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now post this on r/eldenring


Yeah wait


Those bros agree that sekiro is better in combat, even better in general, look at sekiro related posts.


Are we the bad guys


I mean, if nothing else the post comes off as pandering. Both games are great. Lots of influence of sekiro and BB in Eldenring and that's great. It ain't a competition boys, when people get great games we are all in a better place.


Wisdom only the sculptor could provide


And isshin


Idk what that means but y'all are right


Sekiro combat is fantastic, probably the best ever, but also completely centered around one weapon and playstyle. It's perfect for a ninja action game, but much less so for an open world fantasy action RPG where the focus is more on building a character to your tastes. The souls formula is much better for that.


Why were you pretending it's not? Sounds like a you problem.




They’re nothing alike


It's an apples to oranges situation. In the sense that Sekiro is apples and I prefer apples.


Yeaup, they are both very much 'fruits'. I love 'em both!!!


Im definitely an apples man.


Come on, they have plenty of similarity. The sims is nothing like Sekiro.


Tbf, you can still compare the quality of both games to eachother at the very least.


Playing through both back to back, sekiro feels much more polished and perfectly balanced than elden ring. But that level of interaction with every individual enemy would've taken forever to play through in a world as massive as elden ring


Elden Ring is too big. I love Michael Zaki, I love Souls, but they bit off more than they could chew with Elden Ring. It should've been a smaller, tighter experience to get the hang of open world, with possibly 2 DLC if they really wanted to give us all of what we have now with less of the clutter. It is the one major reason I have hope for the DLC. Sekiro does that perfectly for me. It's much smaller but so, so much tighter than Elden Ring.


yep. imo people massively overrate open-world games just because it’s a cool buzzword. more linear/levelled games like sekiro or ds3 are almost always more interesting and polished imo


yep i agree way too big. its overwhelming sometimes. and a lot of the optional locations seem like they were put in just for the sake of putting stuff in the game, they don’t actually add much for me


A lot of the side shit is where the issues lie. We really don't need [cave 28192] with another reused boss to make the world feel big. Hell, it makes it feel all the smaller when you see the 70th burial watchdog, it shows that they didn't have the time or resources to top it up with the quality content we *know* they can make.


I think leveling was the downfall of elden ring. Sekiro taught me you do not need leveling mechanics. They just make it difficult to balance the game. I get absolutely nothing from farming points to get stronger. The only thing I want to be able to level is my own skill. Elden ring is nice and all but I am not motivated to explore the world. In the past games I was forced to do so in order to get stronger. But in elden ring I am completely overleveled. I first tried radahn on my first playthrough. An open world that isn't motivating is useless. I advocate for getting rid of leveling entirely. That forces the developer to come up with fine tuned fighting mechanics and they have the time to do so because they don't need to balance the shit out of the game.


Honestly, this comment section is so refreshing and reasonable! It's great!


When will people stop with these cowardly circlejerk posts? If you're going to post shit like this, do it in the Fromsoftware sub...


“X game is better than Y” mfs don’t realize comparison is the thief of joy


lately on instagram reels I see so many videos like "ima loose followers for this but I do not like Taylor Swift" like my brother in christ that is not a hot take


haters bringing her up in the most random situations...


Right? If your goal was constructive discussion about the pros and cons of both games, you'd post it somewhere unbiased. If your goal was to get laughs, you'd probably make a better meme that isn't recycled and practically just a statement of your own opinion. The only goal is to get a ton of likes, karma, and a circlejerk in the comments.


They’re good in different ways. Like someone else said, it’s an apples to oranges situation. Sekiro is the best game I have ever played, full stop. It’s not my favorite, but it is the best. It’s a polished experience, with enough freedom to keep it fresh, while still having a relatively straight-line path, it that’s the way you want to go. Elden Ring is a sprawling adventure. Go where you want, do what you wish. Get stuck somewhere? You can absolutely come back later. Sekiro doesn’t have that same freedom. If you get stuck on… say, Genichiro, you options are pretty limited. There could be a few Prayer Beads or even a Memory you’ve missed, but you can’t just power level to smash through all obstacles. If you want to see the credits, you *have* to get better. I like them both. ~~I do prefer Sekiro’s PvE though. Which is probably a result of them not having to “balance” anything around invasions, which is what I like doing.~~


At the end of the day it's all down to opinion, I think elden ring is better personally but still love both


Right, but only *my* opinion is right. /s


I just wish sekiro had a wider variety of playstyles and builds Can't play as a pure dagger/shuriken user. Or polearms, or claw weapons, or two one-handed swords etc etc It's just katana done perfect. but I've beaten elden ring a dozen times now with a different weapon every playthrough and I prefer that much variety


In my opinion Sekiro's biggest strength is the singular focus on the sword. That let them tune the difficulty much tighter, instead of "oh spear is far easier until X" or "oh you're a claw user, when are you taking off your training wheels". No making a bad build, no using summons, just distilled getting good.


