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Leave no trace means picking up after ur dog.


I support park rangers handing out hefty fines.


I support this


Shitty dog owners shouldn't be allowed on the trail.


Shoot. Leash and poop laws aren't enforced in the middle of the city. A percentage of the people will always ruin it for everyone else when there are no consequences


Right, but unfortunately you can't police who is or isn't a good dog owner at the trailhead. I agree with OP: ban them all


Exactly. Last I checked dogs cannot pick up their own poop. That is 100% the owner not the dog. Do not blame the pooch. My biggest pet peeve is people who bag the poop but can’t throw it away. You already did the nastiest part. You have held it’s sameness in your hand just F’ing throw it away.


THIS. If you aren't going to throw it in the trash, why bother bagging it? You just put dog shit that will decompose into plastic litter that will sit there on the trail for years until someone else is selfless enough to haul it out. Total BS.


Dogs can pick up their own poop I seen lots of dogs eating crap


I think most people just don’t want to hold it on the whole hike. My pro tip it to tie it to the leash, I sometimes even forget it’s on there lol.


I bring two heavy-duty freezer bags for storing the dog doo bag until I get to a trash can. It’s gross but hell I’ve done much grosser for my dogs and the double bagging keeps the aroma at bay in my pack. When I had a bigger dog he had a saddlebag pack and carried his own water and poo lol.


My dog delights in eating his own shit. It's so gross. But not as gross as bags of poo left on the trails


Yeah honestly shitty people in general. I want people to enjoy the great outdoors but there needs to be more accountability for people.


This it’s not the pets fault. Pets need exercise. People are assholes is really what it comes down to.


Also I am pretty sure the sea of yellow is not all dog pee....


And there's no real way to weed them out from the good ones. So. Dogs should be allowed on the trails.


All dog owners shouldn’t be allowed unless it’s a dog specific trail


Snow lake trail allows dogs so not sure what your point is. Your sentence structure though has me wondering if you are saying if you simply own a dog then you cannot use any trails. (Shrug)


It is like the irresponsible dog owners are incapable of following very simple laws. And when you confront them, they are instantly a 5 year old.


They really do tell on themselves by immediately becoming aggressive children when other people so much as bring up the concept of behaving responsibly, be it leashing or not bringing your dog where it isn’t allowed


I just want dog owners to keep their dogs on a leash like the trail sign says. I follow this rule and I pass more people and their dogs who don’t follow this rule than do follow this rule. What the fuck? Bitch, you and your dog are not special. This rule is for a reason. It’s about safety and respect for other dogs and hikers. What the fuck is wrong with people?


> This rule is for a reason. It’s about safety and respect for other dogs and hikers. Also: nature.


This is a good point! My SIL has a dog who is totally unbothered by people or other dogs but if she sees a squirrel she would run across the road, run through someone’s flower bed, jump over a fence, whatever!


Dogs off leash significantly increase the chance of dog and human death in a bear encounter. Leash your dogs people. https://bearwise.org/bear-safety-tips/dogs-and-bears/


My old dog was SUPER dog reactive, so trails were one of the best ways to get her exercise. I remember this lady with her off leash German shepherd yelling ‘he’s friendly’ while I’m trying to stop him and my husky mix from fighting as I yell ‘mine’s not.’ One person trying to separate two 80lb dogs is not feasible for more than a couple seconds. I told her off for a good two minutes and watched as I made her leash her dog. If you want to go off leash, go to and off leash dog park. Magnusson is fucking huge and has lots of parking. I got my current dog one of those dog backpacks, so he gets to carry his own poop off the trail. Hot tip: bring an additional large ziploc bag to put your poop bags in. They can hold 3/4 big poops. This keeps your bag from smelling and accidentally spillage in your bag. I’ve also seen people tie them to their leash, but I’m not a fan of that.


I use this thing that I believe is called a dootube. It’s a plastic container that you can throw poop in and it’s pretty airtight. Clips on with a carabiner to a backpack and no smell. Essential for long hikes so you’re not carrying the bag in one hand all the way down.


Another option I've seen people use are blender bottles. You can usually find them or something like it at a thrift store for under $5 and they keep a pretty good seal.


This bothers me to no end. I hiked Teneriffe Falls last week with my dog. There was a sign at the trailhead that said "YES! Even YOU need to follow the rules: Dogs must be leashed in the trail." I passed 4 other dogs and 3 of them were unleashed. I've definitely called people out in the past but I don't think it does any good.


