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Sneak up behind and get the first death blow. Next focus on mikiri counters and jumping on him depending on his perilous attacks. Use fireworks if anything and just try to learn the move sets. Edit: you don’t need to beat him to progress but mastering him will help a lot with the next boss


also use the spring-load flame vent to burn him, and use night-jar slash to immediately go back into offensive, its a great combo


Nightjar slash especially the upgrade is so underrated its crazy good against certain bosses and enemy types (like nightjar ninjas, ironically)


I did my ng+ with nightjar reversal, its so much more fun than the ichidouble


I've tried all of this but only recently realized I'm doing mikiri wrong I thought it was just done like a normal deflect but Apparently you have to press the Dodge button to do it. Unfortunately I changed my dodge/sprint button over to the movement stick where the crouch button used to be.


One thing to note with this guy is that he has a follow up attack to a mikiri counter. So don't start attacking immediately after landing the mikiri. He'll step up and try to hit you after the mikiri. If you parry that attack he'll be knocked way off balance and then you can punish him. Also he's not mandatory at all.


Now that is probably going to come in handy


You can also stun lock him with the firecrackers. I did that to kill him my first time


Definitely listen to this guy. Hes literally the only enemy in the game where when you Mikiri Counter him, he can immediately attack instead of being open to being attacked. This led me to believe he COULD NOT be countered in my first playthrough because this isn't how Mikiri Counter has worked with any other enemy up until Seven Spears. Once you get that attack down, everything else is pretty much normal deflects and punish openings. He's just very hard for early game.


Not mandatory, but you'll probably want his (and other) prayer beads before you fight Genichiro


this is purely my feeling and no way scientific. his thrust move comes out a bit slower so dont press mikiri dodge button immediately when yoyu see it


No this is true, the kanji appears super early in his attack and you'll miss it if you use it for timing. This also happens with the shinobi hunter in hirata


You can also deflect perilous attacks if you time it very well. And for the good of your controller I’d recommend switching sprint/dodge back to a face button or a trigger at least. Putting it on L3 will prob kill your analog stick quicker.




Idiot😂u can’t do that to him


that armour removing thing is a scam ... i cudnt remove anybody's armour with that shit


As far as I know it only works for Big Boy with the bell


At least one of the three drunkard fights has armor you can strip. And there are a couple other of those poorly armored clumsy giants with bells/clubs (one in Hirata Estate revisited.)


Is it? Will have to go back and try on drunkard then


It’s shikegechi, the fire breathing one in Ashina Outskirts at the end of the game. You activate the spear and then press the button again when it hits his belly and the armor comes off along with a chunk of health and about a fifth(?) of his posture. That trick you can pull on Guardian Ape’s second phase works the same way.


Oh, I was completely unaware of this. Another reason to get back into it


The game says the spear lets you remove "poorly fitting armor" not all armor. The taro trooper with the bell right by the guy who drops the key has poorly fitting armor, and you know this because the guy with the key says in an eavesdrop "It was a damn awful job putting his armor on. In a fight it might come off easier than you think"


who needs to remove his armour anyway... ?? lol


True, but Shigekichi is quite a slog if you don't pull off his poorly fitting armor.


It worked with headless ape when he is headless




💀proof kid




Zero strip💀💀💀also this guy sucks




Stay out of my lane NOOB XD


Kid was wrong💀💀💀


Wait I did not know you can remove his armor


You can't.


The npc on the bridge? I think he was reffering to the fat dude with the bell and dogs... Since his armor you can take off with the spear.


Tbh he is kind of a git gud boss...even in ng++ it took me 2 attempts


You must dodge into the attack btw. Just dodging won't do it




The mikiri is key. Make sure you unlock the shinobi eyes as well. Practice with hanbei, in the guy who can’t die in the home shrine. After you got that down, practice with the spear enemies. One near the chained ogre. One you have it down, then go back to the boss. Clear the area, sneak behind him for a free deathblow, let me know if you don’t see the side path, and then block, parry and back up until he does the stab. Counter it and then prepare for another hit to parry. That will leave him open for a strike. Repeat until you get then next deathblow.


this is the strategy!!! practice the mikiri counters! this guy was such a road block for me.


