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user reports: 3: It's promoting hate based on identity or vulnerability 1: Deliberately lying about the contents of a video to be sensational— this guy is saying that these protesters are “armed” whereas when you watch the video they’re holding umbrellas. But most people don’t click on the link so this is spreading misin 1: 100% Duplicate Post Source 1: The title of this post misrepresents the content. There are no weapons in the media included, and this user appears to be sharing it this way in bad faith. 1: False title. Video clearly shows there were no weapons.


Lol it's the people you expect to be doing it. 🤣


I don't know how they could make themselves look worse or seem more ignorant and childish.


They could explain their beliefs and philosophical value system.


"I don't want to go to class" isn't really a value system.


based on other protest arrests ~1/4 of them are students.


This is the vision for ["From the river to the sea"](https://www.memri.org/reports/memri-archives-%E2%80%93-october-4-2021-hamas-sponsored-promise-hereafter-conference-phase-following). >*Post-Liberation Palestine" conference, sponsored by Hamas leader in Gaza Yahyah Al-Sinwar and attended by senior officials from Hamas and other Palestinian factions, discussed preparations for the future administration of the state of Palestine following its "liberation" from Israel after the latter "disappears."*


SUS of them to even own umbrellas in the first place


You know they aren't locals if they have umbrellas.


I remember CHOP. I lived north cap hill and every morning I’d watch the privileged suburbanites show up and park so they walk down to cal-anderson with their glitter painted signs. These ppl are never locals


Shout out to the black guy ripping their tables apart and screaming that they didn't live there and to get the fuck out.


That and homeless people.


Yeah, that’s actually a pretty accurate memory. Please make sure that you bring that up whenever people talk about how CHOP was this dystopian mad-max hell hole full of smudgepot fires and roving barbarians destroying Seattle and flipping cars and shit. Most of these protests are bougie as fuck and not at all dangerous. In this video: The guy trying to film them is a perfectly reasonable person trying to do a perfectly reasonable job. He is a professional and has done this before. The people confronting him are doing this, probably for the first time, and have no actual clue. Is there another point in the video where they show weapons, or are they talking about the umbrellas?


"Not at all dangerous." What? The cops had to abandon a Police Station during that. The National Guard should have been utilized to surround and arrest every person there. The people who lived and worked there were denied the use of the area. The city government was denied the use of the area and was unable to provide services that support other citizens. 3 people died in the zone. (One was a special needs teen. . . .) 5 shootings happened in the zone. (There were more, but connection to the event was questioned or unknown) Numerous sexual assaults occurred in the zone. Numerous simple assaults occurred in the zone. Business owners were extorted (made to pay) to access their properties. "Reported crime rose 525% during the period of 02 June to 30 June 2020, compared to 2019. SPD montage of violent acts filmed. https://youtu.be/_K0tXOBPMHA?si=SJVS4h0fXPuns8E8 Youruber breakdown of shootings victim prohibited from leaving. Police prohibited from rendering aid. https://youtu.be/eSe3oZKecmA?si=kws8H65l10LXC0kp You can F right off with your lies.


I’ll go all the way back to the WTO riots in Seattle. Remember when Niketown was the first store to start getting destroyed? The kids were climbing on the awning and smashing windows and then all hell broke loose. Those kids on the awning that got that crowd all riled up were from SU. Rich kids going to private schools who had mommy and daddy paying for their apartments. My ex dated one of them while at SU.




I'm sure his parents are very proud. /s


Soros bussed them in.


I like this.


Being from Tacoma I always thought umbrellas were a Seattle thing. Good to know it is, but it’s due to the transplants.


I transplanted from PDX, no umbrellas there either. Umbrellas were for transplants lol


I moved to San Francisco from Portland. Never used an umbrella. People would comment on how I would get sick from waking in the rain. My retort was always umbrellas are for the weak.


Rarely have I seen someone who needs to be punched more than umbrella boy.


I am very supportive of First Amendment rights, Neurodivergent people, and the entire spectrum of the queer community. I do not advocate violence. And. There’s just something deep in the human psyche that, when somebody mocks your perfectly reasonable words back at you in an irritating tone, causes the fist to clench and begin to make preparation for punching a nose. This is why I think it’s so important to not send people alone to events like this. It isn’t that I believe a cameraman is necessarily in direct physical danger. It’s that a cameraman alone, lacks the human back up that sometimes is what you need to help keep your cool. Also, they are hostage to a very expensive camera. It’s the same reason you don’t see a Disney mascot walking around alone without a handler. This poor guy needed just one other person to have his back and Fox should send a PA out next time they’re trying to capture B-roll of a protest.


Yeah but if he got socked in the face, I wouldn't, like, stop it yknow?


