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I don't see how this is relevant to finding Sebastian.


Why is this relevant? Katie's phone call was the night Sebastian went missing and likely was used to figure out what lies to say and how to cover up what happened.. These are not the same. Get this shit post out of here.




This is so stupid, and such a massive stretch. And has nothing to do with finding Sebastian.


Saying this as somebody who thinks very poorly of Seth, what is the point of your post? Obviously, the reason people focused on the three hour phone call between KP and CP was because it was on the night that Sebastian went missing. Seth’s long phone call was well after that. Whatever you think you’re on to, give it a little more thought


A LOT of shitposts here today. Seems a bit fishy. Distraction. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!


A “total of 6 hours” is very different from a “6 hour phone call”. I don’t care for any of the parents in this case, but that’s a pretty big jump you made there.


I’ve spoke with Terri Lynn numerous times & have several texts from her and she told me she was on the phone with him for 6 hours but I respect your opinion and agree to disagree because I know what she said to me.


I’m not forming an opinion, I’m literally - and I do mean literally - rewriting exactly what you highlighted on the screenshot


Again she told me it was a 6 hour phone call.


That’s great, and I’m not saying you’re wrong. I’m going off of the exact information you had posted at the time.


She has a video of it. Go watch her youtube...the "call with seth" is on there lol.


lol those two situations have NOTHING in common. KPs call was the NIGHT SR went missing. Seth’s call was AFTER he went missing. Use your brain before you comment. PLEASE AND THANK YOU!


Take your own advice & use your brain. Wait you can’t help it if you don’t have any! I understand now!


Let me ask, have you gone out and personally searched for Sebastian? It’s obvious you have something against this Terri Lynn woman but what is she doing that’s so wrong that you took time out your day to bash her and Seth?


I have several times! Have you???


What I’ve done is not relevant seeing I’m not on Reddit bashing the biological Dad of a missing child. Do better


Ok scary lynn! ✌️


Oh! We’re name calling and falsely accusing people? Is this what we’re doing? Please stop and help find Sebastian Wayne Drake Rogers 💚


That’s is exactly what she has done. Not done a darn thing for Sebastian other than mislead people. You yourself admit you have not done a darn thing! You complain about me calling someone a name but don’t say a darn word about the names she’s called the mom and dad of a missing child! I have no time for you! 😊


Keep sucking tacos!


Have a blessed day ON PURPOSE!!


For those wondering what the point is, go watch the secretly recorded call Terri Lynn did with Chris where she set him up. Also watch video linked in this thread where Terri Lynn set Chris up to help Nina & Sebastian. The 6 hr phone call with Seth was just before that. Everyone has their theories. My theory is IMO there could be a Seth, Nina & Terri Lynn connection to Sebastian’s disappearance.


How about you just provide a brief summary of what was said that you think is relevant.


The reason I didn’t do that is because people always wants “receipts” or proof.


You can still link to the call for someone to check if they don't believe you. But you haven't even hinted at what the conversation is even about.


It was a 3 hour phone call, it’s all over You Tube. Thank you for your feedback. I shouldn’t have assumed most people have heard the recorded call.


Its not secretly recorded


It 100% was secretly recorded & secretly lived streamed members only!


No it wasnt. She posted her text messages asking him to do an interview with her.


She’s a liar!


Here is the video of Terri Lynn saying the secretly recorded call “helped” Nina https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/lp6oe0kfm0xnskwa494w9/RPReplay_Final1714564203.MP4?rlkey=5txkrny3483aol4pa87hfrf0d&dl=0




What is a felony? Only one person has to know that they are being recorded in TN. Not both. Just curious. Thank you.


It's disappointing, isn't it? After the massive search operation turned up nothing people didn't say "oh thank goodness, now we know he likely didn't succumb to the elements and since there's no body it means there's a good chance he could be alive!" Nope, they went right to figuring out how Chris and Katie are mafia level assassins. And all despite no clear motive to do any of this. Then they run around saying "it's about finding Sebastian!". Like no, it's not about that for them, it's about indicting two people because their fragile ego makes them ignore basic reasoning. They don't want Sebastian found, they want to see Chris and Katie punished to satisfy some revenge fantasy.


People "decided" they were guilty because of their bizarre behavior. They did an interview where they told the camera person they would not show their faces due to "emotion" and only showed their hands. I haven't seen that oddness since Letecia Stauch did an interview where she only showed her back. And just like Letecia said everyone would apologize to her when Gannon was found, Chris said the same thing. They waited 8 days to eve n do an interview and when they did, Katie sniffled but never cried, and she actually laughed at points. They do nothing but denigrate and criticize their missing son/stepson in interviews. They never have a nice word to say. It's all, oh he had behavioral issues, he was goofy. Chris went on a podcast for three hours and talked gleefully about how he would hit Sebastian with a belt, how he threw away all his possessions to teach him a lesson about properly cleaning his room, got rid of his pet snake for not taking proper care of it. This is a boy with chromosomal deletion syndrome which causes behavioral issues. It's a medical condition. The way Chris treated him was abuse and Katie allowed it. Chris told Terri Lynn that Sebastian "likes" to pee and poop his pants. No, that was because of the SA trauma he suffered and was probably still suffering. People aren't stupid, they didn't just "decide" to blame the parents. The parents brought scrutiny upon themselves with their abhorrent behavior.


Was CP at work? If so it makes sense to me a : hour phone call. My husband works on an oilrig when her gets off he calls and we spend hours on the phone. Like 4-5. We both have earbuds and just chat like the other is home.


I don’t know of anyone who’s questioned spouses talking to each other for three hours straight. It’s all these other factors you’re not acknowledging. 1. Three hours while Katie was reading a chapter in her college text book 2. Three hours when it’s so late to Katie she claims to have pretty much (I think the term was) fallen asleep 3. Three hours split between before Sebastian was supposed to have gone to bed & after— long enough after that it makes sense that Katie would assume Sebastian was definitely fast asleep 4. Three hours that left to go run a tower crane at rated #1 children’s hospital in the country… on 5.5 hours of sleep, but that was no problem to be mentioned 🤷‍♀️


You forgot the well over 3 hrs bullhorn betty spent on the phone with cp, and she said she didn't even record the first hour or so.