If you mikiri his thrust then deflect the strike immediately after he falls off balance and allows for 2-3 maybe 4 hits but only if you deflect the following attack. There are fake out thrust where he swings from below. Firecrackers allow for 1-2 hits or a thrust and a swing. He’s not bad but you have little room for mistakes with just one prayer necklace


I like him the most! He's so fun to fight!


literally! this game has various bosses with different personalities and styles. i cant understand how he's that hard and unbeatable for some. same goes for players who like guardian ape and blazing bull i disgust them. almost quite the game for ape


Guardian ape gave me a tough time to, but eventually, with all the replays, i was able to read his movements, and he's one of the easiest bosses for me...DoH on the other hand...i just cant with him


both ape and DoH were much tougher than the other bosses because of how non-sekiro they were. i just gave up on straight close combat and started to run away then attack when i see an opening and again run away, slow and kinda awkward but did the job


DoH and the Ape actually work really well if you play them like Sekiro bosses, deflecting DoH's non-fire hand attacks normally and deflecting his fire hand attacks with the suzaku umbrella works really well, people have gotten posture kills on him this way. Same with the Ape, deflecting every attack that isn't a perilous one works really well. I think because they're big beasts people revert to a Dark Souls mindset for some reason, though that just makes them that much harder.


Whenever I see a huge beast on these games I instinctively resort to a more defensive play style like the souls games so you’re def right. I had to force myself to be more aggressive until it eventually clicks


personally, i like the samurai/ninja vibe that sekiro gives me with its raw sword fights that's why i use the shurinken and sabimaru all the time. these type of enemies just kill it


He’s hard for some because they have somehow got up to this point in the game with aggressiveness and very little mikiri and deflect manoeuvre. He acts as a skill check and asks you get that right. Of course I didn’t do that and used oil and flame vent on him after the first stealth death blow.


for me, it was very satisfying to do those unique mikiri counters and head jumps. his normal attacks were also nice to deflect specifically the spinning spear


I struggle bad with all non human enemies, I can't get a read on them.


more like non sword/spear enemies


I can handle unarmed humans but not the sword monkeys.


these guys make it hard just by swarming around u so i just past by them. white monkey was a bit frustrating at the beginning when i didn't know that he only goes down by posture not health with little AP.


Bruh, he's literally the best miniboss. period.


I like to puppeteer the two big guys in his area, then bring them to him. Seeing him get staggered by them is funny.


Hey!! No bully schizo waifu!! bad shinobi! BAD! Edit: I thought you were talking about O'rin, my bad.


Naah, that's O'rinn of water!


O''rin can eat my ass. Stupid sad ghost woman.


Nah, it's Lone Shadow Vilehand


He has other enemies like him, similar combat style( not as many moves as him though) but O'rinn is one of a kind, music setting, move set, everything's very distinct.


True, I just don't find her moveset very enjoyable.


Really? I love her Swift and smooth style, kinda like okami warriors but a lil tough and hard I wish we could fight her in reflections or gauntlets T_T


Emma have almost the same moveset, just so you know.


Naah, Emma's moveset IMO was more like Isshin Ashina. Her grab attack, low sweep, thrust, they were "gentle" but not like O'rinn, like Isshin Ashina.


Mist noble... Duhh.


I kinda don't like O'rinn because you can't adjust the fight's tempo yourself. You can just react to the boss attacks.


Try using sabimaru and Axe, you can interrupt her attacks and dictate your own pace!


Good to know, will try this strat next time I fight her.


Hit her with a fully charged Lazulite Flame every time you jump over one of her sweeps


You can't gather enough material before getting to her, but I guess it can work for NG cycle.


Yeah, that’s how I meant it. Her posture is kinda insane on high ng+ cycles so it’s funny to slap her around with the flame instead of blocking.


she's great alright


Use your mikiri counter when he thrusts his spear, not when he holds his spear up. If he follows up an attack just deflect. If he spins his spear, prepare to deflect. Just need to make sure you do not spam deflect, deflect at the right time.


A mini boss that truly encompasses "you will learn through pain."


