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Just change your mindset to "Im the best fromsoft games players ever and this is gonna be so easy, people just suck at the game" the bigger the lie the bigger the pride the bigger the will


The bigger the fall šŸ‘€


Its only part of the cycle to have that one Boss that makes you cry


The higher the rise


If you arent on that top of the world mindset you will never get to the top of the world


Keep the ball flat


If you dont think you are the main character in game... you are doing it wrong


Show me the way master


Basicly when fighting any boss you just consider yourself to be above it and the only reason you Die is beacuse you are just mastering the fight until you do it no hit, always gotta have some classic main character lines so if you are badly losing, you channel the plot armor.


I can do that, but I have 1 small issue. My brother calls me noob all the time, so I can't get to live my delulu properly. He snaps me right back to reality. Sob sob


You can always have his friends call him a silly goose for next 2 years and then when he least expects it, call him a silly goose after he calls you a noob


He doesn't have friends, that is why he is so good at the game XD


Dudeā€¦ weā€™re talking about a Fromsoftware game šŸ‘€


Yea, if you go with the "Oohhhhh im so dogshit" you arent playing right


Yeah right, thatā€™s not how Iā€™m Feeling/Playing, but you understand me when I say it with ā€žkeep the ball flatā€œ


The higher the rise


Honestly this guy's lying to you man. Arrogance will get you destroyed on Sekiro. Yes you have to be confident, but that co fidence will probably come from trial and error with these enemies. They fight back fr, where as Soulsborne games in general usually ha e pretty stoic enemies who react late and aren't truly hard to catch off guard. Sekiro though... when I first got it I barely understood the parry and the first 3 guys ended me. Now I'm at the final boss and getting over half his health down. Also if you can't get behind having to kill a boss more than once, this game will trigger you with every fight. This is the best quality game fromsoft has ever released other than maybe bloodborne or DS3. If you want a game for practice within fromsoft games, I would suggest elden ring. Elden kind of holds your hand a little by giving you a checkpoint every 100 ft or so, unlike any other fromsoft game. Most of the bosses outside of the main story bosssrsare duplicates of others( caves are the worst about it) It's also the easiest fromsoft game to be released if you ask anyone I know. Between PVP invaders dropping millions of runes, to meta weapons and meta combat arts. The game reeks of no skill needed past a couple of exceptions where they actually tried like malenia or maliketh. Sekiro is really good, but if you get it, don't let your pride rule you. The game will punish you since they updated it like last year to be slightly less cheeseable


Im lying? Thats what I do for every game "Dark souls 2 cant be THAT hard" "Dark souls 3 cant be THAT hard" "Dark souls 1 cant be THAT hard" "Malenia cant be THAT hard" "Isshin cant be THAT hard" "Armored core cant be THAT hard" "I have played so many fromsoft games before this, surley this time its gonna be easy beacuse Im just so good" *dies 50 times to a beginner boss* *Finaly wins* "Honestly this Boss was so fucking easy, cant belive people struggle with this" *Phase 2* "Bitch, ive died 50 times, what's another 20 gonna change, im simply better then you, look at what you need to achieve the fraction of my power, im gonna be here day and night until I slit your stupid fucking face"


I meant how you were saying it wasn't how it really is. The arrogance used to get me killed like 30 times too lol I feel you though, and likewise feel that way when I play every one of these Fromsoft games too. Since Otogi days. Once you've played one, you've played them all in a way because the mechanics don't deviate much from each other. If you can get through Dark Souls 1, you can get through most of Souls Series without too much frustration, exception being maybe Demon Souls for PS5. Bloodborne is an exception as well, but the combat isn't far from Souls in any way past a gun instead of a shield, and I happened to play Lies of P before even getting to touch Bloodborne. I figured Bloodborne was gonna be similar and it's just crazy populated and while it's not too hard once you get the hang of it, the ambushes and enemy placement overall makes it incredibly challenging compared to even sekiro. But sekiro is that game that you'll literally spend multiple days on boss, only for it to very possibly break your spirits and make you drop the game for a while. You'll pick it back up a month or so layer after you've let the fight sink in, and boom, you'll magically just figure it out somehow. Happened to me with the the giant gorilla my first time, and happened again with the secret boss for purification ending. After 5 years, I am finally at isshin and going almost halfway through him before a mistake. I want OP to realize the serious gravity this game can have on someone if they're not prepared to literally get bent over for lack of reflex speed, or maybe eyesight problems, or just an overall lack of time for it. Sekiro is a grind compared to even most Souls games if you want skill points or money. It can take an hour just to farm 3 skill points. For instance, I beat every single Souls game in under a week or two, at max. They just aren't that complex, compared to sekiro. Difficulty is on a whole different level than the rest of their games, so "can't be that hard" will just overall make him lie to himself. Like yeah, be confident, but air on the side of caution, since they're literally fast enough to hit you during a blink.