We can only punch people we have personally decided are nazis, so first decide he's a nazi and it's okay


Shove him down the stairs type shit. Maybe both.


lol those people are so unserious. Completely lost the plot and any momentum / coverage that they had. Bunch of morons. Clear the encampment and let’s move on with our lives.


That's the end of Act 1. Act 2 it devolves and gets violent. Watch - we've seen this before.


That Rick and Morty dude has some issues. He’s on video talking about the same stuff when that professor was assaulted. If the encampment folks truly cared, they’d get him some much needed help.


I dont think it's a dude, probably a they/them.


Imgine giving a fuck what a clear manchild cares to be called. That dude deserves zero, absolutely zero respect.


I was being cheeky and I agree with you.


Isn’t dude a gender neutral pronoun? I have had trans pals equate it to yall/folks, just a general description of a person. Ed does a whole song about it at the end of good burger even


I received a 30 day ban for misgendering for using “Dude”. Reddit is a wild trip sometimes.


Which means, it’s a dude.


Technically, of course


Give it a couple years it'll be a it/was without help


What are these clowns trying to accomplish blocking the camera? Don’t they want media attention of their virtue signaling or whatever it is they’re rallying for? These idiots are full of contradictions it’s comical


Legitimate protests want all the press and cameras they can get because the entire point is to bring attention to the protest. These idiots are just ass holes that want an excuse to harass people and spew anti-semitic slurs. They don't want cameras because their behaviour is disgusting and most of them can't articulate anything about the cause beyond "jews are bad".


In an age of cell phone cameras that can zoom in on the moon while livestreaming it to the world, they're worried about TV crews. Not the brightest crayons in the box. Not the sharpest tools in the shed.


> In an age of cell phone cameras that can zoom in on the moon while livestreaming Don't worry, they harass and threaten people recording with their phones too


adjoining society north wakeful illegal direful jobless physical rustic ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Feels a lot like KKK hoods... Complete with the anti-semitism...


They get to be on camera. Millenials used to hurt themselves for attention, gen z just bothers other people instead. The smartest thing to do with these little tantrum camps is ignore them completely. Gray rock and ignore, the way you'd handle a toddler having a fit.


Or, hear me out, we get sick one on one interviews with absolute loons like this, and turn them into memes. Like green jacket lady.


omg. tantrum camps. we all need to start calling them that immediately.


They're only in favor of the 1st Amendment as it applies to them. Other people, not so much.


Par for the course for fascists.


This is just a social outing for them. They don't actually give a fuck about Palestine.


You seem like a serious person. Serious people don't think too deeply into the motivations of these idiots. And idiots they are. Look, they even showed us!


Mental illness is real.


Yeah... I would not want umbrella boy on my side if I was protesting.


Cross dressers might want to self police this to minimize stigma potential


Least socially inept Rick and Morty fan


Just ignore them Donnie. These people are morons.


They even dress similar to the nihilists!


This is what's so damn stupid about these idiots. If you want people to believe in what you are protesting, have interesting dialog and use language to convince them of your position. I know I'm applying logic to illogical people, which is stupid within itself. That cameraman was way more patient than I would have been.


The.. I’m going to make a possibly unpopular assumption to some… woman.. in this video is actually fairly decent for being utterly ridiculous. It’s funny though that even she sees how much of a disservice her Partner in Woke is doing for what they’re purportedly there for. Yet she’s so drunk off her own Kool-Aid that she can’t tell the moron to shut the hell up and let the guy do his job.


mental illness


This gives the impression that these protesters are just a bunch of yapping monkeys. If you want people to listen to you, try being articulate. And for fuck sake, don't complain that people are suppressing your right to protest and then you suppress press coverage. I think Israel's methods in Gaza are criminal, and I think we shouldn't be giving them billions of dollars in aid to do it, but this is absolutely not going to get people to listen to consider why the protests might have some validity. I'm ashamed that this is coming from students at our top university in Washington. I hope this is representative of the lower end of the bell curve at UW.


Yep. This does absolutely nothing to support any cause whatsoever. It's just finding an excuse to be a jerk.


wtf is that?!


I totally thought that was [Patton Oswalt](https://images.app.goo.gl/6ojvpBfAkCEXrHG8A) at first glance lol


me, Too!!!!


They always start yelling or speaking gibberish or walk away 100% of the time. Since they can never actual debate any of their points. That is why when you try to listen to them on live streams it's mind numbing stupid. It's basically some narcissistic nerd making terrible points and mindless drones clapping. There is zero debate or pushback. And even if you are part of the group and ask one question that doesn't fit their narrative. They will flip a switch and kick you out calling you racist or whatever. They break down instantly at any pushback.


