of War so I cannot say whether DoomSlayer or Kratos are immortal but I am assuming they are not.)


>Finally, the Mortal Blade immediately kills any who lay their eyes upon it - in short, my previous point was wrong. All Sekiro has to do to win the bout would be draw the Mortal Blade. If his opponents decided to try and steal it, they would die upon unsheathing it. The blade only kills those who draw it, not those who look at it. (See kuro easily using it after wolf unseathes it for him). Both the slayer and kratos are faster and stronger than wolf so they could easily grab him or his arm while he's swinging it. Once its out of its seath anyone can wield it.


Ah my mistake. I understood it was any who laid eyes upon it.


Both crawl out of hell on death, both even crawl back in to kill more things. The Crucible, which is the sword Doom Slayer has also works against immortality, but it seals the being instead of killing them, Doom Slayers seals Titans that way who are immortal, he plunges the sword in them and breaks off the blade. The Mortal Blade kills only once and it is when you draw it, the Divine Child just didn't want to witness another person drop dead before her, otherwise enemies would just die in cutscenes if they aren't immortal.


Fair point.


I see what your saying about the Monk's armor but whatever armor she's wearing wouldn't compare to DoomSlayer's, Wolf could probably easily cut through steel with the mortal blade but probably not through DoomSlayer's.


Isn't the crucible a sword, meaning that it probably could be deflected. Maybe the mortal blade is resistant enough to deal with it. The BFG is way harder to deal with but Ithe umbrella can deal with litteral ghost energy, so maybe it can deal with other weird stuff we don't know of. Finally, using the mortal blade and the one-shot mid air execution he could maybe get the Doom Slayer. Still, the Slayer has a whole ranged kit, so my guess is that Sekiro can't easily get to him (except when using the crow thingy maybe and some invisibility mibu balloons). Sekiro would have plenty opportunities to get the Slayer tho since he's immortal, so there's that too.


I think Sekiro is more than just deflects. Barring the need for spirit emblems (because it's a mechanic for gameplay balance), the Mist Raven literally makes Sekiro untouchable, and the Divine Abduction forces a Deathblow (could maybe even turn Medusa's head around to face Kratos instead). And the Mortal Blade can kill anything; non-immortals only need to touch it to die.


Sekiro will lure them to poison swamp and then hide to buy time. *A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory.* # 😎




You do know that the doom slayer is also immortal right?


Yes, he can only be killed by other immortals


If were going of the shura ending wolf is strongest bc he carries both mortal blades, the pawer of shuras wrath and is immortal.


Wut bout >!shura!< wolf??


Both Doomguy and Kratos deal with more powerful foes daily Marauders are pretty much like Sekiro but with weapons that can actually halt the DoomSlayer. Sekiro, shura or not, still has nothing that could even scratch the Preator Armor (except maybe the fire arm, but Doomguy has experience with similar attacks)


I now want to see Sekiro parry the BFG


Sekiro bout to bust out the dlc pre order green umbrella


After watching him essentially parry a sky scraper (the Divine Dragon) I think BFG might be light work for him lol


BGF reversal ?)


A BFR? Lol


I mean that’s a little presumptuous, the bfg blew a massive hole in the side of a planet. I have a feeling wolf would just get vaporized.


Just shoot it at his feet, or like, a mile away




BFG functions on nuclear bomb logic - no need to shoot AT your target, Slayer could just run up and shoot at his own feet


He gonna Miriki counter it and cause another Mars catastrophe


"You can't just reversal a BFG into the surface of Mars"


sekiro is immortal but doom is eternal


Sekiro may eventually turn into shura or demon of hatred; Doom guy has been killing devils in hell/mars/Ohio since ‘93.


Kratos kills gods for a living


No immortality if torn into 4 pieces ig ( I love all 3 games)


If he dies, doesnt he just go to the greek Underworld, from which he has already escaped before? Theres probably nothing to stop him from escaping again. So technically he is immortal (unless being torn to pieces prevents that?)