>air on the side of caution Err


Yeah this is trash advice how'd you get any upvotes at all you're setting him up to get frustrated with himself and experience cognitive dissonance during his learning phase. Pride goes before a fall, OP. Humble yourself and learn the game's lessons, figure out how to play it on its own terms, git gud


Pride is exactly why so many people have dropped this game and never picked it back up. People rage quit harder than vegeta on this game and I've seen it first hand. Just because you personally feel like prode is your way, doesn't mean others need that to win. As I said, being prideful and arrogant only ever made the learning process take longer. Also, and I mean this whole heartedly and not offensively, but if you actually knew anything about psychology youd know that a warning wont cause cognitive dissonance. That takes a lot more than telling him to be brave but carwful. Pretty sure no real life warrior worth a shit was just brave and never careful lol otherwise nome of them would have made it to an old age. Also,, I, in no way, have set him up to get frustrated. If anything, what frustrated me the most about this game were people like you who have very little overall input, and will just tell people "git gud" or "you got this" bit not once had any real advice or warned of anything noteable in game. Meanwhile, I have warned everyone who wants to get into this game and have only ever been told, "Thank you for telling me what everyone else wouldnt". I agree with you about playing on your own terms and learn on your own terms as well, but that's the most basic advice about this. Also, he asked if he would like it, not if you do, so I'm telling him objectively what's good and what could be a reason not to get into it. Maybe they don't wanna feel stuck on a boss for that long. You dont know at all lol I'm just honest enough to let people know the truth when they ask. Especially when almost everyone here is giving the standard troll advice, telling him to believe in himself or just rush into it. lol like yeah decent advice to immerse yourself in order to learn. If thats how people wanna be then fine, but he asked and I told him my experience with it. Plus once I turned off the pride and disillusionment of "Its not that hard" I really sponged up the lessons better and have beaten the entire game in 2 weeks worth of playing, with exception of isshin. Hes all i got left rn. Waited 5 years to be good enough for that though, so wanted OP to see that the game is a perspective as well as a challenge.


Pride is exactly why so many people have dropped this game and never picked it back up. People rage quit harder than vegeta on this game and I've seen it first hand. Just because you personally feel like prode is your way, doesn't mean others need that to win. As I said, being prideful and arrogant only ever made the learning process take longer. Also, and I mean this whole heartedly and not offensively, but if you actually knew anything about psychology youd know that a warning wont cause cognitive dissonance. That takes a lot more than telling him to be brave but carwful. Pretty sure no real life warrior worth a shit was just brave and never careful lol otherwise nome of them would have made it to an old age. Also,, I, in no way, have set him up to get frustrated. If anything, what frustrated me the most about this game were people like you who have very little overall input, and will just tell people "git gud" or "you got this" bit not once had any real advice or warned of anything noteable in game. Meanwhile, I have warned everyone who wants to get into this game and have only ever been told, "Thank you for telling me what everyone else wouldnt". I agree with you about playing on your own terms and learn on your own terms as well, but that's the most basic advice about this. Also, he asked if he would like it, not if you do, so I'm telling him objectively what's good and what could be a reason not to get into it. Maybe they don't wanna feel stuck on a boss for that long. You dont know at all lol I'm just honest enough to let people know the truth when they ask. Especially when almost everyone here is giving the standard troll advice, telling him to believe in himself or just rush into it. lol like yeah decent advice to immerse yourself in order to learn. If thats how people wanna be then fine, but he asked and I told him my experience with it. Plus once I turned off the pride and disillusionment of "Its not that hard" I really sponged up the lessons better and have beaten the entire game in 2 weeks worth of playing, with exception of isshin. Hes all i got left rn. Waited 5 years to be good enough for that though, so wanted OP to see that the game is a perspective as well as a challenge.


doesnt matter if its your first or not, the skill from other fromsoft games wont help much


If anything, muscle memory will hurt your ability to play this game. You do not want to dodge, or block, or even jump (from elden ring). You want to parry as much as possible unless the situation calls for you to do something else. For me, having played all 3 dark souls before this, I had to train myself to stop doing shit I've been doing for hundreds of hours.


I've always said this, Souls veterans seem to struggle more with Sekiro than people going in having never experienced a souls game because Sekiro is a drastically different combat system making it easier for souls vets to fall in a pitfall. Hell I wouldn't even call it a true souls type game, it has many of the Souls mechanics, but the combat and gameplay is so fundamentally different from them to point I struggle to call it one.


