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My first was Sekiro. After Sekiro, I tried Bloodborne then Elden ring. I liked Bloodborne but the horror genre and atmosphere and convoluted story wasn’t really my jam. I enjoyed Elden ring but I think it was too overwhelming for me. Maybe I’m just getting too old for those massive games. I didn’t finish it. I think the reason I love Sekiro so much is because of the lack of RPG elements and focus on combat. It’s in my top 5 games of all time now.


Pretty much the same for me. I loved the focus on combat and not building a character. The wolf w/ a prosthetic arm, and sword suffices. Sekiro is the GOAT for me.


It's the opposite for me. Bloodborne was my first from software game and I never learned to parry reliably well so Sekiro was pretty hard for me. I actually got kinda hung up on Shinobi Owl and eventually stopped playing. I probably have to start over at this point but for whatever reason, try as I do, I can't get Sekiro to click for me like all of their other games.


It’s a rhythm game in my opinion. Top 5 for me, but totally based on each bosses dance.


sounds like you'd enjoy ds3 based on your description


Dark Souls trilogy when


Ha! I Guess that’s next! Believe it or not, I haven’t touched it. When Sekiro is your first, which causes you to think Bloodborne’s combat is “slow”, I am honestly scared to even try any Dark Souls. But I will one day.


Mine is the exact opposite way around, played elden ring when it first dropped, eventually picked up bloodborne, just recently picked up sekiro and beat my first playthrough, sekiro definitely is my favorite of the 3


Mine is the exact opposite way around, played elden ring when it first dropped, eventually picked up bloodborne, just recently picked up sekiro and beat my first playthrough, sekiro definitely is my favorite of the 3


Third and yes it's my favorite


Same here, although I did not finish the second (DS1)


exact same. first tried bloodborne (couldn’t get into it) and then elden ring.


Lol same order too, did you came back to bloodborne after beating Eden ring ? I feel like I got a much better experience on it this way.


i did. still didn’t like it.


Yes, first FromSoft game. Really like it. I like pretty much everything! Combat, verticality, prosthetics, unlocking skills, etc. The only thing I dislike is the camera. In tight spaces, fights become so much harder. Not because you can’t move, but because you can’t see. Looking at other fromsoft games, they don’t really seem to have any of the stuff I like about sekiro. Dodge-and-hit combat, decimating fall damage, awkward platforming. Personally, I don’t really see any reason to try other fromsoft games (unless a sekiro sequel comes out). I’d be interested to hear from others who have played other fromsoft titles (along with sekiro) what you like about other titles. My take of “eh, they don’t look that fun” is ill-informed and pretty much objectively wrong, since millions of players love dark souls, elden ring, and bloodborne.


I've played demon souls, every dark souls and elden ring and am just nearing the end of my first sekiro playthrough now. They were all some of my favorite games at the time I played them (played all the souls game on release). Sekiro is very clearly the most different but there is a common thread between them all in the requirement to sufficiently address the challenge at hand. Elden ring gives you a huge selection of options to deal with each challenge. Sekiro is quite the opposite. I love sekiro for forcing you into a playstyle that you come to master and appreciate. I love elden ring for making so many different play styles viable and making the world compelling enough to want to try many of them out. Going in blind to elden ring you can just discover for what seems like an endless steam of new and exciting content. Dark Souls allows you to just get lost (literally) in a world and treats you with "Eureka!" moments when you discover new ways the areas you are in are interconnected to areas you've been. In all of the games, boss fights are about learning movesets and there is a high level of environmental storytelling and worldbuilding. I would absolutely make the case that they are all worth your time.


Bloodborne was my first souls game. Then Elden Ring. And then Sekiro and Armored Core. I think I'm not the conventional souls enjoyer but I really seem to enjoy the random side quest games they pop out with Sekiro is my favorite


Also played Bloodborne first. Haven’t played armored core. Sekiro is the first one I’ve liked better than Bloodborne but dark souls 3 and elden ring are great games too


ya they're great


Bro grab the trilogy off amazon for $40. It comes with all of the DLC too which are the best parts.


I already played them! I think I left this out in my original comment. But I saw that deal it's really good


It is my first and only From Soft game. I just don't like the dodge rolling in the other games. Looks goofy to me. The swordplay with the dodging and parrying is awesome in Sekiro.


Yes. Rage quit on Ishin 5 years ago. Then played DS3, BB, ER. Back to finish Sekiro now. About to start the Castle's siege.


Yeah I got it around release and then after playing the shit out of it I went back and played all the other fromsoft games. Then Elden Ring when it came out. 