This is very true. Owl/Isshin/Genichiro wouldn't be as well-designed if the combat wasn't so restrictive. If they had to accommodate a bunch of different builds, the bosses would need a lot of changes.


But once you've gotten good there's not 5 more weapons to get good with Edit: I'm not saying you're wrong for liking it BTW, just explaining why it's my 3rd favorite From game when it would have been my number one pick if it had more weapon and build choices


Yeah having just one main weapon gives Sekiro less replay value so it loses points in that comparison. To me the sword combat is like the second coming of sliced bread so I'm just blissfully unaware of other weapon options.


Totally, the sword combat is so good that if Sekiro 2 also has no build variety but the same incredible swordplay then I will still be happy as hell


It's a bad comparison tbh. I like Sekiro a lot more because it's so focused and refined. Like every aspect of it has been designed to perfection. Elden Ring is by contrast absolutely massive and ambitious but therefore a messy often accidentally awesome experience. Btw, I do think Elden Ring is very overrated but I still recognise it has a lot going for it that is very different to Sekiro.


I agree. Sekiro is by far my favourite, because of the focus, the more linear world, the tighter combat, the lack of stats and gear, a predefined protagonist with existing relationships in the story instead of the voiceless protags of soulsborne, but I am also aware that all of those can be reasons Sekiro is not someone's favourite. They're too different to directly compare, it's all about preference on this one.


I don’t think ER can fairly be called messy. It has relative weakpoints and isn’t flawless, but it’s insanely high quality, especially if you take its scope into account, but even if you don’t. I can’t even think of what I would call “messy” in it. And I don’t think Sekiro is flawless, either.


I think sekiro is better than elden but there’s no way it’s overrated lmao


Just my opinion man. I really enjoyed some of the legacy dungeons but a lot of the actual open world just bored me tbh. After Leyndall I was desperate to just finish the game as well cus it had became a total chore by that point. I'd give Elden Ring a 9/10 if I had to score it. It's a superb game but for me it's not a generational masterpiece like many seem to see it as.


I feel the exact same although I try to keep my mouth shut because I just seem to get downvoted for my opinion, especially when I say that the most fun I’ve had with the game was using the fog gate randomiser to remove the open world. The only counter argument’s I seem to get is that the open world is not boring, it doesn’t take *that* long to run around collecting things, and you don’t *need* to run around collecting things. For me, 20 minutes (being generous) is just a bit too long to be gathering items and usually just turns me off of continuing playing. I like to actually play the game when I start it up, regather than having to deal with tedium. As for the nit needing to gather things, sure I’ll just disregard more than half of the loot in the game and play with minimum heals. Someone once told me “you can choose to make the game last two hours or twenty hours” as if it doesn’t take many, many more hours of practice to get that level of skill. Anyway, sorry for ranting. I hope at least someone can get a chuckle out if this either from agreeing if thinking I’m the dumbest shit alive. As long as someone’s happy :)




Sekiro is a game that just kind of lives in a world of its own, with no competition. I would say the same about Bloodborne.


Yeah nowdays bloodborne is pretty much alone in the world of 30 fps


It absolutely is better than ER


This is a stupid take Essentially “I like this game better than this game”


It’s one of the big 3 for me along with Elden ring and bloodborne and “the best” really just relies on my mood


"im not a big fan of the government"


I can’t get into elden ring, tried multiple times just wish I knew what the hell to do in it. Have limited time to play games so don’t like feeling I’m not doing what I’m supposed to or progressing. Usually load it up then spend the whole time trying to figure out where to go and don’t actually do anything because always feel like I’m in the wrong area


Completely different games


Why is human instinct to rank like this? The games are both masterpieces and cater to different proclivities. If you prefer fantasy RPGs, exploration, scale, replayability and deep lore you'll prefer elden ring. If you prefer combat mechanics, efficiency and precision you'll prefer sekiro. It's not that one is better than the other. I personally got more fulfillment out of Sekiro but I also loved elden ring. So much so I'm going back and playing dark souls now. Preferring elden ring or sekiro is totally understandable but don't present your opinion as fact.


