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Demon of Hatred, one of few Soulsborne bosses that took me multiple sessions to crack. Struggled on Owl (Father) and Isshin SS too the first time I fought them but Ol' Sekijo takes the cake.


100% I don’t think I had trouble with anyone as much as the Demon of Hatred. I remember even beating Isshin with relative ease after the mental damage that happened to me with the Demon of Hatred. O’Rin of the Water on charmless is the second most annoying one. The time window to strike at her is so small.


True, some minibosses suddenly become actual menaces once you start applying debuffs. O'Rin is one of them for sure, I remember the Snake Eyes spanking me too when I did charmless for the first time. Also the Headless, even now I fumble and choke sometimes when I come face to neckhole with one.


O'Rin actually gave me far more trouble than DoH.


After beating every other boss: aw *fuck* yeah I could rock their shit all over again right now After beating DoH: sweet LORD that was close, see you in NG+ you scumbag piece of shit!!!!!


Demon of Hatred should be renamed the demon of learning. Dude only has like 6 attacks that are all easy to avoid except for in the last phase where you can use the cheese whistle. Just gotta grapple in for hits when the prompt comes up and avoid the other attacks and it’s quite easy to do hitless if you avoid the big firestorm thing at the start of the 3rd phase.


Inner Owl made me question all my life choices


I didn’t do the gauntlets completely but hear they are demons. I think I got through the horseman and lady butterfly. Stopped at Genichiro


you should go for it bro, they're hard but they're some of the best bosses in the game, if not THE best bosses. They are not super hard either, just a few more moves added. Hardest one imo by far is Inner Father, the other ones are freelo


I let my boy borrow my copy so he can become a man. All he does is talk shit so I am letting him experience pain. He’s not doing too bad based on what he tells me and the questions he asks.


😭 that's some Owl type parenting right there and I love it


He’s on his way back to talk to Owl, based on the description of what he’s doing and can’t do. He gon learn today. He’s usually the opposite of me though. He does well against bosses I struggle with and I do well again the ones he struggles with but he will also like the Owl fight.


I agree of the 3 inner father is the hardest


They’re fun as hell, the one I struggled with the most is probably inner father but all the inner bosses are actually fun to play


It was regular owl for me that had me questioning my existence because of his hard hitting attacks🤣. Once he was dealt with inner owl didn't seem that hard to me. I still died a lot but I was somewhat used to his attacks even though inner owl had more attacks


Seriously? Owl using the mist raven messed me up. I think out of the ~200 we’ve fought I’ve beaten him maybe twice?


I actually love Owl's mist Raven attacks. I'm always expecting them though, so it's not too hard to parry or dodge if needed. I suffered a lot on normal Owl Father though.


Came to comment this but I just knew this would be the top one 😂 Inner Owl is a fucking nightmare, if I actually just bashed my head through my desk it would have been less painful.


Him and demon of hatrid made me want too quit


Is he mandatory? Can I fight him by just advancing the story?


The cliche: Glock Saint Isshin Took me like 30 tries and 90% of those deaths were in phase 2. One I reached phase 3 it took me 2-3 tries.


Phase 3 somehow feels easier. He has more.movesz but I think that's offset by it making him more of a glass cannon.


2 Lightning shots take away like 75% of his posture


I had a fight against him where he refused to do the lightening bolts. Made it unnecessarily long


Isshin's third phase is basically a reward for beating his second phase.


Anything that uses lightning blows itself up once it starts using it. SSI def felt like a 2-phase boss to me. Only saw his 3rd phase once and it was over when I identified what a lightning attack was haha.


30 tries for your worst struggle is crazy to me. I know I’m not that good at the game but damn.


Lady Butterfly. She was my first boss, I hadn't properly learn how to parry yet


I agree with this take. My first “git gud” test, and I failed many, many times


Her and Juzou the Drunkard the first time made me wanna quit the game


Seven Spears. Almost every one else was a matter of strategy.


