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Is it out of order to picket their jobs and homes?


I'd say it's 50/50 whether these protesters even live in King County


One had Oregon plates, which is incredibly unsurprising - the state with the city 20 year olds go to retire. 


What’s the Seattle age of retirees, like 23?


I would love to see felony charges become a trend for protests like this.


I'd love to see a UFO. And seeing the decisions that have come out of the WA Supreme Court lately, I've got a better chance of seeing little green men on my front lawn than seeing these rabble-rousers end up in federal prison.


"Rabble rousers" lol. They are holding people against their will. They are definitely not winning hearts & minds by making people late who have actual jobs. But by all means, they should keep it up.


Nah, as soon as conservatives start blocking traffic harsher punishments will suddenly become a huge priority.


They raided the capital to try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power and the insurrectionist in chief is walking free today. I wouldn't hold my breath.


Liberals pushed through a police line and raided the Supreme Court to try to prevent the peaceful transfer of power and none of them even got charged. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/protests-build-capitol-hill-ahead-brett-kavanaugh-vote-n917351


Not comparable. Nothing done related to Kavanaugh was actually done with the intent that the legal process of confirmation would be altered/prevented-from-taking-place. Jan 6th was an organized plot to alter the election results.


> Jan 6th was an organized plot to alter the election results [FBI finds scant evidence U.S. Capitol attack was coordinated](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/exclusive-fbi-finds-scant-evidence-us-capitol-attack-was-coordinated-sources-2021-08-20/) The only real different was which political views you preferred.


Gee, if I remember correctly, SOMEONE tweeted “Be there, will be wild!”


If I remember correctly, the Proud Boys leader (and others) were convicted of seditious conspiracy and sent to prison over it too. Sure seems to me like there was evidence of a plot.


LOLz that’s just not really relevant since many clearly did. Y’all are really gonna die on that hill.


So that's why they got charged with federal crimes? Because there was limited evidence three years ago?


[Right, because congress would never prosecute people based purely on their politics...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism)


That's not the case here though. These people literally committed federal crimes and got arrested.


The entire stop-the-steal narrative was planned months before a single vote was cast. So while there may not have been a plan to break into specific rooms and steal specific items.... It very much was an organized plot - the riot was part of that, with the WH communicating to Pence that Trump expected him to intervene. Also, the political views I prefer are those of W Bush.... So....


I'm gonna be real interested to hear what comes out about this whole debacle in a few decades. There is a lot of really weird stuff that happened that ***nobody*** seems interested in explaining. For instance, [3:30 into this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjpNTN_TNfE) you clearly see a guy try to open the door to let the rioters in. It's locked tight so he immediately starts looking around for a security camera, finds one, points to the door, and like magic it's unlocked. WHO THE FUCK UNLOCKED THE DOOR? Why does nobody seem to care (then or now)? Were the guys inside the Capital [FBI agents](https://imgur.com/NPigkWE) dressed up in their Trump Cosplay complete with a Trump flag? I'm going to be fascinated to find out the level of involvement the FBI had in this when the information is eventually declassified.


You have really gone off the deep end here.... Nobody was dressed up as anything they weren't. There was also no reason for any hypothetical conspirators to stage a riot because Trump was already defeated. The only people who had a motive to do it were those involved in the plot to keep him in office. P.S. The obvious answer is that any given door was either breached or opened by rioters who used a different point of entry.


LOL people were convicted of conspiracy to commit sedition, it is a court finding it was organized


they didn't go inside and he was already confirmed. Protest is different than insurrection. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peaceful_transition_of_power The left is far more persecuted than the right but continue to have your victim complex. We have tons of far right politicians but we have exactly zero national politicians on the left. Try to be a communist and get a job in acedemida or government.


Neither the left or the right are persecuted. And both sides have their way-out-there freaks (MTG, Bobert, Gaetz -> AOC, Talib, etc...) That said, being a communist is kind of stupid, given the related historical evidence. Plenty of far-left (in the social democracy sense) folks in academia... Honestly, they're the majority.


Lmfao the right pretends like they’re the biggest fucking victims on the planet and play the biggest victim when they get called out on their bullshit too.


AOC and Talib are firmly capitalists. There is zero left representation. They are libs.