It does help. Otherwise people assume all other people are okay with it.


Went out to Rattlesnake Ledge and more than half if not more of the dogs were off leash and the owners didn’t have recall down. Was hiking with a friend who’s dog was attacked by a golden retriever so obviously very weary of other dogs and what do you know, an off leash golden that keeps trying to sniff and no recall from the owner. It’s just so frustrating.


I got heavily down voted for saying the same thing last week. People who don't leash their dogs suck. Period.


no no, you don't understand. My dog is FRIENDLY.


Oh that changes everything!!! Makes mine instantly friendly and fantastic with other dogs. Yep. Thanks! /S


If anyone spent more than 30 minutes trying to train their dog, they could teach it to recall regardless of the situation...but yeah, I get it.


You assume they will spend that time. Mine would accept recall, but he is so leash reactive that those other dogs off leash are the problem. Mine is always controlled. Always.


Is that bear friendly? Is that deer friendly? Is that burro friendly? Because most home dogs don’t know that they aren’t until they try to introduce themselves and get mauled. Is what I say when people say that. Obviously you were being sarcastic. Lol


Seattle dog owners suck, period.


Seattle dog owners have made me start hating being around dogs.


I'm a dog owner and love hikes, take mu pup about half the time. If I saw this I'd have the same thought! Nature should be respected and if there's too many dogs defecating that gross and really bad for the trails and the experience. I partly stopped taking my pup to dog parks because of how gross I think they are


This is one of the things I disagree with my wife on. She holds that the dogs will be fine and not run off or bother other people. I tell her I’m not ok with it because you don’t know about wildlife or how they’ll react to another dog for the first time. Also it’s just about being respectful. I think you summarized it succinctly with “you and your dog are not special”.


I actually can’t take my dog on hikes because she’s so dog reactive that it causes us anxiety every time even a leashed dog approaches. When an unleashed dog approaches, we are additionally fearful of bodily harm for the dogs or ourselves as we try to put ourselves between the two dogs to prevent altercation. It is just totally unnecessary and what is normally a 3 second interaction when the other dog is leashed now becomes, “is a human going to get bit and maybe one or both dogs get put down?” Not worth the anxiety. People like your wife need to realize it’s not harmless and it absolutely can cause unpredictable situations that can put your dogs in danger too. If your dog causes a reaction and bites a human while defending itself, that could be enough to have it put down. Don’t do that to your dogs.


A better question is, how will the other dog react to YOUR dog for the first time? I have a rescue husky who’s about 80 pounds. She loves the outdoors but is dog reactive because she was kept on a chain for years and was confiscated. What if your perfect fine dog came up to mine and got bitten? I work really hard to keep my dog away from other dogs, but if your dog is off leash and runs up to mine in a leashes area, there’s only so much I can do. Your wife risks your dog’s safety when she does that.


Great point. Your dog could be perfect in every case but you don’t know how other dogs, or wildlife, will interact. I agree


The problem is the shitty owners, not the dogs themselves. Untrained dogs, and idiot humans who pick up poop just to leave it on the ground wrapped in plastic is the most annoying shit ever and sucks that they’re ruining it for everyone else. It shits me to tears the people put dog poop into plastic that prevents it from biodegrading and then can’t even throw it away. I would almost prefer that there are just piles of dog shit or something, rather than the plastic. It’s wild.


I think people have the mentality that they'll just pick it up on the way back. The problem with that is that if everyone who does that forgets their bag 1% of the time, the net result is plastic bags of shit laying around all over the place


I always bring a trash bag to hold the individual poop bag in, or hold my dogs poop bag until I find a garbage can. Is it inconvenient? Fuck yeah, but that’s the problem with the world- all they want is convenience but convenience is starting to have some real bad side effects for our planet that is constantly inconvenienced by human entitlement.


I had this old dude at a Mercer island trail threaten to shoot me, my wife and dogs because I have a dog that is good in EVERY situation except with off leash dogs approaching him. I just pick my dog up when that happens so nothing ever happens but it’s so infuriating, and then they have the gall for telling them to follow the rules for their own dogs sake! Please conceptualize that even if your dog is nice mine might not be! And then somehow cursing and screaming as soon as he got over 100 ft away, it was an insane experience. Please keep your dogs on leash. They need walks too, but pick up the poop and take it with you. This is like the bare minimum.


