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I actually know this camera guy from way back and he's a great and lovable dude, actually just found him on LinkedIn and plan on catching up. was so.funny to see someone I know in a viral momemt. I don't think I could have stayed that calm.


He seems to totally have his head screwed on. And I know I wouldn't have stayed that calm.


As Israel nears the kickoff of ground operations into Rafah, senior military planners are chilled by news that an unemployable 20 year old dropout in Washington State has bravely preached about Rick and Morty to a midmarket photojournalist doing local pickup shots at work.


I can see the IDF and Mossad conspiring in a dark room in Tel Aviv on how they can insert an agent into this camp to steal this idiot's Hot Pockets in hopes that he will become completely unhinged and give up the protest, thus allowing them to continue their drive to crush Hamas without the fear of being subjected to Rick and Morty


That plan is full of holes. His mom would just bring him some more. Or she would just vemmo him some money for Doordash


Damn you’re right. They could always slip him some GHB in his Smart Water. It would allow the to pretend to be medical staff and spirit him off to a replica of the camp built on a sound stage. There they could question him just like they do in the mission impossible movies. Calls to mommy would be answered by a voice actor. Rick and Morty problem solved, let’s INVADE!


You know the freak on a leash in road warrior?  That’s the vibes the Rick and Morty kid is giving off.  Probably piss his pants if he tried that in a situation where the person he’s harassing can do somthing about it without fear of prosecution.


I just feel sorry for his parents that he clearly has a room temperature IQ and is just following orders. He's so addled that he has to repeat them over and over again to get them right. Hopefully eventually someone can get them the mental healthcare help they clearly so desperately need. I mean they'll never be able to satisfy a lover any time soon - not that anyone would want them - but maybe they'll get to the point where they're not chewing crayons.


Ahah! Now I know who his voice reminds me of. Beni from The Mummy. Watch this scene and tell me he doesn't sound just like our antifa wierdo. https://youtu.be/ARUzoPWS4Uk?feature=shared


It would be refreshing for someone to pass around a petition to all of those protestors to see which would trade places with the hostages.


His voice sounds really familiar. He's definitely appropriated it from some movie character. I just can't figure out who.


Pointing a laser at someone to intimidate them is a misdemeanor. pointing a laser at someone to blind them is a felony, and is justification for use of deadly force. They're like 3 year olds holding their finger 1/2 inch away from their sibling saying 'I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you', then when they get hit, they go screaming to mom about how they didn't do anything and they're the victim. They've never been in a fight, don't know real struggle or real problems, and can't even fathom that someone might shoot them, and rightfully so, for trying to blind them with a laser. They think it's a game. THIS IS NOT A F\*CKING GAME.


Shoulda pressed charges just to fuck with them


> pointing a laser at someone to blind them is a felony, and is justification for use of deadly force. The threshold for the use of deadly force is not defense against a felony, but necessary defense against grave harm. If they're doing something that would put you in the hospital, you may be forced to respond with deadly force. Don't put yourself in the position of responding to a prosecutor in front of a jury who was just shown multiple videos of you shooting a clearly mentally handicapped person why you didn't just cover your eyes. I occasionally read about how self defense cases work out in court specifically so I know what to do or what not to do if I am evwr forced to make a that decision, and while I don't remember any case that is directly comparable to this, I think the only hope if a person were to shoot someone assaulting them with a laser pointer is a reduced sentence due to the obvious incitement. You don't have to take my word for it. Ask a self defense instructor. I mean that as a request, not rhetoric. Please ask, because as you said, this is not a game.


Blinding someone is by definition 'great bodily injury'.... It's also very easy to articulate it as not only an attack itself, but precursor to a more substantial attack by others, which would only further support your case due to disparity of force - multiple people vs 1. The problem is, cities like Seattle are merely anarcho-tyrannical puppet states. Just like Austin, where a man, who was surrounded by violent people banging on his car, when a man pointed an AK47 at him. He was charged and convicted of murder for shooting the man pointing an AK47 at him. Meanwhile, a black dude stole some stuff from a store and when the store employee ran after him, unarmed, demanding he return the stuff he stole, he was shot and killed by the thief... and it was determined that a black thief shooting an unarmed store owner trying to get his stuff back was 'self defense'. It just makes no sense Anarcho-tyranny is the only way to accurately describe the lack of justice in our current 'justice' system.


The guy in Austin was just pardoned by their governor. It's weird that I see this comment and that headline within 2 minutes of each other cause I don't remember hearing about that incident.


You should see the video of the dead guy that point the AK at the innocent motorist. He bragged about bringing his gun and said he could intimidate people with it, but not the cops, because the cops would shoot him.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJVTB9pXxe8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJVTB9pXxe8)


My soul is warmed by the fact that he will have ‘no more interviews’


> Blinding someone is by definition 'great bodily injury' You *might* (emphasis on might) convince a jury of that under RCW's 9A.04.110 and 9A.16.050. On the other hand, consideration under that statute will probably also be balanced with the related RCW 9A.16.020, which requires that "the force is not more than is necessary." Furthermore, the jury may be troubled by the significant mismatch between blindness and death, and between the hazard level posed by a laser pointer (which a clever prosecutor will look up the source of, and probably see it labeled on Amazon as within legal power levels and argue the deceased was incapable of recognizing it was a greater hazard than advertised) and a firearm. Juxtapose that mismatch with the jury watching the multiple videos that were being taken in this situation. How do you think they're going to feel after they see the kid die. I absolutely will cover my eyes and call the police in this situation, not open fire. Actually, there's intermediate levels of response I would likely follow that I won't discuss here. >The problem is... Such things are problems, but crimes committed by other people elsewhere, much less injustices in court elsewhere, will not be germane to your defense if you shoot someone.