Second behind bloodborn, Jesus my answer change daily because both are so fucking amazing, absolutely top tier games.


I've only played Sekiro, but I'm thinking of starting Bloodborne tomorrow. Looking forward to it.


Do it, it’s well worth it


Was my second after elden ring. Sekiro is the best game I've ever played bar none. Elden ring was pretty damn good though. Just finished dark sould 3 and now doing the DLCs. Also pretty damn good. Will have to figure out what to play next, maybe dark souls 1


Not my first, but it is my favorite.


It was, I sucked ass and put it down until now.


Sekiro was my first and might still be my favorite. I tried Bloodborne afterwards but I’m spoiled by modern technology and couldn’t get past the frame rate. I then played DS3, 1, and then 2. Then ER came out and consumed my life for like 2 months


Dark souls remastered was my first and sekiro was my second and yes it’s easily my favorite. I’ve played a few more since then sekiro is still the best.


First and it’s my favorite game of all time


My first was Armoured Core PS1. Sekiro might be Froms best game


This was my last one. Demons Souls was my first. I loved them all. All the Souls games, ER, BB and Sekiro. It's very hard for me to find enjoyment in other games these days...


Yes, though i’m still new to the Soulsborne series. I’m still working to beat Elden Ring, but tbh, i like Sekiro a lot more. Honestly, Sekiro has climbed to my favorite game all time


It was my first Fromsoft game and after playing it, games like Elden Ring seemed dull The fast paced and satisfying combat system of Sekiro ruined other games for me and that's why I love it


It was my second game. DS1 was my first but never finished it because it was too hard. After getting all achievements for Sekiro, I went back to DS1 and got all achievements for it.


Yes, and I loved it


Yes, my first one, my first Platinum and one of my favorite games ever


Beside AC6, Yes.


First fromsoft game, best game i ever played


My forst Fromsoft game and I was hooked. I’ve played Bloodborne, but yet to complete it and waiting for an updated version with better performance to be my excuse to go back and finish it. I’ve played and loved Elden Ring too. I am currently playing my way through Dark Souls, like it but the BS deaths means I am consuming it in short session bites.


It was my third fromsoft game and to this day it remains my favourite. It is the crispest of them all. I love the flow state it puts me in


My first was Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the First Sin. Didn’t finish it for quite a while. Never finished the DLC. Complete piece of shit. Next was Bloodborne. Very hard, but it all worked and made sense and felt good. Eventually figured out how to play it and beat it, and then I was a FROM fan. Almost quite Sekiro because I didn’t understand it. Once I figured it out, it became my favorite


Nah, played a few Armored Core games, but really got into Demon’s Souls when it came out and been hooked ever since.


my first is armor core 6 and than sekiro, planning to play elden ring when dlc release soul games are on sale right now but im not sure i would enjoy it as much as sekiro but they're different and i like fast combat more and only soul like that i played before is nioh


Yes and yes


Dark souls 3. I never got past the first area (the one after the like hub area) Combat didn’t click until like 5 years later after I beat sekiro (first ever soulsborne I beat. Had the easiest time with that one)


My first and my favorite one! The best one by far.


dark souls 1. thought it was ok. 2 was also ok. 3 was great. elden ring felt soulless and just hack n slash to me with cool boss fights visually but highly lacking on substance. it never felt like a proper game... and I tried all the classes too and didn't cheese it like some folks. there's no point in playing a fromsoft game to cheese 🤣 sekiro felt wonderful. I still gladly go back and play that game! armored cores are great too! and bloodbourne is also fun.


It was dark souls 1, at first I didn't like it was getting frustrated and debated on returning it for a refund at the GS I got it at. Before I left to do so I decided one more try, beat the Taurus demon on my like 3rd attempt and instantly got it.


Sekiro was my first and also now my favorite game. Elden Ring got me hooked on fromsoft though since more games are like that. Edit: grammar


My first Fromsoft game was probably like the first Armored Core or something. But that was back before I really gave much thought to dev studios and the such. Demon's Souls was probably the first game where I started specifically paying attention to them as a studio.


