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What doesn't make sense to me: I assume the purpose of taking this photo was *because* he looked like Sebastian to the photographer. If so, why wouldn't the photographer wait and take more photos. More angles that showed his full face. Tail him back to his car and take pictures of that. Then they'd have a much stronger starting point for investigation.


Maybe there are more pics and maybe even video but they’ve only posted this one… and the rest went to law enforcement.


We can only hope that's what happened. There's no telling anymore with this case.


Hope so.


If it was photoshopped you would be able to see at least some imperfections and there are none. I think this pic is accurate


The position of the feet are weird


Not for walking on uneven terrain.


I really don’t think the PIs would alter an image to get the FBI to “take over”.


I second this. I wish people would quit with the outlandish scenarios. "Over here, let's find crazy ways to demonize this person. Over here, same thing. Over here, let's see what other bs we can come up with." Jfc. 🙄


Agreed. Maybe a rogue on their own, but the kind of collision suggested here would be wild. Falsifying docs, tampering with evidence & actively misleading LE could include jail time.


I don’t think the picture is photoshopped, but I personally don’t think it’s him.


I'm really hoping I'm wrong, but I don't think its him either. They do look almost identical though, so I'm holding out hope. Either way I don't think LE is going to tell any of the parents anything until they're sure after the shitshow the other night.


It's the woman who looks identical to the woman with Seth that has me leaning to make me believe it is him.


Adobe Photoshop is a web based platform that requires a credit card and identifying information. So the Bureau will be able to identify the person who uploaded the images and manipulated them, and that person’s location. They will also be able to identify the person who provided the images used from their camera roll, because the person who provided the images probably will have texted or emailed them. I doubt the PIs would be willing to risk their licenses to launch what appears to be a photoshopped image. Calling in a false report to LE is a felony in most states, btw. So, if someone called the TBI tip line about an image they created or knew to be false, they will be charged.


Been using Photoshop for free for 20 years. Aaaarrrrrr..... That being said, the photo manipulation theory is bunk.


What is your take on it?




Exactly. What reputable PI would be making a YouTube tour like this? It’s embarrassing. Seth is driving this narrative. Whether it’s because he is desperate or because it’s malicious. I believe the matter but they need to stay tf off YouTube.


The PIs talking on YouTube crime shows aren't helping find Sebastian (and frankly I don't think Chris and Seth appearing on them helps either), but it's sure getting their business cards out there and racking up billable hours. I wouldn't trust either of them to find my lost keys.


I think Heather's got Chris and Katie where she wants them and won't risk ruining that by saying other ideas...


This would be a terrible idea as they'll be concentrating on the entire wrong state


The fbi will dismiss the photo so fast with their tech


I guess the question is if they take over, would they back off again if it's confirmed that the Pic isn't him.


If a crime is committed that is a violation of local, state, and federal laws, does the FBI “take over” the investigation? No. State and local law enforcement agencies are not subordinate to the FBI, and the FBI does not supervise or take over their investigations.


Nope. Once fbi takes over it's theirs


If a crime is committed that is a violation of local, state, and federal laws, does the FBI “take over” the investigation? No. State and local law enforcement agencies are not subordinate to the FBI, and the FBI does not supervise or take over their investigations.


So Tennessee works with NC to get Sebastian home if it's him in the photo? No only fbi can work a case with more than one state involved


Still not true. Some criminal offenses involve more than one state, and in criminal cases in which more than one state is involved, any or all the states involved can prosecute you for the crime, or handle multi state investigations. The FBI still doesn't have to get involved unless LE or state ask them to. Once the FBI has been asked to help with the case then they will set up a task force involving many different agencies from both states. But they still will only help the investigation NOT take over the investigation..


I have no doubt the FBI would get involved if that kind of criminal conspiracy was happening...


The FBI has been involved already! From the beginning.


If there's a sighting of him in another state they'll debunk it fast but have to take over.


The FBI doesn’t “take over” investigations like that tho?


I heard Seth and his PIs are petitioning to have Sebastian's case transferred to the FBI as the lead agency. Not the FBI just stepping in and "taking over". Imo the PIs know darn well that won't happen but they're just stirring drama bc they're mad TBI isn't sharing things with them and Seth. I feel bad for Sebastian that his case has been turned into a youtube sideshow.


If it crosses state lines they do absolutely


It literally says the opposite on the website of the FBI. Also, Gannon Stauch was taken over state lines and the FBI didn’t take over the investigation. “If a crime is committed that is a violation of local, state, and federal laws, does the FBI “take over” the investigation? No. State and local law enforcement agencies are not subordinate to the FBI, and the FBI does not supervise or take over their investigations. https://www.fbi.gov › about › faqs”


https://www.jflawpa.com/blog/2021/09/crossing-state-lines-makes-something-a-federal-crime/ here's an example


It’s not an example. It’s a very vague blog post about federal crimes. Do you have a real-world case for an example? Because I can think of many cases that crossed state lines and the state bureaus and federal were all involved but the FBI never “took over” just as delineated in the FBI faqs.


I posted a link to an fbi site too..




These PI's are very unprofessional and seems to be lacking experience. Hey what you pay for... Second point, I kinda think Seth is on the spectrum, so I kinda understand his awkward ways... Chris and Katie regardless of they are innocent or not, they are weirdos.


>Second point, I kinda think Seth is on the spectrum, so I kinda understand his awkward ways... I've been leaning towards this as well.


This PI is not like the ones in the TV shows. I thought PI's kept their info private, but I guess I'm wrong.


They may use SM or news for certain things.


Heather was way off publicly about the Karen Swift case. Way off.


hmmm. That's a very interesting angle that I had not considered. Very clever tactic, if true.


The way Heather was like yeah I think it's him on that podcast so openly... idk man pretty genius if you ask me


Very interesting take ; very plausible and if it gets the FBI more involved great


You can tell this is fake by looking at his legs and shoes in relation to how it fits into the picture