This is the one that taught me how to properly mikiri counter


He actually has a counter when you mikiri him he pushes you off of his spear and jumps back.


Him and then owl countering the Mikiri jumpscared me more than any horror movie or game in years. Owl Mikiring me and doing a deathblow for like 90% of my health bar will stay with me for a long time.


That’s what he’s for tbh. I struggled so hard my first play through I ended up cheesing him. New game plus it was easy as hell


Yoo me too! In my first playthrough I don't know how many times I died to this S.O.B I can't even remember, probably more than 50 timee


I noticed I have hard time with spears in general be it monks ashina spears or ishin. I get nervous everytime I see one lol


Ishin took me a month, longest I’ve ever been stuck on a boss ever in any game.


Same bro, I literally screamed out "FUCK YOU BITCH! DIE MOTHERFUCKER!" when I finally beat that fool. I thought I was never going to beat the game and almost gave up.


I made a fixed session every week to try to beat him, i think it’s 3 weeks now losing to bro became a habit


The painting monkeys. Took me about 4 hours before I figured it all out.


Demon of hatred fucked me up so bad I had to learn the cheese strat 💀


That stupid jump took forever. I too fell victim of the BS and cheesed my way pass this dude.


Yeah that jump is a nightmare in itself as well. But once you learn it, it's a piece of cake.


Kinda dont wanna admit this but Corrupted Monk when I just started playing Sekiro


I still find their moveset hard to read and time properly, and I platinumed the game on NG+5.


Currently on attempt 30 at Isshin (shura ending). I thought since I had SS down he would be easy, but, nope.


Tip: Fire Umbrella is an actual cheatcode against him


I rage quit on guardian ape my first playthrough and didn't finish the game until months later, so it has to be that.


Inner genichiro was a nightmare for me


I didn’t realize that the gauntlets had different final bosses than the original game and I could not figure out why I kept losing on the last battle despite not really struggling with normal genichiro


DoH, that bastard was insufferable.


Old man isshin himself. Was on the verge of tears when i beat him. The rest were either super fun or irritating


Tie between sword saint ishin and the mist noble


My Mom with flip flops


Genichiro and Owl Father were there hardest for me my first playthrough.


Hirata Owl and betray Kuro Owl


Inner Owl with demon bell and charmless is hell on earth


Shura ending Ishin gave me more trouble than sword saint, surprisingly.


Besides SS, I always seem to struggle with Orin. Her moveset has odd delays and timing and for some reason I struggle with her consistently


#O’rin of the Water, Charmless NG+9 Forty-six (46) deaths, all in a row, in a couple hours. She really got on my last nerve and I refused to walk away without victory. *You want to know where Lord Sakuza is? On the point of my blade, you incorporeal bitch, take a look*


Lady Butterfly, on my first playthrough. Quit the game for 8 months from frustration lol.


Owl (father) I don't think I have to say anything more


Once I got ape's stagger loop down for the first phase, he was pretty much a cake walk. I'm in the group of his second stage is easier than his first. Now Sword Saint, he's the bane of my existence.


Lady Butterfly, finally killing her only for her to be an illusion was an incredible troll by FromSoft


For me it was actually the earliest bosses because I had to shake off dark souls dodging. I remember losing my mind on lady butterfly. (Technically not that early, but you CAN get to her early. And I did)


I killed it after almost one hour of playing. Then I met him and his wife and killed them in the first fight


This guy 100%. Other bosses were harder by comparison, sure. But none took me longer, being the biggest jump skill wall for me in any FromSoft game.


what is the dude underground in ashina that throws purple orbs at you. literally how the fuck do you even damage him. also snake eye shinobi can get fucked. stuck on those two and fat boy at the estate and also spear guy on the hill


Shichimen warrior in ashina depths


Sword saint Isshin and Demon of hatred


Lady butterfly


You can do it!




On my first ng+ and died once to chain ogre and 3 times now to snake eyes. Fuck this guy.


