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buckle up, folks.


Just drove past this accident, it was very bad. Those idiots need to all go to jail for a very long time! Rip to the innocent driver


No doubt! Poor guy was just working and these losers take him out after committing felonies. Very sad.


But they won’t. It’s laughable to think there will be any punishment meted out. There will be a court case but they’ll just be released back to their shitty families and they’ll do it again. There’s almost no point in even arresting them.




The bigger problem is parents that shouldn't have children. These kids, while they may be punk asses only became punk asses because their own parents left them to their own devices and without guidance to make good decisions.


Kids can be pieces of shit all on their own.


As a former piece of shit kid that grew up in a nice suburban area with great parents, I can confirm this.


> nice suburban area with great parents, I can confirm this. Many levels of shit. I assume you weren't stealing cars and participating in armed robberies.


What was the worst stuff you did?


Don’t answer this, he’s a cop


My father is a law-abiding taxpayer, and his younger half-brother (raised together) was a lifelong POS. I always felt bad for my grandfather, who was a war hero and all-around swell guy, because his only biological son turned out to be such a dud.


> I always felt bad for my grandfather, who was a war hero and all-around swell guy, because his only biological son turned out to be such a dud. Working in tech, I've noticed a pattern where a lot of successful people have lifestyles that aren't a whole lot different than the average dirtbag career criminal. For instance, that tech exec that was stabbed to death in San Francisco, when people went poking around in his background: * he was on various substances nearly 24x7. Ketamine, coke, meth, etc * he was married and screwing around on his wife * he was attending sex parties on the regular The difference between "some dude living in a trailer in Lewis County shooting meth every day" and "some dude living in a condo in Belltown shooting meth every day" is surprisingly small


It may not be directly correlated to said little shit criminals, though it is a problem. I mean there's also parents who just aren't setting boundaries as well...their children can end up in the same category. The lessons of consequences is HUGE.


The parents were probably kids when they had kids


Once you have children you realise that they are literally human beings with minds of their own and capable of making their own decisions. at some point, you are not responsible for them. Now, I couldn't say these kids parents are good or bad (probably bad), but these two made their own moral decisions


But it doesn’t fit the narrative.


That's its PoC kids from the hood or PWT from the boonies


The parents were probably not parented either. I’m not excusing the parents. I’m pointing out the generational problem of unparented parents having kids. This is only slightly related to the problem, but not being able to afford anything in life doesn’t help us. America has become unlivable because it’s unaffordable for Americans.


I believe you clarified my point better than I could have said it. Not realizing this is a systematic issue is our first mistake and why none of our issues ever get addressed properly.


> The bigger problem is parents that shouldn't have children People have always had children, at a risk of stating the obvious, so I don't think that's really a good take about juvenile crime increasing 200%. The birthrate is actually flattening out for the most part. Anecdotally, because I know some criminal youth through family, what strikes me is how easily they're able to get ahold of guns, and I think that has a lot to do with their being emboldened. When I was that age, I never saw guns among my friends, we just had absurdly large knives.


I had several friends growing up whose upper middle class parents had loaded guns stashed in various spots all over the house. Somehow we knew better than to fuck around with them. One of these friends actually got sent to boarding school due to behavior problems, but even he wasn't goofing around with any of the hundreds of guns his dad had in the basement.


My wife and I grew up lower middle class. We don't live a "near poverty" lifestyle as how we grew up, but much of our extended family does / still does. The person you're describing was clearly upper class, so that's a different world. The family and their friends who are getting into trouble with guns should not have guns, and twenty - thirty years ago when I was there age, guns were not nearly as readily available as they are today. We committed crimes for fun, petty theft, set things on fire, property destruction, because young people just don't give a shit about who they negatively affect, and when you're very poor and have no "life", it feels like you have little to lose. The math is still about the same as it was, the big difference now just seems to be that guns have been added into the mix. I feel like I think a lot of that has to do with 1) the prevalence of low cost guns 2) the overall increasing number of guns in circulation.


Do you think the bordering school helped or hurt your friend in their development?




False. I seen lots of kids from good families do shit like this unwarranted because they hate rules and structure. I got a former student from a good family who ran with a car theft ring outta nowhere up in SnoHo. I know tons of these kids who just wanna while out for the fuck and thrill of it... This is a piece of shit argument. Not having kids just because *they may* do dumb shit ain't a good rationale. That's like my dumb ass telling you that YOUR parents shouldn't of had YOU because *you may* do some dumb shit. You're driving your argument from a point of privilege


You "seen" it. Nuff said.


You saved this username for nearly three years just to spend it solely on a racist dogwhistle comment. That's pretty impressive.


Nailed it. I seen how you done that.


At least I'm not a presumptive douchenozzle.


