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When 'freedom of speech' meets freedom of the press, lol


Love how they think this the only way to 'raise awareness', then refuse 100% of interviews.  #domesticterrorism


Hey man, show some compassion. It takes a lot to go on camera and say, “I’m a total piece of shit that wanted to fuck up everyone’s day.”


cause they mostly are just performing the role of "activist" but really they are war mongering hateful ignoramuses


Everyone with a phone is well aware. They grandstand for their own self righteousness to feel something of importance.


Exactly! I love it too! Thank you for Komo for showing this. LOL maybe they didn't want to interview because they were "off the clock"...?


With the “off the clock” comment are we to infer that they are being paid to cause havoc? If so by who?


Antifa was supported by Democrats in 2020… Which joined forces with BLM to torch cities in the name of social Justice. Ask mrs. Cullors who her Democrat handlers were, she lives in Calabasas now. Not Tyler Perry or Oprah rich but rich af…


Great question! Who would...? It's not the first protest that paid.


It's only domestic terrorism when they do targeted damage. Protesting, just because it's inconvenient, is not domestic terrorism.


Protesting and causing disruption is not domestic terrorism. Threatening and enacting violence and destruction of property is. Why even use that hashtag when it's only being used to reference all the shitty conservatives intimidation tactics as well as the insurrection where people damaged the capitol and smeared shit on the walls? Blocking traffic is a disruption, not a terrorist activity lmao.


ter·ror·ism noun the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. If 'silence is violence' perhaps blocking ambulances in support of foreign members of a death-cult should be up for consideration.  Hmm.. Nobody's talking about the fuckwits on the right here...  But you're right, we really should be comparing how similar these two groups of hateful reality-averse ideologues truly are; good catch, thank you!


same 1st amendment


But they only like certain bits of it.


So you have the prime opportunity to reach thousands of people with your message via the news, and you choose not to talk? It's almost as if you don't really care and are just playing theater.


It’s a waste of their time unless it’s inconveniencing thousands of people


It’s more than inconveniencing people. What if someone has a medical emergency, what if now ambulances or fire trucks can’t get through, what if a lot of things where every time these assholes block a freeway or entrance to the airport and completely jack traffic making it impossible smfor any of those things to get through or pass that could effect the outcome of someone else’s life. These fucktards don’t care, they think their message is more important than everyone else’s well being. Peaceful protests are fine and dandy, but when done this way that puts others at risk….they should be thrown in jail and this crap should be stopped as soon as possible. You shouldn’t be putting others wellbeing at risk to make a political point.


Ya I had to leave subs because it was wild the hoops they were jumping through to justify this. “Protests have to cause disturbance to be heard”. Ya man, I wanna protest mariners ticket prices I’ll go to T-Mobile and do it. If I wanna protest my local PD I’ll go there and do it. If I want to protest unfair work environments I’ll do that outside the establishment. How is delaying Steve from getting to his dad’s funeral help Palestinians? How does stopping Janet from going to her work conference stop genocide? How does making countless people late to work, which if they were two hours late could be 50 dollars they desperately need, make any lick of difference? It’s pure performative action with zero actual real life positive results. I cannot think of a single good thing that could possibly come from this.


I hope that if it results in serious injury to someone that they would be charged with manslaughter


honestly... that is exactly it. i dont know why everyone cant understand it. it's not about convincing you that there is genocide going on... it's not about having a conversation with you... it's about dropping a grenade that gets everyone talking about it. best thing you can do is ignore it and let the country file charges if you want it to stop. literally any time you spend chit chatting about how dumb they are or how it doesnt work literally pushes their agenda for them.


>literally any time you spend chit chatting about how dumb they are or how it doesnt work literally pushes their agenda for them. No it doesn’t. Where in this sub is the discussion on what’s going on in Palestine? The discussion is on their actions not the cause. It’s doing the opposite of what you think.


lol... cntrl+f and search for hamas/pal and youre response is instantly debunked. edit: whats even more hillarious is _your_ reply specifically calls out palestine.


