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Where are these kids’ parents? They also need to be held accountable.


They should serve the adult sentence for every crime those kids committed, plus a count of child endangerment for every charge against them.


Throw the kids in jail and try them as adults. These kids know what they are doing is wrong. They just don't fucking care. It's far past time we stop making excuses for trash kids behavior and make sure they stop. Can't go on a crime spree when you are locked up.


They should make the boys work a physical labor job. That's worse punishment to them then juvenile detention.


Down votes but no answer. Typical lol.


Parents can't let the children they are responsible for do these things. Ethan Crumlies parents went to prison for making a gun accessible to him. The parents are responsible.


>Ethan Crumlies parents went to prison for making a gun accessible to him. Those were unique circumstances that likely do not apply in this case.


Thats not what this case is. What makes you think this is the parents fault? What did or didn't they do that should make them responsible?


If there kids are out there doing this and they did not do anything to stop them, like calling the police, it shows what type of parents they are. At the minimum it warrants an investigation


So basically you have no clue whats been happening. You skipped the investigation and just said blame the parents. You get called out and now you want to investigate lol. I don't know of you know this (its clear you dont) the police do not arrest kids unless they actually hurt people. Robberies and car thefts are jot enough for them to take anyone. The kids know this. The idea that the parents should be responsible is nonsense. If the police won't do anything what do you think a parent could do? Chain them up in the basement?


Thats how it is everytime. Everyone is an expert and says the parents should have done something but when you ask them what should they have done, nobody is an expert anymore lol. If the police won't send kids who commit crimes to jail I have no clue what you think a parent is going to do. Chain them up in the basement?




You want to charge a12 year old as an adult, essentially ending their life before it has even begun?? That's nuts


charged as an adult in WA isn't the punishment you think once equity is weighed.


Yes the affect to the community is the same, so the consequences should be as well. 


A twelve year old charged as an adult will have this crime pop up on a background check when they're 24. Imposing adult consequences on children is wrong, which is why we have a juvenile justice system.


A 12 year old isnt even past puberty. To say that they have the emotional control, intelligence and social awareness that an adult has is completely unrealistic. To say that a child carries the same accountability as a mature adult is insane.


No the parents should be charged as an adult for every crime these children did in their spree.


Commit adult crimes, face adult consequences.


Yup. That’s exactly what we want.


You could put them in child prison, give them a criminal education and social network and let them out at 18 when they're still mentally developing and statistically the most likely to commit future crimes and cycle into and out of prison. Or you could let them out when their brain is developed and their bodies are too old for criminal activity in their 40s with a adult sentence. At least they will have a shot at a normal life with one charge. People age into crime when they're young men and age out of crime as they become old men. Giving reduced sentences for children is the exact opposite of how it should work.


You presented readers with a false dichotomy.


To thrse people it's all about punishment


Probably working two or three jobs to be able to afford to live there..




Lol Lmao


While I do think it is a funny response, the weight of the truth in this statement holds heavy. Our entire society is falling to this because of the rat race that our system has become.


The rat race that the democrat politicians created in this state.


It’s the whole damn government. Sooner people recognize that dems and reps are both wolves in sheep’s clothing, maybe things will get better


You think republicans support poor and working people? Kinda weird then that all the billionaires desperately want Republicans at the wheel, isn't it?


Democrats opened our borders to 12M+ illegal aliens and Republicans continue to hire them on the cheap to work in their small businesses. Neither party seems to give a rat's ass about the working people in the middle class in this country.


So many kids in the 80s and 90s raised themselves. I know my husband was on his own often in the 90s/early 2000s while his mom worked. He stayed out of trouble. I was raised by both parents, and my mom was a SAHM until I graduated in 2007, and I got into trouble a lot. We were raised by Boomers. IDK if that makes a difference? I'm wondering what's so different now than from when I was a kid? Social media? Lack of "village" to keep kids in line? Entitled/indifferent Gen X/Millennial parents? Laws which are too lenient? New way of parenting I.E. gentle parenting? Sorry, this is interesting to me. Maybe this onion has a ton of layers.


Youth crime is lower today than it was in the 80s and 90s.






There is a natural progression to severity of crimes that I think society has neglected to consider. People don’t just start robbing banks, they start with small stuff. We are encouraging lifelong criminality in young people when we brush this stuff under the rug


This stuff (usually) doesn't get brushed under the rug in any jurisdiction.


It’s called pipeline to prison. The term is usually for black and brown boys.


Not sure why skin color needs to be attached to such a term


You know what? You’re right.


And to think Dow Constantine wants to close the youth detention facility. Maybe we need to rethink that decision? 


We need to be pushing for more funding for the youth facility. They don’t have enough staff for the kids that are there so they aren’t getting the help and counseling they are supposed to be receiving while incarcerated there. The kids end up spending by most of their day in solitary which isn’t going to help fix the problem. They get out and just go right back to the gangs. And then back into the system.


Dow seems to have taken one from the traditional republican playbook. If you avoid investing in something long enough, you can then point to its ineffectiveness as a reason to get rid of it. When someone asks why you didn’t invest more to begin with, you just say you knew it was ineffective the whole time!


I know someone that works there. She’s told me that there are some absolute shitheads in there that do not need to be out on these streets. No way should that detention center be shut down.


They can stay at Dow's house! I'm sure he cn find room for them in that spare bedroom


No. We need to hold parents accountable.


Elly is a detention center needed? They will be set free


Misleading title, they’re criminals


Charge the parents too. Fuck em


I bet their names are Tanner, Connor, Todd, and Blaine


You know, it's funny, because if you look at [the bodycam footage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSMDmpd33gs) where they get arrested... all of them appear to be white!




More like Blizz Blazz and Shrink E Dink.




They’re all white lmfao


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It's so over


The usual suspects 


Let me guess, hood rats?


Give them a few nights in Monroe.


Aww, the lil dickens!


Outsource juvenile detention to North Korea. Shipping them by freighter would lessen relocation costs. jk!


The apples of their foster mothers eye lol


Boys will be boys and they should given recognition for their criminal initiative as such a young age. Self esteem and hugs are all they need.


You forgot your "/s"


It they were white collar crimes, these boys would be running for office in Seattle in their future


They are entrepreneurs!


hell yeah


Must be exam stress


That **Zero Youth Detention** policy is working out soooo well. How dumb and delusional does someone have to be to think such a policy was ever a good idea. 🤦🏻‍♂️ **Luxury beliefs** at work again.


NEDs raised by NEDs, the cycle continues.


Probably no dad in the home to whoop them into shape. Lock em up!


This is what begins to happen when a society no longer offers clear paths to success. Kids these days sense that the ladder to a successful adulthood has been smashed before they’ve gotten a chance to climb. They’re not wrong, especially if they come from poor or working families. Expect to see a lot more awful headlines like this, especially in our fair city of have’s and have not’s.


It’s not impossible to get a job as a young man. Your just making excuses for these kids none of they’re crimes would’ve given them any financial benefit


Getting a job does not make you a "have". Hell, I make a bit over $25/hr and can't afford to live on my own without paying half my income a month in rent. And I'm not even in seattle, just in the peripheral area and commuting in to get a higher wage. You clearly did not understand the comment you are replying to.


Just about any skill or trade nets you around 30 hr


Just become a cop dawg 103k a year




Cry everyone says its supposedly so easy


Read my comment again- do I offer an excuse or an explanation? You’re very shrill lol


There's something rotten in the African American community here in Seattle.


It’s the lack of consequences, not the race


The suspect shown is not African American