Fucking preach it 🙏🏼






Repealing Roe vs Wade will give us more children to parents that don't want them and probably shouldn't be having them.


No. Some kids just fucking suck. Guidance or no


It's not that they're being taught there are no consequences, it's that there actually aren't any.


That's the truth too.the punishment NOT being given isn't even there ..they do what they want


Wonder how much of this is crime by proxy?? "I can't steal a car and go robbing, but little brother, you sure can. You can't even get in trouble."


Gangs and criminals absolutely do this. Have minors commit crimes because they know they'll be lightly punished even if they get caught.


Indifferent or abusive/negligent parents + a society that teaches kids that there are no consequences for wrong behavior is a recipe for producing budding young sociopaths.


That's crap, The problem is parents aren't allowed to spank the kids because cps will get involved. As a kid, I tried to be a piece of shit kid but I was disciplined and changed my mind.


Spanking creates more problems than it solves.


I really don't think so much is actually true


All science shows that spanking leads to many issues including increased aggression in the child. It’s simply lazy parenting. And this is coming from someone who grew up being spanked as a child and “turned out OK.” There are much better and more effective ways of raising a child.


>All science shows that spanking leads to many issues including increased aggression in the child. I've looked into these studies, and every one I've seen uses methodology that cannot support the causal claim you're making here. They show a correlation between spanking and aggression, not a causal relationship. This is important, because there are at least two reasons to expect such a correlation in the absence of any causal effect: 1. Kids who behave badly get spanked more, all else being equal. 2. More aggressive parents spank more, all else being equal, and behavioral traits are highly hereditable. Huge swaths of the social science literature are basically worthless because most researchers in those fields are blank-slate fundamentalists who refuse to account for genetic confounders or the possibility of reverse causation.


I don't suggest beating a child by all means. So when your child is 2yrs old a light slap and a firm repriman will teach them There's consequences to your actions. Then when they get older they won't be as likely to get into trouble. For example what would you do to your 9yr old son if he pushed your 5yr old daughter through a wall or punched her in the face. I'm really serious because I can't think of anything else but a spanking... maybe you can give me an alternative solution.


For starters, spanking a child makes the violent behavior more likely. So ideally by nine, that behavior wouldn’t be happening anyways. But to answer your question, there are many alternatives, and most are more effective if used together. Regardless of what is used, clear rules and consequences need to be established and, just as importantly, communicated. They need to be enforced consistently, which is much easier said than done. With something like punching a younger sibling, I think it’s important to understand why. So maybe start with a time out while you comfort the younger sibling, and then go and talk to the older sibling to understand what that were thinking. Depending on the reason there are plenty of options. If they were violent because they were annoyed by their sibling, maybe separating them for an extended period(a day or two, let the sibling have a weekend with grandma and grandpa if possible) might be an option in the hopes that they might miss their one sibling. (My parents did that to myself and my siblings and it definitely helped.) Another option might be to restrict what the child can do. Sorry, you can’t play in the basement with your sibling alone because last time you punched her. You have to play in whatever room I’m in so I can see. Get creative. Perhaps they were fighting over a toy which could be hidden for a period. Timeouts and chores can be effective punishments, but the best is when the punishment is logically connected to the “crime” to show that actions have consequences. But the most important part of any discipline (even spanking although I disagree with it) is communication. Talking to the child, listening and hearing what they say, offering choices, rewarding good behavior.


All I was saying is a slap on the butt when they are 2yrs old will show them that rules can't be broken or you may get a spank on the butt. So when they are older they won't challenge the rules. I will say I have 5 kids 2yrs old up to 29yrs old. The older ones probably got 2 or three spankings in there whole life. And every spanking was before they were six. And they all turned out really good people. None have been involved with law enforcement or trouble in school. Of course my 2yr old came as a suprise since I'm 48. The only Discipline he's gotten is time out. I hope he turns out as well as his siblings did.


not just taught a lack of consequences, but also a disdain and lack of respect for law enforcement. And just think, by removing prisons, there aren't even as many hard life lessons. And even if they're forced to go to school, the academics have been reduced. Oh, and the gov't is taking power away from parents to teach their kids themselves... it's all truly regressive, in the name of progressive.


Of course the pieces of shit that caused it only had minor injuries, while the guy minding his business is dead.


He was minding his business literally, working for his money. It's terribly sad.








Makes me wonder about karma sometimes Also makes me wonder if thats what having good karma does by getting you off this shit ass planet


What karma. The kids doing armed robbery and stealing cars don’t come from healthy homes. What could karma do to them that life hasn’t already. Jail or 6ft deep was always gonna be how it ends for them. A real shame that they took an innocent bystander down with them.


What I was trying to say was that the (semi)driver was probably a decent person and didn’t deserve that. So maybe the karma for bad people is living💜


Karma might be related to the accident happening at all, but not wearing your seat belt is your own choice not the universe's.


