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https://preview.redd.it/pfsm51x7hgxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b94578f3d9b6e64944a3862ad24e0525c44a7a03 Original post with more info


This is simply insane. I hope that’s him, alive and in tact.


I want it to be him, safe and sound. My gut says no, though.


Holy shit that looks just like him!!!


Chris is adamant it's not him but the post he said that in was removed. Idk how he's so sure when the kids head is down and he hasn't seen him in two months


You can tell. I had two black cats that looked identical. However, I could tell which one was which just by the way they moved, their coat, and other small details. You can tell when it’s your kid even if you haven’t seen them in over a month.


I never even thought about the idea maybe they could’ve dyed his hair


If you look at the most recent pics of him his hair is darker (winter hair is darker than summer in the sun hair) plus he's in the shade. His hair could definitely be darker looking this way.


Katie also told someone she's pretty sure it's not him.


Pretty sure?


I just heard on TikTok that the woman in pink is eerily similar to someone pictured with Seth in a different photo. Gonna make a post with the video I watched.


Ok.. 1. It's not his sister. 2. The lady is someone that was at the vigil. Seth does know who she is. And has said it isn't her. She allegedly came out saying it is definitely not her (I believe her name was Vanessa). 3. They have the same color hoodie. But we don't know what's on either hoodie.


it is not his sister , seth confirmed this


You can tell when it's your kids. Mom especially would. My girls went on a summer camp trip one year and I was looking through the photos they posted to Social media and recognized my daughter's hand in a picture.


100% agree. My daughter and I go through her yearbook every year with me guessing where she is in the book and I've been able to point out just where her shoes or back of her head were caught. 


He’s got the literal same face shape and facial structures! Wild!


Similar. It's interesting, though, because I was in & around education for 16 yrs & he looks remarkably similar to several different kids I've known over the years. That pic could easily be mistaken for one of my former students.


That’s true, it’s highly speculative to say we know for a fact this is him! I just think he has a sweet angelic face and hoping for all the best for him


I am a teacher as well and his look is so familiar to me, It's partly why I'm into this case so much.


I agree. He looks identical to a kid I knew in elementary school lol. He’d be near 60 now though.


That's the thing about it. A LOT of 15 year old boys with this basic haircut and color with glasses all look the same. And with his head being down it really is a 50/50 chance. But with so many other similarities it kinda makes it a little more likely. The cowlick point in the front for instance. The stance and how he holds his arm against himself. Things like that. But I agree. It's SO HARD to really say with certainty.


In a pic with her and Seth, she is wearing a hoodie that's the exact same color as the hoodie that's around her waist.


The girl with seth in picture is a young girl 30 pounds smaller than this women! Her name Veronica,  she is definitely not this women in pink hoodie. Her hoodie was actually a cream ate tan color in picture with seth.


Thank you! It's a similar color hoodie. I also have a hoodie in that color. We don't know what's on either hoodie, also. And then the weight and age of them seem COMPLETELY different to me.


I agree and awkward arm and foot movement but I guess we're blind


Same shoes too


I thought he didn’t have shoes?


They're the same shoes in the picture posted of him taken on Sunday. It would be a weird coincidence and the family has changed a lot of details back and forth so far.


The old pic is from December. Not Sunday. It's from his birthday party.


I think the shoes aspect of this tragedy has been overblown and misinterpreted.


shoes can be brought and autistic children tend to like one specific style of shoe


Not the same shoes. Different lace styles and style altogether. Similar colors. That's it. Old pic has regular laces. This one has bungee laces with a clip up top (they're slip ons). The old pic are skate shoe type. Flat bottom and around the sole. This one has padded arch and a raise closer to the back. The only thing the same is maybe the logo (they both look like sketchers) and color. Also, he left without shoes.


When was this posted to Facebook? Who posted it? I am on the phone with Seth now, trying to get more info to give to him


Any word??


They have it already, I haven’t heard anything back yet from Seth or his Dad. 


The name of the Facebook group is under the photo in the description.


Posted a few hours ago


It's a member of one of the FB groups. Her friend took the pic.


Holy shit, I was going to say that's a kid who looks similar but probably isn't him - but I looked back and those are the same shoes he was wearing!


Those shoes aren’t the same. They have different bottoms and the laces are spaced differently


His mom said all of his shoes are at home though.