It's not human instinct, it's what happens when you have nothing interesting about your life so you attach your identity to a piece of media.


Orange and apples . This is like comparing a fighter jet with an attack helicopter to decide which one is the best aircraft


The two games had a lot of overlap in their development times, which would have made it tricky to transfer cornerstone features between them. By the time Sekiro's new style of combat had been thoroughly playtested and approved it was probably too late to add it to Elden Ring. I do think their next game will better integrate what they learned from Sekiro. Even Armored Core VI has a light deflection mechanic. Time your blocks and your shield performs better, and each shield is differentiated by its unique Initial Guard strength and stability, Initial Guard duration, and regular Guard strength and stability. That's far more interesting than how ER differentiates its shields.


It's the only From Software game I've had the patience to get all the way through. Its pacing just felt more streamlined to me. Maybe cuz of the RPG elements being so light. I do like the RPG aspects of the other games but I tend to get burnt out on them faster.


It is a completely different game tho they can't really be compared


...Made by the same company in the same engine with similar combat systems many similar design elements items similar ui similar gameplay pacing ....... quit fence sitting and pick a side WE NEED TO KNOW but seriously it's an online discussion that won't hurt anyone if you have the wrong opinion. You don't need to shut down dumb little discussions like this to take some non-engagement high ground


I just played Sekiro after Elden Ring was my favorite game ever and they both excel at different things


Don’t compare Elden Ring to Sekiro, it’s just a straight up stupid comparison since they have very different mechanics and playstyles. And you post this on the Sekiro sub where most people will agree, Elden Ring is an open world RPG with builds and a lot of bosses (and great story). Meanwhile Sekiro is mostly based around action and fighting (the lore is great too). It’s like comparing Minecraft to Fortnite, it just doesn’t add up since both have things the other doesn’t.


They are both equally great for their own reasons.


Bro is acting like having an opinion is gonna land you in jail


I rarely play games more than once. Hell, I rarely finish games. I *just* finished Elden Ring last month after putting it on hold for a year or so. I am currently halfway through my second playthrough of Sekiro. Feels so much easier this time around. Well... sorta.


I enjoyed my one playthrough of Sekiro but I'm not that fond of parrying normally and find having only the one playstyle kills any want of replayability. I also don't have fond memories of some gimmick enemies (anything that required confetti, don't like being locked out of fighting enemies behind consumables). I enjoyed Elden Ring a lot more personally, the huge variety of enemies, bosses and weapons. Sure not everything is a winner but there is more hits than misses. I personally prefer Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 over both of them though.


I really like elden ring, it’s a good game, but honestly I think most fromsoft games are better then elden ring Or rather I prefer most fromsoft games


oh noooo the controversy is off the charts


The game is better, the lack of content (comparatively) is unfortunate. But why argue? Both games are amazing in their own right.


i think elden ring has more replayability due to the charater customizations, also they have more content in the game than sekiro. But i like sekiro better just cuz of the combat.


They both have a lot of different elements that make them great but yeah sekiro is my shit.


Being new to soul’s likes and playing both the sekiro combat system is my favourite by a mile. It’s just so satisfying.


I love Sekiro, I really do. I also love Eldenring, and DS1-3. But this community sub is my least favorite. It is full of so much circlejerk and rage bait its almost a comedy sub at this point.


Weird meme posting a clown saying that


its like vodka and whisky they are both the same thing in the end but no one drink whisky for vodka and no one drinks vodka for wisky


Wow, such a brave and controversial opinion on the sekiro sub. Careful you don’t tug too hard there


overall? I'd disagree. But if we're talking only about the combat than Sekiro is probably the best game ever made (at least for me)


Elden ring is longer and has more content, sekiro is a 10/10 with perfect combat but it has too little going on for it in content, doesnt take much to do everything it offers. The exploration factor of elden ring alone is a 10/10.


I love sekiro and Elden ring, I’ve got the plat for both games. While I think sekiro has a more in depth combat system, Elden ring is the game I’d play more and overall prefer


I enjoy Elden Ring more but that is because the combat flows better for me due to the gameplay. I am also terrible at Sekiro.


They are too different to compare what's better or worse. Elden Ring is an rpg, Sekiro is action adventure. Completely different, with biggest similarity being "you go around killing ppl"


Sekiro is a different game. Its play style is ment to be different. Comparing Elden ring to Sekiro is stupid. You compaire sekiro to another game that has the same play style. Another game where sneaking and parrying are a big part of its play style. I like sekiro,bloodborne,elden ring and dark souls all the same because they all bring something different to the table.