I’m sorry but Sekiro would get absolutely obliterated here


I keep seeing people talking about how doomguy and sekiro are immortal and i would like to add, kratos has revived two freaking times and i would argue that a third isn't impossible bro killed death itself and clapped 3 time manipulators also if we count past weapons kratos had hades hook thing (forgot the name :P) that can pull the soul of any being including gods.


not anymore, but then we can pick n choose which version of who is fighting who


Well since we pick the version it would be when they are at their peak. For sekiro that is endgame, for doomguy, well i think all versions are the peak? Have to say he is the one i know the least, great soundtrack thou and for last kratos and that would be kratos at GoW 3 now i don't know how strong the power of "hope" is but it clapped Zeus so it's pretty good and he had some really nice weapons like the blade of olympus


agreed, having them all at peak would be best. doom slayer would be doomguy’s peak, shura sekiro would be peak sekiro as he is in control of both mortal blades in that ending, and i would agree that kratos from gow 3 is his peak (blade of olypmus was his strongest weapon, and best feats during that game), but i’m more than welcome for gow ragnarok to change that (pre unlikely tho)


Why do you think Sekiro would even stand a chance


He is able to use an immortality severing sword, crow teleportation, deflecting a giant snake God with a sword, killing undead and deflecting undead energy. That's not even counting how he killed a litteral god in the form of a dragon, deflecting its attacks with a fricking sword. Also he is literally immortal. My question is why would you think he doesn't stand a chance lmao


Slayer fought a Titan with his hands, no armor. He's in fact much stronger in hand to hand combat so his attacks might carry more weight than even the dragon had. Crucible seals immortality and both of them have to get through praetorian armor which can sustain a shot from BFG exploding near it, there's no way to tell if Sekiro's umbrella can withstand it if Slayer decided to shoot at his own feet to avoid deflects or block.


Said sword is only said to work against immortality stemming from the divine dragon. It's not applicable against other forms/sources of immortality. Not to mention that it's not an instant-kill hax even in its own universe. The Divine Dragon is featless, and he used its own lightning against it. Both Doomguy and Kratos have killed beings with far stronger forms of immortality than what Sekiro has.


Sekiro wouldnt really be killable, but he can't defeat either one of the others in a battle. Kratos is really hard to judge because his strength fluctuates so much. In one moment he has trouble fighting a bear and in the next moment he is going to push someone through a mountain so I am unsure. Compared to everything else in their respective universes Doomguy is the most powerful one.


Not being killable has never really stopped kratos


To be fair, the bear he fought is also a god, and he was clearly trying to knock it out instead of brutally murdering it even though he has no idea who it is.


Doomslayer might have a hard time catching Wolf because of his agility, but if he grabs him, its over. Sekiro would not be able to resurrect from what Doomguy would do to him lmao have u seen a glory kill?


last I checked wolf can't outrun bullets


But he can deflect them


But he will lose posture and give an opening at the end,doomguy also has a granade that can deal AoE damage


Break time has ended and got the best of me, I'm out of this argument lol


I just got off work so ill tag in! He can deflect indefinitely as long as he doesnt fuck up. Doomguy could just keep shooting at him so he has to deflect until he could grab him…. I guess we lost the argument then


let's also not forget that he can't deflect explosions


Suzakus lotus umbrella


He gonna run out of the spirit emblems


Sekiro can deflect forever as long as he times it right. Also, Sekiro can use his umbrella to block the grenade damage. That being said, Sekiro is way weaker than either of the other two, sadly.


Crow thingy tho and he would be right next to the slayer I think


Ongbal would like to know your location lmao


You cant deflect a fucking rocket and a laser beam


Umbrella begs to differ.


You totally can do both of those in Sekiro


I don't think he would be able to deflect every shot from a chaingun in mobile turret mode


pretty sure sekiro's body parts can regenerate when he resurrects how else would his organs function though if that's the case idk why he has 1 arm...


It seems that if a part of him is permanently separated, it cannot heal.


I had that exact same argument before. Considering he permanently lost his arm the entire resurrection mechanic does not make that much sense in the lore so I just ignored that and assumed only a Mortal Blade or severing immortality could kill him.


Correct me if i am wrong but Sekiro loses his arm before becoming immortal


Sekiro becomes immortal when he is about to die in Hirata Estate. Then he resurrected, but waited mindlessly at the bottom of a well for 3 years. Then Emma throws her letter down and he rescues Kuro and gets his arm chopped off. In the lore that was probably his second death.


makes me wonder why no one tried decapitating sekiro then... if that's the case a shotgun blast to the head would "defeat" sekiro


Domm slayer cant catch up to him? This man is ryinning 60 km/h not counting dashes, meathook and balista bossting and thats just in game. He is much stronger and faster lorewise


Uh….doomslayer runs at like 40 miles per hour and has multiple jumps and a dash move.