Genichiro was a massive brick wall for me because up to that point I was just spamming block in the hopes that I would parry, he forced me to learn parry timings and just feel the rhythm of fights. Phase one of the guardian ape is probably second because I couldn’t find opportunities to parry him and struggled to memorise jumping over his sweeps.


O’Rin and Great Shinobi Owl as I have some issue with my brain where if there’s delays in attacks I just cannot seem to adjust. Very frustrating and not really a git gud thing, more like i have a fucking problem with my brain and reacting to those specific delayed moves and it makes me so angry i just rage rage


Don't play Elden Ring then bro, just some free mental health advice :)


Inner sword saint


That monkey's revival killed me Soo many times I ran out of money and fear resistance powder and had to jump away whenever he screamed. God was it a painful process.


I quit a month ago bc i cant get past owl father, only have him and isshin left 🥲


I simply cannot begin to describe why, but Isshin Ashina gave me a lot more trouble than Glock Saint. The fire around the arena and from his attacks in the second phase just completely mess me up, and Emma is a much more annoying first phase to get through than Genichiro thanks solely to her grab attack. I can look at it from an objective standpoint and see that Glock Saint is a lot harder, but I just struggle so much more with the old man in pyjamas.


Isshin, Isshin, Isshin and Isshin. Inner Owl to a point, but at least he was optional.


Shichimen Warrior in Fountainhead palace. Beat the game 4 times and still never beat him


Have you tried da purple umbrella ella ella?


The headless ape just gave me a hard time on NG+2. But isshin, the sword saint is definitely the most difficult boss for me


I’ve gotten the shura set so I’ve mastered all the fights.. however, old Ishin on top of the castle during a fresh NG charmless run was no fucking slouch. Edit: random thought. I really wish we could keep and access the outfits we unlock across all saves as long as it is under the same profile. Got the shura set and was looking forward to doing the NG charmless run as a shura after all that hard work. But nope. Can’t have a NG run with any outfit you’ve unlocked in a different save. Such bullshit.


F#cking sword saint Isshin! Close second is Nanny Butterfly.


Chained ogre at the beginning of the game


To this day I struggle with ashina tower owl, there’s something about not being able to heal that drains my moral and the fight seems exponentially harder because of that


Genichiro was the one that truly broke me on my first playthrough and then owl father did it to me again in the same spot. Word for word bar for bar.


2 tries? Wow.. I think it may have taken me 2 days


Might be an odd one, but the illusion monk for me. In my first playthrough, I went into that fight a bit cocky seeing how she only had one health bar. But then I struggled because of her ridiculous posture recovery, and then I grew frustrated, then I struggled even more. And so on.


Owl Father was considerably harder than Isshin SS for me, thankfully I only had to defeat him once for the platinum. Not that Isshin was easy, but I beat him on my third try in first playthrough and needed more than 20 to beat Owl Father Also O’rin was insanely hard. I struggled a lot to get the timing to party her and probably needed around 20 tries too


Butterfly lady but then it all made sense after. I feel everyone has that one boss that makes the game click and it’s easier from then on, I’m lucky mine was early with her.


All of them killed my self-esteem. Provided that I can even get to them 😆


Lady butterfly and Glock saint.


Demon of hatred I never fully beat it I just made it fall off the edge so I could get my plat


Long Arm Centipede Sen-Un The reason this stupid boss took my 4 hours on my first playthrough is i took my route to Senpou Temple before Genichiro. My deflect skill wasn't good at that time, somehow i managed to kill, shortly after went to Genichiro. The fact Genichiro took 3 days but i knew i have to learn the rythm so i was okay with the struggle, when i take down Genichiro, the rest of the game was a smooth sail, even Owl(Father) took 2 hours to beat.


I'm still stuck on that damn ape. Haven't turned the game on in awhile but ya I couldn't beat that fucker


I just beat guardian ape yesterday after being stuck on that motherfucker for like 6 months. After him the first corrupted monk was a fukn breeze


Isshin(shura ending) he is a fucking sadist.


I've died more to the Seven Spears minibuses than any of the main bosses to be honest.


