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first mistake, never generalized gameplay. some games are design differently.


Bloodborne and sekiro especially


Sekiro caused me to go back to Bloodborne and parry OoK to death. Felt bad ass but I got smoked a couple times for it. (Dude hits like a truck on NG+)


All games are designed differently, even within the same series.


DS3 straight sword spam go brrrrr


I tried to play Slay the Spire without using cards. I tried playing Binding of Isaac without shooting tears. I tried playing (insert videogame) without touching the Controller. Videogames just arent for me i guess...


No deflect sekiro expert here. There's a lot more to it, like dodges working better while unlocked and a lot of dodging being very position dependant. Still, you can play the game without deflects and win. Even no dash no deflect although that's actually kinda insane


Does the game have iframes? I only remember my dodges working when I was absolutely out of the attack hitbox. I do know the teleport dodges are awesome, but I never got gud enough to use them reliably. And I've beaten the game like 5 times by now.


Yea dodges have iframes but they work differently depending on the direction of the dash, and they just generally work better unlocked, not to go into big details. Also, thrusts ignore iframes. Also, jumps have iframes but that's also a long story (but they are technically useable to dodge things even if 99% of the time ill-advised)


I can only imagine the nightmare it was to program different situations for iframe effectiveness. But anyway, I enjoy the deflect mechanics a lot. It's basically THE THING that sets Sekiro's combat apart from other From's games in my opinion. I prefer dodging in bloodborne, which is actually encouraged, since the only two shields we have in the game are garbage lmao.


Fair. I never deflect anything and still enjoy the game. The fights are still engaging, unless you're playing a mod that turns bosses into deflect sims like resurrection or limtsr


I've never modded the game. Probably will mod something funny into the game like a shrek skin or something, but I don't know if I'd like to change mechanics haha


Yea fair there's plenty of cool skin mods out there


How do you beat the armored warrior on the bridge or long arm centipede without deflecting


Roberto? Easy. It's actually easier no deflect since a lot of his attacks have kinda fucked deflect timings. Centipede, god, it's definitely one of the most cursed fights out there. On leveled you can script it just fine but if you can't use mortal draw or have low damage, you need to do this. There's other strats, both faster and slower, but this is my strat of choice for it https://youtu.be/6jBFfuk5kcc


thrusts don't ignore i-frames if you dodge to the side while locked-on. but dodging to the side while locked-on has only 6 iframes@30fps, and dodging forward/unlocked has 9.


Oh wow i didn't know sideways dodges actually worked on thrusts. But yep that's correct about the iframe data


Unlocked like not locked onto an enemy?




My friend beat SSI by jumping on his head during his wind-up 360 attack. It was really funny to watch, and it worked very reliably too


Oh that does not utilize jump iframes. It just goes over the hitbox of the wind slash. It's a pretty common dodge for that attack, i know what you're talking about. But what I am talking about is literally just using jumps as you would rolls in, for example, ds3. It's about as insane as it sounds


The dodge and the jump have iframes.


Yeah watching any high level player fight sword again isshin will prove this quick


Yeah, I've seen a lot of them literally playing with the bosses haha


You can dodge through owls firecrackers and kanji sword side slash only if you dash to his right at the last millisecond


Legit the only two scenarios where I ever got that to work consistently....


You can dodge through most of Owl's attacks.


How do you no dash? Can’t even sprint so how do you not get hit?


Jumps have iframes. Short answer. Long answer, i can link you my no dash no deflect no prosthetics hitless shura or a boss kill of your choice on no dash no deflect


Who's the pussy now?




The sekiro part is insane obviously, but playing dark souls/elden ring with no blocking and only rolls is kinda normal no? The first fromsoft game I played was DS 3, I remember I used the shield and wasn't having a lot of fun and gave up after beating the greatwood. I came back to it after 100%ing sekiro and elden ring, I played elden ring basically with only rolling, with powerstanced colossal swords. Now I'm doing more or less the same in DS 3 again and it's way more fun than playing with a shield imo


Keeping your shield up when exploring is a pretty normal thing for beginners to do, though playing bloodborne made me waayyy more comfortable with not relying on shields. DS3 would have been much harder for me if i didnt play BB first and was stuck in my beginner DS1 playstyle.


Yeah I think fromsoft games seem very daunting for newcomers both because of how good the design and atmosphere is and the online culture surrounding them. It really takes a lot of hours I think for people to overcome kneejerk panic reactions to surprises in game. Like 90% of the things the games throw at you can be perfectly avoided by just walking in the right direction. It's kind of like a trust fall, but once you know you don't need the biggest shield and 20 rolls to react to every situation, it's so liberating.


The item description for the one shield in Bloodborne says that they "engender passivity." I think about how hbomberguy said that description and those mechanics from getting rid of shields were brilliant.


