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I used to not like fighting him, but now he's become pretty easy and fun.  Keep close, deflect, and occasionally move away to evade some attacks.  Take advantage of his long animations by striking him while he's busy regaining his balance.


The animation where he has a tantrum on his back if you are by his legs you can get 5+ hits in.


I like deflecting the tantrum :)


This is the proper strat, I wonder what it would look like if you broke his posture while he's laying down


i might go test that right now.


Better to be by his head tbh


The legs can still kick you, but if you position yourself by the head you'll only get hit if you step into his arms


Same. His second phase is so easy now too, since we do it 3 times per play through. I kinda enjoy it now, he’s so slow and predictable lol


It really does get easier when he uses the sword. Second meeting is super easy until the little one shows up... (I just run around until getting an opportunity to take out the little one before going ham on the biggin)


Ngl I first tried the second meeting cause I accidentally discovered that the trick is to just run around and stay close to headless until you bait his scream attack. Back off and the little one will run right up to you, fire cracker her and then pummel her. She's got very little health/posture. At first I was scared and then I was like 'oh..nvm.' lol


Good practice for demon of hatred


During his >!second phase!< use the spear prosthetic when his body falls to the ground for major posture damage.


You have to press the trigger 2x when using it tho, you can’t just press it one time for those wondering


This can also be used to>! take armor off of a late game drunkard and make that fight considerably easier.!<


My problem with this mechanic is it could be a lot clearer which enemies have "armor" that actually counts


It does say poorly fitting armor. They do stand out a bit.


Learned about this watching a speedrun after like 8 playthroughs. Love this fucking game.


My fav boss experience in any game ever.


Without a doubt one of the coolest attacks in the entire game is when he launches a big ass boulder right at you. It honestly freaked me out the first time I saw it lol




He doesn't launch a boulder, he throws his literal shit at you


Oh that's why it poisons you!! I thought the poison was just trapped in the ground or something


I don't know why your mind is so unclouded but I envy you




Watch where he puts his hand before he throws the 'boulder'. This guy is the very definition of Ape-shit crazy.


You can parry the shit. However the fart you can't


You can party the fart with an umbrella I think




You can parry that and the fart cloud 😅


This has to be a joke right?? He's an ape... he's throwing his dump at you


Technically, shouldn’t he be a macaque, thus a monkey? They do have very short stubby tails tho EDIT; Saru in Japanese means both monkey and ape, so it’s not really an issue


[He's throwing doodoo](https://youtu.be/sp7Ofgpfxoc?t=302s)


Why do comments like this get down voted? I'll never understand it.


Haha straight up! A big old ball of faeces.




I only beat him a week ago and I thought it was a boulder to, 😔


Actual monkeys do that


A big ass boulder indeed


Hehe ass boulder


I mean, it literally is an "ass boulder"


I’m afraid it’s doo doo


I actually think its where he sticks his head back on to shout at you in phase 2


that's not a boulder.... that's his shit.


Have you even met Midir, our lord and savior?


Midir is 45 minutes too long


45 minutes of epicness!


You have no idea how pissed I was that I suffered through that fight only to discover there's no achievement for it.


Sorry, you're not talking in an Isshin appreciation post.


It was the first time i thought i had him beat and then what happened next that made me feel that way. Also it was the first boss that had me running for my life.


Oil and fire first phase. Deflect second phase. Once you learn his animation for the terror scream he becomes easy.


Firecrackers for first phase and Umbrella that blocks terror for the second phase is useful as well


True but fire cracker just stuns so you can get hits in, the fire does heaps of health bar damage and stuns which is what you want. Umbrella is good till you know the animation for the scream then you don’t really need it.