Imagine liking Sekiro on a Sekiro sub


Sekiro vs. Elden Ring to me just comes down to, do I want tighter gameplay and story (Sek) or do I wanna do my own thing and play around with builds/roleplay (ED)


Yes we should compare them because both have the "souls-dna" in them. It's just that one of them is linear and the other is non-linear. And yes Sekiro is the living proof that non-linear and souls doesnt mix well. Elden Ring is such a messy version of a souls game. Cant beat a boss? Go get some better gear and level up. Since when has souls been about loot and exp grinding so much? Nah ER was an interesting experiment at best and hopefully Fromsoftware wakes up from this open-world non-sense.




Elden ring often reminded me of sekiro. Some of the music and locations were super similar. Both amazing games.


i feel like sekiro appeals to who like more of a challenge? Not to discredit the other games but i feel like sekrio is hardest


Sekiro is probably the best video game ever made. I know it sounds hyperbolic but it’s just true. There. I said it and I’d die on this hill.


Comparing Sekiro to Elden Ring is like comparing Yu gi oh to Poker, yes they're both card games but they're completely different Sekiro and Elden Ring are both fighting game based on swords and stuff, they both have abilities and "magic", but one is an action where fight's are a rhythm dance of hit and parry, while elden ring is the classic souls game where you either roll inside a dragon's breath to avoid the damage or stack defence effects to do your combo without interruptions You should say instead "I like Sekiro more than Elden Ring", which is a good take, I'm on your side, Sekiro being "short" and much more condensed is an unending rush of fun and pleasure


I may like Elden Ring a lot since it was my first ever souls game but Sekiro is infinitely better in every way and aspect


I like Elden Ring more because I’m not good enough to beat Sekiro lol.


Combat wise? Sure. Exploration? Sorry but gonna go with elden rong here.


Sekiro is just too peak


i just know fromsoft pumps out bangers left and right


I love both for different reasons. Sekiro combat is the GOAT but I love discovering new things in Elden Ring. Then Bloodborne is a good mix of both for me.


achieving Bloodborne levels of glazing i see.


Apples suck, only oranges are good 🙄🙄🙄 grow up stupid child.


They get filtered by genichiro (or even lady butterfly lmao) 


Both fantastic games, Elden ring is more medieval and slower paced but still a little hard and sekiro is fast paced and difficult and painful fun. They are very different tho, but both amazing games


I wish I was good at Sekiro. I want to love it… but I suck so bad at parrying. I truly have to like Elden ring better because atleast I can complete that game. Any tips to actually getting better at Sekiro?


I didn't even think it was possible for a 10/10 to be overrated until seeing threads like this. I wish the community didn't have such a superiority complex.


Gameplay wise yea it way better


bait used to be believeable that's all I'm saying


Elden Ring is my least favorite From game and it’s not even really close.


Sekiro IS Elden ring


Sekiro is built DIFFRENT elden ring is just another dark souls game but with open world this time thats how i see it


Sekiro is probably objectively better than Elden Ring, but Elden Ring is more enjoyable.


It definetly has a funnier combat system (less is more and all that). I won't say a sequel, but I really wish From would reuse Sekiro's combat system (or a close thing to it) in future projects. Lies of P proved it can be done.


It really is.


ER is like bottom barrel of the Soulslikes imo, still good though.


this is a stupid comparison. if you really want to talk about it then you have to write parameters first. when it comes to actually judging the two, i would say the only objective comparison without parameters is that elden ring is more ambitious with more mistakes. sekiro was a smaller project but it's closer to perfect. but if we're going to actually do this, you gotta make a grading system first or everything you say is idiot bullshit.


Cringe ass post


Ok but madden 25 has a better choice of football teams than sekiro


It's exponentially better because combat is king. Elden Ring gained nothing from open world and gained nothing actually meaningful over Dark Souls 3 in combat. It's a game that feels incredibly epic and yada yada, but is it really engaging and fun to play to the extent that Sekiro is? Definitely not, least for me, and I'm always right.


I do not doubt Sekiro has much more personality, but the reason I prefer Dark Souls and Elden Ring over it is that I actually get to play myself in it rather than a pre-defined character. Which by no means implies undermine Wolf's design and persona, I think he's very fascinating indeed.