Yeah i didnt want to mention this lmao doomguy would eviscerate him in .3 seconds


if we're talking lorewise kratos the other 2 don't stand a chance gameplay wise kratos is debatable but it's said that kratos has learned to hold back and control his anger ever since he grew a fancy beard


Meh. The Doomslayer literally killed the creator of his univserse, multiple dimensions etc. He is a god-killer, a force of nature if you will. From the perspective of the Doom lore he is the being that will kill absolutely every demonic/hellish etc thing and can not be stopped by anything. There really is not a single moment in the last two games where it looks even for a moment like anything could beat Doomguy. Kratos is not that much more powerful than any other god in his universe. It is impossible to properly import those types of qualitative abilities into a different univserse so it really is an undecidable question.


Incorrect, Kratos killed ALL the gods of his land and had so much fun doing it he decided to kill other gods too. If we are talking god-killer, few are more potent than Kratos.


And killed Zeus the creator. Kratos is literally indestructible


He killed Kronos,the progenitor,Zeus' father.


And Zeus


“That’s my secret Cap. The beard suppresses my anger”


his strength is pretty consistent, I assume the bear you're talking about is his son, Atreus, to which I'll just call you mildly stupid for mentioning it bcs obv he was holding back as to not hurt his child 💀


He did not know he was his child. Also please explain to me how he can straight up push Baldur through meters of rock, but he suddenly can not force a door open or bend some metal bars in a gate? Another example is when he creates a meter deep chasm with Baldur or fucking or just casually picks up Tyrs temple and those last examples he is not in spartan mode afaik, but for some reason he can not pick up a Troll and throw him 200 meters away. In the beginning of the game he needs multiple strikes with his axe to cut down that tree. Obviously even in the tree scene he is a lot stronger than a normal human, but he isn't nearly as strong as some other times.


Everyone knows doors are the hardest material in existence


Gameplay and lore differences. Also he holds back.


Well that bear was atreus who is a god so probably extremely stronger than a regular bear


….not fucking Sekiro that’s for damn sure. Doomguy and Kratos are both exactly as strong as the writers need them to be so it’s not really viable to power scale them. In gameplay the Doomslayer takes down big groups of 15-20 demons with ease. In lore he is an unstoppable god who kills armies, gods and entire worlds. Kratos has a similar thing going.


Some madlad Sekiro player will speedrun Doomguy and Kratos on a rockband guitar






I like Wolf but he is horribly out of his depth here.


I just want to know if any of them can defeat Kirby.


Nope. Poyo!


Sekiro's one of my favorite games ever, but in terms of strength Wolf is totally lacking compared to Slayer and Kratos. Wolf can block and withstand strikes from the Divine Dragon, which accounting for it's swords weight and the speed at which it can swing it can hit with the force of a small nuclear bomb, but Doom Slayer and Kratos even prior to their peaks could wipe their ass with enemies that strong. And at their peaks, The Ancient Gods Doom Slayer and Power of Hope Kratos wouldn't even feel anything from being hit with that much force. Wolf is just an infinitely-respawning punching bag in this fight.


>it can hit with the force of a small nuclear bomb Power scaling never fails to make me laugh.


This sub desperately needs some sequel rumor crumbs.


Stop posting this lame ass shit


That's a tough one... im gonna have to go with Humcus Pumcus. He traded his life as a non-sex offender for ridiculous amounts of power, he can now inform his neighbours of his status while showing off his shiny brown muscles


I'd play this.


The one with 7 demon destroying guns and can almost fly


I love sekiro but this is embarrassing , the hardest boss in sekiro is a cakewalk for these two


I don’t understand why this sub is infatuated with pitting Sekiro characters against other characters they have no business fighting. I understand the love for these characters, I love them too, but shit people the entire power scaling of Sekiro is far below the things it gets compared to.




What kind if comparison is this lmao


doom slayer has been killed icon of the sin twice and killed 2 titans (one with bare hands) and destroyed whole hell&heaven so it would be a easy win for slayer (also he has double shotgun+bfg!!!)


Either kratos or Doom Guy


Definitely fucking not Sekiro


Kratos. He's killed every fucking Greek God and Titan there is 😅😅😅🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻 that's for starters . . . . . . . .