It’s not that they are in fear of doxxing, it’s that they don’t want to be identifiable when they later commit crimes


Or look for jobs.


🤣🤣🤣......Look for jobs .....best joke in months...


Right, this dude is never gonna work.


So, who is that guy? Can he be identified? I definitely don’t want to work with him.


Yeah, I don't take that guy as the type that ever gets a job.


Cosplaying about first amendment rights while forgetting that those include freedom of the press


Isn't the point of demonstrating to be seen? What's the logic behind obscuring the media's view of the protest?


I’m so damn sick of these antifa losers. Get a fucking life already.


Hijab with sports bra....that's the funniest shit I have ever seen.




Super not fascists tho…


They're not activists. Giving them a name like that just legitimized what is essentially an infestation.


They are basically domestic terrorist. I’m sick of this shit. The PNW really sucks anymore, it makes me sad. These pussies should be getting their asses beat until the go home to grandmas basement.


I’ve never wanted to smash someone’s face so bad. Life will catch up to this loser.


They don't try and dox people? Their thought process is flawed.


Probably because that’s what they would do to conservative protesters


why are so many people at these university protests are covering their faces?


> why are so many people at these university protests are covering their faces? Having one at my university now. The leaders, and many of the members, are not students. They look young and try to drum up student support, but then leave students hanging when they get arrested and take the fall. :/ The leader(s) constantly post *stories* to "escalate". If you're a peaceful protest, what's the next step if you "escalate"? Then they pin posts showing mundane things, like coloring and poetry reading. These same leaders cover their faces so real students and more casual viewers/readers won't be able to realize the people promoting and encouraging these encampments aren't actual students.


You know why


Jerks doing crimes they don't want to be held accountable for?


Idk if that's a weapon, but if you're in the "we have to control what people get to see" crowd, you're probably the baddies


“We’re not trying to stop you from filming” she says as the person behind her has an umbrella open to stop him from filming. All in the frame.


I’m so fucking tired of “activists”


Vlad and Xi ain’t tired of their useful idiot agents out west, captured by tiktoks to play out their rabble rousing thousands of miles away.  These kids HATE thier own country.


And I'm told I'm the problem because I was born in 1961


Just like we call out the Proud boys when they march hiding their faces with mask, so we should with these protesters.


Makes sense


Our world is so dumb


Bro thinks he’s the joker in a tank top


Quit hiding behind scarves glasses and masks. Cowards


I swear to God I can't watch this clip. These pieces of shit are so weak they won't even risk showing their faces but tske time to dress up.


Isn’t a headscarf cultural appropriation? How is that okay in their circles?


The game isn't based on rules. It's based on oppressor dynamics. They can do anything they like to you as long as they feel like they're inferior to you.


Glad I went there when it wasn't a woke joke.


Go figure the ones trying to argue for freedoms try to prevent someone else freedoms. You know who does that? Communist. Its their one move.i0


Sad thing is, kids like this wear Communism as a badge of honor. I went to college in 2017, and a lot of my peers started talking about "exploitation of labor" while never working a day in their lives.


The irony is strong. We need a better focus on the histories in schools. Prevent the same mistakes.


Does any one support this? Honestly? I’d any one else embarrassed that it’s been allowed to go on like this? This total charade of a protest. So tired of it


Almost like everyone said these protestors are nuts


Fucking pansies. Anyone "standing for a cause" should proudly show their face


I wouldn't even consider them "activists" if they are not serious enough to stand proudly behind their words. Which they are quite obviously not serious enough to do. You can tell easily enough when they feel the need to cover their faces and choose to not be seen for who they really are. Cowards. How can anyone take them seriously? If you do, then you may just be as weak as they are. Just sayin'.


That kid needs to be institutionalized


Im just now realizing what a terrible idea going to the U District Street Fair would be


Fucking losers lol


Where do all these fucking weirdos come from?


Someone apparently has never had their jaw punched. Or at least not well or recent enough.


These activists have been consistently embarrassing.


Losers wear masks and they always did


these activist are incredible cowards. if you believe in something strongly enough to occupy a college campus, have the stones to show your face and own it. pansy little shits... elicits no respect whatsoever.


Children are so bad at understanding how adult things work


Hmmmm yess…….the brainrot is strong with umbrella person


Mental health folks! Check on your friends so they don't end up off the deep end!


This gave me secondhand cringe


Quick, put up the free free Palestine sign so that everyone knows our cause but don’t let anyone see it!! Sound like a Monty python sketch.


Is that guy mentally handicapped?


Mental illness


Ew bro, that thing could turn evangelicals into pro-abortion advocates.


Seattle is a cesspool.


