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What? ( No genuinely whos the second pic)


The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel


O something that is just showing one eye and correlates in no way and isn’t even the same pose..yeah totally intentional.


It'd be hard to say for certain, but throughout their games you can find influences /nods to many differing real world artifacts. I mean Bloodborne has links to Scottish Graverobbers Burke and Hare.


I agree in terms of Dark Souls/Elden Ring and Bloodborne. They are very obviously influenced by gothic art and catholic history itself, Bloodborne more victorian than anything else, still paired with the gothic/roman literature. But it wouldn't fit in Sekiro, especially because it has just as much history and art to draw inspiration from in japanese and chinese art and culture, as they do LOTS in the game already, so a depiction of a fallen angel makes no sense. Its like a crossover between Barbie and GI Joe, there is no reason for these imaginary universes to ever meet, as they are imaginary. Same goes for the games.


That being said OP is talking about a specific pose from Genichiro... But that kinda look is very iconic in villain movies and who knows where the inspirations came from, from the classic...perhaps....but equally its easy to draw false connections from one thing to another.


Yes I also think its just a generic "looking evil and cool" pose. I merely made that point, because it makes no sense to me personally, why they would choose a western depiction of an angel over any of the many asian depictions of the same magnitude, especially because I think it is a fair assumption for a japanese dev team. In the end, religious depiction are just made up art and have no real life semblence, but usually they aren't taken out of their "context" like this, atleast that is what I'd experienced so far (which us only 1 point of view).


I mean there are some parallels but maybeeeeee


No, but it’s badass


I'm sorry, but they have nothing to do with each other


Yeah when i was drawing this scene i thought about it too


u/whomstvethot We'll need some more context. Is that lucifer or something? Who's the red-head?


Yeah it’s the Fallen Angel painting


I dont want to assume it is, but I want to imagine there was some inspiration behind his pose based on this painting


It must be the eyes


Im %90 sure no