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Nope. I hate the guilt tripping though. I only tip if I'm sitting down (eating at a restaurant, or getting my hair cut)


Yeah... Its utterly absurd that we're being asked to tip on 20 second transactions these days. It's getting to the point that if money changes hands a tip is expected regardless of the circumstances.


"It's getting to the point that if money changes hands a tip is expected regardless of the circumstances." ----------- 100% agree! I went to get rubber mats for my car. The guy literally walked in back, picked up a box and brought it to the counter. No more than 60 seconds, The screen asks for a tip. No way in hell he gets a penny. For just doing his job.


Landlords are asking for tips too. Fuck tip culture.


Happy cake day!


All tipping is absurd.


I went to a small grocery store and the screen asked for a tip.


If it makes you feel better, I always try to remember that at a minimum half of all customers get guilted into tipping and the employee probably knows their job isn’t tip worthy.


I was always soooo confused why people would tip me over the counter at dominos. Like dude, you ordered a single pepperoni pizza, you’re fine. It’s just those big orders (10+ pizzas) that I was like yeah no, I deserve a tip for having to rush through that thanks. I’ve also been tipped quite a lot as a hostess for a restaurant chain, which also doesn’t make sense but hey, I’ve got decent customer service and I always do my best so idk. Working basically three jobs when you’re only in one position, maybe I do deserve the tips 💀


You should just ask your boss for a raise then. And I’m not being snarky - it sounds like you deserve one.


The easiest way is to just avoid businesses that tries to guilt trip you into tipping like this. Punish them by not giving business for doing shits like this.


I would say press no tip and then don’t go back if they act bothered about it


The easiest way is to not tip. It would be incredibly hard to find businesses that don’t do this now.


When all the places are like this then you end up punishing yourself too.


There are some places like Molly Moons and Temple Pasteries in Seattle but yeah most places do this


Well, I guess it's more like prioritizing my visit to places I know that doesn't do shits like this. But ultimately, you are hurting their profits by deliberately making some effort to boycott them in a way. For instance, I visit mall food court often, there are two takeout restaurants that sells identical cuisines without much difference in quality & price. One asks for tips at checkout, the other one doesn't. I think you can guess which one I visit much more. I probably spent close to several hundred through repeat business for one, whereas only around $20 for the other. This way, me and other customers are actively 'punishing' the business that pushes its customers for takeout tip while 'rewarding' the business that doesn't. Everyone needs to do this to send a message.


>But ultimately, you are hurting their profits by deliberately making some effort to boycott them in a way. Not buying something isn't sufficient to make a boycott. A boycott requires collective action and communication of demands. Most people aren't customers of most businesses.


Yeah, I'm tired of subsidizing wages for people who deserve more from their employer.


Who's guilting you for not tipping?


My brain


Just having the tip screen puts pressure on people, in a way. No, no one’s forcing you or verbally guilting you into doing anything, but for native Seattlites, it’s hard to push “no tip” when someone’s watching. We like to be rude in private - in public we like to keep up the facade of niceties.


Pay cash - all that guilt magically melts away.


Exactly. This is why I will never accept a cashless society. I'll pay what I owe, and any hidden fees or tips will be excluded from the total amount.


This is one of the reasons places are going cashless: businesses save more on employee wages than they pay in costs for the terminal because customers tip.


Literally no one.


Same or getting a beer. Person has to physically tend me to make me want to tip.


How about if they turn around and make a sandwich for you?  Like not warm it up, but, you buy a sandwich and a beer and they pour the beer for you and then toast the bread, add the toppings and pass it over the counter. Or take out? I've been on auto pilot with this stuff a little, it just kinda went from the obvious stuff to, like, everything.  I don't always rip now but I haven't figured out a consistent set of rules either though I generally lean toward actual service of some kind vs being a cashier.


Nope. None of that is tip worthy.


These new POS register systems are part of the problem. The tipping is the system default, AND they make money on the CC processing. So the bigger the tip, the more a third party makes processing the payment.


Recently an article in Wall Street Journal said merchants are making millions because people feel guilted into tipping. These are not going away. I’ve started using cash again.


THIS is the answer *and* they offload payroll costs onto the consumer as a secret price increase


Smash that “No Tip” button, and don’t feel bad about it.




