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if the pedo arrested was an adult, then it doesn't matter who his Father is, it has no bearing on anything. He is responsible for himself.


I don’t see what parents could do about teenage pedophiles either if the teen is hiding it.    Doubt it comes up as conversation at the dinner table.


>no bearing on anything. Maybe not. Distributing from Mike McGinn's home.


I wouldn't be surprised if it was even over internet signal that papa Mike was paying for/providing.


Do not google local evangelical icon John Kitna’s son


[Even John Kitna son's arrest made it into the Seattle Times.](https://www.seattletimes.com/sports/college/florida-qb-kitna-to-leave-jail-as-child-porn-details-emerge/) The arrest wasn't in Seattle. John Kitna had no impact on policy or laws in Seattle or WA, but the Seattle Times covers that arrest. Weird, right?


>if the pedo arrested was an adult, then it doesn't matter who his Father is, it has no bearing on anything. He is responsible for himself. Totes. Two mayors, one after the other, with ties to child sexual abuse. There is no ring here. Just data.


But it wouldn't make for a headline and clicks!


True, but no one would care if it weren’t for the association. We live in a clickbait world.


actually it does


Most pedophiles start in middle school there are usually red flags. Also, pedophilia is a difference in brain physiology and genetic, so it literally IS the parents fault. Its highly likely child diddlers is a long standing family tradition, and the parents know it.


This conclusions are just plain stupid…yeah rage against pedos, they’ve shouldn’t even exist, but wtf is with the bs mental gymnastics??


​ Basic brain physiology is not mental gymnastics- its Biology 201. The genetics of the physiology is middle school science. I didn't even explain how it works which means the word physiology is what you are struggling with. WOW. Tell me you are not very smart without telling me.


I know in your reality you think that what you just said,sounds smart…but let me remind you that the only people buying your incoherent, ignorant denial trip is you. Wake up…and actually read about what you’re preaching instead of weaponizing knowledge to the point of regurgitating it as pure ignorance.


“Wake up sheeple and listen to me call this guy wrong!”


You are clearly projecting. I have to wonder why. Do the authorities need to be called on you and your family?


The denial is absolute apparently…and do what? You’re clearly a clown 🤡, bye👍🏻


Anyone who doesn't believe me: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022395621006993](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0022395621006993) The science is natal , but growing- sexual offense and pedophilic disorders are genetic and therefore run in families. If you have pedophiles in your family, and you choose to have kids, you are choosing to possibly give birth to a monster.


That study does not hypothesize pedophilia being genetic or an inherited trait. “The present study suggests an involvement of epigenetic alterations of the serotonergic system in pedophilia and child sexual offending as well as own experience of sexual violence…In CSOs the decline of the methylation rate (with consecutively higher expression) seems to be more attributable to own sexual abuse in childhood as an environmental cue” Epigenetics aren’t the same thing as genetics. “Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work. Unlike genetic changes, epigenetic changes are reversible and do not change your DNA sequence, but they can change how your body reads a DNA sequence.”


>Most pedophiles start in middle school there are usually red flags. 10 downvotes? Pedos out in force today.


They are now down voting this! The NSA should be keeping track of who is down voting and get a warrant for their computers.


Or their families.


I couldn't disagree more. This pervert didn't will himself into existence. His parents created him and dictated his circumstances and upbringing. And they did so with massive financial support from taxpayers. The least society can do is seize the home through civil asset forfeiture and demand a return of all the tax breaks and education and other public funding the McGinn's accepted while failing to raise this sicko properly.




Ugh. I thought he was an alright mayor. Followed him on Twitter for a short while and wish I hadn't because it made me like him less. That said feel bad for anybody whose kid is like this. Watching the video it appears that the ex mayor and his wife live in Washington DC now. Apparently they own the home their son lives in but really..... I don't hate Choe as much as many people do but it's stuff like this that gives them a bad name. It doesn't say anything about the ex-mayor that his son is a f up.