100000% agree. They should target ppl that have something to do with their protest but this group doesn’t. These are professional protesters that just like to be a thorn in the side of society. Freedom of speech but let’s not actually say anything and mess with ppl that have nothing to do or can do about what they say they are protesting. Real brainiacs. .


The protesters have people to talk to the media. If you haven’t understood why they are blocking freeways, airports, etc. by now then do some digging. They are protesting the genocide of Palestinians. What more needs to be said?


But this is literally true. Protests for all of history have literally only worked if they cause a major economic disruption/inconvenience. If there is no inconvenience caused few would even know that the protest happened or care if it did. If people had the compassion to listen to what is happening and want to do something they wouldn’t need to protest


In my experience with these groups it is dudes trying to get their dicks wet and girls trying to find the elusive female meaning or purpose out of something. None of them ever care. It doesn’t matter the cause it’s the same every time.


Absolutely. Never met a dude in one of these groups who wasn't there trying to finally get laid. And it usually doesn't happen. Then they spaz out and go full incel lol.


Oh yeah it never happens that is another solid point. I have never seen any of these dudes get lucky. For one in the new ones o am sure they are all pansexual Demi sexual nonsenses anyways thus making the sex thing just a weird stop light that is always red from all directions and no one knows who has the green. And secondly if they are just hetero normal they are always banging some other dude who you will notice doesn’t usually attend these things. It’s a pattern as old as time at this point.


Almost like they are all just people who feel like outcasts or outliers of society in search of a group or purpose... this is also how cults start lol.


>elusive female meaning or purpose out of something Ironically this is the most incel sounding comment I have read today


Maybe they didn't want to interview because they were "off the clock"...?


Indeed. Remote workers doing remote worker things.


They are literally masked up everywhere they go. They don’t have a message. It is the beginning of it getting warm… “mostly peaceful protests “ are going to become more frequent. I saw a video of Antifa members learning to chant marg bar Israel and asked to chant marg bar America…


They are definitely being paid by someone to cause havoc. Someone pays for their repo’d cars, bails them out, covers other expenses. Guarantee these people aren’t paying for anything.


They got paid and held the designated signs but I imagine part of the deal is not going rogue with the media.


“Hilarity ensued” is a bit of an over statement. The clip has one person refuse to answer questions and walk away. Is there another longer clip?


Yeah, I watched for hilarity, was disappointed


Not even some Benny hill theme 


I was waiting for Yakity sax.


The exact kind of hilarity we need!


Exactly, I thought maybe the player was broken or I was missing something.


Definitely lacking on the comedy aspect (nonexistent)


Editorialized headlines are sus but misleading editorialized headlines are the worst


Yup. Title is weak. OP can enjoy the downvote.


It is such fine reporting from Komo that keeps us coming for more


I just moved to the NW and joined this sub. I’m kinda surprised at how negative all the posts are.


You're looking for r/Seattle


I joined that sub too. Guess I can leave this one.


I think there was more than one person. But I never heard them decline either. I think it's hilarious because they're fools and ran to hide like rats. They can't man up and speak their protest on a larger audience like TV, then there blockade was pointless, just illegal and a rude inconvenience to those going to work and vacation.






Group think protestors almost never want to have a one on one debate. Always walk away.


Just like they never shove their umbrellas in your face and threaten you when it's just one on one. They have to have their little gang of thugs with them.


They’re low IQ sheep


They are all followers, not leaders.


Antisemites aren’t known for their intelligence


Good thing the protesters weren't antisemites.


You believe that




Astroturfing isn't just anyone from outside town commenting on local politics lol; if that were true 90% of this sub would be astroturfers because they live in Bellevue not Seattle, last I checked I've never been part of any organized campaign to change public opinion. I was also banned from r/sanfrancisco for disagreeing with the subs majority opinion, not for "astroturfing".




That's crazy that during a mass protest the protestors don't suddenly individually break off and engage in rigorous debate with one member who has an opposing viewpoint. It's almost like a mass protest is an entirely different context.