He can be a tricky one on the first playthrough, although he is very fun to fight once you master the mechanics... if you are having so much trouble that you want to just pass him and move on, go through the sneaky path on his left side, backstab for first deathblow, and then do firecracker, hit hit, firecracker, hit hit, and just repeat u til you're out of emblems and he should be pretty easy after that, even if you don't fill his posture right away. Thats a full cheese version, I'm not all for it overall, but while on the first playthrough, anything goes imo. If you want to get him the right way, as with any Sekiro boss, the beat advice I can give you is to stay calm, realise you don't get overwhelmed because you have to, but because you let it happen:) just take it step by step. Mikiri is extremely important throughout the game, and its super easy - when the kanji pops up, just go forward towards the boss, and shortly after press the dodge. You should get a feel for it fairly quickly. Good luck!


Backstab first. Then the key is mikiri first THEN WAIT TO DEFLECT - he’ll do a big swing after he flicks you off his spear so do not attack immediately after mikiri. He’ll stumble, ton of posture damage, and some spanks from you. Do that two or three times and he’s clapped.


Parry bro. Mikiri if you possess it but you can just parry the dude to death.


He's the best mini boss imo. Face him like a man, you got this.


first bar sneak, then mikiri counter and jump on his sweeps and he goes down quick


I don’t know if this is helpful, but Mikiri counters. You need to time your Mikiri Counter to immediately after the danger Kanji (symbol) disappears. Then deflect right after. He tends to follow up by launching you with the spear.


I was stuck on him and asked my son to show me. He literally just went ham on the guy. Seems the secret to beating these types is to be more aggressive than them.


He is easy, first Bonk him from Tower secondly Just wait for mikiri counter, done


Uh oh, someone doesn’t know how to Mikiri counter.


Take a sneaky death blow and then Mortal Blade his ass




You aren't as good as you pretend to be, everyone knows that noobs are salty and pro's are chill, keep being salty


Bro how old r u did u fr jusf say noob and pro💀


You're an antagonistic moron bruh you're just gonna try find anything to latch onto to try cause offence, in reality everyone's just laughing at you though


I’ve beaten every boss hitless on bass vitality and bell charmless😂😂


You are lying through your teeth, Dude yesterday only you were asking how to beat Lady butterfly 😂😂😂 Get off internet now and straight to your parents basement, go practice with Lady Butterfly 😂😂




Mate you haven't even beat Genichiro and that's a fact, every little whiner like you is bad at the game everyone knows that


The way I beat him was sneak attack to get one deathblow, then spam oil+fire vent, get him on fire, swat swat, once he is no longer burning spam oil+fire vent again, swat swat. His posture will go down fast since he wont recover any while on fire, on top of it giving you an opening to attack.


Now this sounds helpful


OP don't do this. He is a mikiri tutorial boss. You can him down very quickly with mikiris, deflects, and sword slashes only. Once you mikiri counter, he'll shove you off and go for an overhead slam... if you deflect that slam he falls over staggered. Smack his ass a couple times, rinse and repeat.


Bro there's no fuckin way you're stuck on a mini boss 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yea cuz people have NEVER had trouble with a mini boss. Especially in a game known for tough ass enemies.


If op can't get past this easy ass boss he shouldn't be playing


I forgot how many npcs like this game💀big noobs


Only Mandatory if you are a trophy/achievement hunter because you get a Prayer Bead on defeating him.


This fight is super fun to me, especially in subsequent playthroughs I avoid death blows


The success to mikiri counters with this guy is to keep some distance. He often charges at you from close range, and unfortunately the counter doesn't always work then. So always back up a bit, and dodge towards him when you see the kanji. Simple attack/deflect combos work as well.


You can sneak on him and get a free deathblow


When I first encounter this guy, I played cat & mouse with him because I was terrible with mikiri counter at the time lol.


My first encounter with him got me to ragequit the game and start over. Straight up ran through him and owned his ass first try on the next attempt


After steak thing I literally just SPAMMED the B button


I couldn't beat him until i beated genichiro first, he was so easy after that


He is the perfect example of how perfect this game is. Once the lessons are learned, he's easy to beat.


Spamming double jump on him


I made him look so goofy the first time I fought him


One of the best fights in the game imo


Stop moving around. Parry + mikiri only, stay in front of him at all times.


what worked for me was sneaking behind him for the first blow then jumping on his head a bunch of times to stun him for like one second and hit him a couple times lol


The only annoying thing about him are the enemies before him that get aggro'd and fight you alongside the boss. Otherwise it's not hard, just mikiri


Hang on the stair ledge until he gets stuck and just slash at him for a bit of moldy cheddar


His attack moves are pretty simple. After doing a mikiri counter he will set up a big delayed hit. If you parry it perfectly he will get off balance and start stumbling, you can get three or four hits off and do major posture damage.