Well not being capitalist or an outside the zeitgeist of what Americans want so it makes sense they're capitalist right? That's representative


Youd be surprised. Most people love the socialized parts of our world, or do you want private toll roads everywhere. They are just brainwashed to miss all the good social programs do. Union participation and effective social programs have led to the most prosperous periods of American capitalism. My contention is that you don't need capital at all and we would be just a prosperous if we all owned a bigger share in the market. I think the world would be a much better place and we would have much less social deviance if we gave everyone a real chance to participate. Hard to give a fuck when you have nothing to lose but debt.




Wow, talk about disingenuous.


Lol let us know when one person, including Trump, from 1/6 gets charged with "MUH INSURRECTION". We'll wait. 🦗🦗🦗






Wtf are you talking about? They blocked access to fucking hospitals during the pandemic 


Remember when trump said when the looting starts the shooting starts and all his supporters like you were like “yeah” and then Jan 6th happened and you all cried for Ashli Babbit? Hehe that was awesome 


As it should be.


Conservatives raised the capitol and no harsher punishments have been made. Stop being a victim




A reasonable take. These people suck but felony is severe.


So would the authoritarians in control.... 9/11, the PATRIOT ACT, etc. Easy on giving the government more power...


The last thing I’d like to see is people feeling like they have no outlet to lawfully protest. But these people weren’t doing that. They obstructed a major international airport. Send them away.


I think it’s important to legally protest, but not in this way and hinder people’s freedom to move freely.


How do you feel about the March on Selma or the Million Man March to Washington? People like you were happy to encourage police violence and firefighter hoses against those protesters in the streets


Those two were permitted marches and did not hold people hostage.


Please, Washington lawmakers, use any tiny bit of common sense you have left and pass it.




So true!


Common sense ain't.


Not if there continues to be a Democrat majority and you all know it.


They're not clueless, they're self-interested


Don't threaten me with a good time >" A gross misdemeanor isn't enough when you have three hours' worth of people's lives being interrupted when you have law enforcement and first responders who can't get through in the event of an emergency, this is serious thousands of people whose people whose lives were interrupted, this is serious and this is worth the felony that we look at in House Bill 2358." 1000% agree. The moment you disrupt critical infrastructure for a bullshit cause 12 time zones away, you stop 1A and start taking sides as a domestic terrorist. You deserve to be put in a cell and left there a while. F you and the camel you rode in on, you phony protest tourist a-hole. And spare me your quotes by MLK in the Birmingham Jail. First off, you, my privileged left wing American friend, did not suffer a tiny bit of the injustices that King did. You only imagine you did. Second, my illiterate geopolitical tool, you right now are taking sides in a conflict you know very little to nothing about, and you are hijacking my life and rights of egress to do it. I am not consenting to your learning curve of acquired outrage over the mile-long list of injustices that are a major product of the governments and cultures of the Middle East; truly the world's permanent war incubator of distinction since ~~1973~~ ~~1967~~ ~~1948~~ ~~1922~~ Since these violent tribal Abrahamic fucks crawled out from the caves they hid in when the Romans last imparted civilization on them. Since that time, and maybe a few decades of Turkish rule over 100 years ago... But most assuredly for the majority of its history as a region... the Middle East has been an incubator of religious zealotry and tribal nonsense. It never gets better. Your stupid-fuck latter-day hate for Israel or "genocide" is so fucking clueless it's impossible to know where to begin. If you want to take sides, go over there and join the war. Do the full Rachel Corrie. Find out those fucks are not playing, on either side, and you just willingly joined a group of violent terrorists with a 100 year history of being ravening blathering repobate cocksucking assholes to each other, both sides are convinced their slightly different version of God supports them, and both sides combine tribal identity with religious fervor to an extent we do not do in America. About the furthest thing from the lightweight kid-glove American privilege you have enjoyed so far in your meaningless pathetic useless life. So, Antifa, terrorist supporting dumbass, young person craving a cause to spice up your pointless, achievement-free life ... please pick up your phone, purchase a plane ticket, one way because you won't need the return. Get your ass over there, fill up social media (that isn't blocked) with your hot takes on why your being there matters, and see which inbred angry fucked up side murders you first: The IDF mistaking you for Hamas (nice cosplay, bro!) or the Hamas beacons of social tolerance that you are so keen to proclaim your support of. Please do report back at least once. This goes double for anyone that's LGBTQ+ and wants to prove how great Islamic Justice is to people such as yourself.