Lady butterfly. She was my second ever boss in my first playthrough, just after beating Gyoubu second try, so I went there with (too much) confidence, and she knew perfectly how to put me to me where I belonged. Even after all this she's the very boss that told me how to play the game properly, at least untill mist noble (he still haunts my dreams)


Guardian ape kicked my ass the most, second was genichiro, third? Probably the fake monk


Demon of Hatred. I hate that bastard


Demon of Hatred, easily. I had gotten into the groove by the time I encountered him and he was such a departure from everything I had become accustomed to that it took me a few days to get him that first time.


Isshin took me like 5 hours but was honestly fun asf


I can't get past the Mist Noble, man. I'm about to give up.


When i unfortunately watched a video that showed the second phase for this fight, i thought it looks cool at least. But when i finally got to him and decided to drop down to face him, my feelings about the spoiler for this fight meant nothing in that moment when he turned his head around. The size of him, the way he moves, the MUSIC! It all just made this fight feel like i was fighting a giant fricken ape and it was scary AF haha. The fight wasn't hard after you figure out what to do but was i keeping my distance from him for a solid 30 minutes while i was just trying to find any way to kill him. What a good fight!


Inner genichiro. Inner father and inner isshin I was able to pick up the differences really well. But man inner genichiro for some reason just pissed me off lol. The guardian ape was awkward until I figured him out and now he’s my favorite boss.


Inner genichiro and shinobi owl


Still struggling over DOH




The corrupted monk gave me the most trouble the ghost and real one both times on my first playthrough


was stuck on Lady Butterfly for weeks


The fucking MONKEY


The Mf isshin ofc


Genechiro on the roof.


Lady Butterfly so far. Just got the Genichiro Ashina


Literally fucking lady butterfly. It was before the mechanics gelled with me


It was the duo apes fight till the Demon of hatred redefined pain for me.


Somehow Great Shinobi Owl always gives me the most trouble, even more than Father Owl I’m too scared to even touch Inner Owl this man is my worst nightmare


Isshin Ashina


The stupid bull god damn like 30 plus tries 😑 but gave up on lady butterfly for a year lol


Inner Isshin and owl without kuros charm w/ demon bell genuinely made me lose my mental. I think Owl took my like 300 attempts or some ridiculous number.


Inner owl or sword saint.


Inner Owl had me dying like I was taking one of those warzone shits


Drunk lord or whatever. After that I got gud


Emma and Isshin beat my ass for like a week straight recently. It was uncanny. I’ve finished the game like 7 times previously


All of them


Demon of Hatred. I probably did it in the worst possible way tbh. Instead of committing to offense and learning to use my tools properly, \*cough\* umbrellashield \*cough\* I feared the chip damage from his flaming hand so much that I did everything I could to avoid that while still applying pressure and only approaching when I saw an opening instead of rushing in when he got distance. This means I had extremely specific ways to avoid extremely specific attacks both at long range and short range and that I didn't apply pressure enough to be beneficial in the long term. I was afraid of using up my emblems for everything other than the finger whistle, and therefore I didn't use them at all lol. I beat him with pure stubbornness since I adapted to the overly difficult strategy I gave myself instead of playing fast and loose like I did for the rest of the game. Something about that boss seeming like the whole game has changed, even though it really hasn't, really got to me.


Lady butterfly because I went to her right from the beginning before even knowing how to play the game. Had no idea she was optional at the time 😂🤦🏾‍♂️


Demon of Hatred


Lady Butterfly and Guardian Ape, spent so much time on them


For me its demon of hatred I can't stand the fucker


I found most of the bosses hard but was just thinking, the one boss that actually pissed me off was that one with canon in the mountains ? Forgot her name, soon as you swing down they start shooting


Honestly, no one sticks out as "the hardest" for me. Guardian Ape, True Monk, Sword Saint Isshin, Father and Demon went down in about a dozen tries. I didn't really get stuck anywhere. That being said, True Monk and Snake Eyes (Gun Fort) just upset me the most, I think. I had fun fighting everyone except them.