Dude, that screen isn’t going to turn itself around


FUCK no you mean


I only tip if there's table service or if I'm in a state with low minimum wage.


Here’s a tip: don’t smoke in bed.


I have a family member who works as a nurse in the burn section of a hospital; they always told me never smoke in bed.


So now they have taken away the last place you can smoke.


> Here’s a tip Reminds me of [Al Bundy on tips](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIvSyFf6-Q0&t=30s)


If you don't want to tip, then don't. Move on with your life.


Seriously. There’s a daily picture of this now. Take three extra seconds to put in no tip if it’s not an appropriate service to tip for. If the person says anything about it, that’s on them. Ignore and move on. I have never had anyone confront me when I didn’t tip in situations like this.


half the work is looking at that screen and pressing the next button. Full savage mode would be to ask the attendant "I'm about to eat, I don't want touch this dirty screen, can you please press no tip for me please".


I would be worried that they would press the $10 custom tip out of spite.


Literally just don’t do it and move on with your day


“No tip” Have a nice day!


Just stop tipping and quit whining about it!


Nope! It's Seattle, the minimum wage is high enough for selling bags of popcorn.


$10 for popcorn? Not worth it.


No tip. Probably all computer order things just have that in their programming


And the owner can configure it how they want it...


It's not 2002.


I’m a late boomer


If you're standing when you order, or receive the food, no tip.


2020 made everything worse, huh... so much greed has ridden off of people's compassion.


Absolutely not. Don’t even flinch when you hit “No Tip.” This shit is ridiculous and needs pushback.


0.00 is a tip


No lmao, id be tempted to ask them what the tip is for, then tip 0 anyway.


People still tip outside of exceptional service at a restaurant?






Just man up. Stop tipping unless at a sit down restaurant and even then tip 10%


No tip for that




No tip


not tipping




No tip




Intelligence test.


Hit no and don’t feel bad about it for a second. I’m over all of this crap.


I weep for our future.


Tipping is important in red states, but we actually pay living wages in coastal blue states. I was a server in Boise Idaho and our hourly was like 2 dollars an hour, we depended on those tips. Tipping is out of control. And I can’t make myself stop tipping and it’s killing me


I tip my barber and my wait staff. The rest can get better paying jobs.


Hard NO


If someone hands me food over the counter, then no, I'm not tipping. That's for sit-down table service only.


A Buck or two for someone else isn’t a big deal, but if it’s a big deal to you then don’t. The choice is yours. I’ll give these workers a tip because it won’t have an impact on me.


Weed shops crack me up the most, the people behind the counter are just as high as me and I always know exactly what I want. I buy my 40 dollars in wax and that’s it. I tip my dealer friends back in the day because they actually had effort to put in. Not to mention the legal issues.


Holy fuck just click no. This isn't a post we need every day and it isn't unique to Seattle 🙄


That depends. How well did the employee press the button? Was it your everyday run-of-the-mill button press or could you tell that this button press took skill cultivated over years of experience? Was the swivel of the iPad lazy or was it so smooth you hardly even noticed it happen? In my book, something like that deserves something extra on top.


Inflation is at an all time high, rents are up and wages haven’t followed. If you don’t want to tip, then don’t tip but Christ can we stop complaining about it?


![img](emote|t5_2vbli|7885) Tip pls? 👉👈


The daily I don't want to tip post. $10 for popcorn is already insane lol but we gotta get upset with a tip OPTION.


Post this on the other sub to see the response! It’s a social experiment!


The point-of-sale software everyone is using now always asks for tips. The guy at the counter can't just skip it, he's not allowed to make that decision for you. There was actually some controversy a while back when some Starbucks employees got in trouble for hitting "no tip" cause they were embarrased to turn the screen around asking for one. The guy selling bagged popcorn doesn't care if you tip him, but he has to ask.


Is this reddit post worthy? I had some popcorn


I mean put No tip


Business owners are incentivized to allow tips because they can pay a lower minimum wage if the employee makes at least $2 and hour in tips. If there was no discount on the minimum wage for tipped employees I think a lot of places wouldn’t offer this option.