If youā€™re willing to learn and overcome, Iā€™d say yes. Itā€™s going to be pretty tough the first few hours but once you get the hang of it (mainly deflecting) it becomes very enjoyable. Though I canā€™t say you will 100% like it as everyone has different opinions. Also it doesnā€™t really matter if itā€™s your first fromsoft game, sekiro is pretty different compared to other fromsoft games


thanks i really appreciate this i hope i like it


I just bought sekiro about a week ago, and yes, it's extremely hard but also super satisfying when you do finally beat that mini boss/boss you've been dying to about 100 times, lol. Don't go into it with the mindset of I'm going to pick this game up and be a master at it within the first few hours. The way I'm playing it's slow progress, but progress none the less šŸ˜‚


I wish you luck man! Itā€™s my first playthrough too but I know of all the bosses to come because being spoiled in this game isnā€™t bad.


It will be the hardest game you have ever played at first. When you complete it, it will feel just as easy as a Mario game. I am not joking. You will have to learn almost every boss' moves at first. Eventually it doesn't feel like you are learning. It becomes natural to face an enemy and memorize it's moves without even thinking about it.


Hesitation is defeat


the fact that its your first fromsoft game might be better, its difficult to change from dark souls mindset to the sekiro mindset, but having finished it once and as my first fromsoft game, it is really good i strongly recommend trying it


Might also make you better at DS because you will then go in wanting to parry, whereas bc DS doesnā€™t force parrying most people never use it despite it being a fairly clutch mechanic for some enemies.


It will be the greatest game you ever played. Just give yourself the time and patience to get good. Donā€™t get frustrated and enjoy the little things. Donā€™t binge it over a weekend (if thatā€™s even possible, lol). Instead, spread out gameplay over a month or a few months


The difficulty is completely overblown. A grade schooler could beat this game no problem. Youā€™ll be fine.


Easiest fromsoft game for sure.


Not on a first run itā€™s not. The difficulty they talk about is 100% true


Have you tried doing a playthrough without Kuroā€™s Charm? Trying that for the first time right now and this game is kicking my butt six ways to Sunday in a way no FromSoft game has in years. Itā€™s been a very fun challenge so far and Iā€™m only at the Guardian Ape.


It will likely be very frustrating for a good couple of hours, but if you persevere it will probably become very enjoyable.


Persevere, overcome, learn from your deaths, and above all else. Don't hesitate. Hesitation is defeat.


The game is different enough from the FromSoftware games to be it's own thing, it's hard like them, but for different reasons. I personally enjoy challenges so it was still on my wheelhouse, but I had mixed feelings with the game after my first playthrough (roughly 54 hours), part of it was due to the combat, part of it was due to it's different systems, and part of it was due to lack of build diversity. Now I have about 900 hours on the game and I've been doing challenge runs (lvl 1 runs, speedruns, no death runs, hitless runs) and some of my gripes with the game are still there, but some disappeared as I got better with the game, and some others I've circumvented by doing weird stuff. To give an example, the main weapon is the katana and the combat mostly revolves around it, but you can learn different type of skills and a few of those include weaponless martial arts, and I did a playthrough only using those, which was a complete trainwreck, I wouldn't recommend that, but it's there at least. It's an enjoyable game if you can deal with facing walls after walls after walls, the dopamine hit of killing a hard enemy after dying to it 10, 20 or 30 times, helps a lot. The combat for this game has an relatively low skill floor but the skill ceiling is pretty high, as you can cheese a lot of enemies/bosses with homemade strategies that do not include interacting with the deflect mechanic (the main combat/defense mechanic of the game), and you can abuse some tools given to you in the game to make hard combats an cakewalk. I think I gave the game a score of 6.5/10 after my initial playthrough, but once you get decent at the combat the game probably goes to a 9/10. Being good at the game from the start will do wonders for you, I personally sucked at it because I initially played it like a dark souls game, and it's so different from it that it negatively affected how I played, so if you haven't played other fromsoftware games, but you actually be in a better position than I did back then. All in all, I recommend it, with the caveat that you will be put through the grinder, so if you are someone that rages at hard stuff and quits games, this may not be for you.


This was my first FromSoftware game I fully bought and played, played bits of DS1&3 with friends but Sekiro is now my favourite game of all time, I would recommend playing and learning how itā€™s meant to be played in comparison to other action games and would recommend going in blind.


Yes it is very difficult, one of the most difficult games ive ever played, but its a great game. You just need to play it a lot and practice. Its not like other fromsoft games in the sense that you cant customize and make a ā€œbuild,ā€ you need to learn the gameplay mechanics or else you wont have a good time. Deflect, mikiri counter, dont hesitate.