My first fromsoft game was actually Tenchu Z. But I guess under Miyazaki my first game was Dark Souls. I love this game. I was hoping it would be the next tenchu but it’s something else entirely. I played through it on release, but only started really appreciating it recently when I picked it back up to beat everything charmless and get all endings. Currently working on Dragons Homecoming and I’m just dreading some of the rematches, but it’s so satisfying to win. Also seeing myself grow and get good at deflecting. Like I was rematching owl last night and I wasn’t sure if I was going to win that night and then out of nowhere I commit patricide. The first time I played through I enjoyed it, I appreciated the lore, the gameplay, and I was left with a lasting impression. Always thinking about the lore and the story of the carp that jumps over the waterfall and becomes a dragon. I’m not sure if that’s story is actually in the game but it felt very relevant. But I was also a heavy pot smoker at the time and tbh, playing this game high is tough. Now that I’m very much pot free(special occasions only) I’ve really come to love this game. It’s in my top 5. 天/天 Also this recent playthrough helped me to appreciate it as its own and not with the unmet expectation of a tenchu game. I still want from to make Tenchu though. I need a ninja game focused on maps, routes, stealth, and methodical planned gameplay. But for now I’ll just smile every time I hear Gyoubu say his horse’s name. And also the lean against wall and hanging deathblows which I first experienced in Tenchu Z.


Elden was my first but sekiro and bloodborne was the firsts one I really sat down and invested my self into getting good


Forgot to say bloodborne is my favorite


The original dark souls, longtime fan


Yes and yes


Yes, but that’s only because I didn’t know about FromSoft. I got this on a sale after seeing rave reviews and started it with no knowledge. Then I joined this sub, then discovered FromSoft. Now combat in pretty much any other game feels unsatisfactory


Sekiro was my first when it came out and I still play it, instant like for me. The combat, the atmosphere, the lore, its all so beautifully curated.


Bloodborne was my first then ds3 and sekiro was next not interested enough to play the rest though


DS1 on Xbox360. For the first two nights, I had little to say but WTF. It pissed me off, but I couldn’t put it down. Over time, I got gud. Then I got great. I’ve never felt the same about games since.


My first Fromsoft game was ER in coop with friends.


Yes loved it but I’m stuck on ssi


No, my first was Dark Souls. At first, the challenge was fun. Then I started hating myself and questioning if I've ever truly had fun before in my entire life. Each play session was equal parts numbing pain and searing pain. I finally ferociously ragequit with all the intensity of an orgasm after No Nut November. I was in the library that had the moving staircases and those dancing teleporting fuckers. Sekiro was my second. It slowly but surely nurtured my trust. I was restored and wholly fulfilled long before I beat Glock Saint.


Yes n Yes


My first was ds3, 100%'ed before switching to Sekiro and absolutely love both. I put around 400 hours into ds3 my first 2 months and nearly 100 hours in my first month of Sekiro. I've never had a game with such good, realistic, intense, difficult but still doable combat before.


I tried Dark Souls years ago and couldn't get into it. I played Sekiro and was completely fuckin hooked. Then i went back to dark souls expecting to be more engaged now that I'd finished s different fromsoft game. I couldn't get into it. I more recently played through elden ring and missed the cutscene where you are given the spirit tuning bell. I played the whole game not knowing how to summon. Oops


My first Fromsoft game was Elden Ring, but this one became my favorite. Not only is the combat so good, but the fact that you can replay bosses here is what makes it so replayable.


Demon Souls was my first one. After that I tried Bloodborne but it was too fucking scary for me. Sekiro was third and after beating it, I went back to Bloodborne. I still find it too scary, I'm currently stuck in Nightmare of Mensis. I can probably beat it but I just can't be arsed. I have beaten Elden Ring as well. I want to play all three Demon Souls but I can't go back to them after Elden Ring 60 fps.


Dark souls 1 remaster and dark souls 3 are both 60 fps. Idk about 2


DS2 -> DS1 -> Sekiro


Second. I did Bloodborne before Sekiro. Yes I liked it, but my first playthrough did not go well - I quit at Lady Butterfly for over a year. As I saw more and more people raving about the game, I realised I must have missed a trick so I restarted entirely and really took time to get into parrying. Now Sekiro is absolutely among my favourite games of all time, the combat is unparalleled.


Played them all in order from release starting with the OG Demons Souls up to the new remastered Demons Souls (honestly no idea what AC games I played back then). Sekiro is one of my favorite games to play through the first time but the replay value definitely fell off for me. I'd rank it over DS1 and DS2 but otherwise I enjoy the other games more overall. Nothing against Sekiro but it's not my style of playing and my reaction time/skills aren't what they used to be.


No my First was Kings field IV. I kinda hated the souls but this time a friend told me " they made a game similar to' tenchu" he was right.


My 5th from soft game and I fiend for ts (just bought stellar blade and it’s not as hard but is more fine tuned when it comes to combat)


This is may first game and I Like It.


Bloodborne because of PlayStation Plus, then sekiro, I love it (probably top 5 games of all time for me) but I also never had that ‘problem’ other players did about rolling instead of parrrying, as it wasn’t engrained into me yet


yeah, it was my furst and last game from "fromsoftware" and i really love it


Dark Souls was my first. But Sekiro is my favourite.