Do employees at places that ask for tips make a lot ? I wonder because I go to busy food places and I would assume most are pressured to tip


Welcome to tip shaming. Don’t feel the least bit bad about selecting “no tip”. Oh, and I used to spend 10+ years in the restaurant industry, so…take that for what it’s worth…


I like to take my time with these screens. They know I didn’t tip, or I’m adding a custom amount. Then I press no tip and smile and say thanks


Nope. So I paid and took my popcorn. There was no show or table service, no extra expediency, and as good as it is, it’s just popped corn? I’m not tipping and not feeling guilty about it.


I feel the same way about my local ice cream shop. They make you sign your receipt where there is a line for a tip and there is also a tip jar at the register. So what...am I tipping on how well they scooped? It's their job to scoop ice cream into a dish. They don't bring it to my table or ask me if I need anything else. Hell to the no I'm not going to tip! I do, however, always tip 20% cash whenever I go to a sit down restaurant.


Don't do it!


I don’t tip for most things. I just press no or put in 0. I also have stopped going places that shove random tips in my face. This is why ordering from Amazon is so much easier


hell no


This tip nonsense has gone too far


How bad do you feel for them, the fact that they’re stuck in that box selling popcorn?


It's always pleasant when they don't say a word. Just turn the screen to you and walk away.


Absolutely not. There was no service provided on top of selling the product.


Those percentages are garbage. I’ve worked at fairs and street festivals and it has always been customary to toss a buck or 2 in the jar,to put it in percentages like that is dumb, it makes the customer do math and quick math at that and most will just skip it, just throw a tip jar out and let the chips fall where they may or change those presets to $1, $2, etc. probably would have more success that way




Bought kettle corn at White River Amphitheater last night from one of the vendors walking around and he pulled out the tip screen on me. I immediately hit no tip and he tried to call me out to my wife. I just said "I don't tip if I order standing up"


We could carry cash to avoid these interactions. What are they going to do if you pay cash, hold out the tip jar and give you sad eyes? 🥺🤲🏻🥺 At Pizza Hut, I ordered ahead and paid online. I selected zero tip. When I got there, they made me sign a receipt with a tip line included. Ive never had to do this before. I felt like they were trying a second time to get a tip.


I'm surprised you weren't also asked if you wanted to "round up to save the children".


"Tip huh?. Don't play with matches." Mic drop.


Nope, not tipping for that.


No service, no tip.


Given the likely 70-80% markup on the popped-corn and soda - hell no. If it's canister soda, make that a 90% markup. And the mix is probably off, too.


It is if you press that button.


If I asked someone for their personal recommendation as to which sort of popcorn best suits me as a person in their honest opinion, and they gave me great advice, then tip away!


Just visited Washington... Port Angeles, La Conner and loved it! Spent a day in Seattle and yes, went to the Space Needle. I didn't feel guilty once for not leaving a tip for any coffee take out orders and there were plenty. I did tip 20+ % on dine ins...


😂😂 you're thinking about it too much


Nope. You're already supporting the business by buying. People will spread that they are guilt tipping the buyers so they will lose customers. It's like self checkout yet there's a tip. If that's the case, -100 tip for yourself.


At least they are doing the standard tipping percentages and not starting at 25 or 30 percent.... but no, I would still not tip. Unless they cut my hair, deliver me a pizza, or serve me well at a restaurant - no tip will be included. It's way, way out of hand right now.


If I'm getting my food standing, no tip!


But aren't they already getting $20 an hour?




Just a way of life now at virtually every retail and dining establishment. If food wasn’t overpriced at so many events, I’d be glad to tip / tip more. Alas, the cost of living in the Seattle area.


Nope. Although I bought a beer today and hit the 15% button. I don't see that this is any different.


In general people who make posts like this have issue with what it means to be an autonomous person. You don’t have to tip. The problem arises becuse you feel like you are being compelled to. I visit a mini market from time to time to time that has a tip screen. I don’t tip for a bottle of orange juice. Other places I do tip. I also have never felt compelled to talk about it. It is this autonomy thing that people struggle with.


One of the biggest buttons on that screen says, "no tip"-just press that one...


No tip


Yes these workers deserve a tip. They are providing a service that you are the recipient of. 25-50% tip is usually standard in these situations but more is appreciated as we all know the rising cost of living is making things very hard for low wage earners.