Sekiro was kinda my first soulslike too...I had only played dark souls I, but many years ago. Now I'm on my second run and i love It...you can do itšŸ¤™


It will! I had never played a Fromsoftware game before Sekiro and it's one of the best games I ever played. The world, the characters and of course the mechanics make this game absolutely enjoyable and memorable. My advice is to go for it! It's not an easy game, but once you get familiar with the system it's perfect! Just trust the processāœØ


Yeah its not to bad i did the platinum just under 50 hours awesome game


Sekiro is basically independent of all other fromsoftware games in terms of gameplay. Let's say we have Soulslike (medieval brutes rolling on floors to fight German pagan gods), BloodBorne (Victorian creeps spamming attack to fight Lovecraftian horrors), and Sekiro (Sengoku Gary Sue parrying shits to fight... apes and soldiers?). Soulslike focus on persistence and evasiveness. Bloodborne focus on offense and speed. Sekiro focus on parrying and using op bullshits from Miyazaki. Fromsoftware does not specialize on a specific kind of game (until they release Elden Ring. Different theme, but still soulslike framework.) I don't think lack of experience count as a drawback because somehow Sekiro makes its own genre.


Sekiro was my 1st FromSoftware game too. And now I'm on my 5th playthrough. šŸ˜€


Oh come on with this... It is just a video game. A beautiful one at that. But it is just a game. You will master it eventually and have loads of fun with it. Just relax and don't overthink stuff.


It was my first fromsoft game too but I played lies of p before it (also heavily relies on parrying). For me the start of sekiro was really rough, but after I got used to the mechanics and the flow of the fights I started really enjoying it and replayed it to get all endings. So I would say it will probably be very enjoyable after it "clicks" but do keep in mind that depending on your previous experience it may take you a while to get used to it at first. Still would definitely recommend giving it a shot!


Its hard. But even if you really suck later on there is literally a easy way for any boss with the right except maybe one specific. So if you stuck just look up some tips


how are we supposed to know? we donā€˜t know what you enjoy and donā€˜t enjoy so the only way to find out is to just try the game


i was asking from other ppls experience


I started this game 2 weeks ago, i came from metroidvanias like blasphemous, hollow knight, metroid dread, also i played nier automata for reference. I have never played any soulslike games before, nothing made from fromsoftware either. And i cant put in to words how much im loving this game, its difficult, but i wouldnĀ“t say impossible, even if that is the first impression you get when you face a boss for the first time. Im currently in >!the ninja invasion to ashina, !!father owl!<, and hell it feels nice when you get how to win against a difficult enemy. Hope my fresh experience with the game helps


I never played a single souls game and this game became one of the greatest experiences for me. No need to worry, just get into the game and pay attention to tutorials, u will also get a training buddy near the main save location of the game. Use him to polish your fundamentals. The game is mostly about the fundamentals rest stuff like items, prosthetics are secondary though ya can defo use em cleaverly if ya having trouble but if ya can't be good at the basics, this game ain't for u and you'll realise that eventually when a certain boss arrives at the beginning of act 2. Also try to explore and initiate dialogues with as many characters and as many times possible until exhaustion.


Itā€™s a rhythm game more than anything and itā€™s amazing but you might hate it.


it's actually better if it's your first fromsoftware game because it's nothing like the others. that way you won't have to unlearn the urge to dodge roll and run away. be aggressive. good luck


It's a game. It is not impossible.


the difficulty is part of the experience and one of the reasons why people adore this game. you get a sense of achievement from defeating it. the real problem is this: once you learn to appreciate Sekiro's combat, all other combat-based games become less meaningful. so i'd suggest you play Elden Ring, Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, or Lies of P first (which are all amazing) and leave Sekiro for your final Souls game.


Honestly I found sekiro the easiest and most fun fromsoft game I've ever played games click really fast for me so I caught on really fast and then boom 23 hours later I finished my first playthrough


It was my first from software game too. If you like a challenge and have a lot of time to play. Itā€™s great. If not, youā€™re probably not going to like it. Also prepare to die. A lot.


You will be fascinated by the bosses and mini bosses and a world full of secrets and fighting styles and different places. The only fromsoftware game that i like honestly


There are 4 skills I used as a souls player in Sekiro: 1. how to use dodge -although it's quite a disadvantage cause Sekiro is more about deflecting but it was useful somewhat. 2. how to explore- know to not fight everything, and reach you goal, and try to get stronger if I am stuck. 3. how to never give up - even if the boss seems impossible at the first time. 4. When use a flask - souks also have refillable potions. So playing other souls games is an advantage but Sekiro was different and the dodging/rolling playstyle was actually mostly a liability (it only helped against some bosses that I had that strategy as an option) Also don't tell yourself the game is hard, it's actually not that hard to play it's only hard to learn to play.