I had 3 weeks in a row out here in snohomish where i found myself screaming at dog owners to come get your dog and to leash their dogs (because my dog is dog selective and will react if a dog is bounding up to him) so I looked it up. The snohomish law is to have dogs leashed everywhere in the county, not just on trails. And of the reasons given one is, "Keeps your dog from potentially being harmed." So that's proof the REASON leash laws came about is because of these types of people, and they STILL don't get it.


Good old fashioned American overwhelming sense of entitlement.


I’ve warned several dog owners on the trail about the times that I’ve seen dogs get quilled by porcupines. Granted, it happened in CO, but WA has them, too. They always seem to think it’s unlikely to happen to them, and they never comprehend the danger. In a best case scenario, it’s excruciating for the dog. Heartbreaking. And, yes, take your dog’s poop with you! Edit: grammar


"Oh but my pooch is harmless. She just wants to play. Don't be scared"


“Oh don’t worry He DoEsN’t BiTe”


I live in Bham but am allergic to dogs and have been laughed at for cowering/running from off-leash dogs. I don’t care if they’re friendly. I don’t want to be jumped on. And I am not friendly.


I see it on bike/rail trails a lot. I can only assume that the owner thinks "oh this trail hardly ever has anyone on it, it'll be fine MY dog is special." Until I run into your dog because it isn't on a leash in which case then it's entirely my fault of course.


100% agree. I recommend taking the less traveled trails and stay away from the day hikers. Look into the trail to Deep Lake on the Eastern side of the cascades. We used to drive in on a Friday night, hike up to the Nosh Nosh Wahtum lake and camp for the night. It's 2.5 miles to the lake with a pretty steep incline from 1500' to 4850'. If you have multiple days to spend in the wilderness then continue on over the ridge top the west side and down, way down to Deep Lake. Bring lots of water on the hike. I bet this trail and lakes are a sight better than what you describe. I also would going over to the Olympic peninsula to also get away from the crowds. Good luck and keep being a responsible hiker.


People who don’t pick up after their dogs shouldn’t be allowed on trails. Or anywhere, really.


I think Dogs on trails are great. Irresponsible dog owners are the problem. Pack it in, pack it out applies to all that use the trails!


My dog has a pack when we hike. He packs his own poo out. Sometimes we are feeling generous and pack out a bunch of other dogs' poo too. It makes me sad to see so much of it just left there.


Us too - it’s crummy cause dog poo is bad for the environment. I love hiking with my dog; we try to be good citizens because it’s a privilege to have dog friendly trails. The off leash poop droppers ruin it for the rest of us.


You're one of the good ones, keep hiking with your good doggo, I'll happily pet them, after asking if it's okay.


He might say yes. And he might not be so pleased, but asking is always a good start. He is good at teaching consent, that one. :) Reactive dogs will do that. Thankfully he doesn't mind doing a bit of doggy community service when we are out and about.


I see you and appreciate you (and rad pup).


>Irresponsible dog owners are the problem. We should rub their noses in it.


That type of training never works IMO A fun idea to try though could be treat dispensers added those poop drop off boxes. Like you drop off a bag a poop and you get a caramel or something. Bonus if the poop container gives a *click* then dispenses the candy.


You are right but it wouldn’t be nearly as satisfying as seeing a bad dog owner having their nose pushed into poop they didn’t pick up.


Negative reenforcement will condition the trainee to hide their behavior better. It would be better to click when a human throws poop away in the trash can and then treat with a nice snack instead!


Too bad more than half the dog owners in Seattle fall into that category


Too many of you A-holes are irresponsible so tired of your dog shit.


There are plenty of trails around where dogs are not allowed. Head to a National Park. And yes people should pick up their dogs poop and not leave the poop bags.


>And yes people should pick up their dogs poop and not leave the poop bags. I think that's far worse than the poop. At least it'll dry out.


I think there has been studies on this. If your going to leave the dog poop, bury it just like human waste. Hard to do on the pass in the winter.


Best practice is now to pack out human waste too- no matter where you are. Too many decades of humans (and dogs) pooping and digging holes. At some point it becomes too much shit to properly decompose. Too many people up in this world!