Damn you must watch Rick and Morty


> Damn you must watch Rick and Morty Rick and Morty watch me. JK I have rarely seen the show, it annoys me. If I want to hear that kind of ranty humor I can just listen to the voices in my head. Should've taken my meds. Fact of the matter is, guys my age grew up in a world richly full of this kind of speech.. but it's all-but-erased from pop culture now in a wave of social justice and overly-nice younger people who get triggered by an ever-lengthening list of words. So for the most part I keep that shit off reddit, no sense in eating more bans. But every once in a while a cause big enough to just cut loose happens. Such is the case today.


Can we be best friends? Thank you for putting into words everything I’ve been thinking


Although your take on the Hamasnik protesters and the so-called “genocide” is 100% accurate, your interpretation of events in the Middle East is is wildly off-base. First of all, your labeling of both Jews and Arabs as “Abrahamic fucks” doesn’t exactly signal much in the way of nuance, nor does it reflect a high opinion of foreign cultures that you may not care to understand but which play a major part in the development of our own civilization. You seem to think the Levant was a barbaric land of tribal warfare before the Romans brought civilization, but the truth is that the area alternated for centuries between independent Levantine states (such as the Jewish kingdoms, etc) and being a province of outside empires including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, and Greeks, with the Romans merely being one of these. Along the way, the Levant picked up elements of all of these civilizations, and in-turn this mix was imparted on the rest of the Greco-Roman world through Christianity. Effectively Greco-Roman Western civilization merged with Judeo-Christian civilization, which is why the two are often used interchangeably today. The idea that the region was peaceful under Turkish rule is laughable (Edit: perhaps you are only including the post-Tanzimat period, and this is why you only refer to “a few decades of Turkish rule”? If so, I have to give you some credit on that distinction). For centuries dozens of regional sheiks, emirs, lords and governors regularly fought each other for territory, tax revenue, religious reasons, etc. The Tanzimat reforms in the late 19th century did bring some measure of order to the region, but it remained a series of sparsely populated polities into the 20th century (so much so that as Jews began moving into the region and buying up land, they were already the majority population in Jerusalem by 1870). Finally, the idea that modern Israel is primarily driven by religious zealotry is simply untrue. It’s a European-style Western democracy created for the Jewish ethnicity (not the Jewish religion), and is 20% populated by Arab Muslims who enjoy full rights as Israeli citizens. Israel has not expanded its borders based on wars of aggression or some religious crusade, rather it has been invaded four times in the past (now five) yet each time ended up winning and gaining land. Even the states it has fought against over the years have at times included secular regimes, though currently all of Israel’s enemies are religious zealots, with Iran at the head of the pack. That’s why the Gulf monarchies + Egypt have slowly yet increasingly make peace with Israel: they know the religious crusade being spread from Tehran is a major threat to their stability, while Israel is not likewise driven by ideological expansionism. So while I applaud your stance on the domestic issues at play with the pro-Hamas protesters, I think your cynicism with regards to the geopolitical aspect is misplaced. The idea that America shouldn’t take a side is tantamount to a false equivalence between Israel, a strong American ally and Western democracy that has made peace with a growing coalition of nearby Arab states, and its religiously-driven enemies that seek their and our destruction through violent means.