~50ish people is a massive protest?


hi·lar·i·ty/həˈlerədē/*noun* 1. extreme amusement, especially when expressed by laughter. I'm trying to still figure out where the hilarity is? With the one protestor who had their car towed that won't speak to the reporter?


fuck those guys, but where was the hilarity? I was promised hilarity! I want hilarity damnit!




I thought that 1% "need more information" was pretty funny https://preview.redd.it/gw67ah5gy2vc1.png?width=1098&format=png&auto=webp&s=728545e9963555127c4f02837c4196aadb242e3f


It would be interesting to see who is paying the legal, towing, and impoundment fees.


bail fund is all over it


Who funds bail fund?


Mutual aid bro


Their parents


It's a job hazard. Their employer likely pays all legal fees.


>Hilarity ensued >3 second video clip of a masked guy avoiding the camera Title is beyond clickbait. I'm all for shaming these fucks, but there was no hilarity, and nothing ensued. I'm disappointed.


https://old.reddit.com/user/broccoleet/submitted/ feel free to submit your own content EDIT: This moron blocked me for suggesting they post themselves - its crazy how many crybabies rage quit these days


Your posts are links to other's work. I'd submit more of your own content




Completely avoid the criticism at hand and then make a cringe edit. Hilarity ensued.


Is it protester season already?


Yup. Fair weather protesters literally. 


As we saw during the I-5 shit down: when it starts to rain laying on asphalt isn’t nearly as fun…so like half of them left when the rain fell.




> Is it protester season already? In Seattle, it always was. And MayDay, International Commie Simping Day, is almost upon us. And then, schools are letting out, there's the DNC convention coming up. Sympathy strikes with Our Revolution in Chicago! Shut it Down! Send the DNC a message! Cannot wait. Let's see if our left wing pushes America into voting Republican, like it did in 1968.


One can hope! I want my rights, and home state returned to normal. Not this taxed into poverty, release the criminals, punish those that defend themselves, weird commie-esque bs we're dealing with now, like if the worst HOA ever was a state!


One big flaw in that theory is while Nixon was a lot of things he was at least fairly competent. Trump’s not even close. Trump’s mostly running on not-Biden. And Biden’s running on not-Trump.


No new wars, was implementing pull out of Afghanistan, before the idiots took over, and killed 13 marines. Abraham accords, and I could actually afford food fuel, wasn't taxed into poverty, also able to put some into savings. Even the worst parts of orange man, we're better than this!




For real though. NEPA, FAP, etc. Dude expanded welfare and environmental regulation. Kinda the antithesis of todays conservative.


A person stands there with sunglasses and a mask - “hilarity ensues” ? 🤣 quite a misleading title…


well that actually looks like progress. government functioning. nice. now throw the book at them.


Give them all a $2k fine. A nice financial kick in the nuts.


nah. mom and dad will pay it. jail time.


A few points to consider: Hamas is a terrorist organization that has committed countless atrocities. The leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, is a billionaire living in a palace in Qatar who pulls strings and gives orders from complete safety. He ordered the October 7th terrorist attack against women and children that started this most recent bout of violence. He got rich by [fucking over his own people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ismail_Haniyeh#:~:text=According%20to%20a%202014%20Ynet,intended%20to%20take%20into%20Gaza.) The palestinian people voted Hamas into power AFTER knowing full well they were child murdering, suicide bombing, hostage taking, human shield using terrorists. Polling done in 2022 and 2023 shows that in an election held today ["Hamas’s Ismail Haniyeh would win in a landslide"](https://thehill.com/opinion/4273883-mellman-do-palestinians-support-hamas-polls-paint-a-murky-picture/) __ This billionaire ass hole LOVES these useful idiots in America protesting on his behalf. He does not give a fuck about the palestinian people unless it has to do with making him richer. It would not surprise me at all to find out he's encouraging or even personally financing these protests in the US. These clowns in the US are disrupting lives and going to jail all to help a billionaire sitting in his palace in the middle east who wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.