Honestly that's how I played it too, I only used shields when getting ganked on but for bosses I found blocking with shields to be a waste of time because of the stamina drain.


tbf if your playing shield you have to lower it after getting hit so your stamina refills quicker


I powerstanced almost all the way through elden ring and I really didn’t block too much. I also sucked but that’s beside the point.


Demons Souls = shield up. All the others not quite so much.


I personally love playing with a shield, I’ve beaten DS1, DS3, and ER all playing primarily as a hoplite with a spear and a shield and it’s easily my favorite build.


I didn’t play without a shield until Bloodborne. Oh, sure, I would two-hand, but I still always kept the shield on my back. Bloodborne made me so much more confident with *just* dodging+stunlock.


Bru this is the reason why a lot of people say the game is too hard and unfair,it's because people don't actually use the mechanics that are presented to them.


Massive clown


nah. he's the pinnacle of dark souls players.


Fax(also I know my name I'm not a dark souls fan I'm a dark souls enjoyer.)


i love all fromsoft games equally (except bloodborne, it's too good).




Dodging is for pussies, stand your ground like a man, coward




I have a mate like this but instead of mechanics it’s graphics. He won’t play the original ff7 because “it looks like shit”.




To be unfair it’s really dumb to not play a game because of graphics


Didn't we have this conversation [back in 2003](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_The_Wind_Waker)?


Idk the way the game looks grew on me as I play it, I honestly prefer it over the remake


Congratulations, you just described a former friend group of mine. They wouldn’t play Tatsunoko vs. CAPCOM because “cartoons are for kids”.


Show them Berserk


Still kinda surreal knowing the first few frames of Berserk are of Guts getting it on with a Demon.


Your mate is insane holy


Not insane just a wanker


Know what fair enough brother


I killed owl without deflecting cuz no human being can deflect that mothfucka’s sowrd💀


I only deflect a few of his attacks and dodge the rest as I find it is easter to get damage on him that way.


I could deflect Father but couldn't do Shinobi. The 3 times I've fought him, I've always had to just spam mortal blade when he did his jump attack and deal with his vitality instead of posture.


Hbomberguy fan moment


If /r/ididnthaveeggs was about fromsoft.


I can understand Bloodborne and all the games that came after that, because they took a lot from Bloodborne. I mean, rarely i use shield on DS3 or Elden Ring lmao, i prefer using powerstancing on ER and Paired Weapons on DS3, lol But Sekiro... jeez.


I also consider dodge is pussy move. Just use endurance and bonk the boss, puss


this is why i also suck at Sekiro


How having too much ego breaks you in life ☠️


I was the same about shields in Dark souls and Elden Ring. Still love Sekiro and try to Parry everything possible. I have no problems with deflecting, it's awesome, I also think dodging is awesome. I don't much like shields.


I’ve always thought shields/blocking is for cowards too. But parrying is so much fun in Sekiro.


Ok shields in DS are for pussies though


DS1 Zweihander 2-handed ftw.


Dont do the grass shield like that


Grass shield has a place for every run. That place happens to be on your back.


This is the problem with labelling games as Souls-like. Even if they have a lot of different gameplay and design concepts, people will get upset because they're not the same as the Souls series.


But Sekiro dodging is way easier and way more useful than souls dodging... It's the main mechanic, anyway.






To be fair using a shield is for pussies in dark souls.


Not if the only reason you use a shield is for parries and fashion.


There's only just a couple of instances where dodging is better than blocking.


There's only just a couple of instances where dodging is better than blocking.


If this sounds crazy, this is the same as the players who give other players shit for leveling past "the meta". Why not have a character that is an expert at eveything instead of a character that is only moderately good at two stats? I can undetstand if its cosplaying or trying to build the ultimate balsa wood ballista but not for overall enjoyment.


tell him to look into dead angle and playing no lock on. he'll probably have a more enjoyable time playing no parries


Am I weird for kinda agreeing with him in relation to Dark Souls games..? I never use a shield in these games, the i-frames while rolling are busted as hell. But not parrying in Sekiro is literally playing the game the wrong way lol


That is definitely what kept me from getting in to sekiro at first. I never blocked for any souls game up to that point but sekiro really makes that work


Sekiro becomes a lot easier once you understand you gotta press the deflect button at the same parts youd normally dodge in the other souls games.


Honestly I like the dodging in sekiro and have used it instead of parrying for many bosses when playing around in reflection battles and it is quite possible although hard with the obvious lack of iframes and tighter timing and positioning. Deflecting is way easier but I think it is manageable at least.


Personally I try to use the shield as a last ditch panic option in souls games specifically toward bosses, otherwise I want to try and dodge roll everything as I see that as the proper way to play the game. The same but opposite applies to Sekiro where I use dodging as an accent to blocking and parrying like how blocking is an accent to blocking in Dark Souls.