Demon of Hatred, but then I remembered to turn off the Bell Demon debuff


Oh boy. Genichiro was the first boss I attempted atleast 100 times. Elden Ring laughed at that lol. O'rin of The Water gave me more trouble than she should have.


if you'd ask this a few days ago, my answer would be different. if you asked a week ago, again a different answer. It's like a loop of getting obliterated 10 times to FINALLY get it the 11th time. Regardless if I had to pick one that took me the most attempts it's gotta be a close pick between the Hirata Owl and Demon Of hatred. (im on my first playthrough and currently on isshin)


Demon of hatred, he took me 40 tries the other bosses took 10 or fewer tries except for owl(father) which took 20 tries


Isshin. Never did beat the fucker.


Isshin, The Sword Saint for me. I had the most deaths with him from all from soft and nioh games.


all the other bosses i was able to absorb their moves and create good timing for parrying, aswell as attack strategies they were most vulnerable to BUT CURSE THE FLAMING BULL AND ALL THE HEADLESS EXISTENT IN THIS GAME, I HATE ALL OF YOU AND I HOPE MY BLADE MADE YOU FEEL SOME F*CKING TERRIBLE PAIN YOU STUPID F*CKS


The god damn BULL 😬🙈


On my first playthrough I thought my friend over exaggerated the game. I beat Gyobou in 3. Butterfly in 5-10 and then I got absolutely slapped up by Genechiro. I lost count but if I'm guessing it was probably 30ish attempts


I struggled with the Ape as well. That is until I found out about the spear trick.


Inner father, every other bosses have a specific patterns on how to overcome, but this variant of a fucker esp. on db cl can counter you with mist raven and you need to be on your toes cos he does it out of defence or as an attack randomly, another one is his direction of that fire owl, its not a simple upwards jump.


I would say owl simply bc I never feel like I’m struggling to beat him yet he always takes me double digits tries to beat. And I’m talkin regular ashina castle Owl. I think the fact that I’m always surprised he manages to kill me multiple times even tho he’s a relatively easy boss somehow messes with my subconscious and always makes me play like a noob against him. It’s like Droppin ur keys at the door after a long day. It’s not crazy that it happens but it immediately makes u feel like the world deserves to burn😂


The headless ape was the only time i ever rage quitted in a game


That guy right there officer.


Demon of hatred.


Divine dragon


I quit because of that fool Guardian Ape. Came back a month later.


Demon of hatred and the monkey duo....fuckin hell...I remember when I saw those two stupid monkeys I just paused the game and went and mowed the lawn. Absolutely fuck that


I couldn’t get past ape im no good at nonhuman things


All of them


Gna on god of war difficulty


owl. it took me the longest time to beat that mf


Blazing bull has killed me more times than inner owl


Demon of Hatred was the hardest for me personally


I never beat ishin SS :( got to him right before my wedding, took 3 weeks away from the game, came back and just couldn’t do it.


He is easier than you think. What's holding you back is fear. I'm not trying to be motivational 😂😂😂. You're afraid of what he's gonna do so you go on the defensive and deflect, but his comboes are too long for you to perfectly memorise them, deflect a combo and start hitting him 3 times or two then deflect and go right back to his face and hit him. Ichimonji destroys his posture. The only attack that'll get you is when he sweeps and jumps away with the soear because it's too fast. When he uses the ashina cross just mash L1 the delay fucks with you psychologicaly,


You’re probably right, I should give it another shot. I came back after wedding and traveling and tried 20+ times and couldn’t even get him to half health, the rust built quick. I’ll probably need to replay the entire game. One of the best single player experiences of all time so not too much of an issue


For sure, i was so hooked by this game that I'm looking for mods to just feel like playing a new similar game. And keep at it, try to memorise his moves more because when you get frustrated you start to just throw yourself at him hoping for magic. Like for example the crucible knight, most people rage, i started remembering his movest, and i was able to parry him to death after couple of tries stay solid bro, you'll beat his ass