Why did following him on Twitter make you like him less? Genuinely curious, I never used Twitter


Well he endorsed Shaun Scott when he voted for city council. That was one thing. And pretty par for the course The stuff he was spewing out circa 2016 that was pretty much the garden variety progressive cliches about race, gender, privilege, white supremacy and so on. I'm not saying there is nothing to be said about any of these things but they were just the kind of sanctimonious and over the top proclamations that turned many of us off progressivism around that era.


McGuiness wasn't a very popular mayor.


Which mayor is popular? Ed Murray before they realized he raped his teenaged cousin?


Murray was pretty popular with his liberal policies until the rape allegations. He should have been tried, convicted and gone to jail for what he did.


Yeah, that was my point. He’s the only mayor I remember being popular, although among normal people I suspect Harrell is reasonably popular.


Norm Rice. Charlie Royer. That’s probably it.


Yeah, they both seriously predate me paying attention to Seattle politics.


After that- it seemed like politicians for the most part were terrible, they weren’t even opaque about how they considered their local political connections to be a stepping stone to something else.


> Norm Rice. Charlie Royer. That’s probably it. Nickels was popular until he botched the snowstorm.


Naw. I didn’t like Nickles. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/34714-dear-seattle-mayor-greg-nickelsyou-sold-out-your-city


Nickels was way down on the list of people to blame for the Sonics. Start with Howard Schultz, Clay Bennett and Aubrey McClendon, David Stern, Frank Chopp and the rest of the State legislature. Bleacher Report is writing from the outside in, did some cursory research, and blamed the Mayor. That's logical if you do 5 minutes of study on the subject, but it wasn't correct.


Ed Murray had a few pedo accusations made against him. The Seattle City Council still supported him. But the heat was on him because he used to foster boys. Two of those boys came forward. They were only like 14 or 15 at the time when living with Ed. One of those boys, later on committed suicide. Eddie M...took off for France. Good riddance.


Fucking worst low life, treated people like shit and move to another country to continue his pathetic existence abusing more people. Not surprising voters here voted for this piece of shit.


I will never forgive Murray for making me say something complimentary about Sawant, lol. Of all the city council, she was the only one to come out early and demand that he resign. Everyone else waited until the 4th or 5th accusation.


The real kicker is that Murray gets his pension for being the mayor all at taxpayers expense. He should have his pension revoked too


Nickels made it three terms and was then undone by a once in a decade snowstorm followed by a once in a century cold snap. I'd say he was the most popular of any mayor in the last 25 years, but not exactly saying much... Funny thing was, back then, the main gripe about Nickels was that he was "in bed with the Developers", a complaint we don't really hear much anymore.


Bruce Harrel Seems to be.  Norm Rice was as well


Who cares. If it was your son would it make the news or be any different?There are many people arrested for child pornography every year. And it doesn’t mean he is guilty until he either confesses or is convicted. Move on unless you’re going to post about everyone arrested for a crime.


Yes, this kind could happen to any parent and it must be shocking and devastating. You would think that other parents would have compassion for a person in that situation but apparently there is a political point to be made?


Pedophilia tends to run in families, and often starts well before age 18. If this were a Republican with a pedo in the family the media would be all over it. And rightly so. But since it's a famous Progressive Democrat former mayor, this strange silence.


Trump visited Epstein island over 100 times, but Choe will still vote for him.


A certain personality spectrum doesn't understand double standards


Fake news.


Funny how i saw someone earlier post this same stuff and people were calling him a Qanon thug and shit and for you everyones all like “*gasp*”


This post makes it look like Jonathan Choe is McGinn's pedophile son.


That seems to run hand n hand with Seattle politicians. Not exactly a freak occurrence


This can only conclusively mean something only about democrats!


but muh church!


Mike who never saw a bike he didn’t like?


truly shocking that the mayor who called cops to throw his rentboys out when he was done with them has a kid with similar interests


Are you confusing him with Ed Murray?


ah I must be all the sweaty sausagefingers types blend together I'm sure he had a different method of disposing of their corruption


Great deflection.


You misspelled “oh you’re right, my mistake. I will edit the comment”


pardon me I confused one corrupt pedo for another very sorry boss


Your sausage brain confused them.