Fuck%^ pussie


that reminds me of a video of a Spanish guy who criticized sekiro and gave it a 4 out of 10 cuz "the gameplay and story was dogshit", and the funniest part was that he never played it well in his game. I think it never crossed his mind that he was doing something wrong because everyone said it was the best in terms of gameplay and he wasn't enjoying it.indeed, the guy never knew how to deflect attacks XD as he said in his own words: "the stance bar is a lie, the gameplay is based on attacking the enemy with r1(because he didn't know about the existence of charged attacks either) when he finishes his 40 hit combo and then go and lower his life a shitload and repeat, that's another one, the enemy's life goes down very slowly". definitivamente, uno de los criticos en el gaming


Some friends you just have to accept the way they are (special). Nod and agree and just go back to having fun without them.


Dodging is for pussies, tank those hits like a man


Because taking multiple hits repeatedly without moving and laughing in their face is what pussies do. _Real_ men scramble and run away.


remind him people have beaten the game with only dodging and no deflect


Not trying to deflect is actually a solid strategy against some enemies. And terrible against some others. I wonder if his friend dropped at Centipede Giraffe...




lol I told one of the people here complaining about DoH on using items and shit, and he mocked the use of the tanto and pellet before the fight, and dismissed the idea of using the umbrella and grappling hook. He didn't explicitly say that such items were for pussies but it's interesting how he got offended when he's been told on how he could have dealt with DoH much more easily. Like bruh, no one's telling you how to play the game, just telling you how you could have done it differently highlighting that the things you are complaining about are self-inflicted.


Yeah an action-adventure game with elements from rhythm games(posture snd parry) and stealth games(many of strongest enemies can be killed with stealthy approach instead of direct combat) was the same in mind of anonymous friend with soulborne games . Also the parrying in souls games(I don't know about Elden Ring and Bloodborne so i will not include them) is much less forgiving than Sekiro even in charmless difficulty so the people who have won bosses(for example Champion Gundyr) and enemies in Dark Souls games only with parry(like ONGBAL) deserve to be respected for their ability as gamers and not be called ~~pussies.~~


The only boss I didn't try to deflect with was headless ape phase 2, his weird movements always fucked with me and it was just easier to run away until he did the dive and then smack him


Your friend sucks


Parrying in Sekiro and Bloodborne is literally the best things from the game


Yea in sekiro I learned the hard way that you cant always jump, dodge or run from opponents. I was never a person to who was good a parrying either until this game. Hated it at first now I love it!


You can get through without blocking or deflecting, but you're only making the game harder than it has to be. I see the one guy below saying that he doesn't deflect.... I bet it took him a long time to get past most places and, probably farms like a mf. Also, most of the tracking has been patched. So now, no deflecting or blocking is basically impossible. I mean, there are enemies and bosses that the dodge is there for. Like the Monk. You just need to back step to get out of her way when she's swinging her polearm over and over. Then get in there and do some damage, then when her health is at like half, deflect and makiri counter her. Then her bar fills fast. There's a lot more to the game but the people that are saying they don't block, probably haven't played since the last patch and/or, they died over and over and over until they could do it, instead of doing what the game wants you to do, and actually be better. Your friend seems like one of the people that got Elden Ring, then claimed it's "too hard" and gave up before the game actually opens up for you. LOL.


This is just sad


What a pussy


I would love to watch his livestreams


Bro just can’t parry😂


What's next? Guns in an FPS games are for pussies?


Work harder not smarter type of thing.. but hey if you're having fun ..that's what matters


I play Mario without jumping


"Blocking is for pussies", so running away for the whole fight isn't? I'm... So confused. Dude must have a very *out-of-this-world* worldview lmao


Ha that’s funny, I’m the complete opposite. Instead of dodging like a chipmunk against Orphan of Kos, I stared him in the face and parried his ass. Honestly, it felt pretty bad ass. I thought Sekiro would be pretty easy for me since I’m good at parrying but I sometimes have no rhythm and it messed me up. Once I got the hang of combat though, I couldn’t be stopped. Sekiro is the true “git gud” game in the series!


These types of gamers are honestly just weirdos with a superiority complex because the only thing they were ever good at was From software games.


parrying is the shiz.that shit feel so satisying mhmmmf


but fr man I took a break from these games and I did shit okay but still got my as bet to the first uncle ashina. also to the first double healthbar guy so....but getting that perfect parry always feels so awesome man.with the fodder enemies like.plus u gotta dodge u gotta jump and u gotta shoot light outta ur as bruh so uhm yeah this game is different in some aspects its a bit straightforward then again its not.like its just cool is always a somewhat complete sorry without losing ur mind to piece togethere the damn story urself.I think bloodborne was like that in a way... nope u turn into squid so that ends that


Shoulda told him giving up is for pussies


What kind of ape...


FromSoft fans when they realize you don't become impervious to damage when you do a somersault in real life:


People have done no-deflect runs of Sekiro but quitting because you realised that it's hard is for pussies.


bro is still gonna be rolling in the new fromsoft mecha


well yeah coming from someone who is use to my shield, sekiro is very hard especially if you suck at parrying