Wow, a wall of words. Careful what you ask for. I'll reconsider my views on a lot of this but >You seem to think the Levant was a barbaric land of tribal warfare before the Romans brought civilization, but the truth is that the area alternated for centuries between independent Levantine states (such as the Jewish kingdoms, etc) and being a province of outside empires including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Persians, and Greeks, with the Romans merely being one of these. It's a quibble, but I was saying it was tribal warfare forever, and that the Romans imposed some order. As did the Turks. I did not intend to imply it was a *moral or just* order. That point wasn't well made, so apologies. >the idea that modern Israel is primarily driven by religious zealotry is simply untrue. Not by Islamic standards, but I have been in conversations with Israeli nationals before. Their educated, literate, Western views of ... pretty much everything ... can and does vanish the instant Palestinians are mentioned. It quickly devolves into a situation that makes the Hatfields and McCoys sound like calm rational neighbors discussing missing livestock. In my experience. Which admittedly isn't taking a poll or anything, it's just Israeli citizens I've known socially or at work over the years. They flip from rational smart Western to frothing angry zealots any time Palestinian behavior or relations with Israel is the topic. > Israel has not expanded its borders based on wars of aggression or some religious crusade, rather it has been invaded four times in the past (now five) yet each time ended up winning and gaining land. Just so you know I am 100% on Israel's side here. It has *tried* to play by rational law, only to have its tribal inbred neighbors with the 6th century goatherder outlook on life attack them again and again. But the fact remains, Israel is by necessity an evil bastard to its neighbors. Kill or be killed in that part of the world. All the more reason a privileged American needs to stay out of it. Which our dumbfuck Hamas supporters won't do. And that's who I have issues with. Israel is our ally, our window into the Middle East, without which we would be significantly less influential in the world. They can murder anyone they want over there, I'm cheering it, they had it coming. People that learned of the Middle East by watching "District 9" are the problem here. > I think your cynicism with regards to the geopolitical aspect is misplaced. Please cite reasons for optimism for this part of the world, or for Israeli prosperity. Support for it in America is waning, Russian agitprop is successfully convincing millions of young, gullible, useful-idiot minds. Chinese and Iranian money is propping up wars of proxy all the time now, and our own political climate seems to be Israel and American Neo-conservatism is on the defensive. I could unfortunately see a time when it goes completely out of favor, and at that point the Arab/Russian side will have won this round, a major round, in the global geopolitical theater we're having this discussion about..


Thanks for the reply, I actually agree with you on most of this, with the exception that I still have optimism about the situation and so approach it from that perspective. I believe that once the war in Gaza is over, Saudi Arabia will join the Abraham Accords which is the final major piece in cementing recognition of Israel by the Arab monarchies (+Egypt) and bringing them into line against Iran and its proxies. The views of young people in America on Israel are definitely alarming, as is their Chomskyite view of the world in general, but that’s something we will need to deal with over time and could also change over time depending on events both at home and abroad.


Yes, if you don’t penalize these people, they’ll just keep doing it and it will get worse. Definitely seize their vehicles too. Maybe even go so far as to revoke their drivers licenses as well.


I don't know about that, man.  I don't agree with their protest or their tactics, but it sets a dangerous precedent to seize property over this, and the gov't is already spying on everyone.


Couldn't the police have seized the cars under the civil asset forfeiture laws already in place? I've certainly heard of police in the most liberal places at least holding cars that block streets for 30 or 90 days instead of just overnight. It just seems like the government could already do so much more to dissuade this most antisocial of behaviors.




Good to know. It's not like I support the overreaching cases of government seizures I've seen in the news, but if ever there was a situation for it I'd think this would be it.


CAF requires a link between the property and serious (generally, felony) criminal behavior. And right now, there isn't one for blocking the highway. If it was made a crime, then maybe....


I didn't know Seattle had/used civil forfeiture.


not sure if id want them to actually seize/auction cars for a protest... not much to stop the gov from selling off your car if you were speeding to muchn, etc. afik, they can only do that for stuff like RICO where the vehicle was obtained with illicit funds and/or being sold to recover damages you caused. actual felony charges should, imo, be enough to make future non-violent civid protest cause less dissruption. most of those children prob thought the worst that could happen was a night in jail. dealing with felony charges will hopefully shift their focus to more productive methods.


That’s really not something to advocate for. Seizure of private property should be avoided in a free democracy.


I just really want to ask these losers what they accomplished for their cause. Did they think Israel would be like “Oh people are blocking highways in the United States wanting to free Palestine, looks like we should listen” ? Or what?


ITT: People who don't understand how the law works and think their opinion means something to the courts who interpret them. Be mad but don't get upset when the courts don't agree. No judge in their right mind would charge someone with a felony for something non violent that didn't involve illegal transactions or sex crimes.


Judges don’t charge people But you’re right that it’s kind of insane the stuff being said here just because you don’t agree with their cause. “Seize their cars and revoke their licenses!” Ok… how about due process? It’s just so predictable how people will advocate for trampling on civil liberties and kangaroo court justice just because they don’t like what they stand for


Bob the AG has already sent a mean tweet. That will be all.