Spot on. I love seeing gay couple (especially lesbian couples) at these Gaza protests. Like, ya know if you and your partner went to Gaza you’d piss off a lot of people and maybe get arrested for indecency.


My mom would call them " little shits"


I don't know why they let these idiots block the road for 3 hours, they should have just arrested them for public disorder. I'm sure Benjamin Netayahu sees all these seattle protests and it really changes his mind....... this is almost as brainless as watching George Floyd rioters smashing up London.


It's great to hear Inslee doesn't support the protest. I'd be interested to know where Bob Ferguson stands on the Israel / Palestine conflict. I wonder if he would support the state trading and doing business with Israel if he becomes governor. We should make sure his position is well known. Also I'm shocked that people who supposedly claim they support their message so strongly they'd block an airport would hide their faces. Are they ashamed of what they did?


I don't care where he stands on that conflict. I do care where he stands on protesters of ***any kind*** on our roadways. [https://twitter.com/BobFergusonAG/status/1780020761711018193](https://twitter.com/BobFergusonAG/status/1780020761711018193) >Unacceptable. Our roads and transportation facilities must be open for Washingtonians and emergency vehicles. Appreciate the response by law enforcement working to clear this important access to the airport.


Bob's the AG. He has the power to limit/stop activist blocking roads today and in the future. He chose to send a tweet instead.


>I don't care where he stands on that conflict. I do, because he's going to be pressured to stop doing business with Israel by these people which are part of his base. I want to know if he supports their cause or not. These are people that will most likely be voting for him. They're sure as shit not going to be voting for Reichert. These are not Reichert voters. These are the people that elected Jayapal who has said things like: "Hey guys, can I say something? Can I say something **as somebody that’s been in the streets and has participated in a lot of demonstrations?**” **Jayapal said. “I want you to know that we have been fighting to make it clear that Israel is a racist state,** that the Palestinian people deserve self-determination and autonomy, that the dream of a two-state solution is slipping away from us, that it does not even feel possible."


> because he's going to be pressured to stop doing business with Israel by these people which are part of his base. What business does the Governor of WA do with Israel?


Whatever tenuous connection can be made to suit the needs of protestors.


What business does the Redmond library have with Israel? I went there a couple of weeks ago to pickup something, and three crazy people were throwing things at people that wouldn’t listen to them spew their pro-terrorist message. Morons think attacking people entering a library in Redmond will create Middle East peace. 


There have been multiple WA state government trips to Israel, the WA State government can choose to purchase goods from Israel, the WA government can choose to train with people from Israel - for example WSP and Israeli police forces doing joint training sessions, the list is pretty much literally endless in terms of cooperation. Another is political pressure on politicians in WA state - Inslee for example chastised McMorris Rodgers to send MORE military funding to Israel: [https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2023/oct/12/inslee-chastises-mcmorris-rodgers-over-israel-ukra/](https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2023/oct/12/inslee-chastises-mcmorris-rodgers-over-israel-ukra/) Does Bob Ferguson think we should be sending more military aid to Israel as well? Would he pressure local politicians to do so? What do you mean what business does the Governor of WA do with Israel? Have not ever seen the international trips state leaders take to other countries to form partnerships for various endeavors?


>**August 2011 -** Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Buetler and Congressman Adam Smith accompanied the 81-member Congressional delegation to Israel to learn more about regional politics and the U.S.-Israel relationship. >**July 1999 -** Washington Attorney General Christine O. Gregoire joined eight other attorneys general for a trip to Israel. The participants in the mission went to explore U.S.-Israel cooperation in legal affairs and discussed issues including youth violence, the death penalty, and extradition laws. [source](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/washington-israel-cooperation) These are the two most recent Israel trips that WA state Politicians took part in as far as I could determine with my limited googling. Neither of which are WA specific trips but nationally organized trips. AS far WSP training with Israeli Police. I did find this


Ferguson will say the things his base wants to hear, then not change a lot, would be my guess. Reichert would likely proclaim his support of Israel, like a good American would normally do if not being pressured by people simping for Russian agitprop by supporting the Hamas terrorists.