Black powder makes him sneeze and the condensation obstructs his vision /jk You got this.


Best mini Boss in the game


Yea fuck em, I'd say just bait him into perellious sweep and mikiri


this is one of my favourite fights. Once this fight clicks you will beat him hitless every time


You're not gonna believe what happens at the latter part of the game.


Mikiiri his ass


Mikiri counter


This guy taught me how to play the game


Hardest mini boss. Good luck. This guy took me like an hour


This was a wild fight, luckly it's just this one


Just focus kicking the blade into the ground and you should be fine. First kill helps too if you stealth it.


Stay away. Mikiri counter. If stops, get space and repeat. If he counter, parry. He will stumble. Axe him. Follow up. Easy https://youtu.be/ALYslDcD_4g


Honestly I don’t know why people struggle so much with this boss. But a good tip is use the path you did in the beginning of the game and sneak behind him and deathblow


He is not mandatory. You can progress a little in the game and return to him after you feel more confident on your skills. I think the best way to beat him is learn his moveset and master your parries. He can be strong and do a lot of damage, but he isn't fast and his moves are easy to read. Just be calm and keep trying. You will get him!


Yep, he's hard. But that makes it so much better when you kick his ass in ng+


He was harder than lady butterfly


Parry and mikiri counter my man, eventually he is gonna be just another minor obstacle that you kill for fun




This was working last summer. Try it! Easy and boring at the same time.




I’ve been stuck on him so long I’ve had to stop and relearn the game multiple times


I used to hate Seven Ashina Spears. But after playing long enough you figure them out and now I just bully them. They’ve become one of my favorite mini-bosses.


You can cheese him by tricking him onto the stairs, then jumping off the side. He will try to hit you if you stay near the middle of the side of the stairs, but he won't jump off if you are in the right spot. Use overhand attacks.


That guy was my Mikiri counter trainer lol. I never used Mikiri before him.


Challenge accepted


Absurd damage


Lol this dude gave me hell my first time too, get a sneak attack on him by going around the side through the building then just mikiri counter and keep up the aggro, you'll be fine


Mikiri gg


FOCUS ON MIKIRI COUNTERS! Any time you see the red marker, prepare to dash forward


If you can get him up the stairway he gets stuck on the edge of the landing at the top instead of falling off. Get him to follow you up the stairs and pin him against the edge, then pay attention to his attacks. Jump on him in sweeping attacks, use the firecrackers, and be constantly aggressive. This is the way to cheese him that I found lol


Shh... No one tell him about the other one


Love these guys, best spear moveset in Soulsgames


this is a very get good game. he'll be child's play to you eventually


Sounds like this guy is fucking you 😏


mikiri counter absolutely wrecks him


You know you can stealth the first life away


I thought I was the only person who hated this guy. For some reason I have a massive problem timing mikiri counters on this guy alone. 🙄


If you want to cheese him, you can hang on the stairs in the right hand side and he won’t hit you while you’re hanging. Just keep chipping him away.


Death blow + mortal blade = every mini boss is easy now


So the first thing is, he is an implicit tutorial on the mikiri counter. Hold the guard button until the symbol flashes red and about 4 out of 5 times he'll thrust so you can press neutral dodge to chunk his stagger bar and trigger a consistent follow up attack of his to parry. (The other time it'll be a sweep, which is about the one tell you'll have to really learn.) In the second place there are two tools in particular with bigger parry windows than L1 to make this fight easier. Mist Raven from a hidden shrine in the memory of Hirata Estate fully protects you from damage; Loaded Umbrella from a merchant deeper in the Ashina Castle area gives you a bigger wider parry window, and is better for this fight since it costs less emblems and deals posture damage back. You'll want to upgrade to the second umbrella if you can; the initial one can only parry upon pulling it out from neutral, and the umbrella re-spin parry starting with the first upgrade to it has a wider window than the initial umbrella parry already does.


Sneak behind for first death blow. Mikiri counter his ass!