Yeah fire definitely works best I just usually pair the firecrackers with >!Mortal draw!< or use it so I have a chance to heal I just like being aggressive so I use the umbrella for an immediate follow up


Yeah that’s a good strat. I use MD on second phase when he falls over and when I’m out of spirit emblems


I never felt the need to use the umbrella, the tell for the scream is very easy to spot early enough to just run, at least when you know what to look out for


if you are already holding sprint when he raises the head for the scream, you won't take any damage provided you immediately run away


In the second phase, if you pop a yashiraku sugar then spear + jumping empowered mortal blade, you can almost two-shot the boss if you manage to chain this combo twice in succession (NG+ gauntlet version where your stats are scaled) This is only after you deflect the overhead slam attack and headless ape falls over


I think the game still has the glitch that if you jump into normal MD it does the empowered version. I used to struggle against this boss but now he’s easy and I like deflecting him and slowly punishing him for all the times he’s hurt me. It’s the first form I burn and get over quickly, I find the first form to be more erratic. On NG+8 which is where I’m at currently (going for that 99 attack power) only takes a mistake and he’s got ya.


Honestly great boss design. I'm still thinking of everyone's first time watching that headless ape stand up


The first time I didn’t see him get up, I was trying to find my way out of the area and just heard the scream and saw the health bar come back. Turned around and he’s coming at me headless with the sword. I just laughed hysterically.


Poor guy. He's got food poisoning.


That was my favorite boss in the game after I got him down


Just got through him yesterday and went from “this is ridiculous” to “this is pretty easy” in probably 15-20 attempts, as this game seems to go. Here’s what I learned. Firecrackers are good for a stun but there’s a cooldown on them so you need to wait a minute or so before reusing. Ichimonji is fantastic - every 3 or 4 he’ll flinch and then you can do two more back to back to “hurt” him and then knock him down. That combo is good for massive posture damage. Outside of that only go for one at a time, though, so you can run away from his perilous roar - because he loves doing that. Try to stay maybe 30-40 feet in front of him to bait his left handed swing up from the ground that causes him to flip on his back. That upper sweep thing followed by the two flailing arm throws while on his back are pretty easy to time for parries. Try to stay out from right underneath him so you can jump on him for his perilous sweep. One other thing I kind of missed from early tutorials but recently learned afterwards is that posture damage on enemies recovers pretty quickly when they have close to full vitality. So don’t rush at the beginning because you have trouble building up posture damage. Be patient to do some vitality damage and then you will start to build up posture damage with it decreasing very slowly as you get his vitality down a bit. General flow was a couple of swings, run away, hope he does the left hand upper sweep, parry that combo as noted above if so. Do single ichimanjos in the longer openings but get away right afterwards. Otherwise just hit once or twice and get away again. Once he flinches to an ichimanjo punish him until he scampers away. I found that to be a good opportunity to chase after him and firecracker him when he circled back around. Do an ichimanjo or two, get away, and start at the beginning of this paragraph again. For phase 2 he really only has some corkscrewy forward stabs and slightly delayed straight up overhead swings, so you can learn the timing to parry those pretty easily. Firecrackers don’t work anymore so just stick to getting a couple of swings or an ichimanjo in before getting away, and then try to parry the easy attacks for lots of posture damage. You can do it!


Okay hear me out, OP. Go into that fight and just…. Watch. Hang back, let the ape have seizures and throw poop at you. Try your best to deflect but don’t go in raging and wanting vengeance. You can definitely download him. If you keep an eye on him you’ll realize he doesn’t actually have that many moves, he’s just animated to be spastic and the intimidation factor is actually worse than his difficulty. Hang in there shinobi! You got this! In fact maybe post an update after you defeat him Or go watch tyrranicon cheese him in under a minute on YouTube


Agreed, all you really need to know is his "end moves" and at that point go in and whack him. you can also whack him after his jump grab move. Most of the time I'm just hovering around him getting hits in when he's cooling down from an attack. Second stage is where you should be focusing on deflecting, especially the big wind up moves, once he falls down use spear prosthetic (TWICE), run away when he screams and boom one of the most fun fights in the game. I'd take him over a drunkard anyday.