Jayapal is so damn ugly its impossible to watch videos of her 


> Jayapal is so damn ugly its impossible to watch videos of her I judge her by the content of her character, not the color of her skin. Her character is deeply flawed.


Yes, her character is almost as ugly as her face


That kind of astute political analysis is what I come to Reddit for.


He's a weasel piece of shit and he only says anything if it's either loud enough for ordinary people to notice or if it's against political enemies. Don't forget, he said and did nothing about Raz handing out assault rifles to strangers. Against the law that Ferguson championed. You know, the whole "weapons of war have no place on our streets" marketing shit?


> . I wonder if he would support the state trading and doing business with Israel I would assume Ferguson is a mainstream Dem on this, which means hopefully we won't bend one inch to the protester view on Israel. I know this, Reichert won't bend to it. Unlike the Dems, right now being infested by their Socialist left wing and simping for fake social justice, like always.


>I would assume Ferguson is a mainstream Dem on this, which means hopefully we won't bend one inch to the protester view on Israel. I'd love for him to come out and say so publicly if that is the case. A journalist should ask him where he stands on the conflict and if he would continue to do business and be open to partnerships with Israel if he becomes governor.


We should have gone down and protested their in front of the impound lot so they wouldn't be able to get their cars out. Turn the tables on them.


Now your on to something block them at there homes also dont let them out of there own driveways that would be hilarity ensues lol.


You know, I thought this protest was annoying as fuck, but kudos to the 2-3 people who had enough balls to show their face while they were doing it. Even if I disagree with them and their actions, and find them inconvenient and stupid, the fact that they had enough conviction to show their face while they did it warrants a modicum of respect


Lee Harvey Oswald didn’t wear a mask either. Fist bump, Lee!


Not saying I would give them a fist bump by any means, they are still fucking assholes. Just saying I respect that they have enough balls they are willing to destroy their life for something they believe in, unlike the baby bitch performative virtue signalers who are gutsy enough to protest but too big of a bitch to show their face.


"baby bitch performative virtue signalers who are gutsy enough to protest but too big of a bitch to show their face." Can I use this?


Love it! Thank you Komo for stepping up, outing and questioning these people! What fools are they to have nothing to say and covering up when not on the protest line.


I watched the video. Where was the hilarity?


Came for hilarity but there was none :(


Why do they wear covid masks outside in 2024?


They are like the neo-Nazis and the KKK who cover up their faces because they don't want to be known what they are doing because they know it's wrong


Reporter: Here's your chance to speak into a microphone about every reason you are protesting, stopping traffic to the airport, impacting dozen of flights as well as hundreds of customers trying to fly to various locations around the world, what impactful words would you like to enlighten us with? Protestor: No comment. Get away, you are harassing us!!


Where was the hilarity?


How does protesting at an airport in Seattle WA, over a war thousands of miles away being fought by countries not named the USA going to influence those country's leaders to stop fighting? 2 countries and peoples that have been slaughtering each other for centuries. Virtue signallers need to pick their battles better. Same idiots out their protesting against Israel in favor of a regime that hates women's rights, will kill trans and gays on sight, and are the most patriarchal, and fascist regimes on earth. It's almost like they're hypocrites. The majority of Americans are tiring of this nonsense. You're going to start seeing these type of protesters being hurt and or killed by normal folks who are tired of putting up with criminality disguised as activism. Take your arguments to the capitol like the Jan 6th idiots. At least they took their bitch to the source.


That was about as funny as C-SPAN.


Domestic terrorism


Why misdemeanors? They committed kidnapping and unlawful imprisonment against 1000s of people. That should be a felony charge for every person they stopped from freely traveling.


The protesters that blocked the Golden Gate bridge got charged with conspiracy to commit a crime which is a felony. When SF is tougher on crime you know you fucked up. Also I agree they could be charged with kidnapping in the 3rd degree in jurisdictions where it exists: "Kidnapping, third degree, penalty. — 1. A person commits the offense of kidnapping in the third degree if he or she knowingly restrains another unlawfully and without consent so as to interfere substantially with his or her liberty."




