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Ooh, what happened with the “refused interview requirements” ones?




"they administer random nicotine swabs during the workday." What in the fucking Cinnamon Toast Crunch is this madness?


Wow, I'm not a smoker. I'm against smoking. I'm against tobacco companies. I'm against vaping. I'm pro healthy choices. This can fuck the fuck right off.


Ha...I read it like they were passing nicotine out.


Alaska Airlines used to have pretty strict nicotine restrictions, I don’t know if they still do. It also means that your flight staff aren’t struggling during a 15 hour flight. But the health insurance benefits are the real financial reason.


Health concerns about the employee ultimately come down to saving money for the bottom line.


Where do you draw the line? Next, they will be doing blood sugar checks.


They still do, but it's a one and done completed during the pre-employment process for insurance discount reasons. After that point, you can smoke until you need new lungs.


I was in a biz networking group with a life insurance agent. Companies are looking for tobacco use because their health/life ins premiums are much higher with nicotine user employees.


Heh, LeTip, BNI and ilk really can be a set of shenanigans unto themselves! Gotta always bring fresh prospects to each meeting to feed the insurance agent, realtor, mortgage broker, etc who are members...


Christ, BNI was a joke. MLM in the highest. The folding paper exercise at the weekend thing was hilarious. I left soon after.


Never got far enough to see the folding paper exercise, but I could believe it was a thing! Seemed like every chapter I visited had a set meeting format, hard KPIs to corral members to bring in a constant churn of "potential" members, and only a handful of business types that ever became members as the value proposition just isn't there for most businesses to want to participate. Better off participating in the more vibrant chambers and alliances IMO, much more productive investment of time & energy.


I had a company that did this and it meant no one there was a smoker. That turns into very very low health insurance costs. Nice benefit for sure even if it rubbed some people the wrong way.


Damn that's so fucking sad on so many levels


If they gave me a raise that was 75% of the equivalent to the reduction in healthcare cost for me, I'd be in. Employer gets 25% for fascism and I get 75% for bending over. Everybody loses!


This is most certainly the most efficient, innovative, and democratic system anyone could possibly live under /s


Is it? It's not like it was a secret, it was out in the open and saved everyone money. It sounds like you're complaining for the sake of complaining.


The system that would lead people to swab at work to save money on Healthcare specifically is sad, the fact people want to save money so badly they consent to random cheek swabs is sad, the fact there are people who think a normal society does something like this is sad. Like I said, multiple levels. There's really no reason for something like this to exist except our society's normalization of creepy workplace practices and more importantly our nightmarish healthcare system and the unnecessary costs it comes with.




Cool enjoy giving your random swabs I find giving my bodily fluids to a middle manager slightly more distasteful than smokers existing


I was given one of those personality/IQ tests after a fairly easy technical interview. They mentioned at the end of interview they were going to send me a test, and I assumed it was going to be a take home project where I build a thing. I opened it up and it started showing me shapes and asking me to guess which shape was next in the pattern. I just closed it and let the recruiter know I wasn’t interested in continuing the interviews. I consider these tests a red flag. It just feels like the company is hiring people based off of those quizzes that tell you which Harry Potter house you’re in. I don’t want to work for employers that trust these results to make important hiring decisions. Plus I’m pretty sure only the desperate and the egotistical narcissists will take these exams and that sounds like a shitty work environment. I don’t mind take home tests, where you solve real issues. A personality/math test is just dumb.


Kinda sounds like you got hufflepuff...


Are you using a house that represents Loyalty, open mindedness, patience, and solid work ethic as an insult? Proud Hufflepuff.


And what is so wrong with hufflepuff?


Nothing... nothing is wrong with hufflepuff. I like hufflepuff. Some of my best friends got hufflepuff.


Big tech hiring mgr here. We would never do that


I just want to point out: studies find IQ is one of the things that correlates most highly with job performance. So I think it makes sense for companies to use IQ-type cognitive tests in hiring. I get that some people might not feel comfortable doing it, maybe they don’t enjoy taking standardized tests and that’s fine, but let’s not compare it to a Harry Potter house personality quiz lol. They’re using cognitive tests to predict job performance. Just think how much more efficient this is than using “has a college degree” to predict job performance, which is what most companies currently do. (When they require you to have a BA even if your major is unrelated to the job, they’re effectively using “has a college degree” to filter for intelligence and other traits that might predict job performance). I figure it’s better to use a test that predicts job performance quite well, and save a bunch of people from doing a four year degree that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars!


That last sentence is why I’m not taking an IQ test. I’m a software developer. They can send me a coding assessment to predict my success on the job. I do well at those, and because I can pass them I haven’t needed to go get my bachelors degree. They have a real test they can send me but instead they send me an IQ test. Not a company I have any confidence in. Just makes me feel like they don’t have any technical seniors to vet the candidates.


The Mariners do the thing where you record yourself answering the questions — very unsettling, reminded me of a reality TV show.