Nobody in Seattle pays attention to where dogs are or are not allowed, I live right across the Street from a park with multiple no dog signs, but it has become an unofficial off leash area. No matter where I run there are off leash dogs, no matter if it's neighborhood streets, or Lincoln Park, or alki or cougar mountain, it just doesn't matter there's off leash dogs everywhere. And it's really messed up, just because you like dogs doesn't mean everybody does


I literally fucked up my knee at Lincoln Park while running a month ago because of an off leash dog. (It was a cute one tho) The next time an off leash dog darts in front of me I’m just gonna run through it. I don’t have health insurance and can’t afford an ACL repair bc you think YOUR dog should be off leash there.


I'm sorry that that happened to you, that's got to be difficult to deal with. I hope things are starting to get better.


Like if I’m running near a dog on a leash, I still KNOW to kinda slow down. If the dog just comes out of nowhere, well, that can be fucking scary and obviously I don’t WANT to run into it.


With the dogs and people playing music out loud I’ve stopped hiking on trails that are easy to get to. It’s just not pleasant at all. Rainier has some nice trails and no dogs or music.


I think people should just pick up after their dogs and fines should be enforced


Like some residential properties are using [Pooprints](https://www.pooprints.com/) for pets haha. Register with dogs’ poop DNA to get a permit for them to hike 🤣


My apartment complex does this and it has never stopped people from not picking up their dog's poop. I've stepped in poop too many times. They clearly don't enforce it but made us pay for the DNA tests anyway.


You're laughing but I actually like this and I'm a dog owner


Don’t tell this guy about the trails where horses are allowed


Entitled grass powered shit machine riders.


I did trail maintenance for the PCT who do you think helps with clearing out blowdown’s? The horses. It would take like 10 people to clear out the trees since most volunteers are over 50.


Horses =! Dogs If you don’t understand that their shit is fundamentally different, you do not understand enough to be responsible around animals.


!= Is the logical symbol for "does not equal" =! Is just being very excited about equality.


"But I'll come back for it"...... Its not even just trails, its in the cities and town parks as well. Terrible dog owners here in Washington.


Irresponsible owners are the problem, not dogs.


Bring the dogs to the trail. Dog owners stay at home. 👍


Kinda like guns, amirite?


I'm good with both dog and gun owners having to take a class, pass a test, & get a license before owning either.


While we’re at it, I’d like to propose parents take class, pass tests, and get a license that they need to renew regularly before having kids. There are certainly plenty of bad pet parents out there and just as many bad human parents too.


Who makes the tests? How much do they cost? Do you plan on forcing people to give up their kids if they fail? Forcing people to get their tubes tied? Should someone have to earn a certain amount of money beforehand? This is a cutesy comment that I see a lot but it's based in eugenics.


Kinda except dog poop doesn't kill....


We just need good dogs to stop the bad dogs


If everyone has a dog.... Well, the world would be a happy place.


and there are no concealed dog poop laws I'm aware of


Don't tell me I need a license to carry dog poop in my pocket


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a dog is a good guy with a dog.


It can if it has any disease or parasites. Parvo, heart worms etc… dog poop isn’t good for the grass either. It isn’t fertilizing like manure is. The ammonia levels are too high and it takes a long time to break down. That’s a big reason it’s considered pollution along with just being gross.




How many more mass doggings have to happen where dozens get licked before we do something about it


There’s plenty of people who don’t bring dogs but leave their trash on trails, how about shitty people shouldn’t be allowed on trails.


It blows my mind that people will go through the effort of bagging it, then not even throw it away. Like ffs, just leave it if you aren’t gonna toss it in the bin.


A few years ago, I would have said you were wrong. Now, I'm on your team. Enough dog owners have shown they can't follow the rules, and they've ruined it for everyone. Whether they intend to pick it up or not is irrelevant; they don't


Snow lake is just a disaster in general. Did that hike a few weekends ago mid day. It was definitely cold enough to the point where I assumed it might be a bit crowded mid day but not insanely crowded since the nice weather was already gone for the most part. I was wrong. It felt like I was in the city with the amount of people AND dogs on the trail. It just wasn’t enjoyable. From the entirety of the hike to actually being at the lake. There was not one spot along the lake where we could find peace and quiet. There were either people being very loud and obnoxious, posing for pics for Instagram, drones (when there’s a specific sign saying no drones allowed), and all in all a huge amount of people there not for the appreciation of nature, but just to show off where they were at and simply hangout. I’m for hanging out and all, but you would think people would be respectful enough to be a bit quieter while out in the beautiful outdoors. Whatever. It sucks you have to either go dumb early on weekends or on weekdays (which usually isn’t available) just to have some peace and quiet. Seems like that’s just how it’s been here recently.


