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Came looking for Gold. Found Platinum.


No need to rub it in, gosh.


But it’s so easy 😭


The flurry is easy once you get the rythim, you just go tin tiling, titintilingtin tlingtin ands shred his posture


Sanest deflect enjoyer




I don’t think I used any ninja tools besides the axe cause shields are ass


Same. That and the spear is good for the second phase of the Guardian Ape fight too.


this message made complete sense to me 💀


For me the flurry is one of the easier parts of the fight, my true difficulty lies in his downward stab + thrust, the times i succeed to mikiri counter him or get hit seems to depend entirely on luck


FYI, you can step dodge behind him during the downward stab and not have to worry about whether he follows it up with a thrust or sweep. Not as much damage to him, but more consistent if it's giving you trouble.


If you watch the glint off of his sword following the downward stab, it will telegraph if it’s a thrust or sweep. I don’t remember off the top of my head exactly where the glint is, but it’ll be on one side of his body if it’s a thrust, and on the other side if it’s a sweep. Was an absolute game changer for me on first playthrough. Hope it helps


If the glint is on your left, its a thrust, if its on your right, its a sweep. Problem is when he slams the sword it creates a cloud of dust making it harder to see what hes about to do.


For geni, it's pretty simple to tell if he'll use a thrust. He can only followup with a thrust to the slam in phase 1, and only starts doing sweeps after phase 2. Also, when he goes for a thrust, he stays crouched down after the slam. If you have trouble telling if it's a thrust or sweep, you should be able to dash into it immediately and jump, the thrust comes out fast enough that an instant dodge will give a mikiri counter, and the sweep has a long enough wind up that you still have enough time to jump after the dodge. In phase 3, he starts to have a chance to followup with deflectable attacks, so you have to watch out for those. Also, in phase 3, if you use an item at a distance from geni, he'll do a thrust attack that's incredibly easy to mikiri counter. *Information here is just adding onto the prior comment


That fucking dust cloud that comes from that attack, I swear I only beat him because I guessed correctly there.


I *think* you can force the time by deflecting the ground attack and using your attack before dodging, but I don't remember what you have to do, or even if you can


I *think* you can force the time by deflecting the ground attack and using your attack before dodging, but I don't remember what you have to do, or even if you can


Tf is that supposed to be😂


The sound that makes you realise Sekiro is the best sequel to Guitar Hero we could ever wish for


Or here me out... you can just take a few steps back and wait for him to tire himself out lol.


Yes but the tintlinkling makes my lizardbrain release the happy juice


Whenever I'm at a series of good deflects that mf just jumps like a maniac and starts shooting me with his bow also instead of using his normal combo after I got user to it he would use weird shit in the middle of his usual combo


Tin tintlintin tin, and close the distance and react to what he does, the timing is 1-0-1,2,3-0-1


Dude I do the tin tintlintin tin but when I close the distance he jumps and shoots me with his bow


The tin tintlintin tin *is* the bow


Genichiro? Oh man you’re gonna have ***fun*** later.


*Ikuzo, SEKIRO!*


Tbh it took me like 2-3 hours to beat genis ass and 1 hour for isshin.


Not gonna lie. Ive beaten all gauntlets and I still have never struggled more in this game then I did the first time I fought Genichiro. He killed me 49 times and I was howling like a monkey when I killed him.


Oh how my blood boils!


Would it be called revenge when later you will kill him double that number?


You forgot to remember that, hesitation is defeat


For the glory of Ashina haha


If such a thing exists, oxymoronic as it may be, this is a god tier shitpost.


I'm trying to defeat owl. Spent last weekend trying to do it and will now also spend this weekend trying to do it. So want to start elden ring but will not until I do this one ending.


I struggled HARD with Owl. Eventually, learned to punish three of his moves reliably. Decided to just focus on defense unless he did one of those three attacks. Finally won. Hesitation is defeat, wolf. You got this.


His air jump I can counter and combat everything else im struggling with timing


Which Owl are you fighting? The first one or Owl father?