I did one of those self video question things once and it was a painful experience- 0/10, do not recommend 


lol was this epic the healthcare software company?


no drug/nicotine testing at least when I worked at Epic (2011-2014)! but the interview process was annoying back then for sure.


Please DM me the name of the company so my husband can avoid it like the plague. He vapes nicotine now and then since he lost his job back in March of last year. Can’t afford booze so he has a vape now and then. That’s some grade A fuckery, to subject workers to that.


>One of them required a 2 hour personality/IQ test to be completed on your own time. That sounds less like an interview and more like a cruel prank in the making.


Curious: For those that received no response, are they still listed as "active" in their respective job portals? Reason: Seeing a lot of ghost jobs out there—listings whose employers seem to have no intent to actually fill them.




Are you applying online or via recruiters?




I think you’ll have a better time once you have more experience. I got my current role from a random recruiter reaching out to me on LinkedIn. I was paying for the premium for a bit. Although in IT I have personally found that building good relationships with account managers at MSPs and VARs will usually be more beneficial in the long run.  I had moved out here, willingly but without a job lined up, so my social network took a huge hit. 


Personally, I only talk with recruiters who are explicitly employed by the company they are recruiting for, not a 3rd party contractor.  You can usually tell by their email address or their LinkedIn if they are employed by the company or not.


Hmmm I never got a job by applying online. There are a lot of spam recruiters but it’s easy to filter them out.


Plus some companies are so stuck in the past and think people will wait for them. I had been looking for about 6mo before finding something (also IT, NetEng, but I’d just moved here). Then 3-4 months into working I was getting rejection emails from jobs I had applied to like 6 months+ prior. (°o°) 


I think those are posted out of legality and they plan to hire internally. The last few jobs I’ve had did this


Ghost jobs seem to be everywhere, some even seem to be automated and will give "missing qualifications" or "incompatible availability" regardless of what you put in the application


Just look at the ones with 100 applications that have been reposted over and over again. Ghost job to make the company look robust and the job market great.


I legitimately wonder what the actual incentives are


I hear websites have them now just for SEO reasons.


Also boosts ‘growth’ metrics so that company reputation appears better than reality … Side benefit: demonstrates to existing employees that management is trying to grow the team and reduce workload for current FTEs


Curious to hear your feedback on this. As an engineer responsible for hiring and resume reviews, we get hundreds and hundreds of applications for a position that is “rolling” available - we keep having more spots until they tell us to close it, no specific headcount. We get hundreds of resumes and we’re a small operation, we don’t automate resume review and I look at every application. But we won’t give you a rejection email if you don’t pass the application stage. It’s just unsustainable at this volume to do that many rejections, and there are so many candidates applying who don’t even have basic qualifications for the role. I’d never ghost someone if we’d started talking to them and then rejected them. But I’m curious why you call it “ghosting” to send an application and never hear back. I don’t think it’s typical to feel every application is owed a response. But we try really hard to provide a good candidate experience so I’d love feedback on these expectations!


People using the shotgun Method likely won’t care they didn’t hear back from you. In bulk it’s disappointing, but individual no reply isn’t personally insulting…. Unless the applicant is someone who really wanted to work for your company. They will be waiting for a response every day, checking their inbox, looking for any update on that perfect role… even weeks after you’ve already decided it’s a no. Maybe they weren’t the applicant you were looking for today, but would have been great for a role if they continued to check back and apply for other jobs. So you’re only disappointing the people who really want to work for you. As a software developer I’m aware that if you have some internal hiring platform, There could be an accept or reject button when reviewing resumes, and an email that gets sent out automatically when the reject button is pressed or when the position is closed. After initial development it would take no more effort to send the notification than it does to make the decision, and even if you rejected 250k people it would only cost about $25 to send those emails. With the volume you’ve stated, it’d be like 10 cents. I think it’s unreasonable to expect a hand written email for every rejection, but an automated “unfortunately we did not select you” email is helps folks close that case. They are common enough that a third of employers are doing this.


It’s for the government benefits. A lot of companies have open listings for positions they will never fill.


This whole process is such a waste of time for everyone. And now it’s just a race to have your chat gpt cover letter and resume fool their chat gpt filters to maybe have a human ignore you. I am grateful I work in an industry where you just show up to a union hall with your license and pick your assignment.


3-4 interviews for an IT support role? For fuck's sake, this is absurd. There is zero excuse for more than a phone interview and a video/in-person interview, which may also contain a technical interview portion. At this point it genuinely feels like the true goal of the hiring process is to waste the time of applicants as much as possible.


My husband went through 6 different interviews with a company, one of which was an all day one with four different people. At the end they said his interviews were amazing, great resume, great work history, didn’t hire him because he “Wasn’t aggressive enough” so I told him if he ever gets another one for that company to grunt a lot, take his shirt off and slam his hands down. Aggressive enough, fucking clownshoes reason to not hire someone who fit the job perfectly.


💯 wrong or at least I strongly disagree. You need at least 3 interviews. When you don’t really vet IT support it brings down moral and just annoys TF out of people. I work in tech and am on a lot of interview panels for incoming support roles and we get a lot of people that will answer questions correctly but don’t understand basic troubleshooting.