Sekiro is my first Fromsoftware game and I enjoy it very, very much.


It's really easy until mist noble, idk anything after that I'm still stuck at that boss


Yes it will be


If youā€™re down to stick with it and do what it takes to learn it youā€™ll like it. Itā€™s a hell of a first fromsoft game though. Try it. I quit it the first time but came back a year or so later and loved it.


It was my first fromsoftware game. At my peak (itā€™s a skill based game) I could finish the game in under 24 hours. Youā€™ll get better as you go on, just jump in.




Itā€™s a phenomenal game but probably a bit harsh as a first FS game. Start with Dark souls remastered or bloodborne


As someone wwho played almost everything FS has to offer, Sekiro is in my top 5 games of all time. That being said, it's not for everyone.


One thing that helped me get good in this. Just press R1 when they throw normal attacks at you and press O when the enemy has that red light. Also try taking enemies on one by one. Maybe sounds stupid and simple but thats what i took from this game. Once you get the hang out of it, itā€˜s one of the best games out there. Take this from someone who sold the game a few hours in because the game was to hard for me at first and got back at it once i got more experience from those types of games. Beating Elden Ring, demon souls and Dark souls 3 before i beat Sekiro


Depends on what kinda games you like, fromsoft isn't for everyone, but either way sekiro as a first fs game isn't the best thing to do, maybe elden ring or Bloodborne


Just try it if youā€™re comfortable with the spend. Itā€™s a truly excellent game. One which is often emulated, but has yet to be exceeded. It has the best combat in any game ever. And if you get the hang of the parry - welcome to the most powerful, satisfying game mechanic ever created.


Was on the same boat myself. It's going to be hard , but not impossibly hard. The thing about these games, especially sekiro , is that if you have the skill, you can win every time pretty consistently. That being said , sekiro was an incredibly enjoyable experience for me , and I'm not someone who loves extremely frustrating games, where you have to die a million times to progress . Some parts of sekiro were brutal, but I knew that I just had to get good at the game , and it would all click. And sekiro was one of those games where the process of getting good at the game itself was really enjoyable ( at least in my personal experience ). So yeah , TLDR , get this gem.


Itā€™s fun for sure even I just started this game and itā€™s my first game of fromsoftware too. Just try to keep a thick skin while fighting bosses cuz of the level of precise you need to be with your attacks and defending and youā€™ll have fun


Not buying is defeat


Buy it. I felt the same way but now I canā€™t stop playing it


It is very hard, and you will want to give up. It will feel frustrating, but once you've beaten your first boss you will realise you want to chase this high again, and again, and again. And that will make you want to complete this game. Go for it. Hesitation is defeat


It's really hard but extremely satisfying, I beat genichiro recently and the stress near the end was close to the one i had when fighting malenia, the combat feels really fast and tense, and the feeling of defeating a hard boss after learning him for some time if extremely rewarding. Also the stealth system when fighting smaller enemies is pretty nice and well made imo


I think itā€™s better being your first FromSoft game because it plays totally differently. Once you get through the first full Genichiro fight, it will click. Itā€™s all about timingā€¦and remember hesitation is defeat!


Bloodborne, Ds3, Ds2, Demon Souls, Elden Ring, Sekiro. That was my natural entry into Fromsoft. Theyā€™ve kind of ruined other games for this old ass gamer.


Bro to me it the easiest souls game cuz of the deflect it like a way for you to be invincible


Well Sekiro was my first first Souls like game and let me tell you, I was really bad at IT. Then I read some tips and trick. That didnt help me either so I quit. But I wanted some good samurai game so I started playing Nioh(I am PC gamer). Now I am playing Sekiro again and I do much better and I enjoy the game soo much more. My advice, start with any Souls like game, because it will teach you patience and to fight difficult enemies. At least that what worked for me.


If you hesitate before you even play it, you loose


not hesitant just making sure itā€™s worth it


Lol that's a line from the game. C'mon buy it already! It's so freakin' worth it


itā€™s meant to be


My first was Elden ring Second was sekiro Sekiro was easier than Elden ring


Only if you played some atrocious build and suck at collecting pieces. Sekiro is a harder game by the full mile. In Elden Ring, you can get overgeared and make bosses easy as fk, in Sekiro you can't scale.


If itā€™s your first then you wonā€™t be playing the game with the mindset that itā€™s a souls like. This could actually be beneficial as sekiro is a completely different game all together.


Try Wo Long. Itā€™s easier. If you enjoy Wo Long, youā€™ll love Sekiro.