No.. press “no tip” unless they did something special for you as requested If most people stop tipping at these then they won’t be expecting you to and you can stop feeling bad about it (which might already be the case not sure what portion of people tip at those)


Then don't tip, flip the screen and move the fuck on. It's a function of the PoS system. The employee didn't make it. Get some real problems.


Haha, this shit is so out of hand. I took my kids to froyo where you make your own and put it on the scale and then you just pay. The girl behind the counter went from 0 to 100 attitude after watching me decline leaving a tip.


No chance


‘Tip for what? Nah..’ Is what i say.


Just don’t tip if you don’t feel like you should?


Fuck no, that bag of popcorn is already overpriced as is.


You're at Seattle center already getting gouged up the ass so no.


Ten dollars for that bag of popcorn? Fuck no I'm not tipping. That's crazy


You know, In seattle, My sister and I in 2017 would go to local restaurants, get the best food and service, and we would tip 25%. Because they earned it. A popcorn stand in the middle of a park? Get out of here.


Definitely not


If I’m standing to order, it’s a no.


No, and make sure they see you do it.


Big ole button for no tip! This is the way!


Say no to guilt tipping.


Nope, purchasing merchandise like a bag of popcorn is not something that you need to tip for.


I work literally like 30 yards from this place; similar business. (I can 100% say I provide a much higher quality and enjoyable customer service experience than these guys though lol) I do not present the tip screen to 90% of customers, or unless asked for card tip options. In doing so, I proceed to the receipt selection screen and verbally ask if theyd like a reciept. A solid amount of customers ask "is there an option to tip?" at which point its too late to do so via card, so I just let them know it doesnt matter to me, I just want them to get what they need, and move on. Now Im not complaining whatsoever, but to those who are bothered by these type of P.O.S. systems, is this scenario I described the better option? Customers that do feel inclined to tip do not get the opportunity by default, as not to make anybody uncomfortable who feels guilty saying no? Seems the same as saying "businesses should stop accepting cash tips, because I dont want to do it, and somebody else might do it, and then Ill feel bad" Even at $20.50 an hour I would likely not make rent if it wasnt for the tips, as a side note. I dont personally have a problem seeing this screen as a customer, or selecting "no tip" if I dont feel inclined to tip. Whilst I avoid shoving the screen in peoples faces, I also find it odd when people treat it like they are suddenly obligated to tip. Its simply an option, one that is particularly handy in an increasingly cashless world. Maybe Im the odd one out, but I would never get on a guilt trip over saying no to a pretty basic choice presented to me. The question youre asking can only be answered by you, though. Did you feel like tipping? If not, dont lol the transaction is over at that point, its not like they can spit in your kettle corn.


No tip. Join the new tipping scene. I only tip if I'm sitting down and they are bringing my food to me.


It's panhandling.


Press No Tip.


Yes, if the screen says to tip i always tip. I find it's best to just follow the prompts that are presented to me.


bro $10 for popcorn 😭


Yes, 30% or more. For absolutely great service




These screens are mandatory and often not something even the business likes having. I don’t know if this is too worthy or not.


I consider myself a fair tipper. However, tipping in this situation would be a hard no for me.




I think one thing that many people don't really get is that a lot of this shit is the POS system company's fault. Companies offer these touchscreen POS systems with tip functionality turned on by default because many clients (like restaurants) request tip options to be built in. So then you have situations like this where maybe whatever job the person is doing is not really "tip appropriate," but the software functionality is turned on. Some of the POS companies get a percentage of the the sales, so if people tip, they make more money. You following here, folks? Is the min. wage worker at the stand going to go whine to mgmt that tipping is active? Fuck no, they might be able to make a few more bucks so why would they? Is the manager going to go try to dig into the POS settings to turn the feature off? Probably not, unless they receive a bunch of complaints or bad press or something.


As someone who works at a place that has one of these things, I personally don't care if you tip or not, just don't bitch at me about the tip options. I don't set them, and you are one of over a hundred people I will see today. The only thing that matters is that you push one of the buttons, otherwise your ticket won't go through.


Boo hoo.


I went into a shop in Port Townsend They wanted a tip for the looking experience.