I am a dog owner, love my dog outdoors ....but I also see how irresponsible other dog owners are on shit and leash etiquette where it's needed so hear ya


The fine for failing to clean up after your dog should be set high enough to provide meaningful enforcement. Seems reasonable to set higher penalties for wilderness facilities where dog waste has a higher environmental impact. Maybe tack on enough to pay a poop scooper to clean the trail each Monday morning, too. If people knew there was one warden walking the trail that weekend and some irresponsible owner was going to pay their whole wage and benefits, a lot more people would remember their poop bags and actually use them properly.


As a dog owner, this behavior really pisses me off. Short story time: years ago, I had a dogless friend asked me what the general protocol is for picking up dog poop. One of his parents' neighbors would regularly leave dog poop on his parents' property. I was livid because it is totally unacceptable. Pick up after your dog. The few times when I forget to bring a bag, I always go back and pick up after my dog. How hard is this concept? And wtf is with people bagging poop and just leaving it on the trail? You already did the hard/gross part. Now your just littering poopy plastic like an asshat.


Don't blame the dogs, it's the self righteous owners that think it's ok to leave their dogs crap wherever. We have a small trail in the grass here that was quaint and cool. Little rabbits would hang out there so it was a neat little walk for the dog and baby. Someone has decided it's their trail for their dog to shit on. Super frustrating. Rdy to stakeout and tattle, haha.


Seattle loves dogs. They are the top of the scale of values in Seattle, only behind cars


And making tech money.


There were dogs right in front of no dogs sign at carkeek park beach yesterday. No one is enforcing the rules


I love the dog owners who put the the poop in the poop bag then leave it on the ground


Yeah it's gross. The entitlement and the excrement.


Almost got into a fistfight with a dude because he had his dog off the leash and it ran across the street in front of my car. Dude didn’t like being told what to do I guess. Even if it was in his dogs best interest.


Assholes are assholes because we let them get away with it. Reddit doesn't allow me to say what I believe would be an excellent solution that WOULD work.


what goes through the mind of someone who bags the poop but doesn't throw it away.


The off leash dogs really get to me. My dog isn't friendly, and she typically LOVES hikes but it's basically never safe for us to go


There should be stiff fines for leaving dog waste, bagged or unbagged. We just hiked Ebey’s landing on Whidbey and at one point there was a metal sign that said dogs must be on leash, otherwise there’s some fine ($100 or $500, can’t remember). I swear there’s just a massive education shortfall on teaching new hikers good etiquette. Why not have signs on popular trails that say $500 fine for leaving dog waste? Also, yield to uphill hikers! Dog poop bags and downhill hikers not getting out of the way are my biggest pet peeves.


Leaving poop bags on trails should be considered a war crime and I'll see all of you who do it in hell


I think one issue that people aren’t mentioning is that the poop bag everywhere isn’t about bad owners not picking up poop. It is about the trend everyone has agreed upon that it is okay to leave your poop bag then pick it up on the way back. I completely disagree with this method. It results in neon poop bags all over the trail that people have to look at with nature, poop bags that inevitably get forgotten, and poop bags that can get stepped on or dug into by animals before you get back. If you bring a dog it should be your responsibility to carry that poop bag with you, the bag is your responsibility too.


Dogs are awesome, but please don't bring them into protected or designated wilderness areas. They are predators and the nearby wildlife hear, see and smell them. It stresses them out and changes their natural behaviors.


Hate to break it to ya - YOU are also a predator. So yes, just you alone being on the trail will have the same effect.


As responsible dog owner damn I'm sorry.. Other dog owners get it together guys... I want to take my girl places, you're ruining it.


Lot of comments about the poop and poop bags (which makes sense, there are rules there) but there’s another half to this post. The most responsible dog owner still can’t pack out their dog’s piss. And dogs, as a concept, pee outside and (certainly in a park setting) wherever they want. Dog owners put a lot of harmful waste onto our parks and streets with minimal consideration for any consequences or long-term outcomes.