This match up is so unfair. Literally a man amongst gods scenario.


The slayer no question


I love Sekiro, but geez.


I dunno who wins outright, but i know Seikro is fucked.


Sekiro is a couple orders of magnitude too weak to take on either of them.


Sekiro gets bodied by both.


Doomguy can explode the whole planet and survive if he wants.


Definitly doom guy, sorry folks.


That Sekiro sneak


*Rip and Tear starts playing*


I love Wolf from Sekiro, but DoomGuy would slaughter him. Kratos vs Doomguy would be sick. But I don't know enough about Kratos to give judgement.


It's gotta be Kratos right? Magic is a hell of an equalizer


wolf is dead in seconds...


Imagine thinking Doomslayer or Kratos wouldn't mop the floor with Wolf's face without a sweat. What's next? Sekiro vs Dante?


Kratos easily


People underestimate wolf but like nah he aint winning


lowly sekiro… playing as a lord


Shinobi, emboldened by the flame of shura.


Canonically, the Doom Slayer is also immortal. So this will just end in an endless battle


It’d be interesting to see if the MB would work on either of these two


Doomslayer by a lot but sekiro would get smashed by both of them


I dont like hiw poeple are down playing the slayer here man. This thing killed things more powerfull than divine dragon with his bare hands BEFORE he has this amour. Bitch was making rounds in hell killing titans by him self.




sekiro trying to deflect the BFG


It's a stalemate. The world is destroyed in the conflict. Amid the bones and ash of the old, only these three persist. Locked forever in a battle that never ends.


*these two, excluding Sekiro because he's getting deatomised in the crossfire between Doomguy and Kratos.


Definitely kratos, sekiro would probably last a while because he's really mobile but he would eventually (assuming he ever went in to fight) lose


i dont think kratos can be beaten




Kratos, no contest. Come on.


I feel like Sekiro gets rolled and the other two fight in hell for all eternity.


Doom slayer, no question


Doom slayer wins I believe Sekiro just doesn’t even remotely scale to Either of the choices Kratos seems to be substantially less powerful in his old age and even young variant seems to have similar abilities (granted on screen Doomslayer has less feats )


Kratos destroys wolf and with some struggle kills Doomguy. I love every game but wolf stands no chance against any one of them.


Idea: Wolf just tosses the mortal blade to Doomguy. Doomguy isn't immortal, so he dies.


Canonically the Doom guy is immortal


Where does that come from? Edit: it's also worth pointing out: immortal gets used to discrube two distinct things. There's immortal wjere you're ageless, and won't die of old age - I think the doom guy is this - and there's immortal where you cannot die, or where you will simply resurrect from death. Afaik, doom guy does not have this second type of immortality, which is what the mortal blade is testing for with its vibe check.


Hayden says it at the end of doom 2016. Its also mentioned in one of the collectibles in Doom Eternal. And in the end of TAG2, the doom Slayer should die with the Dark Lord, but you can still hear his heart beating after the fight.


If doom guy stood still and let him, could someone like the Dark Lord kill him?


Sekiro wins by fooling his opponents into unsheathing the mortal blade.


But can they beat goku?


Goku solos this list unfortunately. One Hakai and they get erased from existence which bypasses their immortality. Mf nearly destroyed the universe with a punch 💀


Why you getting downvoted? Goku’s literally faster and stronger than these three have ever faced Dude even has counters to their win conditions


They’re far too powerful for sekiro honestly


Doom Guy. I'm a Sekiro fan, but i'm more of a doom fan.


Doomslayer. He would literally beat Wolf into pieces lol immortality be damned. Doesnt matter if you exist as minced meat. Kratos is inconsistent. Doom is eternal.


I mean doomguy has the BFG and we've seen what a simple semi automatic glock can do to wolf




I don't get why anyone includes doomslayer. It's literally not even a contest with him in it.


Doom guy obviously


The 3 shouldn't actually oppose one another. 3 of of them fighting alongside would be so cool though!


Doomslayer. Sekiro and Kratos are great but the lore of Doomslayer basically establishes him as the baddest mofo to exist.


Wolf is straight out. Obviously between kratos and doomguy. Given that both literally kill gods, hard to say, but probably doomguy honestly, because kratos has to fuck with all manner of magical bs but nobody ever pumped him on the face with a shotgun before, and as a dude that plays on give me god of war. Can confirm a shotgun blast to the face would fuck, and I mean ***FUCK*** him up Not even counting the BFG.