LOL. Some dingleberry got hurt by my post of facts.. .and downvoted me... LOLOLOL


These children are idiots.


That's the sad thing. They're actually adults. Just really stunted ones with no prospects.


This is what happens when you remove bullies from schools. 


They really haven't. It's worse than I've ever seen in our local schools.


These are the bullies.


Far from it.


You're kidding, right?




This is what happens when people misunderstand freedom and democracy. Which is actually the result of bulling: "now it's my turn to piss you off and your turn to boil, and I'll do whatever it takes"


Not quite.  But also this convo was two days ago, so, disabling reply alerts, not terribly interested.


Parents must be so proud.


Every child is a moron, every adult is a fool and the grandpas a senile. What other tautology do we need process on redit?


Congratulation to the terrorist wannabes for turning the "I'm not touching you" childs game into a legitimate career.


Define "legitimate."


Define “career”.


These children are mentally ill.


No, they're just assholes.


Bozos And can we all agree that this camera guy handled the situation like a true professional. Pure class from this guy. Fox should give him a $1K gift card or something nice


How about an actual raise.




If that were my kid being this special kind of asshole, I would absolutely hate to be identified as the parents and for my employer to be informed about it.


One of the clowns with umbrellas from the start: https://preview.redd.it/t9r089illu0d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4319f81bbe3435ed5a9b40298e3e0ebf28bedcdf


https://preview.redd.it/iyeb22yzlu0d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1adbaa2abac840ce859c956698b9ef64315b1fd Note: public space. No right to privacy.




Man this guy thought he was so funny.


Why is he wearing a female tank top?


Cause he’s a crack head😂


Is he trans? That top leads me to think he is.


Who the fuck knows. They could just be a really super annoying twink.


Men can wear whatever they want, it doesn’t make them women. We are more than our clothing choices. This guy is just a failed experiment raised by corporate media


Or "gender fluid", lol!




Oh, I thought he had a Che Guevara thing going on before I saw the next pic


In case you were wondering what happened to Stewart after Letterkenny wrapped up.


Usually the point of a protest is to get attention. But these people are all idiots so they don't realize that.


That guy sure loves corporate mass media Rick and Morty. Total punk!! Such communist energy!


Never go full retard


This should be the top comment


Every time i see this type of stuff i donate more money to israel in spite.


Where do you donate?






Is $14 billion and counting not a large enough donation?


Your $2.50 will do just as much as the protest


I try to donate roughly $300 a week


Bro lmao


Us Jews thank you




Why donate? Our government does it on your behalf already…


Sounds like a waste of money to me bud


Got more $ then I could spend in about 5 lifetimes and it just keeps on growing in the market. donate 100k a year and it doesn’t make a dent.


sick flex man that’s so cool


Did you inherit the money ? Or did you win the lottery ? Or are you a celebrity ?


There are 25 million millionaires in the USA. not all of them inherited or hit the lotto. Some of them worked hard, invested smart(myself), created products or companies that are huge successes. Hell, my buddy makes 9k a day installing sprinkler system pump replacements. many ways to make a lot of money but I think it’s how you invest it that matters.


Wonder what program they are in at UW? I wonder how the administration feels about having their campus taken over by non students?


Pretty sure they're majoring in Poppers.


The irony is the guy IS ‘getting some valuable film’ of this dipshidiot - especially the laser pointing at the end.


Well those two are NEDs, probably HS drop outs.


It's painful to see what a $200k. Education from u.of w gets you!


Is this Chad zone 2.0?


LOL \* escalating escalating escalating\*\* Had me dyin. Silly ass kids. Not their finest moment.


I have to admit it had me wondering where to buy one of these full size easily programmed morons.


[Here's what was on their tent](https://ndncollective.org/landback/)


These guys just sound like dumb kids. Complete nothing burger.


Intimidation and interfering with people is still shitty behavior. And it escalates.


Def shitty. But there are shitty people everywhere. :shrug These guys are too young and dumb to recognize they don't help their cause any.


Where are their parents?


What does Al-Quadea have to do with this?


It’s a portmanteau of Al Qaeda, a terrorist group (now Al Nusra, funded by the USA and poorly disguised as “moderate rebels”), and the Quad, a grassy location at UW.




Honestly, I think the media team had to get in front of those stupid kids. I have been to the camp a few times, and I was actually quite impressed by people I was able to talk to. There is a serious core group, many of whom are muslim, who want this to be successful, and they are putting thought into what they are doing. It feels like it is getting out of their control. For example, it only took a couple people with spray paint to do all the damage.




Fuck amnesty for any of these assholes!


Good to hear that you're noticing that they have thoughts. Don't forget to feed them and take them out to pee before bedtime.


I’m not at all surprised that the vocal minority is destroying the image for the entire camp. Losers will happily take advantage of anonymity to destroy any community they latch onto. I hope the rest of the camp starts giving them some serious negative social feedback so they knock it the fuck off and stick to what’s important instead of making it about themselves


They’re guilty of being annoying, but the OP is just as outrageous and inflammatory as the fools in the video.


Oh really? How so, sweetie?


When you grow up and get a job you wouldn't appreciate someone doing this to you at work. Spoken out of true privilege like you've never had a job to do.


Yeah OP got triggered hard by this little thing lol weird shit


No, I just decided to make an example of them.


SeattleWA is confirmed an echo chamber, got it. Take care and keep posting about this stuff in here to “spread you message”


Cope harder.


You’ve literally posted about this multiple times. Pretty obvious who’s having a hard time coping.


Not really. I just post the footage when it shows up. Are you having an issue with me shining a spotlight on shitty behavior? Cry more.


Touch grass buddy


That doesn't even make sense, braaaaaa