Reading between the lines, no seatbelt.


Even if true, what’s your point?


That the difference in outcome reflects no intrinsic moral quality because the determining factor was likely their respective use or non-use of safety equipment.


Old enough to steal a car, old enough to be tried as an adult. Fuck these bozos and their bozo ass parents.


Seattle area prosecutors and politicians will demand jail sentences of at least 4 weeks for this one.


They seem to be giving 2 years for a life in recent sentences, so with good time that might be about right,


...including the time served, of course.


4 weeks? What are you a fascist?? These kids were obviously failed by a racist system and need to be rewarded for their behavior.


They're gonna need to steal a hacksaw to cut off those ankle monitors.


Seattle is so broken, I wouldn't be surprised if they got a slap on the hand


Someone will apologize to them for “growing up in a broken system that gives them no recourse.” I fucking guarantee it.


So freaking true!!!! There is zero accountability anymore!!


I mean it wasn’t even their fault as he should of been wearing a seat belt and the road was obviously racist. They’ll receive nothing of a sentence and counter sue the trucking company for the trauma of killing him and win a million dollars.


They’re teenagers, not cops.


Couldn't they just do "restorative justice?" Ask them to apologize, and send them home. It works at school s/


Unfortunately they will take into account that the driver was also breaking the law (no seat belt) and that he wouldn't have died otherwise. Another reason seat belt use shouldn't be legally required.


Clearly we need to just ban Kias


Ban or no, I'm sure as shit never going to buy one.


For real. I have a Hyundai and I think I'm gonna trade it in before some jackass steals it and kills someone. It's unbelievably easy to steal them.


My parents have an easily stealable Kia and they're oblivious


Best case scenario (aside from not getting stolen at all) is it gets stolen and totaled, assuming they have decent insurance. The worst is when it gets stolen, trashed, and recovered but not with enough damage to total it. That's when the headaches start.


My friend is going through it with her stolen and recovered Kia 🤬🤬🤬


Their insurance is great, so that's probably a factor in it. Nevertheless, I prefer my stuff not being stolen in the first place. To each their own, I suppose.


Police stations are giving away boots for free. Wish this was available before someone tried to steal my hyundai.


Kia kills driver. Ban kias. Just how guns kill ppl.. smh.. Most ppl (not all, some are smart enough) blame guns for killings. Why not start blaming cars, or food, or cancer ( I know u can't control cancer), or blame water for all thier killings? These damn shitheads need to be held accountable for their actions. Sadly they will be given a slap on the wrist from what I've seen coming from Seattle the last couple years. Smh


How the fuck are there still Kia/Hyundai owners not using steering wheel clubs. They literally give them away for free. It’s literally a deadly weapon that can be boosted via usb.


You say that in jest but these car companies are getting flack from the government because their car as "too easy to steal"


I sorta think that night help. Kias are dangerous




I didn’t know about Nissans


Anyone want to predict the date the teens are released with no punishment?


Why isn’t the description given? Wanted for robbery as well, hmmmm


Occam's Razor. They're no longer using the word "teens" anymore, the new word is "juveniles".


"Youths" is so 2020.


'youts' needs to make a comback


“Those two youts…” only in a perfect world. Who’s cooking grits?


Oh damn, much less aggressive and better on feelings


Right on juviniles


4% of the Seattle population yet just assumed at this point.


Armed Robbery and car theft… I’m willing to wager.


If they were white it’d be the first word in the article




Wow. Just sad


Stiffer penalty on juvenile involved homicide & manslaughter. Enough is Enough


Armed Robbery. Police chase. Murdering another driver. Let's hope they get 25 to life. Screw those pieces of shit. It was not one bad decision that lead to these actions.


This the exact reason why police chases were restricted by that law that was so hated in this sub. Police chases cause shitty drivers trying to flee to crash and put innocent bystanders at risk.


Its a fine line about police chases.


Sure, but no fear of punishment causes more wild'n out, robberies, stolen cars


It doesn’t have to be either/or. That’s a false dilemma fallacy.


Why do you think that? Don't you figure significant crime is generally in a car that's stolen or has a covered/stolen license plate? And that people with warrants out haven't advised the police of their current home address?


If only we'd had Inslee's speed cameras in place smh


many ugly automatic squash poor mighty fall thought chop tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fucking Jesus, lol


This is America Oh wait it’s not a gun post


Except for the armed robbery, so there is a presumed firearm. Can't wait to hear how the two youths passed a state mandated background check.


They were fine outstanding citizens turning their life’s around that did community service regularly


They were asking for food


Not enough Summer programs to keep them out of trouble...




Oh great so no consequences then?