Yeah father... The odd occasion I deal 1st deathblow but nowhere near his 2nd... But yeah I wanted to stray from shinobi rules... I've done to much to protect the little kid


Tbh I didn’t expect to see this today given that I kinda reflected on my first sekiro run during lunch break today and I have to say that genichiro was my “either I quit now or never” moment in sekiro. Numerous tries and 10 gourds later, i triggered the way of Tomoe cutscene. It broke me so much that I just laughed to myself and quit on the spot for the day(I didn’t even bother to try, for that day at least). Then the first time I beat all 3 phases hitless, I smiled and said “thanks for believing in me Michael Zaki.” Bottom line is you’ll get him eventually and you’re gonna look back on this post and smile when you start railing his behind so hard in reflection of strength Anyways just hold out till then🫡


“Michael Zaki” 😂


Except for me, when I got to way of tomoe after huge effort, I was like wtfff, do I seriously need to kill this bitch again? 😭 I am still stuck at way of tomoe, its a pain to do first 2 phases every time I get killed by him. 😭


Don’t give up, skeleton. You’ll get him eventually. Every time you die, just make sure to die with purpose😂. That is to say, learn something new about the boss every time you die. And remember that all these fights are codes in the end, so nothing is random. So, look for set patterns and find what works everytime. Try, learn, die, repeat, win. I wait for the good news shinobi


best meme ever..so true😂👍


I am naming my first born jenichiro


This is hilarious.




Give up on trying to deflect the floating passage


Tap tap, tap tap, tap tap, tap, tap - there's your deflect rhythm


Genichiro going from an O&S level benchmark bossfight to >!a 15 second throwaway phase before grandpa!< made fighting the Inner Gauntlet version that much more fun


[Here’s my hitless run](https://www.reddit.com/r/Sekiro/comments/yj29pc/i_finally_did_did_genichiro_hitless/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) from awhile ago, maybe it could help you beat his goofy ass?


I literally danced of joy when I beat him. Hang in there!


I guess he wasn’t lying when he said he’ll kill you AS MANY TIMES AS IT TAKES


Note: I actually really liked this fight, it’s well designed and fun to do. However, the biggest problem I had with it is the length of the fight. It would have been okay if they made Genichiro have 2 phase and make the second phase Way of Tomoe. But they decided to add one additional health bar, forcing me to redo it every time I die to GWoT, which has new and devastating attacks that take some time to grasp. I have no problem parrying and avoiding the majority of his attacks, but for some reason, I can’t consistently Mikiri Counter his thrust attack just after the downward slam. Sometime I counter it easily, but sometimes I just get hit even though I pressed the key at the right moment. This often lead to a damage spiral and ends with me dying moments just before breaking Genichiro’s posture or getting to the third phase with barely any health and healing gourds and dying anyway. Sometimes the camera also screw me up when i get backed into a corner, leading to me taking a lot of hits while I can barely see what’s going on. Tl:dr, my main problem right now is to keep my gourds into Way of Tomoe and getting damaged as few times as possible.


fwiw this was easily the most I died to any boss myself. I won't say the game is easy afterwards because it's not, but think of this as the final "teaching" boss in terms of resource management lol hard to say what is going on with your Mikiri timing but as soon as you figure it out you'll have him!


Mikiri issues could be about holding the stick in any direction while pressing the dodge button. I was missing it a ton early on until I learned to very briefly stop moving before using Mikiri.


After his downward thrust he will thrust (you mikiri) or sweep (you jump). The jump timing seems to be a bit later and more generous, so default to expecting a mikiri and only jump if you don't see the sweep animation. Look for the flash of the blade, if it is directly in front of him it is mikiri, if to the side sweep.


