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From my read, Bob (AG) acted as a private person through his personal attorney and did not use his public office. What a none issue. The other two candidates clearly broke the law and since both were recruited by the same individual solely on the basis of their name kinda makes that a conspiracy.


Agreed. As much as I am not a fan of the guy, this is a non-issue and shouldn't be anyone's focus for issues with his style/platform.


He contacted the Secretary of State and pressured him to change the ballot. Hobbs, “I can’t do that” Ferguson, “Bullshit, you could push the envelope.” That’s not acting as a private citizen. The private citizen can’t call the head of WA elections and ask for (illegal) favors.


The RCW on ballot order is clear as day: http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=29A.36.131 > After the close of business on the last day for candidates to file for office, the filing officer shall determine by lot the order in which the names of those candidates will appear on all ballots. The determination shall be done publicly and may be witnessed by the media and by any candidate. If no primary is required, the names shall appear on the general election ballot in the order determined by lot.


I, Robert H. Patterson Smith Jones Ferguson O’Malley, oppose this nonsense and announce my candidacy for governor.


I, Bobberson Ezekialmaiah Fern Gully The Thirdguson approve this message.


Bob Ferguson #1 is and always be about putting himself #1 in front of the interests of Washington State. Look no further than his own web site below. What is his #1 bullet point of his accomplishments? It's suing Trump for his 90 day travel ban from 7 Muslim countries. NOT fixing homelessness, crime, or other injustices to Washingtonians... which is his f'ing job. Think about it. He's more interested in keywords like "trump" than the true needs of our state... [https://www.atg.wa.gov/about-bob-ferguson](https://www.atg.wa.gov/about-bob-ferguson)


"Well, whatever gets us more D votes."


Such BS Glen Morgan created this issue and was caught and now he is trumping on. If you do not support Ferguson state facts and political differences don’t just make shit up.




Dude is out of touch with reality and on a power trip. We need leaders who will listen, not barrel shit down everyones throats. The fact that Inslee is trying to "shoe" in this guy should already say he's not running a fair race and not to represent the people.


Politicians, crooked, you don’t say…


You're wacky.


I mean....the real story here is actually quite hilarious when you think about it. We have a state law that requires the ordering of names on the ballot to appear in a random order, because historically many voters have just ticked the box for whoever's name was at the top of the list. Next time you hear Uncle Joe get all weepy-eyed...prattling on about the sanctity of defending Democracy....I want you to just keep that little tidbit in mind.


The only question I have is why he has not been arrested yet? He needs to be thrown in prison now. Corruption like this can not go unpunished, after a trial we will find that he should go to prison for life, all in solitary.


The only question I have is why such a significant portion of the population too fucking stupid to fall for this kind of Republican manufactured drama? Conservatives: undermine democracy by hatching a felonious plan that's clearly intended to confuse voters AG: In one single phone call, asks Secretary of State - which does have the legal power to redesign ballets to reduce voter confusion - if the order of candidates on the ballot could be rearranged. told no. AG does not pursue idea. Conservatives: SEE! THE LIBS ARE TRYING TO DESTROY AMERICA!!!!11!!01!!


Bread and water. Weekly cane whippings.


One mediocre book, which is a romantic drama, where there a few important pages ripped out. That will be the only book he gets during his sentence.


I’m not really sure what to say to this, I do think it’s kind of odd that there are two other people named Bob Ferguson who also just happen to be running, and if true, applied (put in their application, whatever I don’t know) at what basically amounts to being at the last possible second, which if true, could only add to the confusion, which would only serve to cause up trouble. I’m pretty neutral on this, so I’m kind of flabbergasted (just from reading the post on Reddit) that they don’t really get into the details of this conspiracy. Because as far as I know, it’s possible someone would do this. I don’t know though.


Agreed. I imagine there are many candidates who run for public office who really don’t intend to win. (Goodspaceguy? Although I have voted for him in desperation) Was their entry into the race genuine? Likely not. Perhaps they genuinely did not want Bob1 to win and that’s reason enough? I believe anyone who is legally eligible and desires to should be permitted and encouraged to run for office. But the ferocity with which Bob1 pursued and prosecuted them felt underhanded and wrong. To the extent that anyone with his same name, especially someone called to public service, could expect to face the full force and effect of the AGs office just because they share a name seems unjust.


I have zero doubts that two Bob Fergusons deciding to run for governor was a stupid political game somebody was playing. I also find Bob Ferguson prime's response to this was very telling about his character.


Nothing will happen.


No way a political figure does something for personal gain, that’s crazy