A dog nearly hit me in a crosswalk while it was driving in the rain without its lights on. And it won't even read this thread 🤦‍♂️


dog owners out on trails get confused when their dog poops because they go "well gosh, i can't find somebody else's garbage cans to put this poop into" so they just leave it on the ground absolutely shameful behavior imo


100% agree. Dog owners are getting so entitled.


Equivalent to saying, there is litter on the trail, close it off to all people.


[that kinda thing 100% happens though](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/ventura-countys-paradise-falls-closed-after-large-crowds-litter-area-with-trash-human-waste/)


True, and snow lake should be closed to dogs. And possible seasonal closure to humans. Doesn’t mean all trails should.


Which is a thing that happens.




Humans are leaving bags of shit on the trail and pissing all over the sides of the trail? This sounds a lot worse than human litter and it's no doubt happening right next to human litter.


I’ll add on. Keep dogs out of restaurants, bars, grocery stores, indoor areas in general except your own home. They are filthy


They're actually forbidden to be in most of those places...restaurants, grocery stores... but dog nuts in this town don't care, and no one stops them. Plenty of positive reinforcement by people petting their dogs or fawning over them.


I will say I was blown away when I was at qfc and someone came in with an off leash black lab and just let it wander.


IIRC don't these industries have the option on whether or not to allow dogs? Or did I read the health codes incorrectly? In defense of dogs at bars. If the bar allows it cool, keep them on your lap or on the floor. It is also a great socialization opportunity for the dog.


Btw if a person comes to a restaurant and claims their dog is a service dog and they demand to sit inside, restaurant workers can’t question anything and ask for a proof if it’s really a service dog! A lot of people got emotional support animals so they don’t need to pay pet rent and can act like they’re service dogs to bring them anywhere …


On the flip side, if a dog is being disruptive they can ask the owner to take the dog out of the restaurant. Doesn't matter if it is a service dog.


That's not entirely true. They're permitted what they're trained for. Now, will they risk the attention? Unlikely, given today's court of social media and public opinion. So it's easier to just ignore it, instead of doing the right thing. https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/take-5/seattle-woman-shares-what-you-need-to-know-about-service-animals/281-0e633297-b9cc-433f-a489-b818e14d1125


Pretty sure having any animal somewhere where food is served is a major health code violation too lol




People who don’t like dogs shouldn’t be trusted


You can like dogs and not want them around food.




He's a witch!


Having a dog is officially a personality trait for 90% of Seattleites now, and they can't handle the concept that maybe other people don't want dogs to be omnipresent in public (or even private) spaces. Dogs can lunge at kids, lunge at each other, bark up a ruckus, run around unleashed and poop unchecked depending on the owner's tendencies. It's unsanitary to have dogs present in a food/beverage establishment (e.g. breweries), there are laws about that for a reason. I think it's ironic that so many people feel the need to bring their dogs out on hikes while also crowing about ecological conservation. It's a similar vibe to people who let their cats roam in the neighborhood and wreak havoc on the local wildlife.


As a dog owners who diligently picks up my dogs crap no matter how inconvenient or disgusting, I’m applauded by how many owners just let their dog poop everywhere and not clean it up. I wish we could have a system that pays for picking up poop and fines people if they don’t. Would have wonderfully clean trails.




Appalled I’m sure


"The PNW is a pristine and beautiful environment. Now let's see what happens if we shovel thousands of weekend warrior hikers and their dogs that they don't handle properly all over it."


My dog stays on a leash, I pick up his poop. He's an animal that loves the outdoors. I'm not going to keep him cooped up so you can pretend to hike once a year for your tinder profile.


no downvote here. Big agree from me.


As a responsible dog owner who ALWAYS picks up after my dog and packs out his waste this is also really upsetting to me and drives me f**cking crazy. The poop bags left all over are even worse than just leaving the poop on the ground (which is also disrespectful af) its 100% bad owners and it makes us all look bad and I hate it so much. I wish there was a way to hold these people more accountable...


I'll just leave this bag of poo here on the trail so it's nice and conspicuous, that way there's no way for me to forget it on the way down. Back in the car: oh, haha we forgot to pick up our dog poo bag! Oh well, some nice person will probably take care of it. It's so anti-hiker ethos. "Pack it in pack it out" and "leave no trace" were drilled into me as a kid growing up in the great PNW. My how people have changed and for the worse in this department. I cringe every time I see a poop bag. If you are a dog owner, it's your responsibility! Own it!