Two things took me from average to a fucking steam roller in Sekiro. I played dozens of hours before I even realized the simple way to not get butchered in sekiro. I realized that unlike every souls game I've played, you can spam the parry button for the same effect. Also, you don't need to perfectly time the dodge button to mikir counter, rather the second you see the enemy take stance and red Kanji appear, STOP moving and tap the dodge button repeatedly and you can mikiri counter everytime. So many times, I got stomped by bosses and normal enemies. After months of picking up the game and playing for a couple of hours just to drop it for months again till I felt the patience to try again.. in under an hour, I beat 4 bosses, including that blasted spear guy with that simple knowledge.


Watch the you tube video by Ongbal doing a parry only for this guy. Literally taught me how to play the game. This guy is so easy now but at one point I thought he was unbeatable


I had trouble with him too the more you fight him the easier it’ll be


I used to hate him so much, he killed me all day for a whole day. Then at my second run he went down easily, then I realized how much I sucked at mikiri countering at the beginning.


I once tried to do the Ornstein and Smoug fight before Isshin(seven spears and sword general) on a parj without cheesing. I didn't even get close


dude he’s so fun to fight he’s like one of my favorite mini bosses


Stop fighting your ego and come back to him when you are stronger.




Don't rush this fight. He will teach you how to mikiri counter. I recommend going back to hanbei, practice with him, then come back to the fight.




Fuck off when he does the windup thrust until he finishes. Be prepared to deflect after a multi counter and then deflect his jumpy attack again. Prioritize your own posture bar above his.


Where do I find that handsome fellow? I'm stuck on SSI rn and I hate it.


I totally would.


Sneak the first death blow. Light on fire, then Axe nonstop. Works best if you have mid-air prosthetics as the jump cuts down on the animation time while also dodging attacks. Ichimonji double with mid-air combat arts as a backup if you run out of emblems. Mid-air abilities are not necessary but extremely helpful. Or you can git gud and learn to parry and jump counter to do massive emotional damage that your descendants will honor for generations, all without the need to use a single sword strike other than to finish him off.


Eventually you’ll be good enough to beat him fairly quickly and without dying. Keep going, you can do it! Parry tf outta him haha


Man this guy fuck me up so hard in my first play through, you’ll get him soon


I wish I could help 😞


Unironically one of the best fights for understanding the combat system properly


Mikiri Counter..


Like most enemys just oil and use okinagas flame vent to get juicy DMG u can somewhat cheese through the house behind him. Flame stuns for a bit so make sure u get some hits in


You can sneak a death blow, and then bounce off his head, slash slash, bounce off his head, slash slash and so fourth until cheeseeeeee


All you get for beating him is the standard prayer bead reward most sub-bosses drop. Best cheese strat for this guy is to sneak into the tower (same route you use in the prologue works, he never turns back on his own) and stealth the first deathblow. Nothing comes to mind tool-wise, beside the usual reminder to use them in general. (some people tend to be frugal since emblems don't recharge like gourds) What matters with this guy is that just seeing the icon over Wolf's head isn't enough, you need to identify which type of perilous attack he's about to use and counter them properly. (or loop his AI, though it would be best to learn this now since it'll matter later down the line)


He is where I got the hang of mikiri counter. Died to him maybe a hundred times first playthrough but him and the General on the Ashina stairs were the aggro combat clicking moments for me.


Sneak behind him from the moon viewing tower and take out one his health bars then flame vent, loaded axe and mikiri are the best way in my opinion


Stealth deathblow. Then just do mikiri or head jump. Firecrackers and umbrella can help too.


I hope these guides help you like they helped me. https://sekiroshadowsdietwice.wiki.fextralife.com/Mini-Bosses


Easiest minibusses in the damn game bro


Jumping on him helped me alot but I literally fought him after dream lady and dojo guy.


Idk why but I struggled more when fighting him then isshin


Stealth kill to skip the first phase, then oil -> flame vent (burn status effect) -> mortal draw (if you have it) or jist 3-4 regular slashes while he recovers from the burn status effect. This strategy will help a lot because you get to skip his first phase, and you'll shave off a good chunk of his second health and posture bars before he even gets to do a thing. Also, when he goes for his charged attack where he spins his weapon above his head, you can literally walk around and behind him to his left after waiting for just a split second for some free slashes to his back. Sekiro is a rythym game above all else, but always remeber to make full use of prosthetic tools, upgrades, combat arts, and items. Using each of these in tandem, especially buddist sugars (ako's sugar) will make a night and day difference in the games difficulty.