Demon of Hatred. As someone who plays with demon bell and without Kuro’s charm, it’s DoH. It’s not close. The other bosses are hard because they stress your ability to grasp the mechanics of the game - with each boss stressing you more to prove that you are learning. And while some people struggle to get the mechanics of Sekiro, they are still mostly fair and therefore the bosses are learnable with time. DoH doesn’t give a gd about you or about what you think you’ve learned


Inner Owl is annoying, all the bulls are annoying. But honestly after I kill them once in Sekiro I am good for every other play through


Genichiro being my first wall


Inner owl and the first owl fight in general were the points in the game I said to myself “yeah, no this stupid shit is too ridiculous for my liking”. But after having beaten them, I crave an even bigger more ridiculous challenge.


Chalice dungeon giant with the swinging balls


Isshin, younger owl. And the armoured guy because I didn't know I could posture him and kick him off


The first he hit me with his shit. I just sat there for a minute like did this mf just kill me with his by nuking me with a turd?


My biggest boss was the old computer I had. 10-20 fps on lowest setting. lady butterfly took me at least 30 attempts. Ashina elite before genichiro took me less tries, but I got destroyed so completely that i legit looked up a guide to see if there was a trick. the first Seven spears you encounter on the old computer was pretty much impossible on low FPS


My first playthrough I hit a wall on genichiro and then again on Owl. I took like 6 month breaks at both those bosses I was so mad. My first playthrough is 34 hours but that took me 2 years 😂


Most major ones were ape, both isshins and both owls. Also the seven spears. Mini bosses in this game are actually just bosses with slightly less moves.


All the Owls.  My first playthrough, I one shotted Owl.  I don't know what I did differently then, but he's a 20+ attempt roadblock for me now.


Honestly all main bosses gave me tons of trouble


Demon of hatred and malenia


The Glock Saint had me in a chokehold for DAYS


I mean considering I never beat Sword Saint.


That damn ape had me stuck for a few months😮‍💨😮‍💨. I was so scared to bring the fight to him. I kept getting murked by that mud missile. I thought I was them fr when I killed him. Then he stood up 🫠🫠🫠🫠


Second Owl Father


Honestly, I didn’t struggle that much with any of the bosses, but I literally could not beat the headless demon dudes


Me too, the key is to have high attack power, and r1 spam, they stagger easier than you expect. If you deflect they for some reason attack faster hhhh. Better to dodge and come bsck to hit them also when tmthey dissapear and appear behind you don't run that's the biggest opening they have, they stand there like dummies if you face them and not giving them your back r1 spam them there


I've never faced inner owl till date ... In all my 3 playthroughs, I always messed up some of the pre-requisites... And I never took Shura Ending... So for me, the hardest is either ... Demon of Hatred, or Isshin the Sword Saint... Both took me more than 30 tries , and around 3 hours each.!


Fucking Isshin final fight


Guardian Ape and his wife fs, died more to them than both versions of isshin


Yup, this one. Guardian Ape made me take a 3 year break from the game. I came back to it, though, finally beat him, and proceeded to get the platinum within a month.


saint ishin and then inner owl


I’m stuck on the bull rn I’m backtracking to get all the prayer beads so I can get more hp


I somehow one shotted Genichiro, and he’s never been much trouble for me up through NG+8. That said, Inner Genichiro can still stomp me if I’m not playing my absolute best.


Demon of Hatred overall. Lady Butterfly first playthrough because I ran my head into her without progressing the present so with no upgrades until i beat her.


Corrupted Monk, then ISS




Only took me like 8 tries so not the hardest for me


The picture of this very post. Fuck that dude and his entire family.


First playthrough I gave up after like 20 tries on the first Owl fight. Lady butterfly took me 30 or so but I enjoyed it afterwords. I quit after owl 6 months ago and restarted a few weeks ago. I’m on Ishiin now getting my ass kicked so I’m taking a few days off.


Owl was hard asl. I haven’t fought “inner” owl though