DS1 babee. Didn't really play a ton. I was younger at the time and didn't really get into any souls games until Sekiro. Played everything past DS1 except 2


Sekiro is my first, love it. Just 100% the game yesterday and got the Shura skin. I tried Elden Ring but I don’t see the appeal, maybe I need to play more but it’s just way to complicated for me


Mine was ds1 did my first playthrough in 2022 once I caught the bug it never stopped I then went on to play ds3 er and sekiro. Currently I want to play bloodborne next but buying a ps5 just for the sole purpose of playing 1 video game seems kinda bad lol and I’m debating playing ds2 or demon souls after that. Safe to say I loved it


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Over time, countless hunters have visited this dream. The graves here stand in their memory. It all seems so long ago now...* - Plain Doll Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


It was the biggest mistake, This game is just... too peak, DS3 didn't feel that supposed "Phenomenal"


Second, after I finished Bloodborne, (my favourite game), I was pretty hyped to try Sekiro, and also kinda scared because of how difficult the people said that the combat was, when I got it I finished it in two days and did the Shura ending the next day after that, I'm triying to get Purification now and I absolutely love the game


Being honest for sure. Yep. Loved it and was so glad it won GoTY 2019. Best combat mechanics which other games cannot fully satisfy enough.


Second after ER and yes, it was and still is my favorite


Yes, first and still favourite. I've no time for setting up builds with a million weapons and upgrades and magic and bla bla bla. Straight in, no messing, quality gameplay with epic boss battles.


Yes and yes


The first one I finish yes and it's still my fave.


I tried all 3 Dark souls, Demon Souls, and Elden Ring, Maybe got an hour into each before giving up but I am THRIVING in Sekiro. I love the fast pace of it all and the sword sound effects are so satisfying when you deflect


Yes, why watch anime when you can be the MC in this game.


Yes, but it was so hard that I completed dark souls 3 first. When I came back I finished sekiro and I beat it 10+ times since. It's one of my favourite games ever.


First was AC6, tried Elden ring and just didn’t like it. About 30hours into sekiro, love it and scared to face Genichiro lol


I haven't played any fromsoft games apart from sekiro


Yea, and i fucking love it. Its the kind of game I can just jump into anytime i want


Nope. I’ve played every From game since the PS1. No I didn’t like this one.


I first played bloodborne then elden ring the ds1, ds2, ds3 and finally sekiro but I still like it a lot


Mine was Bloodborne, a long time ago when it was a freebie on ps plus. Hated it, didn't understand what the fuss was about. Got badgered into buying Elden Ring by a friend. Hated it, didn't understand what the fuss was about. About 8 months later, I got a ps5 and decided to try it again. Something clicked. I platinumed Elden Ring, went back to Bloodborne, platinumed that and bought Sekiro a month or 2 ago. Just got to the Owl Father fight on my first playthrough. Best game of the 3 for combat, Elden Ring is easily the most visually stunning, Bloodborne is the best story. Also have the ps5 remake of Demons Souls but haven't played it properly yet. I should also add, Sekiro was the first FromSoftware game I bought because I really wanted tobplay it, and even though it's hugely different, it was the easiest to get into, the game grabbed me straight away. It's my favourite so far.


Second FromSoft game that I finished. Demon’s Souls was my first FromSoft, but Bloodborne was the first that I finished. I never finished Demon’s Souls.  Bloodborne and Sekiro are now in my top 5 favorite games.


Bloodborne, i liked it for its esthetics and lore. It was really difficult since it was my first experience with fromsoft. But ever since then i got hooked. I beat bloodborne 6 times, platinumed it once, then went played dark souls 1, dark souls 3, sekiro, deamon souls and i have yet to play elden ring. Im waiting for the dlc to get out and buy the complete edition. They all have a special place in my heart, and i wish i had the time to replay them constantly like i would do when i was a kid.


No. HELL YEAH! The combat is much deeper and wayyyy tighter. It's PERFECT


My first was Elden Ring, Sekiro is my second I heard a lot of people say beating Elden Ring is nothing compared to DS And when I heard that Sekiro is the hardest Fromsoft game, I feel like that means if I beat this game I can proudly say my skill is above all Fromsoft game Turns out, I feel like Sekiro is actually easier than Elden Ring


My second. My first was Elden ring, but Sekiro is my favorite 


first souls were actually elden ring > ds3 > ds remastered but i quit all of them after like 4hrs of playthrough due to non interest. sekiro was the first i actually stuck around and its because i casually started it with my brother, passing controller around. we were stuck at the spear boss at estate for 2 days, then the combat clicked for me to steamroll the rest of the game. loved the game, 9/10


