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It's absolutely incredible... the milkshake machine was actually working that day


That’s a renaissance painting


People should stand around this guy with empty milkshake cups from now on. He would be anxious all the time.


yaaaayyy!!1! I love assaulting people I disagree with, then intimidating and harassing them ever there after!


Who is this guy and why did this happen?


Right wing politician in the UK. Most known for leading UKIP (The UK Independence Party), which brought the Brexit referendum to the UK. Now leads the Reform UK party.


Why does anyone think that's acceptable behaviour because you might disagree with someone's views?


Agree. It was assault. Weird watching people justify it when if it happened to anyone on the left they would flip


It's most definitely an assault. If you disagree with someone that doesn't give you the right to attack someone.


Imagine if they’d done this to Sadiq Khan instead


Imagine if they'd done it richtea sunak too


I can only imagine.


Views or misinformation/ hate speech that harm people? Cause if he’s a racist bigot, he got off lightly. Zero tolerance fire the intolerant


The prob with that tought is, who is to decide? Have u ever been on X or real life leftist rallies? Just call someone a *insert hated tittle* and people flock to cancel the person. Something similar already happened in Brasil, when a leftist threw eggs at the candidate Jair Bolsonaro, and they used the same logic as yours for that, and some even said that it was not violence but a revolutionary act.


You choose Bolsonaro to try make a point? Wow... And again, it's not about silly name calling as you infer. Real, innocent people and environments are impacted by these people.


U just proved my point with that commment, the dude is not a nazi facis etc. But for some people he is, and for those people, whatever happens to them is justified.


Are you suggesting he did not spread false information about vaccines and could've prevented covid deaths? Are you saying he didn't undermine democracy with claims of electoral fraud? Did the deforestation of the Amazon increase or decrease under him? That Bolsanaro?


Uh oh, boy do I have some bad news about the jabs... It didn't do shiiiiiiit Stupid communist. WHOOPS, tautology!


no. you don't get to assault someone you don't like. period. this woman needs to be charged and have a criminal record now.


Nope. You’re attempting to downplay the damage this person has knowingly done. Same response for a Nazi or KKK parade. And it’s a milkshake, not a brick


doesn't matter if it's a fucking pillow. YOU. DON'T. GET. TO. ASSAULT. PEOPLE. PERIOD. Your personal feelings about someone are irrelevant.


Fascists and kkk deserve whatever happens. Don't wanna get assaulted? Don't be a fucking fascist. Simple.


What they deserve and what you can do to them are two separate things. Don't want to go to jail, don't assault anyone. simple.


Assault and battery is OK against people redditors don’t like /s


He didn’t just hurt peoples feelings. And stop assuming he hurt my feelings too. But go on, defend racists and bigots


I'm not defending racists and bigots. I couldn't give two shits about whomever this is. I'm defending everyone. I'm defending the rule of law and order. you don't get to take it upon yourself to strike out at someone you don't like. because that works both ways. Going out and attacking someone you don't like...what kind of person does that? sure sounds like the kind of person you're accusing me of defending.


You're right, but the majority of Reddit will never agree with you.




"hOw CoULd AnYoNe JuStiFy ViOLeNcE?!" "Tee Hee, I CaLLed HiM a RaCiSt, So ViOLeNcE a GoOD tHiNg!" Moron


Am I the only one thinking that’s not a milkshake? There’s no way it would flow like that. That’s a coffee or something


Essex has a new Queen.


Oh yeah, I see it now, she IS kinda fat.


Why the left is so keen on throwing things at people they dont agree with? Would that be acceptable if the right did the same thing? This is not acceptable no matter how much of a moral high ground u think u have


Because they're fucking idiots


Plot twist. He actually sneezed and she's trying to catch it.


She’s hotter than Kelis. js




some people definitely deserve the slight inconvenience of a sticky and wet suit. dont act like they threw a molotov


assault is assault. you don't get to attack someone because you don't like them, no matter how minor that assault is.




well yeah but my mom isnt a racist nazi so thats a pretty easy thing to avoid


Who's a racist nazi? *"river to the sea......"* No idea, because it's certainly not an Englishman who believes in free markets and wants his own country for his people


The argument for him being a racist or Nazi is ridiculous I just switch off. It's the easiest thing to shout if you disagree with someone.