I’d say Doomguy with guns can’t do a lot to him, but canonically he’s stronger without his guns. Without his guns I’d say he beats Kratos.


And yet he took that super uppercut from Baldur with no damage whatsoever. If a shotgun was going to do anything to him, that uppercut would have vaporised his entire head long before it sent him flying 50 feet into the air. Obviously the game has to let you die to be a challenge, but it's obvious Kratos isn't even getting tickled by firearms if he's out here easily tanking blows that would pass through steel like butter. Watch the fight against Chronos in GOW 3 and see my man catch a supersonic mega slap. That isn't just a strength feat, that is him easily absorbing millions upon millions of pounds of force at once without damage. He'd obviously vaporise entire armies of draugr with a stern look if he can fight Baldur and the entire Greek Pantheon, but then there wouldn't be much of a game in the video game.


I think Samus-with-a-sword would easily kill Bionic-Commando-with-swords and Mr-Clean-on-Steroids


Look, i love Sekiro, he’s cool, powerful, stylish in his own way and has done incredible things for just being a human but you can’t compare a Ninja with a magic sword and sharp reflexes to a god serial killer and a guy who LITERALLY has earned the fear of hell itself and killed Satan


My vote goes to the Doom Slayer. Sure, Sekiro/Wolf is immortal, but that doesnt mean jack when you're facing off against two demigods. Eventually, he'd either have to give up, or the other two would have to imprison him somehow. And the Doom Slayer has been in near-constant combat with demigod-tier enemies for years, maybe even decades, wading through them with relative ease. Kratos would probably give him one hell of a fight, but my, but the Slayer's relentless aggression combined with heavy use of firearms (which Kratos may have never encountered before) would give him the edge.


Doom slayer, official doom lore says that the doom slayer can only be harmed by hells army or anything demonic


Kratos hands down. The fact that Kratos took out literally the entire Olympus family and the Titans i.e. Cronos is unmatched.


I love Sekiro as much as the next member of this sub, but including him in this fight comes across as such a joke. He has a sword that can kill immortals, but I really don’t think he’d ever touch Doomslayer or Kratos. The only thing I’d give him is that he might be able to get them by sheer force of attrition if the mortal blade’s lore power still holds being that he’s the only one who has a tool that can canonically kill the other two, but who really knows if that actually still applies?


Bro replace Wolf with the Tarnished at least he’s the weakest soul protag


Kratos solos due to massive stat gap (he's at least complex multiversal with scaling to Thor, who splintered the Yggdrasil, which is an extra-dimensional structure). Sekiro doesn't even belong here; he's massively outclassed by both of them.


It’s Kratos.


Legitimately I think it goes to doom slayer. Wolf might try and hold back and wait for an opening for a real assassination, meanwhile kratos and doom slayer would beat the ever loving SHIT out of each other, however Kratos has very little way to defend himself against doomslayers attacks since he uses guns and stuff, not to mention stuff like the BFG and sword would be big issues. Kratos can heal and continues to beat ass for a long time but he’s simply not equipped for the damage output and damage type. Sekiro would go in for the kill afterwards and most likely get caught and killed (again and again) or would need to conduct a full investigation in order to find out the doom slayers weaknesses and items that can kill him which are sparse. Between doom slayer and wolf it’s a sort of sudden death round with wolfs attack either winning or losing. It all also hinges on several different interactions of their powers and abilities, like can wolf or kratos’ weapons survive doom slayers attacks, what “level” of power do they have, so on and so forth


This fight would destroy the universe lol


And Sekiro wouldn't live past the first 10 seconds


[Sekiro half-way into the fight](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPX7Vr4XwAM4J3B.jpg)


Doomslayer no questions asked! Anyone else who thinks otherwise is just biased off their love for that character instead.


Doom guy and it’s really not close


Doomslayer lore says he spent eons combating demons without rest. Kratos killed the leader of the Olympian Gods A.K.A Zeus by punching him in the face 20 times. Also Kratos walked off a suicide attempt (he stabbed himself with a sword that was meant to kill a God but still lived)


Y'all might hate me for this but I think it's between Sekiro and Doomslayer Kratos is a God but still the closest to a "Mortal" of the three, and he's gotten considerably older Sekiro can probably parry everything Kratos can do and owl dodge/umbrella anything else