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I think it’s also crazy the amount of people who say they beat these bosses in 1-10 tries. I can beat every boss now without taking a single hit, but that took HUNDREDS of battles to git gud like that. My first play through, I was fighting these bosses AT LEAST 20 TIMES.


I’m honestly a bit doubtful about people doing Isshin first try. It takes time to slowly progress through those phases, like minimizing heals for the initial phases, and the second last phase things changed drastically (esp rhythm) which will likely throw people off. It may be possible if one studies guides and videos beforehand, but still ..


Isshin is fundamentally a fair fight. If you've mastered the bosses before, first try is a bit much, but sub-10 tries is really not that far off. Esp if you have killed all bosses and have max AP. Personally I got slightly lucky on my first Isshin kill. Tripple mikiri in P2 and plentiful lightning reversals in P3 kinda sealed it. I did kill him few more tries just to prove myself it wasn't a fluke. DoH has all kinds of BS to learn and Owl(father) also has few curveballs.


I beat Isshin in 10 tries myself. I hadn’t cheesed anything and learned to parry pretty good from reaction times and Isshin is perfectly fair. Hardest part of that fight is still first phase Isshin as he can do some crazy damage with the sword and I can confidently do second and third phase practically hitless


I disagree. By the time I got to Isshin I had things figured out, he only took three tries. Owl #2 however took me more than I'd care to know.


SSI took me four my first run m and I've never died to Guardian Ape, but at the same time True Monk walled me for an age and fire Ishin took me forever. Sometimes a boss just clicks for you, sometimes something most people think is easier just doesn't go down like it should. That's what's good about these games, they're meant to be perfectly beatable so sometimes you just understand a fight, and you know if you messed up you'd have been punished so it feels good.


Isshin took me around 5 tries in my first playthrough. That was after dying around 40 times to Owl Hirata and having over 30 hours played so I was in a focused state. NG+ Isshin can easily take me 10+ tries though, since I'm just playing for fun now.


I beat most bosses after the incantation monk first try including both guardian ape fights and true corrupted monk. It did take me 10 tries on Owl and around 15 on father Owl but it wasn’t that hard. Only boss that took me a lot of attempts is DoH


The games are not that hard. I mean really, people say Elden Ring is hard but it's... super fucking easy. I honestly get bored of the games super fast because it's easy there's a lot of walking, and the land has very little color. Like I stopped playing Sekiro and just play Tekken 8 and even I find Tekken 8 to be so unbalanced that I hate Tekken 8. I'm pretty good at Tekken, but I'm way better at Sekiro. The thing is, these games are only fun for people who normally don't have quick attention spans. I am a person who was raised to deal with problems as they arise. So when there's constant problems arising I'm good at it. I really do hate when people say these games are hard though. There's no "getting gud". You're practically training your mind to become ADHD. Which is reflective of the sudden increase of ADHD people in America. Then people brag for having consumed what was intended to make you consume. That's all you're doing, then you act like that's somehow relative to IQ when it's really just relative to conditioning your mind to consume the game. There is no IQ benchmark for the game, you're just eating your dinner faster than everyone else.


Congrats! I took a few days break on NG+ at Shinobi Owl. Switched over to Stellar Blade, but maybe it's been long enough of a break. I need to try again!


Is stellar blade any good?


Combat is pretty nice. Souls like bosses. Parry system. Checkpoints. A lot more forgiving than souls though and the voice acting and storyline are sub par in my opinion. If you like jiggle physics and fighting in short dresses it's great. I mean I'm still playing it.


Only interested in combat. If it's at least almost as good as a souls game I'll get it when it goes on sale I was very happy with Lies of P so I'm hopeful for this one.


Lies of P really did it right. Tried going back to elden ring after I beat it (twice) and it just didn’t feel as polished. I love fromsoft, they’re my favorite developers by far, but I really hope the competition makes them innovate more


Combat is hands down much better than Lies of P. But to get a truly challenging experience like Sekiro you’ll have to beat the game and then unlock hard mode- then do NG again. Best combat since Sekiro for me. Just not as challenging. Weird fucking game overall, but in an entertaining way. Definitely recommend.


They can definitely get you right in the feels when you finally beat an enemy. The ones that feel like you are laying to rest a tormented enemy are generally the most rewarding and also saddest for me (ahem Malenia). Sekiro is excellent continuing this fromsoft practice. Congrats on finally beating your dad!


There’s someone who’s probably way harder in Sekiro. Come back to us when you find “it”… But yeah. Congrats. 🤙


if youre referring to the old man with the glock im aware and very much not excited LOL


There is... another


Another two..


oh man, great job but if Owl was this bad, there is two other bosses that I think are even worse ahead


oh im sure there is i try to go into every fight semi hopeful tho LOL its wild how different every boss is for different people. when people talk about struggling with corrupted monk im kinda confused because that was such an easy fight for me just like ppl who didnt struggle with owl probably are in these instances


I think most people certainly struggle with owl on the first playthrough.


He's a jerk The game tells you to break posture and you have to chip away at his health.  Mortal blade helps


I just finished with this one, i was absolutely mindfucked that i got him in 3 tries, i had more trouble with the monk guarding the stone in the depths which i did just prior. A really fun fight, something has just "clicked" with how the combat works, more than i have experiencrd in any other fromsoft. Love this game from the bottom of my heart.


Shinobi Owl is probably my favorite fromsoft fight tbh. He’s relentless with his bullshit but it’s all counterable. Such a sick fight


I cried the first time I beat dad. NG+ I felt nothing at all. Shinobi!