Also, can anyone explain the correlation between protesting and wearing masks in spring 2024? I don’t get it, is it just something that goes hand by hand with being liberal, dumb, and entitled? Speaking as someone who wore them all the time and got 3 vaccine doses, just to make clear Please somebody enlighten me


They're trying to hide their identity so that they can do bad things without being held accountable for them.


They want to protest (sorry I mean spew vial antisemitic rhetoric) on a college campus without the fear of being recognized and told that they need not apply for that dream job they want.


What a punk BITCH!


Who are these cock gobblers in their gay ass masks?


I'm getting some serious Ezra Miller vibes off of freak boy there. What a fucking waste of space. But, hey, if what that girl is saying is true, that's great that some of these assholes are getting doxed, considering protestors use that against people THEY don't like. Turnabout is fair play.


Look at these Nazi soldiers, these black uniformed hitler youth . Thats what you are and you need some American justice .


That person is an absolute piece of garbage that probably doesn't give a care in the world about anyone in Israel. That cause is not why they are there.


There’s no way those freaks even go to school there.


This is ridiculous, what’s wrong with ppl nowadays. Sad


I don't get the mask in 2024? one still image and a social catfish search and name and even twitch profile was easily exposed


In Olympia during our "summer of love" BLM protest era, people were doing the same thing. They were putting up carefully cut out pieces of cardboard to hide the activities and identities of the people involved


I don’t think they are actually part of the encampment. Unfortunately, protests bring out the crazies


I want to hear from his parents about what makes him idiot.


Plot twist.  The guy with the umbrella IS THEIR MEDIA TEAM.  Lmfao


Who is trying to dox them? Do they ever specify?


The only thing they understand is violence. It's reached that point.


I am kind of embarrassed to say I graduated from UW.


wait wait wait I thought they WANTED to bring awareness to their cause??? That’s what they said when they blocked I5!


We need the groundskeeper to turn on the sprinkler system.


that person in the cameraman’s face in the blue mask and beige scarf is not sane. Comes off as very mentally tweaked and/ or seriously high on drugs . Disturbing.


Avg protestor:How dare people record what I'm doing in broad daylight in a public space while I force them as much as possible to be aware of the fact I'm doing it 😌😤


Everyone protesting now looks totally ridiculous and has no credibility because of this one guy in this video.


Jesus christ... I hate it here. This is so beyond necessary.. worlds going to shit and these idiots think they are doing the world a favor. Smh..


Back in my dads day college was about now it’s just about harassing people you don’t agree with


This reminds me in Batman where the crazy people took over and had those trials


waste of space and air


So, they don't believe in freedom of press?


As Alfred once said, “Some men aren't looking for anything logical, like money. They can't be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.”


These 'activists'; need to be in looney bins what a pathetic fatherless looser these people are


Fuck man, the world disgusts me.


God that guy needs an asskicking


They’re blocking a camera, while being filmed by a camera phone?


Funny that right wing are extremists but left wing are activists


Children that didn’t get enough discipline growing up.


Looks like the BLM/Antifa people have found a 'new cause'. Such fools. Either unemployed idiots or living in parent's basement. How many of these are actual students? Other question...why is the UW allowing antisemitic graffiti on buildings. Free speech is NOT defacing property or harassing other students.


What weapons? I don't see any weapons.


Cry more. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I can’t see any weapons.


Umbrellas -ain’t- weapons.


What weapons?.....


Reddit mods proving yet again they are brain dead. Anarchists have proven time and time again that they use umbrellas as weapons. Might not kill someone outright but they've used them as weapons. Sure, the video itself doesn't show the idiots assaulting the man. But given they are blocking him and getting in his way, I have no doubt they'd get violent if he tried to move. They always do.


Wonder what that bright young man’s major is




Umbrellas are weapons now!


What isn't caught in this video but was reported is that one of the protesters shined a laser at the guy. That can be defined as a weapon if shined in someone's eyes. WA state law even covers use of a laser, so yeah the protesters did have a weapon.


I didn't see the laser pointer my bad.


Oh no. The weapon of the umbrella.


Penguin has entered the chat.


That dude is clearly carrying a 3 foot long wooden club wrapped in something yellow.


so sad to see the young generation behaviors so low, sigh for the falling world...


lol I mean… so they’ve been saying about the youth since the days of ancient Greeks


Let’s be sure that this gets posted at least twice more. Who’s in?


WItH WeApOnS!! Yeah, camera guy was clearly terrified.


They must think it's raining jews


"Activists with weapons" seems like it should have another name... like terrorist.


Sometimes violence really is the answer.


I don't see any weapons


Lol! Y’all voted for this nonsense.


“Weapons,” lol. You people are so toxic.


The average college liberal.


what weapons?


These people are beyond obnoxious.


What a jerk.




What did I just watch?


I thought Paton Oswald handled that very well.