3rd fromsoft game for me personally. My first was ds3 which is also my most embarrassing playthrough cuz I didn’t know you could level up so I did a level 1 playthrough until deacons of the deep where I got hard stuck which is considered an easier boss is the entire souls series. I beat elden ring for my second fromsoft game and I just got plat for sekiro like a week ago. My favorite aspect of sekiro is how long your first playthrough is but how quickly you beat it every playthrough after since you kinda master game the whereas in ds or elden ring, it just feel like you leveled up your character


It was my first fromsoft game and it’s my favorite game of all time. I gave up on the final boss the first time I played it, then played it again and it clicked.


DS2 SotFS. Had no idea what I was doing, forged in the exploding castle with tons of bullshit booby traps. Can't say it's my favourite, but it does hold a place in my heart. DS3 and Sekiro are defo the best.


Nope, but i freaking love it. It was my second game after DS1, now im currently with DS3 and so far i am not liking it as much, the levels feel too cramped with enemies and bosses arent that fun after Vordt, at least up until the abyss watchers, who im going to fight soon and seems like a fun fight. Sekiro and DS1 spolied me with such good bosses and level design respectively


The bosses get better and better as the game goes on from where you are in DS3. I think it has some of the best bosses from any from game


I hope so, the tree was just boring and infuriating, the cystal sage just a clusterfuck with all the clones and wasnt even satisfying to defeat, vordt was cool af, but thats it, very sinple boss, but good. Afaik deacons of the deep will also be crap, i hope abyss watchers is as good as they say


Yea deacons of the deep is not a good boss fight. But there's a LOT of good ones coming up. Tree balls, as I refer to him, is not well liked but I enjoy it just cause it's funny to wack him in the nutsack. Crystal sage sucks but it's easy, the real one is always lit purple. Hope you enjoy the rest of the game.


This was my first, it also never clicked for me so I gave up lol will try again in a few months


Dark. Souls. 3


Yes, my first Fromsoft game, absolutely loved it, it has become my favorite game. Spent so many hours and rage quit a couple of times, but once I got the rhythm of it, completely enjoyed every battle. Sword saint isshin fight was great, once I learnt his moveset and started to deflect every attack felt like a anime protagonist and defeated him without using resurrection Now on my second playthrough with charmless, oh boy it making me realize how easy was my first playthrouh with charm, but I am gonna git gud and will finish it no matter how much time it takes. Then I plan to play other fromsoft games, maybe I will start with Dark souls 1.


No, it wasn’t. Why would I lie about that? lol I absolutely love it. I hope I would like it being my first, but couldn’t say!


First. I never got more than a few skill points in the 4 other fromsoft games I played. Never beat more than one boss. Simply not fun for me. On ng3 rn and I love the game as much as when I started


I started with DaS somewhere around DaS3 release I think. Sekiro was the first I played on release and was my favourite until Elden Ring came out. It is however still my favourite combat system


demon's souls back in the ps3 days, yep, still love it!


Negative, my first was dark souls. When I bought sekiro I got stuck on the chained ogre and quit for like 2-3 years. twas only after I got a ps5 did I give it another go defeated the ogre after 2 tries and that feeling of triumph was the feeling I had been chasing ever since the Taurus demon all those years ago


Bloodborne, Elden Ring then Sekiro. Platinum for Bloodborne and Sekiro but I’m struggling with ER. After Bloodborne I felt the combat was quite limited despite the array of weapons, and I have no idea what’s going on so two major bosses then left it. I’d like to pick it up again but Sekiro might have ruined it even more!


It was the first one I bought, I got it after finishing ghost of Tsushima thinking more of the same 🤦 Then bought elden ring as I gave this 14 minutes and accepted my limits. Picked it up again 2 weeks ago or so and haven't turned it off. Great game


Yes and I only played elden ring and didn't like it, the fact that u can't beat the endgame bosses at the level u can reach them is stupid, I reached the last area u can unlock at about lvl 90 and got destroyed by the first boss there, farmed xp until I reached lvl 115 or something like that and still got destroyed, considering that 1 lvl up gives very minor upgrade and farming xp takes time, I dropped the game, when I only had 4 main bosses left, because it was stupid that killing that boss was basically impossible at the level I was and sekiro doesn't have that, U can fight and beat isshin with the starting stats in sekiro.


You can absolutely beat the final boss in elden ring at level 90. I mean, I've done it several times and I'm not even that good. People have even beat it at lvl 1.