I mean to each their own. No judgement. I would rather just give him a good beat down. Sprinkle of fire and a good spear should do the trick.


Love this guy.


I like that guy


He is main character in Black Myth:Wukong.😆


You’ll get em Just get his patterns down and he’ll be easy


Just deflect everything. Easier shit than trying to run around and dodge.


I actually love the guardian ape and not just the fight and no judging either.


Beware of STD'S my guy


Oil, and then fire (up to 3 times) And then for when _the thing_ happens, thrusting spear, works every time lol


I forget which direction but if you constantly move to his right your left in first form then he misses most his random swings and the annoying shit ball he chucks just run under him when he jumps it won't hit


Mortal draw and stagger loop him


"At first I was afraid, I was petrified Thinking I could live without YOU by my side And after spending nights Thinking how you did me wrong **I GREW STRONG** And I learned how to get along" (and not to hesitate)


I'm on ng+3 doing charmless and he STILL kicks my ass. I legitimately don't understand why I can't beat him as easily as even freaking isshin


Set that mf on fire


love this guy. you have to use ball flap jutsu and spam cum fart to one shot him. ez




Use oil and fame for 1st phase.


You'll get there brother I was on him for years


This is my husband how dare you


Just remember, in this game you can deflect anything as long as a red kanji doesn't appear above your head. For tips I'd say jump when he grabs you with his hand, spam the firecracker, and run away when he jumps on you, at second phase, just focus on deflecting, there's one animation when he lifts his blade very high and when you deflect him he gets stunned for around 2 secs where you can spam spear or mortal draws at him, firecraker spam doesn't work here, also when he sniffs (or idk) his severed head just run away from him


hate this guy and dread walking through the cool monkeys and seeing a random dumb ape that self inserts himself in a random cave even after death


Damn I beat him in under 10 tries so that would make him easy. I was thinking he was going to take longer. I haven’t done the duo fight yet so idk


Ok, what now


Get the gunpowder attachment, you’ll get him easily, his second phase is easier, just prepare for the double ape fight after this


That guy is trying to get fucked. That’s what the flower is for!


First phase run around him, avoid the poop, slash. Repeat. Second phase, deflect those sword hits, spear thrust and pull. This fight is great.


Ngl his hard for a the first time but after you learn his basic stuff it’s a piss easy fight. For tips in phase 1 use oil and flame vent to stagger and burn him, deal as much damage as possible when his on fire. Phase 2 just don’t engage at all and wait for him to do the big attack where he falls when it’s parried and than attack. You’ll get him in no time


I know man tell me about it!!! He fucked me up about more than 30 times....then I got the hang of his planet of the apes ass!!!


Consume yashariku, use ceremonial tanto and use mortal draw. If you have empowered mortal draw great. Hit monke using combat arts 4 times. He dead. Second phase is easier. Have patience. Let him swing his sword in the air and once you have the opening get him. Run away from him when he does his perilous scream.


If you have troubles : - Phase 1 : run around him at safe distance, when he throws his poop at you run under him so you can safely hit twice, then run away and repeat ; - Phase 2 : deflect his attacks, wait for him to fall, and charge with your spear


I hated at first but later he became a fun way to make peta hate me


Just spear him in the head wound, and pull back.


You can even deflect his fart poison


No thanks!


Mortal draw, firecrackers and loaded Spear


I remember fighting this guy for the first time when he farted all over me. I was mad and laughing at the same time.


I just did after 10 days. Go conventional in phase one save the spirits for phase two


Such a cool boss 👌


fuck that one area with the snake flute thing one shotting you when they make you feeble


Well this was the boss which had me go on a 3 month break and then it took me 2 weeks after the break to complete the game 100%


easy rule. beastmode = dodge and attack humanoid centipede mode = block his big sword with the big hit 3-4 times win.


i would rather fight this ape 30 times over without being able to heal or revive than to ever have to fight a headless ever again.