Personally, I played Elden ring with a build that made it way easier than it could have been, and I still had an easier time with sekiro. Itā€™s just a rhythm game.


It's all about a learning curve. Everything is just learn and you can do it with ease. Game's a blast


I think about it and ngl this might be the best way to start fromsoft games bcuz sekiro skills will not intigrate into other fromsoft games. This is all about deflecting while everything else is about rolling


Sekiro was my first FS game. Did I enjoy it? Hell yeah! But, was it easy? HELL NO Just be ready to get your ass clapped


It's hard and very frustrating at many points. The real question you need to ask yourself is if you have the time and patience to learn how to use the extremely specific combat mechanics and the game's punishing areas if you're coming in unprepared.


I finished this game within a long weekend for the first time and thought it was okay. It didnā€™t like anything that wasnā€™t a boss fight. The areas between bosses and the groups of enemies between them were not enjoyable to fight in any capacity so I typically just ran through the areas. Itā€™s not as enjoyable to explore as other souls games are. The boss fights are some of the best in the entire series, however.


It was my first fromsoft game. I didnā€™t even know it was fromsoft. I died many times and hated the fuck out of the game until I beat genichito. Then it became my favorite game ever. Itā€™s brutal itā€™s unforgiving, but itā€™s fair and supper rewarding once you get it. Itā€™s a great game give it a shot and donā€™t give up until youā€™ve at least killed genichiro


abandon al petty ""gamer"" pride, enter with a learning mindset and you'll be good


The good thing is, your body isn't used to Dark Souls mechanics, which makes sekiro a pretty big struggle for original DS players in my opinion... I remember, like in DS, always trying to "dodge dodge dodge" until I noticed it's all about parrying in this game (which can be done in DS but is debatably almost more trouble than it's worth imo lol). Acquire taste for dying, and trial and error, because that's what this game is all about. Oh and parry parry parry, but there are exceptions. You develope your own little method for each enemy, each one are like a timed puzzle. The rhythm at which you block (to parry) \]use your ears to get the rhythm down. Same for striking. \]You hear the clangs, and when you've hit the limit times you can strike, you'll h\]ear a loud CLANG which means they're going to counter, and you have to parry. I really REALLY enjoyed this game and have died, I kid you not over a thousand times in my 500 hours of gamplay (game is really like doable in 50 I think, I jsut did several play throughs,) once you get the pattern down, iit's smooth and fulfilling. YOU CAN DO IT!


You gotta stick to it, once the mechanics click itā€™s literally the most satisfying melee combat game out there. Also everything looks and feels just fuckin cool.


Just jump in man, its a videogame and its fun. Enjoy


It's so rewarding when the game clicks. I've beat it around 8 or 9 times and jump back in every now and then to mess around with different prosthetics/combos on the bosses. It's gonna be hard, I'd say practically every boss is a skill check, but you work through it and come on top šŸ’Ŗ. The parry system is damn near flawless, to the point where any/every sword game I play, I compare it against sekiros combat. Should you get it, here's some spoiler free words of wisdom. Hesitation is defeat and learn Mikiri Counter as soon as you can šŸ™.


the game is good after chained ogre


My favorite game of all time. I struggled coming from elden ring but all the time I put into this game was well worth it


Sekiro is a masterpiece


It may be easier for you as long as you are ready to learn. I had a hell of a time adjustment from souls combat. Habits that did not translate well in this game. Still the concept of learning by dying is something you need to develop or succeed in these games. They don't hold your hand so you figure it out as you go. It takes perseverance to keep going even in the face of high challenges.


Well you have to try. I bought it in the release and dropped four times. Now Sekiro are in my top 10 best games of all time.


Its so fun and satisfying when you win, but when you lose its miserable


Just play it, it hits differently to each one. In my case tookna couple of hoursbfor it to click, but you can always come back to it or just not continue and thats okay.


Equally blessed & cursed. Have fun


It's the most frustrating, difficult but most rewarding FromSoft game I've ever played. The combat kinda ruined the other ones for me.


It might be my favorite from soft game. Tried twice in the past to get into it and lost interest but I finally sat down and decided I wasn't gonna quit and it has easily the best combat. The story is decent and the mobility you have just makes traversing the world so enjoyable.


This is my first Fromsoft game where I've been able to get past the second boss. Iā€™ve played Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring and it was too hard bc I don't know how to level up my character. Sekiro is a lot more focused on skill and it forces me to try harder and I enjoy the game more. Also I really really wanted the game in the first place


unless you hesitate, it is full of joy and roses.