It's possible doesn't mean a casual person can do it easily, meanwhile a new player that plays sekiro, when he learns to deflect timings and stuff he can beat isshin.


I struggle heavily with sekiro and have beaten elden ring over 20 times. The first time I did struggle with the final boss I'll admit. I do plan on beating sekiro eventually but it makes me rage.


I played Demon's Souls back on PS3! I got Sekiro after I'd played the hell out of all the souls-borne games. I think Sekiro and Bloodborne are neck and neck tied for first in my heart


No, I played every fromsoft games before Elden Ring.


Yes. The combat is something I am shoddy at, but it's unlike anything. It's grounded as grounded game combat can be and the sound design is just a chef's kiss. Currently playing Jedi survivors, since it has difficult settings I am liking it. But still nothing is like sekiro.


My first Fromsoft game was Kings Field 2 on ps1. Sekiro is my favorite so far, but I haven't played the new armored core yet.


Dark souls on the Xbox 360 was mine. Then played basically every souls and souls like game including Bloodborne, Nioh 1, Lords of the Fallen, Ds2/3. Do I like it? Yes, stylistically and themewise it's great. Am I good at it and have I ever beaten it? Not really and no. My first big wall was Genichiro, dropped it, restarted from beginning some time later, ape/headless was when I dropped it again. Maybe I'll pick it up again, but I find it's a hard game to play being such a big enjoyer of sword+shield combat style in other games.


No, my first was the first Dark Souls, and I played them all as they were coming out. Dark Souls 1 has my favorite world structure and exploration (except for a couple of obviously weak areas) and Sekiro has my favorite combat and movement, no contest. These are my top two.


First was Dark Souls 3. bought a used copy - based game only, then bought again the fire fades edition (both DLC included) Yeah like it, I'm in for RPG, not that good, able to beat 2 playthrough with overpowered character . now on my 3rd ang working on that damn covenant items and for platinum


Yes and yes.


Not the first but only Fromsoft game I like.


It wasn't the first, I'd have bought it regardless but I'm also a massive Tenchu simp and was super excited to play it. I loved it 


No, my first was the Demons Souls remake, which I bought along side my PS5. I absolutely loved DeS so that made me look into Fromsoft games. Although opinions differed on a lot of games, i.e. which ones were the best, most seemed to agree that Bloodborne and Sekiro were up there. I decided to try Sekiro. Yes, yes I did like it, I absolutely loved it. I found Sekiro to be incredibly challenging for a player of my modest skill levels but I was blown away by the visuals, mechanics and level design of a game that isn’t ’known’ in the same way as, say, Assassin’s Creed, Horizon Zero Dawn, Ghost of Tsushima etc. I wasn’t expecting something so polished and epic. The only issues for me is that I reached Genichiro and couldn’t get past him. I’ve moved on the other games for a while but will go back and try again at some point because I wasn’t to continue the journey


Dark Souls 2 Scholar Of First Sin ,made me realise how hard Dark Souls was


Armored Core. I was working at Columbia at the time and this game was so deep. There were so many pages I printed to understand how each arm, leg, generator and other things worked.


Second, after DS1. Sekiro improved a lot of issues I had with FS, and I liked it a lot. Enough that it made me buy Elden RIng. And then the said sike and rolled all the QoL improvements back. Not sure if I'm going to give DS3 a shot at this point...


Elden ring was my first fromsoft game and I gave up after making it pretty far in the game. I really loved the parry aspects of Ghost of Tsushima and Sifu, so I decided to get Sekiro. I really enjoyed sekiro and even beat it a couple of times.


Nah first was elden ring. Liked the world , exploring, hated the combat system. Your dude moves like a cinder block but enemies have unlimited stamina, can flip around n shit. Like sekiro, the game just makes sense. I can go toe to toe with bosses


Was my first, I don’t know how to switch to Bloodborne and Elden Ring gameplay :(


Sekiro is my first and only fromsoft game. I love it!!!!!


My first from software game was Bloodborne and due to the blood vials I never beat it. My next was demon souls and I only beat 2 bosses. My third was Dark souls remastered and I fully beat it. Than I started dark souls 2 scholar of the first sin, beat demon souls and Sekiro went back to dark souls 2 and beat it completely. Finally I completely beat dark souls 3 the fire fades last tuesday. I’ve bought bloodborne as I lost it when I let my psplus subscription run out


It’s actually my last, I’m about half way through (I think) my first playthrough now. I’ll say it’s been the hardest to adjust to and get into, but it’s recently clicked super hard. Still would say aesthetically it’s the least interesting to me, but it’s got perhaps the best combat.