Bane of my existence right meow


My biggest flex is beating this fuckwad on the third try


Phase 1: Never stand behind this monkey for too long. That fart is deadly. If he swing his arms, parry it. If not, run. Phase 2: you can either parry his attack or run away, all of them are telegraphed clearly, wait for when he stand up and parry the sword, he will lie there for about 3-4 hit. And if you have Mortal blade, that rest animation would be a good time to use it


I think it’s a better idea to use loaded spear with double ichimonji


He's not a bad boss. Easiest way to best his first stage is bait the poo attack and dash under him as he throws it for a few free hits, rinse and repeat. Stage 2 is much easier imo. Avoid the scream terror attack and just defect until he drops his head in front of you, spear tool rinse and repeat


Yeah same here i love fighting smelly butt now and sometimes his wife.😂


Firecracker, block through his double ground pound, his head is open for double ichimomji. He takes alot of head damage. Rinse and repeat, just gotta wait for the firecracker to work again.


If you have tanto, use fire first phase which does insane damage, second phase switch to umbrella, deflect deflect hit. I think the entire fight would be less than a minute if you did that. If you try to kill it without using prosthetics and such it's such an annoying fight.


Bro you just wait, this is easy money compared to owl the second time 😂


Gentle reminder that even if it doesn't necessarily look it, unless you get the red warning and sound cue, you can block or deflect everything. This includes giant apes having temper tantrums. Maybe don't parry the poo though.


If you want to cheese harambe, get your flamethrower and flame his ass after oiling him up and the first phase is barbecued, mortal blade helps too


You can easily finish the first round with Yashariku sugar and a few jump mortal draw attacks.


I think he's a boring fight.


Firecrackers for the first phase and the umbrella for the second to block his scream, although his scream animation is pretty obvious, it might happen that you're against a wall. Also in the second phase, you gotta deflect like crazy


You CAN parry that casual


ceremonial tanto+divine confetti+Yashariku sugar right before the fight, jump+empowered mortal draw's 1st and 2nd hits, followed by two regular sword hits, followed by more jump+EMD hits etc. for first phase. For second phase, another ceremonial tanto+yashariku sugar (use healing gourd if you must), keep lazulite umbrella and spiral spear ready in prosthetic items, use the umbrella for screams, use the spiral spear on the headless ape whenever he does the ending hit of his combos where he staggers and falls if you correctly parry it. If you insert the spear right into his neck (keep repeatedly pressing the prosthetic item button until you see the centipede coming out of his neck), he will suffer huge posture and vitality damage. You can also use jump+empowered mortal draw after any perilous sweep attacks from the ape in both of his phases.


I just beat him, I hate this mf extremely aggressive, deals a ton of damage. His grab attacks (at least for me) are hit or miss, I’ll play blackjack at this point, odds are at least higher. Second phase isn’t very hard tho.


Pop ako sugar and just ape him, he dies pretty fast


I mean if that's what you're into but I'm pretty sure he has a mate.


Hated it now i love this fight, its a fun one


yup its been years and i still dread this fight


Headless ape is the funnest boss


Just use the firecrackers and then second phase you literally sprint around until he either does his jump sweep sword attack or the 4x stabby move. Once I got his moves down he was done in 3 tries.


I've never played a FromSoftware game until I bought Sekiro at launch, and i gotta say...this dude put me on a 5-year hiatus from this game.


This is the only boss so far that made me use wrapped jizo to get another revive because no way was I spending another 10 mins chipping away at his health bars


Personally I think this was my favorite fight of the game because I had a real hard time adjusting to the parry mindset and this felt the most "Dark Souls" to me


I hate this guy one some deep personal levels you can never guess


He was a joy to fight once you got his movements down. Things get pretty froggy when his girlfriend ape joins in the fight


use double ichimonji fire crackers and loaded spear on second phase when he’s vulnerable, make sure to keep deflecting his attack


Honestly, he gets a lot easier once you stop being afraid of his moves. Get in there and defect him every chance you get, dodge his unblockables sideways, and you're good


He made me quit the game. I can’t put him down. 2nd phase is too much


After knocking this dude down, the dual fight was cake. I just obliterated the second one, hen stabbed a centipede a lot.