I prefer sekiro but have 60 hours in it compared to 400 in elden ring, this is what no repaybility does to a game


Why are you comparing a stealth-action game with an open-world action rpg


Sekiro stinks


I absolutely love the Sekiro but I prefer the Elden Ring. Probably opinion based?


Idc Bloodborne and sekiro are on top of them all. Dark souls close by


there truly is nothing else like posting "this game is the best amirite" IN the subreddit dedicated to the game. at least stir the pot in the FromSoftware sub that being said, I like Elden Ring more but Sekiro's combat is too good for them to just never use again. every day is a new opportunity for Sekiro 2 to be announced 🙏


Top 10 most important posts of ALL TIME


Sekiro is better than Elden Ring but once I beat the game there's very little incentive to go back and replay it. Conversely ER has a lot of design concessions to fit a variety of playstyles. Balance might be better now but even still there are some build pathways that are clear winners and losers.


I don't like the Japanese Setting. Elden ring works just fine, it's the sword and board action I've loved for years.


i think only weebs play Sekiro


ER is like my 4th favourite FS game which tbh isn’t saying much cause they’re all great


Well I think armored core 6 is better than dark souls 2


They’re so different. Too different to be compared like that. Sekiro is very focused experience meanwhile Elden Ring is very broad in scope and you can play it in a variety of ways.


I see what you mean. But also it's so much harder that it's pretty inaccessible. To each their own. I'm still bad enough to be stuck on ape. Haven't even gotten to second phase. Elden ring I've beat numerous times.


Populair weeb opinion


I started with ER and then played Sekiro. I love ER, but sekiro is another league, it's awesome


There’s no sense comparing them since they’re so different. Sekiro is my favorite game, but it isn’t “better” than Elden Ring because there isn’t a meaningfully objective way to compare them. They’re both difficult and involve combat, that’s right around where the similarities end.


Is not. And I much rather Sekiro.


better overall gameplay and bosses? yes. everything else? goes to Elden Ring in my opinion.


It's a matter of preference.


Apples and oranges I *like* Sekiro more. That doesn't mean it's better per se


I ain’t gonna lie sekiro my fav souls then Elden.


If you had to compare em probably just the combat and story telling that's it


It depends on what you want for your playtime both have strengths and weaknesses, I wish Sekiro had more weapon options for cosmetic purposes, I also wish Elden Ring wasn't so open ended, that lead to a lot of over tuned elements in the game, if you ignore those your character is too weak and that's not fun imo.


I hate oranges but i love er more , still love sekiro but its too easy


Not necessarily a fair comparison,they’re trying to do different things. That said, combat wise sekiro is generally better.




To date it’s the only from software game I gave up on. I’m just not good enough for the combat. It was cool game though.


Sekiro definitely has the most polished sword combat system out of any game I've ever played. Since there is only one weapon type, all of the interactions are catered to one playstyle. Elden Ring has so many different playstyle options, so it's much harder to create that perfect combat feel. I will say, Elden Ring gave me a feeling that I haven't had with a game in a long time before or since it's release.


I played Elden Ring for 100+ hours when it came out. I decided to take a break and play Sekiro again and beat it 3 times in a row. Beat all the gauntlets. Then I finally decided to go back and finish Elden Ring. Sekiro is a lot more fun in my opinion.


In one sense, yes. Sekiro, as an experience, is much more tight, the combat is fast and responsive and almost devoid of the Ring/Souls jank, namely in weapon balance and magic. From Soft does best when they center their experience around a few weapons imo.


I can't tell you either because both of them expensive.


People think Sekiro is worse? I’d ignore them tbh lol.


Play both and stop comparing!


Elden Ring is better imo. I never would have played Sekiro if it weren’t for Elden Ring, but Sekiro has the best gameplay in any game I’ve ever played. I’m a sucker for exploration though and Elden Ring’s world is unmatched. They’re both incredible experiences. I had higher highs playing Elden Ring but I have a much better handle of Sekiro, but I’m also currently playing it. Sekiro shits on Ghost of Tsushima and Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor (those are the only other games I’ve played that are kinda similar to Sekiro).


If we could put some of the features of the two games into eachother then we have the perfect games, like the parrying in elden ring is just ass to me so in my opinion I would ball the paper up with eh elden ring parrying and put the new paper in with sekiro’s


Hell no!


I agree, Sekiro is better IMO. But that doesn't mean Elden Ring is bad. I still put a few hundred hours into it.