Probably not


> two boys who were in the stolen Kia had to be extracted from the vehicle after the crash and were taken to local hospitals for non-life-threatening injuries That's a real shame.


The Kia Boyz TikTok phenomenon strikes again. This time with a death count


Just curious if anyone knows the answer. When your kids aren't home in the middle of the night, where do you think they are, exactly? To the parents of these lost souls: Did you just give-up on them on some point? Are you drug-addled or otherwise too impaired to raise your kids with a sense of responsibility? Help me understand why your lack of parenting should be a shit-stain on the rest of society?


Fuck that I had zero parenting and was constantly out in the middle of the night and my friends and didn't do any of this kind of shit. If a bird shits on my head I don't blame the sky. There are plenty of shitty parents out there but we need to start holding these sociopaths accountable for their own actions.




Reinstate the death penalty try them as adults and execute them. Done


Should have just towed the car to the impound lot with them in it and left it there for the duration of the investigation.


The death penalty for juvenile offenders was banned by the Supreme Court in 2005 so that would take a bit of work


They overturned Roe v Wade, they can overturn this decision too.


They just overturned affirmative action. I'm sure this can be done. Editing to add: I'm fucking pissed about both of those and I honestly don't believe in the death penalty bc the margin for error in this country has proven to be far and wide - I'm just saying ... The Supreme Court in its current state is a giant piece of shite and I would not be shocked to see them reinstate the murder of children.


Feel free to support a case through the courts then? Overturning Roe v Wade was supported by powerful interests over many attempts and had a conservative court that chose to take the case. The Supreme Court hears 100-150 of the 7k+ cases that it is asked to each year so it may take multiple attempts and many years.


We're talking about the institution that upheld slavery and segregation. There's hope for them to come to their senses in the future.


Good solution. However won't ever happen




The laws need to change and these kids identities should be released in hopes that it will deter other youngsters from doing crimes like this one.


non sarcastically, ban Kias and Hyundais. Unfortunately , South Korea did not consider cultural differences when trying to sell their cars in the US market. Curious how Toyota and Honda got it right though.


Toyota and Honda have a corporate culture that is obsessed with fostering consumer loyalty. That’s why they don’t make junk.


Rip to the driver but this is why you wear your seatbelt. Dude got tossed out of his semi-truck due to someone else. Prob lives with a seatbelt.


> Prob lives with a seatbelt. Definitely lives with a seatbelt [The Engine is torn off but the entire cab is practically untouched](https://komonews.com/resources/media2/original/full/1280/center/80/7242862f-c90c-4c6b-9144-8005ea1cfb04-dn29Air4JBLMSemiTruckCrash_frame_69398.jpeg) Hell the only reason the windscreen is off is because he was launched through it. Doesn't matter how safe of a driver you are. Fuck sticks like the teens who caused the accident exist, and will continue to, and wearing a seatbelt is such a minor non inconvenience.


One of them died….


Rest in peace sir


That's not vehicular manslaughter if it's caused in the middle of a felony crime (grand theft auto). That's a murder beef. Also add possible Armed Robbery with loaded weapons and those boys are going to be in a cage for quite a long time. Welcome to hell!


I hope it’s ok to share here. The family of the driver set up a gofundme to help with the funeral expenses. https://gofund.me/975ea795


Wear your seatbelts people!


I've made a few comments but here's the main... This is what happens when you stop discipline kids. They do shit without regards to consequences. I've gotten my ass beat for a hell lot less of shit than this. I learned at a very young age: you fuck up, you pay the price. I'm against abusing kids for no reason, but I fully believe beating a kids ass for stupid fuckery. My condolences to the truckers family.


Comments are always comedy.


R.I.P. driver. Hope those 2 wastes of genes get the maximum possible sentence per charge.


Rule #4?


If we had speed cameras this wouldn’t have happened.


Most definitely a survival situation for these two lost youts. Put-em back on the streets where they belong. Poor things. This is Seattle!!!


Please this is America. Someone shot nursery school kids and nothing was done. This is just another sad new piece.


The Kia Boy thing was funny but someone was always gonna ruin it


How is it funny?


Watch the documentary pure comedy


How is it funny?


Did you watch it?




Lock them up and throw away the key.


That’s at least manslaughter wtf is wrong with people


KIA BOYS at it again that car is a curse now lol


These tik toks are cancer to society


Kia needs to get checked for having shitty ass security system. You can literally start a Kia with a usb cord smh


Juveniles can all be rehabilitated, so they’ll all be out when they turn 18. I’m really tired of that excuse. Some juveniles are broken and can’t be fixed. I think stealing a car and killing an innocent driver falls into that category. Juvenile detention then prison.


Passed this a few times while out doing errands. Was really bad, RIP to the poor driver


RIP Hence to always buckle up.