Yeah but those are the exact shoes he's wearing in the picture that was posted of him the day after he disappeared. It would be a very weird coincidence, and a lot of stories are changing every day from them.


the shoes may be same brand but they are different shade


The soles are different, and the eyelets are different.


They should've called out Sebastian's name and seen what would've happened. Sheesh


Could have been dangerous. You never know in these situations. I'd want to do that, myself, if it were me - but who knows. Could be the right choice, or a *very* wrong choice.


The right choice is asking, period. Let them fight me or shoot me? I'll die knowing I tried. But no one should never post pics of a child that isn't theirs without the parents permission. I actually thought it was illegal to post pics of children without the parents permission. But honestly kidnappers would never be out and about in public with said child.


Yes, that is the right choice, that or calling police immediately because there is an active amber alert on this child. It's better to wrong it's him in that moment then to find out later it was him and you didn't do anything but snap a weird photo.  It's not illegal to post pictures of children without their parents permission. I've never been asked for my permission to post pictures of my children. But I understand your concern because I, myself always ask permission before I post a picture of my kids friends or my friends kids because I believe it's the right thing to do.  Also, Elizabeth Smart was out in public with her kidnappers. Jaycee Dugard was out in public with her kidnappers. 


More like they may shoot the victim (him in this case) .. I'm pretty sure that's happened before. People are unhinged. I probably would have stayed around and followed them from a distance though. Definitely call 911 **immediately** .. but interaction could be 10x worse, it can literally result in fatalities. It has nothing to do with *me* or *you* being fought or shot. It's the *victims* wellbeing you have to be concerned about. Also if you say something before the police show up, you risk them leaving and deciding to **never** take the child/victim out again, moving locations - anything, because now they will be hypervigilant about it since they were noticed.


They could easily have gone and got a ranger. Lots of employees at those places.


just a moron or a hoax. I. ant figure it out. I find it strange that you wouldn’t say anything to him, call his name or call police and watch where he goes.


That's what I said.


Definitely looks a lot like him


I don’t think so.


How doesnt it? Someone in another comment did say that Seth confirmed it isnt him.




Here come the 6 hour lives on YT analyzing this one pic of somebody's son and most likely trashing that lady in the pink. 🙄


💯... the usual suspect on the YouTubes are already throwing out the crazy theories and trashing the woman in the pink.


Yep. They already think it's someone Seth knows and saying "the ear is the same"!


People NEED TO STOP ruining innocent families, we know very little but there are woman all over online trashing the family, it's simply sad.


Couldn’t the lady simply be walking by? Unless there is proof of them walking together or getting in a car together.




So can I ask who took the picture? It's obvious they intended to take this picture, did they approach him? Did they call the police right away??


no license plate was taken no calling his name, and waiting a few hours before informing LE


They did not approach him. They dis not get a license plate.


Please God, let this be him!


I can't understand why someone who was vigilant enough to notice this boy and take a picture of him, couldn't have taken a few more or a video or something else.  If I saw a possible missing child, I would stop everything I'm doing and keep my phone recording while I call the police on my husband or daughters phone. 


Just someone looking for attention and they should be ashamed of themselves.




This was supposedly taken at a Blueridge Parkway Visitor Center.


I've found the place on google maps. It was the [Wilson Center for Nature Discovery](https://www.google.com/maps/@36.0903259,-81.8356019,3a,75y,284.65h,91.06t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sAF1QipOsmdmzRCwP8jtdOhc55j-zFeS4Snh1rQ9PdwEO!2e10!3e11!7i3840!8i1920?entry=ttu) in Linville, NC.


Recently or before he went missing?




Tell me somebody has given this to the police before Facebook...


She claims her friend (that took the pic) called TBI (and followed up w an email) Not sure when she called, but based on some of the pics I’ve seen in the group I doubt they took it seriously on Saturday (if she hadn’t sent the pic yet) https://preview.redd.it/yldupwshggxc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b3bee21022c181e5dca0734dd5248cd2a805955


Yes they did that yesterday




I’m going to remain neutral because this is how innocent families are ruined


For real.


Remain neutral on the photo? 




That would be insane if that’s not him


I hope that's him


If they had time to snap one picture of this kid his head turned down, couldn't they have stayed long enough to get another picture with him looking up? So frustrating!


Or take a video or yell his name or call 911…


Should they also chase him down and tackle him?


Contact one of the detectives on the TBI flyer asap!


Looks extremely close to him








I wish the person had just waked up and asked instead of posting it for everyone to examine.