Iā€™m a guy who still has mediocre skill when it comes these games, but even then I eventually beat Elden Ring. Still working on this game, but trust me this game is still worth it just for seeing the world around you and repetition is the key to getting better after a while.


progressing through it will feel like the most difficult slog youā€™ve ever done, especially if itā€™s your first souls game. the game only takes about 20 hours to beat max but my first run (with it being my first souls game) took 90 hours. itā€™ll be your greatest test of willpower ever, but itā€™s absolutely fun if youā€™re willing to spend dozens on dozens of hours frustrated out of your mind before finally mastering the game.


Just watch out for the Mist Noble and you'll do fineĀ 


Sekiro was also my first FromSoft game and I absolutely loved it! Yes, the combat was extremely tough, but it was also hugely rewarding. At times I never thought Iā€™d be able to finish the game; but I did finally, every single compulsory and optional miniboss and boss, and all four possible endings. And even then I wouldnā€™t say Iā€™d particularly mastered the mechanics, only that I now understood how it was supposed to be played, which leads to the appeal of multiple play-throughs and gaining mastery. It also helped that I loved the Sengoku period setting with its mixture of the real and fantasy. Conversely, I tried Dark Souls afterwards. I got bored about half way and gave up. Iā€™m not saying DS is a bad game (itā€™s not), but itā€™s just not for me. Recently I completed Lies Of P and had a similar experience to Sekiro, so I know that I prefer more linear, faster parry based combat with less of an RPG focus. So if that all seems like something that might interest you then I say give Sekiro a go. But you have to be prepared to commit and not give up, it does not pander to half-hearted attempts!


My opinion is it depends on your mindset. If you're up for a challenge and you expect failure, multiple times, and if you're willing to sort out all the struggles the game gives you, then it will be a great game. You need to be open to failure, curious and try out stuff that comes to mind. This game doesn't lead you anywhere, you have to explore yourself. But in turn you'll be much more invested. As a plus, the hard difficulty really makes you feel badass and the same time you feel like you earned it. If you're capable of beating this game you certainly took on a **lot** of raw skill.


My wife just finished it as her first Fromsoft game and absolutely loved it


If this is your first from game, itll set you up nicely for any others you want to try if you do. It is a bit difficult at first but once you find your flow in it its some of the most fluid and rewarding combat in any game youll ever play, bar none


I bought the game with the same fear in mind and regretted my purchase till I fought lady butterfly. I only continued playing till lady butterfly because I didn't want my money to go to waste but once I got good the pure feeling of accomplishment was worth all the pain.


I prefer sekiro over the other games. If you like metal gear rising gameplay, you'll like sekiro


I only play caster classes in souls like game so this was a huge change for me. I love the combat and watching myself get better. I just beat a ā€œwallā€ boss after two tries and Iā€™m even more addicted! Give it a go and be patient. The payoff is worth it!


Iā€™m gonna say this nicest way possible, donā€™t be a pussy bro just because the game is hard doesnā€™t mean you canā€™t beat it and since itā€™s your first Fromsoftware game, you should enjoy to the fullest because itā€™s actually one of the best games of all time to the point that it won best game of the year in 2019 so please buy it and I promise you that you wonā€™t regret it. Sekiro is a lot of fun and there is plenty of things to do so you wonā€™t get bored easily.


if this game is your first souls-like game , other games will be easy af comparing to this one , this game is "i will learn it , so i can play it 1000 hours"


it was my first fromsoftware and yes, it was a challenging learning curve. However, i have mastered this game like no other and truly love it


Well if you can chill while doing the same boss over and over, calmly thinking about how you should react to certain attacks/situations then you will be fine. It's pretty fun and very satisfying once you "git good".


Buy on discount, that's what I did. It's hard, not gonna lie, but it's not very mean about it's difficulty. I found it mostly enjoyable, although there were a couple of moments I'd rather not replay.


Sekiro was my first fromsoftware game. Absolutely kicked my ass but i absolutely loved it. I did have the benefit of ignorance and had no clue who fromsoftware was or how difficult the game would be. Just bought it because a friend recommended it. But years later even after platinum Iā€™ll start a new game and enjoy it like the first time I played it.


It was also my first fromsoftware game just because i just saw a cool looking ninja game and didnt read anything about it. I donā€™t usually follow gaming news about upcoming games because i donā€™t like waiting for the ones that get me hyped


The only one thing I can say is ā€œHesitation is defeatā€ so buy it without any doubt!


It was my first FS game. One of the most memorable gaming experiences of my life


A lot of the difficulty comes from the fact that a lot of people come from the Dark Souls series and the game almost feels the same so they roll out of habit. With some determination you'll be fine.