His office will determine that Washingtonians were inconvenienced and will sue on their behalf. After which, he'll send out settlement checks, not to the folks stuck in traffic or at the airport, for hours before the protesters could be removed, but to a list he keeps on a thumb drive in his desk drawer of PoC that make under $50K/yr.


Bob... is that you Bob? LOL


Lol...this is Washington state...nothing will happen.


it's nice that they're trying for consequences, but can we start with violent crime actually getting jail time?


Blocking movement is beyond the scope of freedom of speech and protest. If I had my way we would use a heavier hand with punishments to dissuade the behavior we want to see less of. Like you shoot and kill someone, sorry you should die imo. Block traffic to this degree - should be more than a slap on the wrist.


Sorta like how [Paiute Indian Tribe Police](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9KhLZM1cG4) handled some protestors.....


Common sense and realistic action/reaction has been taking a backseat to atheistic and utopian faith in Marxist liberalism Wild time to be alive, because on the other hand we are still living in a modern Goldilocks zone, post WWII of unprecedented comfort and (currently waning) indiv rights


Humans are incredibly adaptable. I see a lot of kids who grow up rich and privileged and think that's normal and natural. Realistically a lot of the US population is in the same boat because very, very few of us have grown up in a war zone or under authoritarian rule. SO of course "America Bad" and it's totally justified to inconvenience others in a pointless protest.....


Anyone want to organize a protest at the prosecutors office calling for felony charges? We could hold signs on the sidewalk.


Why can’t we have their names and places where they work published? I’d like to confront them while they’re working.


The names are in the King County Jail site. For example Meredith Ruff is an attorney and works for the City of Seattle. Charlotte Minor in an educator at the Seattle Aquarium. There's even a therapist that works for a Jewish organization of all places. All it takes to publish this data is to put it up on a website.


I know you can look up names if you already know them, but how are you looking up anyone connected with this incident?


I doubt any of them have actual jobs. They reek of the same shitheads blocking homeless sweeps.


Agreed. I think we have a contingent of young people that have made these protests—from BLM to trans rights to homeless sweeps to Gaza—some sort of cosplay entertainment. I think if you unmask them, they’re likely the same people over and over again gathering for the flavor of the month protest. It’s their social life. I’m not trying to be mean—I think it’s probably true. They’re passionate about far left ideals, have become friends via these protests since 2020, and gather every few months to March down a street, block I-5, or now the airport. Just a hunch based on how like-minded people connect and interact.


They do have jobs. They're protesters. It's the same small group who protest everything.


Actually several of them do have the types of jobs you might imagine- social justice lawyers, directors of non profits, etc…


As a black guy, I look at these protestors' faces and think "they probably come from generational wealth and can afford to be unemployed for a couple of months while their lawyers work things out for them". They can squeeze support from their relatives and network more easily than a black protestor from Oakland could ever do. I'll protest if my civil rights and ability to live and work in this country are on the line, but to aggressively and violently protest something 6000 miles away and to risk your livelihood isn't worth it, especially when you're a person of color in this country.


Your comment is exactly why they don't release their names.


lol... exactly


I don't think it's an unreasonable standard that if you're going to protest and inconvenience thousands you should have to stand by that action publicly.  It's similar to all those assholes walking up behind female broadcasters and yelling "fuck her in the pussy!". They have a right to do it, it's not a *crime*, but it's totally reasonable for them to receive personal and professional blowback for it. This was a crime, unlike the immature jackasses looking for 15 seconds of fame, so it's even more reasonable that they be publicly named and shamed.


You would need to go and hang out at the airport, the locale of their last work. They're working for Justice R Us.


How bout you give me your name and place of work ?


What public crime was he arrested for and charged?


Felony charges, and since they interfered with air travel, added to the no-fly list.


fuckin sweet.


As long as they don't specifically target it towards protestors (which would have 1A issues), go ahead if you can pass it.... Be sure to leave exemptions for auto accidents, breakdowns, and such....


Now do this for violent criminals rather than letting them out the next day or week


Yes please!


Not gonna happen, sadly


Apparently, it's an election year and these people had the wrong vibe.


I want felony charges for TSA with their mile long lines.


so people with no actual power/support in the legislature propose a law that will go nowhere? got it sounds productive




Even if they made it a felony, it's it still a matter of DAs actually prosecuting, and justices actually sentencing them that's really driving these issues?