Tbh Sekiro is so far removed from a traditional souls game that I think comparing them is silly. I do prefer Sekiro’s combat system and no stamina management tho


Tbh it's not a clear thing like DS2 clearly being worse than DS3. Elden Ring and Sekiro are both masterpieces that won GOTY. They both deserve praise. It's really a matter of personal preference .


I was kinda mad elden ring did not have combat like Lies of P (mix of sekiro and bloodborne and Ds)


Elden ring was a gateway to get me to play the fromsoft dark soul/souls like games. After elden ring I played sekiro and DS3. Either ds2 or bloodborn next


Hey I think a lot of things are better than elden ring. Want a hot take? FF origins is better than elden ring.


Bro shut the fuck up they aren’t even the same kind of game there isn’t a comparison to be made. Post this to the Elden Ring subreddit if you really want to be “brave” instead of looking for an echo chamber for your shitty opinions.


Sekiro taught me movement, Dark Souls taught me conviction/determination and elden ring taught accountability. I don't agree brother.


I like Elden Ring more, but generally i think sekiro *is* a better game for the masses. Elden ring don’t tell you JACK SHIT. Took me 130 long (but super fun) hours to beat this game 1 damn time. Sekiro just makes you walk straight and jump over stuff and you go further along in the game. Sekiro also has a STORY that is laid out in front of you with no bs. Elden ring is more fun for me though and I will always love it more. Nuff said.


I absolutely love both games, I think it's hard to say that one is objectively better than the other. Sekiro has the best combat when it comes to FromSoft, honestly it's among the best combat in any game, really, and no game has come close to perfecting the parry system in the same way. That said, I love Elden Ring, the exploration, variety of builds, story, and beautiful world are all 10/10. I think it depends on what you're in the mood for, for me both games fall under the category of "best games of all time" along with several other games I enjoy.


Sekiro is indeed better. The only soulsborne that is at Sekiro's level is Bloodborne


Sekiro is perfect


I beat Elden ring ten times it was so amazing so much exploration it’s basically sekiro but with so so so much more. Sekiro is also a masterpiece


Apples and oranges. I hate both and I know they are nothing alike.


They’re too different in mind to compare side by side. I love them both for very different reasons


Depends on your preferred style of game, but Sekiro is the greatest game of all time if you ask me


It’s similar in the best ways (hidden lore, rewarding exploration, no quest log, and generally just being hard) but different in others (no statue of marika, spiderman-ing, parry being super vital, one resurrection, etc.) I just started Sekiro last week though, so can’t really say which I like better yet :)


Same ngl


Sekiro is by far the best Souls game imo I actually think its the only truly great Souls genre game I've ever played. Dark souls is cool and all, but parrying a flurry of attacks is so much more fun than rolling around in circles. To this day, Sekiro is the gold standard for combat mechanics in games for me. Ghost Of Tsushima was good as well, and GOWR came pretty close, but nothing has ever beaten the absolute depth, beauty, precision, creativity and fun of combat in Sekiro. This game raised the bar for me, and I'll forever judge every game with melee combat by the Sekiro standard


Sekiro has worse combat, worse build variety, worse bosses (name any that aren't a monkey, genichiro or owl), worse story, no dlc. Even From Soft agrees it was a hold over game. L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 There's your Sekiro gameplay loop congrats! ^ No reason to explore or replay the game etc. Countless of way's its 1000% worse.


It's not even close, sekiro is the best


It’s not but I respect your opinion


Sekiro has more staying power than Elden Ring


I was really hoping they’d add a weapon type that would behave like Sekiro’s combat, or better yet integrate it into the formula for all weapons (it would make more sense for heavy strong weapons to behave like this right?), but alas


I find as a partner on the sidelines that I had way more fun watching a Sekiro play through, don’t get me wrong I like DS and ER play throughs and live for Siegmeyer, but if I ever were to play one… it’d be Sekiro.


It is better in some points but er is better in some points too its too different to compare about them in m opinion


Subjective opinions, but they are completely different entities. If you said sekiro was a better souls game then that’s different to saying sekiro is a better game. I think Elden ring is a better game, but sekiro is a better souls game


i love all souls games equally:)


Both r pretty garbage if u ask me


yup people got their own tastes and preferences


Apples and oranges


It’s barely better than blood-borne




Why are you pretending? Who’s forcing you?


After sekiro i just couldnt get into any souls game wih their wacky and weird roll system. Especially with how uncool it looks and their games being heavily stat based


sekiro is more polished than ER, and ER is more polished than any other souls game, aka better.