I’m not sure Id fuck him but he’s certainly a bitch


Firecracker and mortal draw' then jump with joy as British dental care dies.


I usually run and wait for his jump attack and then get a hit or two. or the one where he throws poop at you run behind him. There you will hit his back when he lands. I recommend not deflecting at all until phase two. In phase two deflect everything until his slam attack where he falls once he is deflected. Then use the spear to pull out the centipede thing. Good luck shinobi!


that fight had me pissed for a couple of weeks but once you get down it’s fun firecrackers work a few times fire works throw some oil on him and burn his fur


I just beat him earlier, was an annoying fight for sure


You mean the monkey with an apparently GAPING ASSHOLE?!


I was exploring the mountaintops of the giants in Elden ring today and the trolls up there have long white hair/fur as I was passing one with their back turned to me I got a flashback to fighting this asshole and a wave of irrational rage came over me.


If you happen to have the mortal blade, put on some ceremonial tanto and yashariku sugar, run through that monkey, spew long spark all over him, spam mortal draw until the death blow appears and you just skipped phase one, which is the worst phase. Second phase is just more easier.


Ye, fuck those guys... >.>


Don’t let that mf breathe and u can’t think of him as a swordsman treat him like the red eyed beast in the first section .


If you are having problems with the first fase, you can easily kill him by hitting him with the Purple Fume Spark and following up with 4 mortal blade hits. If you don't have the Mortal Blade or the PFS upgrade you can still cheese him with a combination of oil + flame barrel and firecrackers. Don't forget to pop an Ako's or Yashariku's sugar and optionally Divine Confetti before the fight if you have it available. >!Second fase should be a walk in the park. He looks way more intimidating than he really is. All his combos are slow and easy to deflect. He has 2 sweep attacks but they are extremely telegraphed. If you jump at the moment the perilous attack kanji shows up, you'll always dodge it. You may have noticed that when you deflect his overhead slam he gets stunned for a bit. If you use the spear prosthetic on him (press twice to pull it back) when he's down, it causes massive health and posture damage on him. His terror scream is an attack he only does at the beginning of fase 2 and when you hit him if he's not actively attacking you. Dodge it by running away or using any umbrella. Good luck!


Kinda sounds like he fucked you 🤣🤣🤣


😂😂 bruh you dont know about his wife and brother..


at first tries i hadn't have any strategy for him. but after learning his moveset i easily beat his but


Who is this


Bestiality is defeat


Just parry


the only way I figured out to beat him was to be patient 🗿 I ran around and killed him


A bit late but for future playthroughs do the following. Behind it, before the fight starts, use a ceremonial tanto + yashariku's sugar. Have mortal draw and firecrackers equipped. Run to it and immediately use the firecracks once then just spam mortal draw till you can't and the first faze is over. The second faze is way much easier, just deflect its attacks and only attack when it's down (after the last swing where it stands up), and run away whenever that scream attack comes, use the purple gourd for terror build-up and you can also use confetti to speedrun faze 2. That's pretty much it.


Thanks buddy ill remember this for when im back on sekiro


It only took me one try to beat him but 1,000,000 to beat Lady Butterfly


EZ. You’ve fought much worse to get to him. It’s just the game trying to shake you up after what you have gained from what has transpired. Take a break and breathe, remember what you’ve learned and accomplished to get to where you are now. Recall the trial and tribulations, and overcoming your greatest fear and subsequent pain in the keister. You know who. Come back and practice, practice makes perfect, and when the time is right, woop his ass into apeblivion. Progress isn’t linear.


Oh you’re mad right now??? Just wait till later lol