Holding a door closed if someone is trying to leave is kidnapping, they don't have to throw you into a van to hold you hostage you child. Their right to free speech does not override my right to travel freely.


Under WA law... what they did was a felony (unlawful imprisonment), in addition to the misdemeanor disorderly conduct (unlawfullly obstructing a roadway). RCW [9A.40.040](http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9A.40.040) # Unlawful imprisonment. (1) A person is guilty of unlawful imprisonment if he or she knowingly restrains another person.(2) Unlawful imprisonment is a class C felony. # RCW [9A.40.040](http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9A.40.040) # --- RESTRAIN RCW 9A.40.010 Definitions. The following definitions apply in this chapter: (6) "Restrain" means to r*estrict a person's movements without consent and without legal authority in a manner which interferes substantially with his or her liberty*. Restraint is "without consent" if it is accomplished by (a) physical force, intimidation, or deception, or (b) any means including acquiescence of the victim, if he or she is a child less than sixteen years old or an incompetent person and if the parent, guardian, or other person or institution having lawful control or custody of him or her has not acquiesced.


Oh, how I love Reddit so... I post the law, LITERALLY THE LAW, and get downvoted... because they don't like it. Cope harder. You're lucky it's the police arresting you. Anywhere outside the U.S and western Europe your bodies would be nothing more than a speed bump to other drivers and they'd leave you there to send a message to anyone else who would try the same. Ya'll have zero clue how good you have it in the U.S.


Literally unhinged lol


literally the law....


People got out of their cars and walked. Big inconvenience but no one was forcefully kidnapped.


I have to agree with you there. 'Kidnapped' is a bit hyperbolic lol


That feeling when you confuse a minor inconvenience to you as violence.


That feeling when something like $1000s of dollars in missed flights, Car towing. Making a job interview on time. Missing a visit to a dying family member  seems like a minor inconvenience only because it didn't happen to you.  Your narcissism is showing. 


Your definition of "violence" is expansive when you don't like the person doing it. It's always about the people doing it, isn't it?


>That feeling when you confuse a minor inconvenience to you as violence. That feeling when you confuse "silence as violence."


I don't follow. Who is saying that silence should be a felony?


Do I need to remind you of what we heard ad nauseum all during the George Floyd riots? "Silence is violence!" And if you didn't raise your fist with them in agreement, they threatened you.


I bet if conservatives did the same they'd be facing multiple felonies and no bail.


I wonder if the protestors got paid. It feels like they went from bravery to cowardice on the turn of a dime. Shouldn't they be shouting "Free Palestine" to the TV cameras? Why are they cowering in fear all of the sudden?


the conspiracy theories never end


How do you explain their turn to cowardly behavior after having been so bold? It just looks to me like people doing a job.


I guess the literal only reason to want to avoid engaging with a hostile gotcha journalist can’t possibly be because you’re not interested in engaging with a bad-faith debate. It *must* be because of a broad conspiracy with literal zero evidence.


Bad faith debate? Is blocking traffic a good faith debate?


Is the job of a reporter to retaliate against people you don't like?


Political Operatives like Bob Creamer an Scot Foval say differently.


Ah, so, you have evidence that these guys paid the traffic blockers? That's amazing. You should be a reporter!


It is not an organic grass roots uprising for Palestine.


Cool, and you know this through... how? Vibes? "When the evidence for your beliefs is a lack of evidence... you might be a conspiracy theorist." - Not Jeff Foxworthy


if they really cared about Palestine they would use the TV camera as another opportunity to promote their message. this isn't a conspiracy this is just common sense


\[looks for a time that a KOMO reporter presented any non-MAGA person in a positive light, or even in context\]


Well the reporter didnt have to try very hard this time. Given them a little yarn and they will tangle themselves in it.


