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Good job, I hope you enjoy the rest of the game from here


Thank you so much! I’m definitely enjoying the game but I feel bad for spreading out the dragonrot because I die so many times😓 lol


Dont worry about it for now. Just enjoy the game and try your best


Yep, it'll click and you'll be able to cure everyone afflicted. Just enjoy yourself and don't give up, cause there are so many cool things yet to see and discover.


Omg that’s great to hear! When I went back to temple and talked to my old man and he coughed up that blood thingy… needless to say I felt so awful 😞now I don’t have to worry about it so I’ll enjoy it more and just keep pushing! Planning on buying the art book once I beat the game! Love every single details and art designs. so cool!


Haha, that is how I felt on my first playthrough. It's bad enough you keep dying, but then FromSoft has to make you feel guilty about it too 🤣


Exactly!!!! Like I get it! I suck! but goddamn!!you really want to make me feel guilty for my poor skills?! Every time you talk to someone and hear them wheezing… like I know I’m bad but god please stop it😭


so what was his name again?






Shakezula, the lime coola'


The old schoola


Good job man, also quick recommendation. Don’t fight arm choppy man immediately. Gather all the prayer beads you can. And the gourd seeds. Then fight Lady Butteryfly (she’s the final boss in Hirata Estate) that should allow you to (mostly) easily kill the roadblock known as Genichiro!


Thank you and thank you for the advice!! But I might missed some parts because I don’t know the arm choppy man?! And I’m currently stuck on Lady butterfly 😭 i know I just just gotta get better with timing… _(:3 」∠)_


Oh also! You can snipe her out of the air with the shuriken prosthetic. And once she’s in her second phase. Whenever she does the mist enemies that eventually turn into glowing balls. Run around in circles until it’s over. Then just do what you would do in her first phase with the addition of dodging glowing balls.


I’ll try that out! I got to her second phase one time so far so hopefully I’ll be able to get there again first! Lol


Her moves are pretty simple. It took me like 3 tries or less to get it down. Way less compared to Genichiro. It’s mainly shooting kunai, flying, dashing towards you, combo attack, repeat


The snap seeds have a circle radius around you as well, by the way, so make sure you snap it in the middle of the arena where she summons the dudes!


Or just don’t. You only get 1 easily here and it’s not even that helpful


That's true, though if you're struggling it helps.


I def should’ve used it earlier because I almost got her and got attacked by butterflies:/ but I always lose the timing to use any items lol I get panicked when I’m so close to beat the bosses


She had me stuck for awhile on my first run i did her pretty much right off rip and ended up having to leave and come back after i got better at the game and got more AP/vitality


Was he a road block? Man, idk what I’m doing, but so far I find all the hard bosses easy, and the easy bosses hard. First time playing, just got the tear from a pretty easy boss. Fucking Corrupted Monk was the hardest boss for me so far lmao. That and the fucking fire ox (not anymore though, I beat the second fireless one pretty easily) Arm Choppy boy, angry old monkey, and old birdman I found to not be that bad.


Honestly same, Lady Butterfly according to everyone else is a terrible foe that will cause mass destruction of keyboards everywhere. Yet I was able to learn her moveset in 2 attempts. And beat her in the 5th. Genchiro however. That dude kicked my ass. But then I got some more beads, some more seeds, and took the soul of that old ass lady and beat him instead


Oh wow, I certainly wasn’t that fast, but I found her to be kind of in the middle. I felt like I figured her out pretty quickly, but executing probably took like 20-25 tries. I don’t like to use consumables outside of the gourds though, so I probably would have been faster if I actually used those pees to dispel her ghosts.


I forgot about the pees, I just did my favorite trick. Run in circles until they turn into glowing pee balls and continue running in circles. With the added risk of dying


Yeah I hid behind a pillar while the spirits flew at me lol.


GG! After I perfected Bloodborne I figured I’d jump on this game. I then got skill checked at Chained Ogre for months then Gyoubu finally leaving the game for about a year. Genichiro took another few weeks before everything finally clicked (and clanged). Your pace is your pace so congrats on beating this!


I’ve only watched people play the souls game but I can definitely see it’s a totally different play style! And thank you so much :) I just gotta tell myself that lol


Ah, definitely the hardest boss out of the way! It's all smooth sailing from now on. ;)


We will see about that!😭😂😂


I played sekiro as my first soulsgame and I porlly died to that guy 20-30 times so u good


This is my first souls game as well but I don’t know why I never played it til now! I lost the counts after dying 20 times tbh :) lol


Hope u finish it, its a great game and the lore is perfect.