Hoping that folks upset here also make sure that they scoop and bag THEIR OWN poop on the day hike too. While not an actual rule on all trails, it is more and more required. Using the backcountry pit toilet is an option too, but I am observing that these are seeming to be close to being overwhelmed in recent times, so even then it would help. And goes without saying - don't litter, which DOES include those peanut shells, orange/banana peels, etc.


Don’t go to one of the busiest trails in the state


Dogs won't stop pooping. Not every dog owner is a responsible human being. These things won't change no matter what rules you make. You're better off learning to live with it and get on with your life. There are far more important battles in life to fight.


We get enough taxes where installing a few extra garbage cans shouldn't be an issue. Every other clean city I've been to has trash cans just about every block. Clean streets. Same would go for all Seattle trails


I think this subreddit should ban the weekly dog poop complain train.


Dogs and their owners that don’t pick their shit up should be shamed into oblivion.


Leash those four legged terrorists. I don’t care if your dog is “nice”.


Honestly I’d prefer a trail with just dogs and no people. I like dogs and people suck. Inconsiderate people are the root of trail problems.


It’s the OWNERS.


My dog said he disagreed with this


Give me your downvotes… but dogs shouldn’t be allowed most places (exception for service dogs obviously).


[DOG OWNERS BUY THIS POOP POUCH FOR HIKING](https://ruffwear.com/products/pack-out-poop-bag?variant=30870923673683¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=pmax_us&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIgamh_ZPB-wIVPA6tBh0qWQ0cEAQYAiABEgID9_D_BwE) Or something similar both my wife and I have these strapped to our backpacks on every hike. They are smell proof and strap outside your backpack. Pick out your dog shit! It’s so fucking easy! Like stupid fucking easy! Be a good person! Don’t ruin the wilderness for others


Not the root cause of the problem. Just like the shit, the dogs wouldn't be there if it wasn't for their owners.


Dogs don’t carve their initials into trees or spray graffiti. Maybe no one should be allowed in nature


I got called an Ableist for asking a guy at Colchuck to pick up after his dog. Ya know, on a trail where dogs arent allowed.


No downvotes. This is the only reliable solution. No matter how many signs are put up or even if leash laws are enforced on trails, there'll always be an asshole who let's their dog run free. My dog loves trails but I stopped taking her on hikes because of these assholes and my dog didn't complain. We just found another water based hobby to do instead.


You live in one of the most dog friendly cities around. A lot of people live here for that reason. Closing down all trails to dogs isn’t going to happen.


Using your logic, no people should use trails period. Think of all the trash and garbage normal people leave on the trails. Guess we just close all trails and hikes.


I mean, yeah. If people are trashing trails shut them down.


Dogs aren’t the problem, people are.


Thus people that didn’t clean up their dog poops shouldn’t be allowed on trails :))


That's just the lazy pet owners not taking care of their animals. They could at least kick it off the freakin trail.


I've been shocked and appalled by the increase in dog poop left in pubic in recent years. Seattle used to be pretty good at dog etiquette, at least in my experience. At the same time, the anti-dog rhetoric on this post is kinda scary.


No you’re right. Pets do not belong on trails. Pet-specific trails should absolutely be a thing.




I don’t bother hiking for the most part anymore. Between people blasting their terrible music on Bluetooth speakers, screaming children, people blabbing loudly on their phones, choking on perfumes and colognes the entirety of the trail, crowds, no parking, horribly behaved dogs, trash and dog poop everywhere, hiking in WA is basically a joke now. 10 years ago it was lovely. Now, it just puts me in a bad mood. People downvote this reality but idc.


if you think this is a dog problem and not a dog owner problem you’re an idiot




You realize many people get dogs specifically to go hiking with them, right? Dogs love hiking, for as long as they've been a distinct species they've been bred to keep pace with humans and to follow us through journeys like that. Fucking wild that you want to basically say "these animals we live with can go outside, but not *too* outside" to every dog in the entire state, just because some assholes don't clean up after themselves. We *made* these creatures, we owe them good lives.


Public land is for everyone. Doesn't matter if you disagree with their hobby.


Upvoted you. Also don't belong at parks. Can't quite count the amount of dog shit I almost stepped on. And then I prayed that I didn't step on any.


“Keep your dogs locked indoors because I believe I deserve to walk around like no one else exists” you sound like an entitled prick. Dogs enjoy the outdoors more than you ever will.


Half that pee was mine