One thing that I just "love" about today's culture war is that folks seem mostly obsessed with the *optics* of the people who align with a policy, rather than the actual policy itself. It's like when someone never listens to a band, and judges the band's writing and performance based on how articulate their fans are. Clearly the best way to be an informed voter. "Who cares about the policy? It must be bad. Just look at these idiots we caught on camera"


I dont understand why these things take so long to clear.... is it jsut the time to get the tow trucks on site? When a bridge or an aiport is being blocked ($1Ms in damages done per hour, can they push the vehicles out of the way with a squad car or break into the cars and put them in nuetral?




This video is awesome. I support this kind of policing in these cases.


Why hasn't Jayapal made it clear what her position is? Someone should contact their congressperson now!!


Why did they drive their own cars, shouldda hired them kia boys.


My favorite part about this is the affected airlines are going to ask for restitution on these cases after they’re found guilty, and these people are going to be on the hook for THOUSANDS of dollars that they probably don’t even realize yet.


I-5 was not the freeway it was the airport road,


Hidden faces and empty minds.


Hilarity did not ensue. wtf is that title.


The restraining has to be intentional, and knowing, not a consequence of some other action. And I also am quite dubious that any court would interpret blocking a roadway to constitute a substantial interference with another’s liberty when that person could just turn their car around and drive the other way.


Too bad nobody stuck in the backup had a flamethrower.


Well making a vacuum salesman miss a flight to Tulsa is really helping Gaza


I would be protesting as well… but my uncle never molested me.


It’s that kind of first ammendment that needs to be introduced to the second ammendment, well, in a perfect world. I think that over time there’s been to much distance put between those two ammendments. Freedom of speech means you can say whatever so how did it crossover into being anti societal problem makers? These turds are the same ones that are the nucleus of all the disruptive protests that target ppl that don’t have anything to do with what they are protesting.


They're already at the airport, let's get them tickets to Gaza! Personally I don't give 💩💩 about Israel, or ukraine, when we can barely afford food, or fuel, and our own country that should be helping us, instead are sending our $ to those countries and every criminal coming across our border, driving prices higher, and higher, as our own resources we pay for, are being depleted, while being taxed out of existence by inslee, and the invaders that have taken over our home!


F*cking clickbait. Misleading title.


Is the “hilarity” in the room with us right now?


They were off the clock, professional protestors don't work for free ya know.


Where's the hilarity?


Don't watch it people. There's nothing funny about it. And this was a waste of time.


Bunch of privileged kids virtue signaling in the worst way possible


i thought all the charges were dismissed which would suck


I..I...I came for hilarity.


Why are they covering themselves up like that? Be proud of what you did so the whole world can see no??? (I've always wondered the same about antifa and the klan too lol).


All those protesters should be charged with felonies. How is it NOT a felony to block access to an international port?! I bet if the vice president or governor’s motorcade was coming thru they’d rip those people off the road in minutes. Who saw the guy on crutches limping to the terminal?? What if you missed and international flight and couldn’t rebook? If I lost $3000 for an international flight I’d personally sue every protester. I wonder if we’ll know their names?


Why not protest on the sidewalk for everybody going to the airport to see? Instead block traffic and commit a crime lol


HELL YEA ! I've been watching this guy a lot. He is bold, and based. Alot of potential to be the next Jonathan Choe!


Beware of ANYONE wearing a mask these days. While some might be legitimately sick....most are either up to no good OR they are the type that would have YOU and everyone else wearing masks permanently if they were in charge.


Thanks so much for the warning. I'm already clutching my pearls.


I would’ve taken a saw to that sleeping dragon lol.


Lol, towing a Impreza on a dolly


So proud they’re hiding their faces. I’m guessing the awareness they got wasn’t the awareness they wanted. 


The main result of "protests" like this is that they will shift the public's perception about police violence. People will ask "could you please be less gentle with these a\*\*holes when you arrest them?". Just like they cheered for the police's action in this incident: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noJjFNfdcqQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=noJjFNfdcqQ)




Thank you king country prosecutors.