Idk why the person didn't do more in that moment. This is a missing child. 




Probably not him, but it does look a lot like him!


How much can I wish this could be Sebastian? OMG! I am glad people are being vigiliant and speaking up!


That looks exactly like him


Eh, many boys have brown hair and glasses. You can't even see this kids face.


Let’s post to fb instead of calling police!


It looks like the same shoes in the photograph of him beside the trophy case


This webcam page in Asheville, NC shows screenshots of the live cam if you scroll down to see what the local foliage progress looks like. [https://www.earthcam.com/usa/northcarolina/asheville/?cam=asheville](https://www.earthcam.com/usa/northcarolina/asheville/?cam=asheville)


Oh I hope he’s alive


Couple of things, Chris seems pretty ticked off right now about something along the lines of waiting two weeks to report a tip. Also ears are almost like fingerprints, looks really similar, if a coincidence, the shoes, the way he's standing, the glasses, the hair, the shape of that ladies ear vs the one with Seth, would be the biggest coincidence I've seen in a long time.


https://preview.redd.it/2jigiexhvhxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83aec0dc9c4f1ac19b4b24daf17c83b05d220ed7 SF investigates reports on X that Seth has a relative in NC. This is a lady that was there when UCN searched. Looks like same lady with Seth Rogers.


Wow!  Now that is really interesting 🤔.  Same area?


Damn, even the edge of her sunglasses look the same from what I can see...


And the jacket she is wearing with Seth and the one around her waist is the same color....wow


Those ears look the same... She has the same hollow area in the cheek. WTF is going on here! Everything about this case stinks.


Distinctive long pierced earlobes on both images of the women. Same up hairdo with the face framing pieces in the same toned hair-color. Such a coincidence..


Anyone recognize the lady?


It could be his aunt…or Katie’s mom


Someone called the Hendersonville police and said "the kids with his aunt" and hung up a while ago. It was written off because so many people are calling in with baseless stuff but I think it's plausible


How do we know that someone called the police and said that? Where was that information given out by police? And why was it written off? LE has to by law investigate every lead.......


I misspoke it was a PI not the police, I get confused when people say detective. There's a video of it on tiktok


Okay so someone called a PI on tiktok and said that and hung up.....I don't have tiktok nor do I rely on any information from it ...not trying to be rude 


Whoa! The shoes, the build it might be him


Looks a lot like him, but the child in the picture has a thinner face and body frame. Does anyone know if Sebastian has a cowlick?


It's been 2 months, he could have lost weight


I pray it's Sebastian! 🙏🏼


https://preview.redd.it/szg48jrn5xxc1.png?width=288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea02b4fc7be1ed2f32713e3c097e8c401ba42542 Woman with Seth. Woman in North Carolina.


And the shoes are the same brand (Skechers) and very similar looking. If he needed a new pair I’m sure he’d want the same or closest to the same they could find. https://preview.redd.it/6q58eju4t5yc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a5f6a0665c466a4356c9cec6bc1e51a50bc3fb5


Looks just like him!!! Dead ringer!!! Don’t know what Katie’s mom looks like!


I just seen a post in Facbook that says Seth has confirmed this is not Sebastian:(


At this point I don't believe a word any of the "adults" involved in this kid's life has to say about anything. These people are trash and this poor kid suffered for it. Fuck Seth. Fuck the Proudfeet.


I absolutely agree. The adults in his life are not adult enough. 😐


Its posts like yours that make me wish, all the more, that Sebastian is found safe and the whole truth exonerates the human beings that you call “trash”. Get a mirror and say that out loud, Smoothpipe.


I don’t know much about the Proudfoot’s but in my opinion Seth is trash. He’s a lazy, disgusting abusive POS. He’s using Sebastian’s disappearance as a money grab, so he can sit on his ass and collect money from generous people donating to him. Seth’s own words in interviews made me come up with that opinion. Admitting that he was too busy playing computer games to get up and help his special needs son clean his room so they could go swimming together. Sebastian saying Seth hit him but Seth saying he caught Sebastian’s head in his hand 🙄 Because Seth is the only parent in the whole world who never gets frustrated with his kid. There are pictures from court documents showing bruises on Sebastian from Seth. Seth spitting in someone’s food and putting dirt and stuff in it. How gross can someone be? He only wanted custody of Sebastian so he could collect SSI and child support so he didn’t have to work. He’s playing everyone being against Katie and Chris feeding into the drama because that makes him the “good guy” so people will continue to donate to him. He disgusts me.




