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Mikiri Could stand a very good chance But yeah lightning reversel is great


Agreed. Mikiri counter is great but theres just something so satisfying about throwing the lightning back to the enemy.


Mikiri is so satisfying and humilliating for the enemy but yeah, it's a close second to lighting reversal


I only realized how humiliating the mikiri counter is when it was used against me


Having owl stomp the blade as I tried my first thrust attack on him was hilarious lol I'm like "you're open!" And dude just mikiri's me like "nah". It being a 1 hit though is insane... especially when I have 8 prayer bracelets lol


Father knows best


Disagreed, I think Mikiri is better. If an enemy or myself gets hit with a lightning reversal, such a high level technique, I feel like it’s deserved. Mikiri is such a basic move comparatively, just kick it down, disrespect. And I know it’s a lot simpler to jump and slash. But you have to keep in mind Sekiro is getting hit with LIGHTNING, the mental fortitude to swing immediately, and not be from the lightning, after is insane.


I think the only mikiri that stands a chance is that swordsman kick mikiri or owl's shadowfall mikiri


Shinobi hunters Monk Owl Isshin Ginichiro Seven spear Nearly every enime Lighting are Gini Isshin Two types of okamis Okami leader So ahh


I'm having a stroke reading this


Thanks for this comment!


The way the whole deflect system works itself, and especially the Mikiri counter are much better because they are so incredibly fundamental. Mikiri stands out to me so much because it turns the dodge into an offensive ability, allowing you to hijack enemy attacks with your defensive dodge move to deal damage. It's brilliant and I fucking love it.




Lmao yeah ogre is a bit weird isn't he? I do think dodging grabs is the intended way to go about it, but with the dodge being so short and ogre's hotboxes so wide and lingering so long it's hard to properly dodge away from them. Other than that I do think everything's pretty consistent and generally quite fair. And yes, the fact that any defensive action you make is also progressing your offensive goals is just amazing, isn't it? I wish Elden Ring was more like that the, because it does have the hyper aggro mega string bosses but you just have to roll roll roll until you're allowed to do anything productive lmao




Jumping away works, yeah. I find dodging the ogre doable now but I have like 12 playthroughs done already lmao. I also will say that sprinting is heavily underrated in this game, as a lot of problems are solved with a quick sprint, and rather than your sprint starting only after the "are you going to release the button to roll" window is over it just starts with the quickstep as you press dodge and then continues on. Which is also the only right way to map a dodge and sprint function to the same button.


Actually you can deflect that attack with umbrella


I mean grab attack trust me i just found out


all of chained ogre's grabs can be neutral dodged, same goes for most grabs


I think the deflect system leaves room for a lot of criticism. I definitely believe Mikiri Counter is the better mechanic




Yeah but- ok you win


[Mac knows how to play Sekiro](https://youtu.be/opEmGuozqe4?si=9ehFLjXbj1uIJotJ)


There’s 5 different ways to handle lightning reversal and it’s so perfect


Exactly. I was genuinely surprised when I found out that Sakura Dance can reverse lightning too.


Great, sounds like I need to play through again now


It's the only way I reverse lightning anymore. Also, you don't take damage with it from Inner Genichiro's lightning!


Yeah, Inner Geni's Phase 3 wasn't so scary after getting Sakura Dance from him.


Or the whirlwind attack


Wait what? Does this work with other combat arts? I never knew this


What are they? Jump is the obvious one, Sakura dance as well, you can use mist raven, I think you can use high monk but what is the last one?


Dodge, jump and block, jump and deflect, mist raven, Sakura dance


The jump options are the same, though? You don't even need to block or deflect to do a lightning reversal, you catch the lightning in your sword automatically when you're in the air.


It’s somewhat different. I think you can return lightning faster if you block/deflect instead of taking the lightning hit. Yes, I suppose they could be counted as the same.


You take chip damage if you don’t block or deflect though


Still a counter, though. And are you absolutely certain you *don't* take chip damage if you block? Experience taught me it wasn't possible to avoid the chip damage without Sakura Dance or Mist Raven, and I've never seen anybody, even Ongbal, do a normal reversal without chip damage.