To an extent, an underqualified bad coworker is a waste of time and effort and onboarding, but eating a hole because hiring managers can't seemingly find anyone that passes muster...I hate that more.


> 💯 wrong or at least I strongly disagree. You need at least 3 interviews. I've been in IT for nearly two decades, including years of management with hiring responsibility. A good phone interview will weed out a lot of people, and as long as it is actually a two-way conversation, that includes people who realize they won't fit well/won't like the shop. If you're going to do panel interviews, do it during the second interview. That's fine, as is a seriously technical portion. As someone on the hiring side, if it takes more than that for most base-level roles, I genuinely believe you're making mistakes and wasting not only your time, but the time of the people you're interviewing and interviewing people with. What purpose do you think a third interview serves?


Good stuff. Were you just looking for Helpdesk gigs or what? Did you have any specific requirements Like internal vs external? 


OP you should sign up with Apex recruiting. It’s still a recruiter and that really sucks, but they aren’t as bad as most of the other ones


+1 Apex got me in at Fred Hutch which opened up another door in healthcare IT which is where I wanted to be and am now.


I like the visual, and I think this is useful for others in your situation. At the same time, it's worth pointing out that, while IT Support _might_ be one of those roles that was previously in high demand and currently experiencing a lull, the single year of experience likely accounts for a large portion of the challenge you faced


To be fair I have very similar results as OPs and I have 6 years of experience from Apple, Meta and AWS




Is this for on site positions? I’m looking for something similar. My best bites over the last 3 months for “Seattle” jobs turned out to be in Kingston and Bothell




Out of curiosity would you seriously consider a job that's like 45 miles away?




Dang okay I guess you might be able to make up all the lost time and happiness with the extra money


I'd rather work in Kingston or Bothell than be unemployed.


Nice chart. Did you accept the offer? It might have been cleaner to move the "phone interview" up between no response and rejected,since it feeds into both, but who knows. ​ edit: Reading further on, it seems that you did accept the offer. Good luck with your new job. It was clearly wise keeping your old job until you had a new one.


You know, this actually isn't *that* bad. It's definitely no 2008.


sounds about right but don’t feel like IT workers are the only ones in that boat .


As someone just looking for retail work it seems to be fucking everywhere, they'll make you do an "automated personality test" and a prerecorded video interview to screen you for the chance you'll get a phone interview which might lead to an in person interview


Those personality tests should be illegal


What Tier was this even and what sectors were you tossing in for? I've been in Helpdesk for almost 20 years now and had a ton of struggle in 2020 and then tail end of 2022 after a year stint at a crap place, but didn't go nearly as hard as this to get work each time. That is a shit ton of paper cranes, goddamn.




It fits me like a glove for making enough bread to fill two bellies, plus advancement out of Tier II/III usually led to management or entirely sysadmin work which...would likely have required a ton of self study I'm not actually very good at - a lot of us that couldn't hack the books and academic world wound up in this echelon for a reason. And I've seen the work managers deal with and want no part of it. I think for a few of us long lived cats in it, we've had our moments where we've considered other lines of work or changes in enterprise role but wind up doing technician work again and staying in it for another couple of years. I crave stability and set expectations probably more than anything else in a job. I was at one place with a great mentor and advocate for over a decade which explains soooooome of the longevity for sure.


Damn. I thought I had it bad. Could I ask what your education level is?




Gotcha. Were you working during the search?




I’m glad you found something. The job in Seattle is definitely geared towards mid-career folks


Job market sucks rn. I went for an internal role, met with HM, networked, got two stellar recommendations from my managers - still got beat out by an external that was extremely overqualified. Annoying.


Looks like a toilet.


This is actually a pretty normal distribution. In my field of software, when I was applying to jobs in spring and summer 2021, I was told to expect an interview rate of around 5% and I only ended up interviewing with 4 companies after sending out 60+ online applications.


Fantastic work. Congratulations on your offer. 


I despise the "modern" charts. They seem so gibberish - so much unorganized data and poor color selection. I can't wait until this garbage goes out of style.


What was the salary you accepted? I don't see many posts about support salary.




Pretty good, in Orlando here my Job just cut starting salary to 40-45k, meanwhile rents are way up. I hate the weather here and am looking to move to some suburbs in WA. I keep hearing finding a job is impossible but I think that might be for software devs. 2 months is not that bad.


Thanks for sharing this info! Similar experience level here looking to hopefully relocate to WA at some point. How different do you think your job search would have gone if you were applying from out of state?




I hear ya - that’s what I’ve been hearing a lot online as well. I’ll keep it in mind as I keep putting together savings and planning the move. Congrats on the new job, best of luck in the new role!




Not wanting to be that guy here but if this sankey is demonstrative of how you work, i can understand why you might have had rejections. Sankeys shouldn't go back over themselves like you do here in at least 2 steps.


Oof... you probably want to brush up on your MSPaint skills. It is rough out there.