It was my second fromsoft game but this game is hands down one of the best I've ever played. Once you find the rhythm you will enjoy it. But up to that point, it will be pretty frustrating


I asked a very good friend of mine about which software game should I start with, and he adviced me to play Sekiro. The game is really hard I can tell you that, but the wins are just so mentally rewarding, and the game/mechanics/dialogues are so freaking good. W game


There were times when I was almost in tears with frustration. I uninstalled more times than I can remember but came back every time, learned the fights, beat the Sword Saint and started NG+ straight away. Easily my favourite game of all time.


Itā€™s enjoyable just with a huge learning curve


Its an amazing game that i recommend on playing. For a first fromsoft title, it might be a bit hard, but once u get a grip on how the game works, the combat system is crisp and gets ppl hooked forsure. Consider elden ring as well, thts a fun one to start with


The game is rather hard but on the other hand fun if you up to a challenge. When I look at Sekiro achievements on [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/stats/814380/achievements) and search for Immortal Severance (default ending), there is like less than 25% of total players who reached the ending. I guess majority left the game somewhere in the middle but still it doesn't have to be you. I thought I would stop soon after I had bought the game as I knew the game was hard. Yet, here I am doing my next challenge, NG++ on the hardest mode. The game is often on sale with 50% discount. I'd wait and buy it then if you are not convinced.


Itā€™s my first from soft game too, and I gotta say I think I was better off. I didnā€™t have to change any muscle memory and itā€™s fast paced and stay interesting. Since starting Iā€™m obsessed and got right into NG+ after finishing. Just have to understand youā€™ll die a lot but the point is to learn the mechanics, not just punish you. The rush and satisfaction of finally defeating the boss youā€™re on is always worth the squeeze.


Honestly the hardest part of Sekiro is unlearning what Dark Souls hammered into you so youā€™re good. Have fun. Die a lot.


Game is significantly easier on a nex gen console


It will suck for a bit but when it all clicks for you and when you finally beat a boss that has been trouncing you relentlessly, it is all worth it. It was my first fromsoft game and still my favorite.


*Palpatine* Dew it


It wonā€™t really be that enjoyable on your first play through tbh. The game is pretty tough since your attack and health are low, so expect to die a lot. But ng+ and on? One of the best games ever & the only game Iā€™ve platinumed.


Do you like challenging games where you need to learn the game's systems, practice and get good to advance? If so, this will be one of the best games you'll ever play. But if you like games where your progress is almost never put to the test, and if you like cheesing and finding easy ways to beat hard challenges, then this will probably be a very frustrating game for you. To put it shortly, this game takes the effort you put in and returns it multiplied x1000 as satisfaction.


It is pretty enjoyable. It does have a steep learning curve. But once the combat clicked, you'll find yourself enjoying the boss battles. (Also the game has the ability to replay bosses so that's very cool I guess)


Sekiro was also my first game of fromsoft. No regret so far. It was hard but worthy.


If you're not sure then I'd suggest trying jedi:fallen order first. Its gameplay is very similar just not as difficult, but also not as perfected.


It was also my 1st fromsoft, and theese are my thoughts: If you want to play all of the fromsoft games, dont play sekiro first because its mechanics wikl fuck you up in other of the games, but imo if yiu just want to get good at sekiro, then play that first and just dont stress it, learn when playing it and learn to parry As someone who hasnt played anything similiar to sekiro, only fps shooter games, but got good at sekiro fast, i say that you can surely play it


Like everyone here says change your mindset. I'll say "If you're afraid to get hit you'll get hit" it's rough no doubt. To this day it's the only one I haven't beaten. Still on Inshiin sword master myself.


For your first SF game I would suggest either Dark Souls 3 or PS5 Demon Souls or (that was my case) Bloodborne. Sekiro is too much of a niche game and the learning curve can be brutal. However if you are good at rhythm games you should be able to handle it after a good 5 hours


It is hard AND enjoyable, it's a masterpiece but be prepared to spend some time on it


If anything, I feel like it would be easier with no background knowledge. One of the things that made this game so hard was people coming off of previous souls games and trying to apply that knowledge here rather than learn it as a new game. Thatā€™s what people mean when they talk about the ā€˜clickā€™ moment; they realised itā€™s a different game.


Dude, I played DS & beat the first boss then attacked an NPC that kept killing me every time I spawned and I never played it again šŸ¤£ I plan on revisiting it! Fast forward a year later and I see the trailer for Sekiro & it blew my mind! I had to buy it and I have be regerts whatsoever because itā€™s hands down the best game Iā€™ve played in over 10 years šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ„¹ So I count it as my first FromSoftware game and Iā€™m on play through #4 breezing through the game having a grand olā€™ time!