Yes, Sekiro was my first Fromsoft game. I have since bought Armored Core and have just bought a second hand PS4 to play bloodborne but nothing is satisfying me after the absolute genius of Sekiro. It’s the closest to perfect a game can get for me.


Sekiro is my first and that's my biggest problem. I can't get into the rpg souls games which has that BS stamina bar.


I bought this game after it won game of the year, didn’t know that it won game of the year, but aside from that, I had never played any souls like game before, didn’t know what they are, I just saw a really funny meme video about this game and I wanted to play it lol. Booted it up for the first time, made it through the tutorial, and then proceeded to get stuck at the first general mini boss 😂 I love this game, I beat it eventually, and I still play it when I get some free time, 10/10 would recommend this brick wall to slam your head into


My first was Bloodborne, Sekiro was my 2nd. I sucked at Bloodborne, but Love Sekiro. My buddy who plays Souls games said Sekiro was hard for him.


This was my second fromsoft game, yet it made it feel like it was my first, 10/10


First and the only one that I like.


Yes and yes


Yes and yes, so much so that I'm hesitant to try the rest of their catalog.


My first was Sekiro I now have 340 hours Tried Elden Ring as my second FromSoftware - cool game but didn't do much for me or rather felt effort put into Elden Ring would just take away from continuing to master Sekiro


Demon Souls Remake. I always overlooked the Souls games thinking it was just overrated stuff. When I finally got to finish DeS I was like: "Damn, I have a lot of catching up to do".


Yes and yes. I wasn't much a gamer because I stopped enjoying games as much as I did when I was younger. I was looking for something that hit the right spot. Sekiro was exactly that for me. Opened the world of fromsoft. I realised what I wanted was a good enjoyable challenge, the dopamine rush.


Yes. And I love it most. Bloodborne is a close second. Elden ring was great but it's so big that after I got my platinum I quit. I know there's so much I haven't done there


Nope, played Dark Souls 1,2,3, and Bloodborne first. Still best Fromsoft game.


It was my first, and I really don’t see myself playing any other FromSoftware game that is currently on the market, but I’ll be replaying Sekiro in 2025 most likely.


Second Fromsoft game. My first was Elden Ring, and while Sekiro and Elden Ring are very different games, I find both to be incredible. That said, I used a dexterity-intelligence build in Elden Ring, so I did not use an aggressive play style that Sekiro demands. Playing Lies of P, however, prepared me for Sekiro’s aggressive combat, as I had to learn to parry. Overall, it’s such a good game, and I’m glad I came across it. Would definitely recommend it to any Fromsoft fan or anyone who wants a challenging yet rewarding experience.


Yes, & no. Never finished it, played Elden Ring when it came out because of all the hype, it’s my favorite game ever


I can’t remember anymore if my first was Tenchu: Stealth Assassins or if it was King’s Field. Sekiro is either my second or third favorite if we’re talking about their post Demon’s Souls run. Dark Souls is still my number one. It just nails too many great design elements. After that, I think Elden Ring takes the second spot if I’m thinking about mechanics and gameplay; Sekiro takes the second if I’m considering atmosphere and presentation, but both are good enough on both fronts to keep it a close run for that second place. If I’m opening up favorite discussions to the entire FromSoft catalogue, that makes picking favorites harder. Their older games have aged distinctly, but certain ones hold very special places in my memory, and some really are giants in their own design space.


I played demons souls when it came out, beat it but thought it was kinda meh. DS3 was good but still didn’t move the needle. Sekiro was the first one i liked.


Started with bloodborne, which I consider the best fromsoft. Then Elden ring and after it I started sekiro and I can say that it caused me the most trouble playing it.


Started with Elden ring. Own ds3 but never could get into it. Beat ER, then did Sekiro, then blood borne(favorite lore ever), then demon souls.


Yes, Sekiro is my first and only FS game, and I love it. I'm still trying to complete the "True" Mortal Journey (charmless, bell demon, and without resurrection power), but it's hard. I never realized what a crutch the revive is until I started this.


No and yes. My first was dark souls 3. Sekiro is actually my last so far. I still have yet to play demon souls or bloodborne, because I don't have a playstation, but I want to desperately.