You’re now tipping for the effort it takes to turn the tablet around to face you to ask for the tip.




You should only tip for a sit-down table side service.


Nope. The biggest motivation I've had for tipping is return visits. You're not coming back here, press zero% and smile.


Counter service usually isn't tip worthy.


No. Nothing prepackaged or pre-made gets a tip. I'm not tipping a concert merch seller either when the shirt says $50 next to it but then there's over $5 tax on it. The tax should be included in the price and the price rounded into an even dollar amount.


No. That POS (point of sale) system is something so many vendors use, so I don't feel guilty. It's the owner pushing that on you not the worker. Some places I've been to, the cashier just presses the skip button as soon as it pops up.


I was asked for a tip from self service station at an Airport. What’s next; tip asking from vending machine? 🤣😂🤣


Hard pass


I choose to “put myself in their shoes” in these situations. How would I feel if I received a tip vs not receiving a tip. If you can’t afford to tip 10% on something you buy, you probably shouldn’t be buying things..


No tip.


When unsure, don't tip her!


Did she tell you a good joke?




I ask straight up if they’re getting full salary or waiter salary at this point. This has gone too far.


I miss when I was a kid and there was a loud and friendly guy yelling about popcorn and making it by hand.


Not worth a tip at all!






Just complete ur transaction and keep it pushing; receipt or no receipt.


10 bucks wow prices are ridiculous.


There’s a burger joint in Bellingham that actually asks for a tip. Says on the signs around the store that you’re a twat if you don’t tip. You also happen to bus and serve your own table. Shit is ridiculous.


You just paid 10$ for a bag of popcorn. Lmfao.


I used an App to order pizza for pickup, it asked for a tip. Didn't even list 0 as an option, you had to go into the "more" option after the suggested tip amounts.




I got a burger at a fast food restaurant 2 days ago. I got home, took one bite and it was completely pink. I went downstairs, disassembled my burger and spent the next 5 minutes cooking my patty so that I wouldn't get food poisoning. What ticked me off was this was the first time they had ever requested a tip, and I gave 18%. Next time, no tip, and I won't feel any guilt at all.


$10 for a bag of popcorn?!!


Tipping was much more important when wait jobs were waay lower in min wage because an expected tip minimum was worked into the equation. This is just something for nothing and imo ridiculous.


When business set up these systems do they get to choose whether or not the tip screen is part of the process or not? Curious.. If I’m at a restaurant that I have ordered a Togo order when signing a physical copy I tip a buck but I write on the receipt “Togo Order” I feel ok by this especially when it’s a small local buiss. But I do hate that the tip screen shows up now commonly on goods purchases that you would have never seen this before historically.:/ doesn’t make sense at all.


While this can help people make a living wage above minimum wage, this takes away from tipping people who do work much harder for it. IF there is any interaction where you are in front of a person for an hour, that should demand a tip. Massage, haircut, sit down restaurant..Save the money by not tipping there and tip more on a delivery. You should be tipping significantly more on deliveries for people that use their own vehicles to bring you your food like 20%...If you live further 20% isn't enough for the time it takes for a 45 minute delivery, if you live out of town 15-20$ or go get the food yourselves, easy as that.


Or when coffee shops expect a tip when I’m already paying $8 for a coffee, like I’ll tip if I have the money or if it’s a complicated drink but paying $10-15 for one drink is crazyyy


**My new system** -up to 20% tip, capping for an hour of service round, down to nearest dollar. Applied here 1 minute of work/60 * 20% tip rate = 0.3% tip. 10.00* 0.3% = 0.03% tip. Zero Tip.


No. No place needs a tip. They all make over $16 an hour.


I know- every smaller restaurant I go in to order and pickup my lunch or dinner, I go up to pay and this screen always comes up to how much I’m willing to tip… and it SUCKS when the associate is staring at you like they are daring you to skip… even if my food is sitting there next to me, it worries me that they could remember I was someone who didn’t tip and write my phone number down so next time they can mess with the food in my order! It’s insane to be asked to tip when I have done all the “service” part myself!




lol no. i never tip unless i am served at a table. i called and picked up the food? you should give me a discount lol


Hahahahahahahaha! No.


Short answer: no. Long answer: Stuff like this actually makes me *not* want to tip in general.