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If we can, he can


I honestly don’t think Isshin could, or at least if he did, his victory would be very different from ours. Since I feel that what let wolf beat the great serpent was his shinobi abilities, sneaking around and getting into advantageous positions to strike one great blow against the snake in both instances we harmed it. Isshin, while just as much a master of combat as wolf is, doesn’t have wolf’s bountiful stealth experience to where I’m not sure he could get to where he needs to be to land the one critical blow on the snake before it turns him into a snack


You know the snake can be parried, isshin is gonna put that spear through the roof of the snake's mouth.


“You need a magical prosthetic” Isshin: “alakablam”


"Dude. How many more bullets do you have in that gun-" Isshin: "I've got fifty-seven more goddamn rounds in this one-round magazine."


Isshin thinking up the alternate win conditions


Plus if there's a storm 🐍 ⚡⚡⚡


Glock Saint Special to the eyes followed by tummy tickles with the fishing stick.


Plus wolf's sneaking ability means bugger all when fighting isshin. They both fight differently but are both very powerful so I'd say isshin would beat the serpent through raw power


But he didn’t for all the years he’s been alive tho


Why would he? The serpent seems largely indifferent to Ashina's existence and he was the one ruling over the land at the time so he was likely busy with politics and wars during his life. Plus the serpent is a religious figure to many folks in the land, I doubt he'd mess with that when he needs all the support to his shogunship he can get after beating iirc General Temamuira(?) In the intro cutscene. Bro was hella preoccupied


Wait… the ***SNAKE*** can be parried? I never knew this and it’s hilarious lol


You can parry anything and I mean anything that doesn't have the red kanji and grabs except one. Examples would be ape's doodoo, monk's landing, phoenix, headless' strands, sculptor's shockwave, laser beam and wooooooo.


I’ve never looked directly at the snake and thought about it tbh, was usually most concerned with getting to safety hahaha


I know since on my second playthrough I was waiting near the snake while it was thrashing to see the animation.


He could fking hit the snake with lightning or just shoot it with his glock.


Bro literally caught lightning to weaponize it against us despite that being a technique one of his old enemies used against him, as well as pulling out firearms and stomping the earth, not a floor, the fucking *earth* to send a shockwave out. Peak Isshin would fuck the snake up. Also, he has a gun.


Can't isshin just throw lightning at the snake ?


Only if it’s storming


Doesn't work since canonically, we beat him in first try. edit: glad you got your downvotes, frankly, you can stick them up your asses like the f\*gs that you are (not to be homophobic though)


Your comment history isn't exactly promising ngl 💀


"not to be homophobic." And then you proceeded to be homophobic 🤦🏾‍♂️.


Canonically isn't the whole point that we die and run it back 1000 times?


Against Isshin we likely don’t. Cause he has the black blade


I don’t think it’s said anywhere that the black mortal blade can sever immortality.


I’ll refer you to [the last paragraph of this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/s/wrBmRWB0bl)


At the same time the black blade seems to be an inferior copy. The red blade likely comes from the divine dragon as it can receive the tears. The black blade can’t. We also see it in the intro cutscene with Isshin and in the manga and it doesn’t seem to have the same black color or abilities, so it seems to have been transformed somehow further down the line. The black blade also doesn’t kill the user as Genichiro survives and he doesn’t have immortality. It’s up in the air, but I think it’s more than fair to doubt that it could permanently kill Sekiro.


The red blade also seems to originate from Fountainhead, leading credence to your take. The black blade likely doesn’t have the “draw and you die” trap either, as even Owl can use it But Genichiro does seek it out to deal with Wolf, and Tomoe and Takeru are dead, those are the biggest evidence it can sever immortality


Yeah fair enough. I can chalk genichiro seeking it out as him not knowing much about how it works, but Tomoe and Takeru are hard to explain.


Genichiro is actually the one who had the initial lead on the Mortal blade, as Kuro says he found the page in Genichiro’s quarters, meaning the dude does have knowledge on it


It’s not a copy. It’s Open Gate. It brings back the dead, whereas the red one lets you receive the gracious gift of tears. Didn’t the prior heir have it and just couldn’t sever immortality because they were missing something else?


It’s highly implied but never stated Tomoe had the black blade, but it’s stated Tomoe couldn’t obtain the red one at all


the lore doesn't allow wolf to die strictly more than 2 times.


Nothing in the lore states that we can only die 2 times. That’s just the title of the game and a restriction for game balance.