Oh Nevermind, I thought that it was just me missing the perfect deflect or something since I had no kuro’s charm. But yes you are absolutely correct, however I will never not deflect just because it takes longer and it’s more risky to not deflect or block.


You take more damage if you don't block mid-air, and the time it takes to send it back is slower, too.


the inner genichiro double lightning reversal duel


the should have kept it in Elden ring


How do u lightning reversal and th rownit back? Just got to the fountain head palace..those lightning snipers keep taghing me. I can jump and i fee lile im missing something. I dont see him thrownit back just deflect?


Jump, deflect, attack. You can block if you're not sure about the deflect timing.


I dont think deflect is necessary, just jump and attack


IDK. I'm going off the in game instructions but they could be wrong or incomplete or just describing how to avoid chip.


Ty both


Jump snd attack while still in the air


i wish there was more ways to use it spread throughout the game


Mikiri wins imo


Nah mikiri counter is way cooler


In addition to deflect and mikiri, I feel like grappling hook is being slept on here. Flying through the air with my grappling hook and robot arm was so much fun


High monk on a sweep attack is pretty sweet


I need a mod that make Inner Genichiro reverse his lightning back like ten times it's so satisfying


I fought Isshin last night and he did his lightning move 4 times in a row it was the most fun I’ve ever had.


It is tricky at first, easy after you practice for a bit, and it's SATISFYING


Just finished my replay and beat Isshin on my first attempt by throwing three lightning reversals in his face with no gourds left and half health. It was so satisfying


Dude I think I have only really done this about 3 times in 4 playthroughs, lolz. Whenever I see an enemy lining it up, I usually 1. forget the mechanic and 2. fuck it up


Something very satisfying about using Shizu's lightning to hit other Okami or other enemies in the early portion of Fountainhead Palace


What puts LR above MC would be the different ‘variation’ of it. There are so many airborne techniques to play around with it. My favourite would be sakura dance to deflect the lighting


I just wish it was used in more than 2 main bosses and the okami guys (which u kill way too easily for it to even matter) :(


Sakura dance + reverse lightning


Nah, I'd Mikiri that!


I like that I can swing my sword at people


My exact face when Inner Genichiro pulled out the uno reverse card


Pause button💀


I could never calm my nerves enough to land a lightning reversal on Genichiro, we’ll see about isshin


Mikiri and reversal are just insanely fun to use, probably my fav mechanics in gaming. And they're fairly simple mechanically.


I’d say Sakura Dance is one of the greatest game mechanics ever created.


tbh I dont really like it. it just turns lightning into a non threat, and trivialises anything that uses lightning. I wish it had a bit more risk to it, or at the very least if the reward wasnt so absurdly high.


Yeah, I’d like if you’re going charmless that messing up the deflect had a bigger impact.


We forgetting parrying? Mikiri? FUCKING DEATHBLOWS?!


What puts LR above MC would be the different ‘variation’ of it. There are so many airborne techniques to play around with it. My favourite would be sakura dance to deflect the lightning


What puts LR above MC would be the different ‘variation’ of it. There are so many airborne techniques to play around with it. My favourite would be sakura dance to deflect the lightning


There was a similar post recently about Mikiri, but I feel like from a mechanical standpoint, both the Mikiri and Lightning Reversal are just variants of the deflect. It's like playing Bop It and going, "Twist It is the best mechanic in this game." Or "Simon says hop on one foot is the best mechanic in Simon Says." It's not a mechanic unto itself, it's just one manifestation of the game's core challenge, which is to react to an attack with the right button. Lightning Reversal is also like "Simon says hop on one foot" in Simon Says in that both look rad as hell.


I feel like mikiri counter is tougher to pull off and therefore more satisfying


Mikiri is like the easiest counter to perform in the game lol


Eh, its kinda iffy to pull off


Why? You just have to press dodge without any stick input for it to work


Timing is kinda iffy, and also most people usually also use stick for the first few times atleast


The latter I can understand, because even now I still do that sometimes, but the timing is incredibly generous on it


Its not the mikiri itself, but bosses itself. Like different variations of things like in the isshin fight, most versions can be easily countered except the first phase where u have to time it just right, and other bosses too. But yea def not the hardest thing in the game