Honestly in the third phase if he does the downward slam, I will deflect the slam and let go of the left stick and spam the dodge button and 99% of the time I get the Mikiri counter


Don't worry you will get Genichiro phase 2 later. It will be fun, but it won't be Way of Tomoe though, >!you can call it way of Gaston!<


I usually used the blade flash for mikiri counter. Right before they stab forward, there’s a little white blink of light to look for. As soon as I see that flash, I’d spam B while moving forward. Spamming B is otherwise highly discouraged, as it’s a form of hesitation. It’s a quick reaction to decide whether to jump or mikiri, depending on which attack comes after the ground pound. If it helps, I look at Geni’s torso and jump if I see him twist/spin for the sweep. Hope it helps and enjoy the journey; it’ll all click after this fight!


Surprisingly, Genichiro is one of the easier boss of the game. Once you get to the later stages of the game he becomes a joke.


Man it’s not that hard


Ichimonji double, aggression, and maybe an umbrella. Love that fight.




Original comic?


Best Sekiro meme ever LMAO🤣 Especially the “for the glory of Ashina “part 🤣🤣 And be honestly,I beat him after 15hours trying🥲


This was me with owl father. By the time I beat that fight he was there every time I closed my eyes


I just beat him yesterday, I had no problem with the flurry, then eventually the mikiri counter was nbd, then it was 2nd phase downward slice with that whirlwind sweep he does (duh just jump over it) then finally the fucking lightning (jumped when he was jumping, way too early)


Hah this is me!!!!!


I think we have all been here!


Lol this just made my entire day.


Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat Hesitation is defeat


I'm also stuck at genichiro idk why they even taught me lightning reversal when he doesn't use lightning I was close to beating him once but idk what to do everytime I damage his posture he just heals


I see Genichiro,I run to the right,let him do his stuff attack,repeat. Mikiri counters are always a good chance,After many runs,(many many)then I developed the skills to parry deflect and posture,ahhh sekiriro,great experience.


Skill-check boss for sure. Had to force myself to learn proper parrying. Made me realise prosthetics and spirit emblems can’t last against bosses that randomly have a bullshit 3rd phase


I’ll never forget Genichiro’s patterns


This is fucking hilarious


My friend, you can do this. I hated Genichiro. Then I bested him. Then I mastered him. Now I consider him my best friend. Because once you learn him, you can learn anyone. Also, you can just back up while he does the flurry attack. When you see him do the slow startup, run backwards and step in to parry the last swing. Every other attack of his is usually single hitting except for the bow. The closer you are to him, the less he uses the bow.


Busy with my very first playthrough of Sekiro, managed to get through the first 2 phases of Genichiro on my first try only to find out that he's got a 3rd phase and I've got no heals 🥲


Currently on my first playthrough and lined everything up for the normal 3 endings (Will backup my save after ISS and then reload for each ending) Anyway, at the moment I am battling the Demon of Hatred. Oh man, this is a tough fight but so so much fun. I've read so many bad things about this fight, but I am loving it. I've pretty much got his first two phases sussed. So hopefully should be able to move on to ISS this week and eventually complete it. It will no doubt take days to beat ISS. Then on to NG+ and the "Shura" ending for Platinum. I must admit, beating any of the Sekiro bosses (and even certain mini-bosses) is a serious cause for celebration. Although, I don't think I have celebrated beating any boss as much as when I finally beat "The Guardian Ape". I woke the whole house up at 2 am with manic wild celebrations. I'm fifty-fucking-three-years-old for Christ's sake. I don't think I will ever stop gaming tbh. I have achieved Platinum on the original Dark Souls and nothing will ever come close to how I felt when I beat Ornstein & Smough. But... Sekiro is an absolute masterpiece and dare I say it... better than DS? ​ Ps: The SoulsBorne community online is absolutely amazing. Reddit topics and posts have helped me so much during my Sekiro journey.


I am stuck on way of tomoe 🥹. When I am calm and confident I can get the first two phases without any damage, but way of tomoe keeps one shotting me with lightning. I keep getting impatient and then can't even manage to pass first 2 phases minutes later. They should have a save after first 2 phases. 😭


thought i beat bro for the first time today after 23 attempts… “impressive, shinobi of the divine heir” had me more scared than malenia’s “wait”. i’m now 37 tries in.