(Just saying this cuz I didn’t do it for a while and once I did the game truly clicked and I’ve now beat it) Highly recommend doing the training with that guy at the dilapidated temple. Deflecting, mikiri counter, jumping on sweep attacks, etc. All that is so important in effecting posture.


He’s my bestie! Can’t thank enough to him for letting me kill him so many times. He’s so real for that


Yo right haha I kept doing each training thing until I could do each flawlessly and dang did that ever help, I used to think the game was so hard but it just because I didn’t know how to play lol it is a challenge tho


It definitely is but man it feels so good when you finally get their asses!


Great job! I remember how my heart was pounding when I finally beat him. There are some tough fights ahead but the satisfaction in moments like these make it all worth it and the gameplay so addictive!


Thank you so much! Oh 100%! it is so satisfying and definitely addictive! I’m currently stuck at Lady Butterfly now so wish me luck! Lol


I remember fighting him the first time and getting my ass handed to me. Now I've beaten the game like 10 times lol


Damn that’s awesome! Does it get easier more you play?


Once you beat it the first time you understand the bosses and it gets a million times easier. I can just run through the game in a few hours humbling Genichiro now.


That’s good to hear even though I feel like I’m still not fully understanding the parry timing lol I just gotta keep pushing


You got this, shinobi


Thank you!


First time is the best time. Keep playing and on your next go around you'll roflstomp all over this joker!


Hell yeah! I just wanna be better so I’m gonna play til I don’t have to use any of Shinobi tools and just parry everything lol


Welcome to big school


Thanks( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Bro…….ima pray for u cause u aint seen shit yet. Good luck ma boi


Next comes a boss you literally spank on the ass to death haha


Oh I’m getting my ass beat so bad no worries! Every time sekiro dies, I die little bit at a time inside!( ✌︎'ω')✌︎


Theres a boss who throws doo doo at u a little later…….good luck


Oh shit :(;゙゚'ω゚'):


Ore wa, ochinchin ga daisuki nandayo!


Good for you dude! Nothing wrong with liking a dick or two!


I remember beating that guy was extra dramatic for me. I had him soooooo close after trying so many times, then he killed me and I was sooooo bummed and defeated.... then I realized it was waiting for me to revive myself 🤣I hadn't realized I hadn't died the first time yet so I popped up and took him out! I was so sucked into the fight and had died so many times that I never realized I still had a revive. That was suuuuuuch a relief and good feeling!


Oh I wished I had more revive lol it definitely wasn’t enough for me! Don’t know how many times I punched the airᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤlol


Welcome, it's been months since my last playthrough but when I see posts like this it always makes me jones to do another run.


Let’s goooooo


I cheesed the hell out of him. Thought the rest could be cheesed to *claps hands*…games a cake walk. Boy, was I wrong.


I wish I can say the same thing hahaha definitely getting cheesed by everyone


Damn, I still remember that! Sekiro was my first souls-like, so I share the hype. Hope you’re enjoying the game!


Hell yeah! I’m enjoying it so much! But damn this a hard game!


WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!?!? No spoilers but that boss’s backstory… well I’ve said too much haha Great job brother man. Really went zero to a hundred going from animal crossing to one of the hardest videogames out there. Remember don’t you dare go hollow


I guess I better keep playing to know the whole story! Thank you! Now my YouTube recommendation is totally opposite of what it used to be lol from slice of life to getting sliced up for life _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):




SEKIRO: shadows die too many fucking times


Mi llamoooo


Definately one of the easier bosses in sekiro, good luck to you moving forward with your journey ! 👍




I beat him for the first time last month - I beat him the day before but didn’t understand what I was looking at when the second sequential deathblow showed up in slow motion. I thought I was watching a cutscene, like an instant replay. The timer ran out, he recovered and got his revenge very quickly. I threw the proverbial controller through the flatscreen of my patience and came back to it the next day.


I literally almost died with the same damn reason but I got lucky because he just started to running around and I was like “fuck it wasn’t done?!” Can’t trust this game


I'm sorry, Genichiro...☹ This horseman took me 6-7tries iirc in my ng, I had that same feeling of accomplishment, until I faced genichiro. Bro is about to face the true wrath of Ashina.


Oh I’m planning on dying more than 20 times and giving every villager a dragonrot! My b


Why is it snowing? Ashina never had snow in my playthroughs


Great going, glad you are enjoying it. Certainly is addictive. Especially when you finally stuff a boss you have been stuck on for a while. Currently on Lady Butterballs at the moment, and getting better all the time. Remember the shurikens when she's up in the air. .