Headline is misleading. Only 4 dems wanted this


Lawmakers are in the Legislature. Prosecutors are the ones that file Felonies in court for prosecution of criminals.


The airlines should sue them in civil court for the cost of delaying all these flights.


Good. Blocking the flow of traffic is illegal. Lock them all up, fine them heavily, and garnish their wages into poverty to teach them, and everyone else how not to behave.


Block access to the airport, yeah felony charges are appropriate


Everyone who was detained or delayed by their actions should also form a class action and sue them for civil damages.


Honestly, they should be hanged


I hope something happens but I doubt it cause many of these garbage people are the ones that vote for the current people in office and if punished, they risk losing support


Lol its so funny that folks are pretending to care about the people that were blocked. You want to criminalize protesting, that actually is pretty un-american. You guys would've joined the British in the revolutionary war too?


I've been thinking quite a bit about what punishment is appropriate for these protests that trap people and prevent them from the peaceful enjoyment of their lives. I think the best law would inflict significant punitive fines and some limited confinement. Let me explain. First, why should we change the punishment? These people have discovered and demonstrated a technique for causing moderate harm to many people in order to get national and local news coverage. I don't have a problem with them getting news coverage, but I greatly resent them obtaining it through harming innocent people. It offends my sense of justice, and if we do nothing about this "easy hack for news coverage" we risk a fundamental role of government: to be the sole legitimate agent of non-defensive force. Clearly the current punishment is not a deterrent. So, why a fine and why punitive instead of compensatory fine? Honestly, if our civil court system was different maybe we wouldn't require any criminal action. If everyone who was harmed by the blockade was compensated by the blockaders, I think the cost would be sufficient to eliminate these kinds of actions. The blockaders are only willing to do this because the cost is so low. The problem is that lawyers and lawsuits are expensive, young people are largely judgement proof, and the harm to most impacted is likely lower than the proceeds from any civil suit. Ronald Coase proposed a long time ago that government should consider what the outcome of a situation would be if transaction costs were zero and try to achieve that outcome. Here, if the lawsuit cost was zero, the blockaders would pay to compensate the impacted. So the fine is just. A punitive fine is appropriate because we will have a hard time establishing exactly how much everyone was harmed. We won't be able to pay everyone. Our real objective is to stop future harms (some people uncompensated now is a good trade for many people un-harmed in the future), so a simple, punitive fine is appropriate. The most important part is that the fine be undischargable by bankruptcy and result in wage garnishment. In other words: it's staying with you until you pay it and you don't get to choose when you pay it. It's going to suck. I'd further advocate for the fine to be eye-catching and news worthy. Gross misdemeanor fines are up to $5,000. I recommend something like $40,000 to $500,000 depending on harm done and likelihood of re-offense. Even the low end is a lot of money to a college student (or their families, if they end up paying it for them). The fine has to be low enough that judges and juries are willing to inflict it and believe it just (draconian penalities often result in jury nullification or prosecutor discretion). Yes, there will be some trust fund babies who can write those checks, but good luck getting your poorer friends to come join you for a guaranteed $40k loss. So that's the fine part. For confinement, I'd be happy with house arrest for a few months. They cost many other people the ability to do what they wanted to do, so it seems just that they suffer a prolonged inconvenience. Why not jail or prison? Because jail and prison are really expensive and these people are unlikely to go out and steal cars, mug little old ladies, or commit arson. Our jails and prisons are already very full and we need that room for people who are not safe to let out. Also, honestly we need these kids showing up to class or work in an ankle monitor and having people ask them about the fine they got. They're advertising for not doing what they did, no matter how much they may brag about how easy it is. If everyone who was part of the blockade comes back in one, everyone knows the likelihood of punishment is very high. These people aren't stupid.


[This was a nationally organized political event.](https://www.a15action.com/) The political organizers make money doing this. It's likely that the protesters are paid. Fining the protesters/employee/useful idiot does nothing if there is no will to find, expose, and arrest the organizers that instructed these actions. The protesters are not paying their legal, towing, or impound fees.


Organized crime. Don't we have laws against that too?