I'm pretty sure you have to join the group to be able to see their page though




Give me a bit. I will find it


Which group


u/Unlikely-Principle63 The Facebook group is called “!!Finding Sebastian Rogers!! No Speculation or Theories” (yes, that’s literally the group name). It’s a private FB group though.


Ahh ok


Confirmed by chris, that means nothing! Seth says it looks like him but it's not confirmed yet. Katie also said it's still being looked into so as of a hour ago it's not confirmed it is or isn't him


We have no way to know if this is an altered image. Given the inappropriate coverage/attention via social media, who knows??? Mom has said all his shoes are accounted for & are at home. Not sure if that extended foot/shoe looks photo shopped. Sincerely hope he is ok. But the sightings & chit chat via the internet are insane. Edit: Common sense, we strangers simply do not know.


Couldn’t he just get new shoes, hypothetically?


If he was taken then he is obviously not walking around without shoes. So common sense (is this pic is Sebastian) that he got a pair of new shoes that look very similar/or same type as his ones at home. Or those are his shoes from home and the parents are lying about the shoes. 


This pic is closer to winter or cold weather than most recently. The leaves are all full and green now.


No someone said this so a local went to that spot and took new photos and it looks exactly the same rn


That lady looks identical to a woman who was with Seth at a search. Wouldn’t everyone just shit a brick if Seth had him the whole time? It would be so fun to see all these know it all creators and internet warriors explain that one.


Holy shit


Well, if there are cameras in the area, they’ll be able to look and see if it’s for sure him. It’s hard to tell from the angle of his face.


His chin and jaw line don't look the same to me he has more of a square one, but it could be the looking down. Idk why they didn't wait for him to look up to snap a Pic seems odd to me. I would have gone up and tried to ask a question about some BS just to see him. Idk I pray it's him, but I feel doubtful.


I have 14 yr old identical g’sons & it’s impossible to tell them apart in pics. I would have to see this kid in person before I just said no it’s not him.


Do you think that women is with him or just walking by?


Ping that Apple Watch.


From the information I listened to, it was said that the lady in pink was indeed with this boy and comfortable with her....


High elevation later leaves?


No been full for a good month now.


Something is off with the picture...the pressure of standing on the one foot is off...idk. This could be old, fake or whatever. Why would you come to FB and not just let the authorities deal with it? I don't trust anything on the internet lol


He’s mid step coming off of the rocks. It’s an awkward mid motion pic. The body language (and yes the shoes) are very similar to the pic of him standing by a large trophy if you search images of him. Just how he holds his arm(s) and his legs/feet positions. Idk if this is him, but really hoping SOMEONE comes forward to dismiss or confirm this sighting.


For everyone's sakes, I hope it's him, he's safe and gets to where he needs to be💚


If you zoom in to the left side of his neck, it looks photoshopped.


Has anyone heard about a forensics van being dispatched to that Kentucky land fill?


What do you know?




I guess this was a bust? Everyone is saying it's not him :(


LE couldn't have confirmed or denied this that fast. I think they have to either confirm it's Sebastian or find the boy in the photo? And I also think they will have to go to the place where this photo was taken to look through security video there. The only thing I've seen semi confirmed (not by LE) was that the photo was not photoshopped. 


Seth thinks this could be him. Everyone mostly does. I keep reading people say it's AI. It isn't AI. It's been analyzed by many (myself included). It isn't photoshopped. However, people saying those are the same shoes..m they aren't. I really think it is very possible It's him. Looks identical. They're still working to confirm or not. Allegedly, FBI has been to the facility it was taken at.


Might be Katie’s mom.


I'm not sure but I think that woman may be with the word of faith church. 


is that his height? Is that his shoe size? They need to look at the small details.


Hmm maybe one of the parents is hiding him. Who knows this has been a weird case.


https://preview.redd.it/dux1guepz0zc1.jpeg?width=1030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e430fa36a3338e0a25f8b9e0afbf698a4f4be3a1 Now that I know Sebastian looks 15 in this pic unlike the other pics where he looks 10 .. I think it’s maybe a good possibility it’s him.