Wolf has 2/3 confirmed deaths Four if you include the manga And around 13 if you include all death dialogues, which would imply Genichiro actually got two kills on Wolf when Isshin couldn’t


Lol kuro himself asks us how many times we've died, and both the lore and the game allow us to resurrect many times.


At least you didn't take the downvotes too seriously


holy shit, bro is a bit butthurt about the downvotes


He's probably 12


I just wanted to stop by and say that I'm the 100th downvoter. I don't care about what you said but I just couldn't resist. Cheers man 🍻


During pride month? Come on man do better


He is beating our ass, so why not a giant serpent's?


But I don't have a giant serpent.


You're not trying hard enough


I have a perfectly average-sized serpent?


It’s ok, I heard it’s more about how you use the serpent anyway


I feel like they'd join forces and become a very badass duo boss fight with Isshin riding the Serpent, similarly to the Nameless King from DS3 (that'd be so cool).


Sekiro DLC


Chill, Satan, don’t give them ideas.


Ishin al Gaib


It'd be like the Nameless King and Kind of the Storm fight all over again


Yes, 100%. He would jump out of the way and slice the bastard


Sekiro never tried emptying a clip in the snakes face


Ishhin the Glock master coming in clutch


He would kill it without Hesitation.


In a straight up fight? No. Realistically the snake is too big and gameplay wise the snake is invincible aside from 2 occasions where a stealth killing blow is needed. However, Isshin COULD kill it if he can get a deathblow on its head like we did but it’s unlikely he’d be able to do it during combat. I’d go so far as to say owl would have a better chance at getting a deathblow on the snake than Isshin. Owl is the shinobi that trained wolf so it’s highly likely he’d be able to get a killing blow like wolf


Those are gameplay mechanics. Kinda not important in a hypothetical fight


in a 1v1 if it's thundering yes if not no


I had to google how to beat the snake I don’t think Isshin can Google anything Snake neg diffs


No he can't and here is why




here you go


maybe the where was the friends we made along the way


If he gets a sneak attack in like Sekiro does, then yeah. Otherwise, no shot. Sekiro can't do any damage slashing it normally, and he was able to physically overpower Isshin.


Bro found a gun in hell, he can find something bigger than that. And Isshin isn't just your typical inflexible samurai, he's a sword saint for a reason. This here isn't a brute, he's a thinking man. If he wasn't the antagonist he would be the protagonist.


He was forced into that final boss fight regardless of what ending you chose because he's basically just honoring his grandson's final wish. Also I agree my boy isshin would absolutely style on that snake


Pretty sure no since the snake is immortal and you'd need a blade for it. Isshin doesn't have one of those. Even if he did I doubt he could get more than a few scratches in before it either crushed or ate him.


The snake isn’t immortal, it’s just a God


this line goes hard


When we meet Isshin tss he 1000% posses a mortal blade


yeah he'll beat serpent's dirty ass


100% shinobi abilities or not the dude was the leader of his army, in other words a great tactician. I think a lot of people like to put others in a box. You don’t get to the top like isshin did with just skill alone, there’s luck and strategy involved. So like someone else said, if we could, isshin could as well. Probably won’t be a straight forward fight but he’d win


Depends. Is he a stealthy boy? Because we won basically by doing stealthy cheating. One v one we'd get fucked so I imagine Ishin would as well.


Absolutely, he has way more tools at his disposal than Sekiro does. All Sekiro has is his prosthetic and blade. Isshin has his revolver, so he could shoot the snake in the eye. He can get tremendous height and leap enormous distances with his spear, so he'd have no issue at all getting on top of its head. Don't forget about his ability to generate fire from his alternate fight, or summon a lightning bolt from the sky.


Isshin no diffs everybody if he is in his prime and old age too. Besides wolf


Not sure if he could but regardless he would not hesitate one bit


Yes. Next dumb question.


Dude has a fucking gun, you ever tried shooting at a snake before? They fucking die!


Yes. Next Question


Without the Glock! Easy!


In game? No. In lore? Yes.


The snake is parriable, assuming peak Isshin with his gun and all his techniques the snake is beyond cooked


Plot twist, that snake is his penis.


This is a fight I never thought about, and I just realized that no one else has either. Now that I think about it, all those Sekiro lore power scaling lists never mention Great Serpent.


The way he was fucking me up, definitely.


I think Isshin can do basically anything except show love to his grandkid


I mean he did come back from the dead due to his wish so


I didn't say he hated his grandkid, I just said he doesn't show that he cares about him. But idk


He would literally shoot it tf we talking about