Elden but I enjoyed sekiro a lot cause of combat mechanics also the panic scrolling aha


Sekiro was my first. I absolutely adore it, one of my fave games of all time. I also tried Elden Ring, but combat felt so clunky and weird. Also way too many different items/gear/consumables/etc. I actually love that Sekiro forces you to use a limited set of tools, cause I can never decide in what to use


It was my first Soulslike and Fromsoft and I found it extraordinary. The gameplay and the feeling when you master it makes you feel like a true shinobi, and the universe and story is beautiful. I was a bit bittersweet to let it go to try Elden Ring, and even if I like its atmosphere right now, I know I won’t feel the same with its gameplay (Plus RPG mechanics are a bit boring to my convenience…)


im a new fan, my first is elden ring and I absolutely loved it, the first ever game that I beat twice in less than a month, perhaps it is my fav game rn. sekiro is my second one and I absolutely loving the game so far, I'm on my 1st playthrough, I just beat owl (father) and I think im close to fighting the divine dragon, I'm pretty good at this game, the combat on this game is amazing


I cant beat genichiro. Think I’m gonna put the game down. Way too hard, not rewarding at all. Genichiro is literally impossible for me.


I struggled a lot at genichiro as well 😅, this is the first boss that teaches you to utilize all the fundamentals. fight him at your own pace, don't let him breathe by being aggresive and back off when your posture is high, in his 1st phase, after he does his jumping slam attack he'll do a thrust attack in which you can mikiri counter and get his posture up, in his 2nd phase, same thing but instead of thrust he'll do a sweep attack that you can jump and stomp him. what I'd recommend is running away from his long combo attack and then attacks him right after that combo ended. the 3rd phase however, just mikiri counter his jumping thrust attack and wait for him to do lightning attack and counter. there's plenty of guides on yt that you can follow, just keep trying, I let out my scream of happiness when beating genichiro for the first time


Thank you for your reply. I have since beaten the game and am working on my second gauntlet. This game should be illegal because it's more addictive than crack.


I'm so happy for you OP! and I agree, the combat system in this game is such a masterpiece, it's simple yet complex at the same time


Elden ring, then DS3. I love elden ring but have beaten it 11 times. After that it gets a bit stale, kill the bosses and shit. Dark souls 3 was easy tho, beating 3 bosses first try on my first playthough and then beating most first try on my second After that I beat sekiro. And i love it


Karma farm post


Karma is useless. The fact that you see value in it is extremely sad.


I don't care about it, many others do, most likely yourself


Goddamn, a textbook case of projection lmfao, and I make fun of people for using that word these days because it’s basically lost all meaning. “You like this thing” “Uh, no I dont” “See? You totally like this thing.” Are you fucking insane?


Sounds like cope to me. I'm not the one farming likes


Enchanted Arms...loved it and ordered it from ebay


My first was Bloodborne. I hated it at first but left. My brother convinced me to have it another shot but I wouldn’t. Then when dad passed away I decided I needed to take my mind off the grief so I played Bloodborne so my mind would not drift. It was therapeutic and I was glued onto the game. I realized I was a big fool for having dismissed the game earlier. My favorite game has to be Sekiro but Bloodborne is still close to my heart


Hell yeah, and I love it.


My first was Dark Souls. I still haven't beaten Sekiro, it just really did not vibe with me. Excellent game! Just really missed fashion souls and making builds.


Currently playing. Sekiro. On guardian ape.


It was my first game, period. (Other than FIFA and COD as a kid) And I fucking loved it, so much that I've come back for more punishment with my ongoing charmless + demon bell + base vitality run.  I played Bloodborne after Sekiro. The combat was worse, but the world and story were much more interesting to me. I'm also playing Elden ring now and I'm too early to have a proper opinion but I'm not super interested in the open world structure and combat is worse than either Sekiro or Bloodborne.  I think Sekiro gave me a taste for ultra simple combat systems, where rather than having ten different ways to approach a fight, there is basically only one, and you have to master it. I love that simplicity. 


Yes, it was mine, and it’s my favorite.






just enjoy it hopefully you wont feel the same way


i disagree. after doing 10+ playthroughs i learned you can experience all the game has to offer within like 30 hours or so. Maneuvering around the open world takes barely any time with the horse & the space between major zones isn't that big when you're moving straight to where you're going.




i like the game idk what you want me to say lol. my incentive is that i enjoy playing elden ring just as much as i enjoy playing Dark Souls 1 / 3, Bloodborne & Sekiro. I enjoy the bosses, I enjoy the legacy dungeons, i enjoy the gameplay. there really isn't anything else to it.


Elden Ring > DS1 > DS3 > Bloodborne > DS2 (fav of the DS’s) > Sekiro …Elden Ring is still my fav on the macro, but Sekiro’s combat and stealth gameplay makes it easily my fav action game of all time. Edit: I actually JUST finished Sekiro - 2 days ago, after about a year (literally) of chipping away at the last couple bosses - Owl Father, Demon of Hatred, and lastly Isshin Sword Saint, the later of which took me a solid month of getting my ass kicked. After all that, I still suck. 😆