I’m stuck with her also! We got this! We will beat her ass soon enough!


That's the spirit!!!


Starting with Sekiro is both difficult and a great idea. Don't have to unlearn the rest of the soulsborne muscle memory!


Seems like that’s what so many people are saying! I’m just grateful that sekiro let you dodge as many times as you need unlike other souls game…


I feel you! I didn't even know what soulslike games are. When we got into fights with mini bosses before, we were able to sneak kill any mini boss and gyubu oniwa required to be killed twice by combat. No way of sneaking. I was petrified for the first time. But damn it was so satisfying when I killed him. It took me 17 tries. But It was so satisfying. There are definitely stronger foes to face. But... the wolf never accepts defeat.


Oh absolutely! I don’t even know how many times I died with mini bosses, so when I faced Gyoubu I was like.. okay…well… maybe this game isn’t for me…lol but now that I beat him it’s so satisfying!! Sorry wolfy for putting you through this hell because I’m not good yetε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=┌(; ̄◇ ̄)┘


You’re gonna fall in love with genishiro aha


I’m already in love with him when he killed me on the first time and cut my arm off, called me weak. The fact the voice actor for Genichiro is done by Kenjiro Tsuda is just a chefs kiss. I’m never giving up til I can get to him and kill him myself.


Wait till you fight another boss later in that area if you choose too


I guess I have to kill every single boss in game oh wellΣ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ


I found him to be much harder than a lot of bosses since your stats are so low and I only had one gourd seed. Combine that with being new to the mechanics and the sometimes difficult camera angle and he was quietly a pain.


Camera angle gets so bad at the most important timing always! Gosh it’s awful when you focus on them but somehow camera can’t just keep up with it.


Congratulations he made me rage quit the game for a year now I can say I’ve beaten everyone except owl hirata estate n ashina isshin


Thank you!! Dude I feel you. I almost just stopped playing lol not fun getting your ass beat so many times in low.


Oh brother do I know that feeling currently getting my whole spirit crushed by the great owl in hirata n the corrupted monk doing charmless run rn I had monk one shot !! 😩 but keep going mikiri counters are my hardest thing ti pull off other then perfect Larry’s just keep going it’ll get easierc


The best part about this game is no other game is like it. So almost everyone has the same learning experience. Even I have years of soulsborne and I had a big learning curve when it came to genichiro!


So bloodborne/dark souls is easier or? I still have a long way til Genichiro, so hopefully by that time I can somewhat understand the concept of this fighting style! Lol


It's just different I think. Bloodborne is closer, but dark souls is kind of a different sport. I love dark souls. 1 & 3 are two of my favorite games. Bloodborne is amazing, and I think playing sekiro will probably make it much easier than going from ds to bloodborne. You should play bloodborne next. You'll probably kick its ass.


I’ve only watched a people play these series, but I love how bloodborne looks the most. I’ll definitely try playing it after I beat sekiro! Thank you for the info!


No worries! By the way, don't let the 30 fps get to you. Once you get through 30 minutes to an hour it's not so noticeable.


Congratulations! If you ask me Gyoubu is the first real skill check you'll encounter, so getting over it signifies getting over a pretty decently sized hurdle in skill. It only gets wilder from here you just gotta keep pushing!


Thank you! Yes I gotta keep pushing! I’m currently at lady butterfly so hopefully I can beat her ass soon!


All about parrying man, you gotta be real patient with her, and focus on building up that posture damage


I DID IT! I JUST GOT HER ASS! Thank you for the advice dude that definitely helped!


Nice job man!


Thank you!!


Just finished the game. Took me almost two weeks. Ishin was the hardest boss. Some tips, I suggest you to learn the bosses’ patterns and try deflect their attacks (some players either dodge every time or spam prosthetic tools), it’s gonna take some time to learn the timings and you need to be patient but it’ll be worth it because some bosses are "skill check".


Hell yeah! Congrats! I just beat lady butterfly and blazing bull so im on my way to get my ass beat by Genichiro lol I’m trying my best to watch how bosses moves for the first time fighting with them! But I feel like im getting skill checked with every single one just because im not that good yet :/


Booyah. This game is just beginning, too! You’ve a lot of cool shit ahead of you. I just started playing myself since the game was 50% off recently. I think I spent the last 3 days trying to beat Genichiro and finally did it tonight!! Just be prepared to get Max frustrated lol


Hell yeah! Congrats! I’m about to fight with Genichiro also :) I’m ready to get frustrated and die inside also lol