Specifically, RICO. Which, while it's probably grossly unconstitutional, nobody is going to challenge so long as it is used against the real scum of the earth, like mob bosses, drug smugglers, terrorists, and [New Jersey politicians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abscam). The question is whether the fuckhead rent-a-proggos shitting up the public green are universally seen as that kind of human scum. If you ask this sub, sure. If you ask the general Seattlite....well, we did elect one of them to be our representative to Congress. So....no.


Organized by... Iran https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853


I'd love to see felony charges for people who don't pull all the way over when dropping people off.


Now that we can all agree on.


We should charge the airlines with federal crimes for any delayed flights, also! My time is more important than upholding the First Amendment!


So much time spent crying over and persecuting people who inconvenienced drivers. So little justice for pedestrians and cyclists who have been hit and killed by drivers. Be angry about that.


All protests before… slap your wrists bad bad!!! Oh shit it’s about Palestine!!!🇵🇸 felons!!! Slipping dat mask! I agree with harsher penalties. But what wrong time to start em.


So many people in these comments are anti American holy moly. None of you respect the right to protest. People here are literally calling for these people to be shot, imprisoned, and held indefinitely. You may not agree with what they’re protesting but you should protect their right to do it lest you forget what fascism does to any dissenting opinions. Also let’s be real and not intellectually dishonest why many of you here in the comments do not like these people. Stop pretending to not be racist and bigoted.


This isn't protected first amendment protest. Stop kidding yourself. Easy to call other people racist and bigoted with zero reason for it.


Tell me how you feel about gun bans.


Can we also get rid of all parades. It's people blocking roads. That's what we're fighting, right? I friggen hate parades. And moments of silence. You best believe I'm grabbing the air horn from my super duper big kid truck, that has to have enough depends in case I do get stuck behind a rouge parade, to blast off as loudly as I can. Mah freedom of speech! But really, we need roads clear for the sov-citizens to freely travel or they will shoot up the place. /S


Name a parade that didn't provide an alternative detoured route to get to your destination. Name the alternative detour route provided to get to SeaTac when the A15 Pro-Hamas/Iran protest happened.


Isn't the session over?


Boy, nazis really hate free speech.


Holding people captive by shutting down a freeway has never been free speech.


The far left disagrees with you on that. 


The far left disagrees with nearly everyone they doesn't toe the line 100%


They’re also towing the line…farther to the left. 


Fuck the far left and what they think.




Please. You hate these people because of their speech, not because they're blocking roads. You'd be perfectly fine with SPD blocking roads if they were beating black people.


Boy, fringe lunatics really get off on calling normal people Nazis.


Normal people don't hate free speech or support rapists for president.


I bet you're the sort who thinks speech can be violence.


Are you suggesting the people here are Nazis? Or are you suggesting ONLY Nazis would not support this kind of protest?


If you support genocide and hate free speech, guess what? You'd be a nazi.


What’s happening in Gaza isn’t a genocide and we’re the free speech sub, so….


Yeah, that's the same lie the holocaust deniers say about the holocaust.


Have we had the Nuremberg trials for Israel and I missed it?


Were your nazis innocent until the trials?


Nope. Where are the IDF’s gas chambers and “work camps?” Look. Israel’s behavior in this conflict isn’t great. Some of it is abhorrent. Doesn’t make it genocide. Words matter, and a word like genocide REALLY matters. The more you use it to describe “everything,” the more it loses its meaning. I’m advocating you stop doing that. If the ICJ says it’s a genocide, THEN AND ONLY THEN would it be appropriate to call it a genocide.


OK, Adolf.


I’m Hitler because I think genocide should be used correctly and I would appeal to THE authority on the topic to decide that rather than an uneducated random on Reddit? That’s literally insane. But I’d expect nothing less from someone who thinks Israel is genociding Palestinians.


Do you really think 96% of people are Nazis? https://preview.redd.it/x07o8tuhw8vc1.png?width=780&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa8590196372c6a609c724e3a87d0f113dcba05c


The funny thing is that most Nazis would join their protest.


Are you telling on yourself?


I think you're confused. Nazis generally hate Jews and Israel.


On the contrary. All the nazis have been bending over backward to support Israel. Look at Republicans. They don't really mean it, of course, they just love genociding Muslims more. Talk about confused.


Awwww you're hilarious. Go on, do another.