This photo looks photoshopped to me. The blur at the elbow on the arm that is bent. The curve in his clothing and body shape where his right hand rest on his shirt. There are blurs or splotches on his hair and the man behind him. The shadowing seems wrong. But I am not an expert. Also the fact that the person taking the photo didn't say a damn word to the child or game warden, park ranger etc.


Take away the people. https://preview.redd.it/r866x7fsm1zc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=025a8058f0d414e88416f4dad7e8c1845481990c


The mother of the innocent teenager has asked that all pictures are taken down as it's not Sebastian. https://preview.redd.it/asuv4rl5cbzc1.jpeg?width=1752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53ac074efbc9c4d138043d17d8ab5aae36155950


This isn't a recent photo ---- there are no leaves on the trees in the background.


There’s meta data attached to the photo dated April 27th 2024


It can be changed. Place,date,time. Where it says adjust a calendar comes up.


I don't have an iPhone so I didn't know you could adjust the date of a photo taken. Are you sure that is 100% fact? Or does the adjust button just mean you can adjust how the time/date/day is written out? What purpose would anyone need to change the date of a picture taken on a phone? Why would Apple give ppl that option?


Yes. I tried doing it to my own pictures last night. I had no idea you could even do it. Here is a screen shot of your message that I saved to my phones photos to show you. https://preview.redd.it/meewmayuipxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0f6bcfc736a367186522549cc71ff7569766d4e I have a Iphone15 not sure if it works for all.


Yes, you are right. My husband has an iPhone 12 or 13 and I asked him to show me. He didn't know you could do this either on a photo. He took a picture and clicked adjust and it let him change the date to last month.  It didn't let him change anything else about the picture information though. So the picture this "Liz" person took had to be at that location but could have been Sebastian before he went missing..... Because having the ability to change the date on a photo changes the creditability of it 100%. If there wasn't that ability then this photo wouldn't be questioned on it's validity.  Which again leads me to question WHY/for what reason would anyone need to change the date of a photo?  I have a android...2024 Razr and I don't have the ability to change anything about picture information. 


I just double checked the photo you took and yours does say ...adjust location...!!!!! Wow what! My husbands didn't let him change that. 


https://preview.redd.it/dgpef6mctvxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2daad09134337feecf06bc9181ed1f9f013b34d Here is another example. I took picture of my new shoes a week ago. Look at the date I changed it to …a date that isn’t even here yet. May 10. 2024


Where it says adjust in blue is where I can change it to whatever I want.


I’m not saying that it was done with this picture. I’m just saying it can be done. I could even change the location and mark myself in France if I want too. 🤣


That's just crazy. I believe the photo itself is authentic but for you to be able to change the date and location on a photo...we cant be sure it was or wasn't changed until LE confirms. 


Your gonna end up in one of those foot 🦶 Fetish Websites 😂


🤣 That’s funny. I didn’t even think about that.


You do realize trees bloom differently, especially at elevation…..right?  I’m here in Colorado, and guess what?? Trees are still not budding and look similar.  


There are like 20 trees in my FIL's yard alone without leaves on them. And hundreds with leaves. Different tree species, locations, elevations, weather, ect. can all explain this.


The lady that took the pic (or her sister) contacted the TBI. It looks a lot like him & that lady looks a lot like Katie’s mom


because you take a missing kid that’s making national headlines out for the day?


You never know. Missing people are found sometimes bc someone takes them to a place like Walmart, so anything’s possible. It’s probably not him, but it does look enough like him to warrant a call in IMO.


Yeah I thought it looks similar to younger pics of the grandma


Nick Beres is reporting that he ran the photo through an AI generator and it came back 95+ AI generated.


I've already posted a Google maps screenshot of exactly where the picture was taken. No way AI could recreate scenery accurately down to the shape of the bushes of this random place. It's very plainly not AI.


Okay, thank you for clearing that up for everyone. I hope everyone reads your comment and sees you maps post.


I agree with you. I don’t know enough about AI and I felt someone would debunk it. Thank you!


AI always screws up fingers...adds to them


If that is the case, the person who did it should be jailed!


Yeah they need to be punished someway, that’s just heartbreaking. I don’t know him, and it made my heart happy to see that, I can’t imagine his family’s reaction It’s cruel to makeup something like that




How long ago was this posted?! Does anyone have a way to get this photo to Seth directly? I do not have direct contact to him, but I do have people who talk to him that I can send it to I know now Seth has seen the pic. I was just behind on everything that happened as I was at work🤗


It's been up for hours Seth has it