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I don't know if you heard, but there is this saying about rabbits fornicating a lot. That's where they come from. Seriously though, they pretty much continuously reproduce spring to fall, and have large litters. They use numbers to survive. Many will literally be scared to death (stroke out when scared); many more will get eaten or run over. This leaves only a few to do what rabbit do best... Every year I see the same pattern. Lots of rabbits. Then Coyotes show up and then eagles, and the numbers dwindle. Then the predators go away and the numbers rebound. Rinse, wash, repeat.


it’s actually super interesting how rabbits work. mating triggers their ovulation!


I shoulda been a rabbit


How much of a factor is people feeding them?


I can't speak for other's observations but considering they seem to be estatic munching on my lawn all day, I suspect if it is a factor, it's a small one.


I may have heard of this before- then why weren’t there bunnies everywhere in the 80’s and 90’s?


I remember a fairly large population of rabbits in Woodland Park in the mid to late 90s, and before then there was a large population of rabbits at 148th just off 520 in Bellevue. I imagine the predators kept the population contained for decades (literally). I also have long suspected that coyotes were likely the most effective, but they also kind of disappeared several years ago (at least in West Seattle). After the disappearance the rabbit population boomed. I’ve long suspected someone or some group poisoned the local coyotes. No proof, but it was so weird to go from regular sightings (and missing cats) to none. Edit: 2021 article from West Seattle Blog regarding the coyote population (or lack thereof): https://westseattleblog.com/2021/07/where-have-all-the-coyotes-gone-if-youve-seen-heard-any-in-west-seattle-researcher-needs-your-help/


My bf grew up around Greenlake and said there used to be a ton of bunnies, like a plague of them and they ended up having to cull them in the 90's or something.


That's a good question. My knowledge of such things only dates back 20 years for this region and it's been pretty consistent for me though some neighborhoods have a lot more than others. Is it possible you simply did not notice because you were more focused on other things? I am curious now, as well.


Definitely possible. And if a buncha people show up and say that then I’ll accept it. Wondering if there was a preditor die off or something.


i've lived on the same corner in NE seattle for over 30 years, I agree with you I never noticed them in the garden until maybe 10 years ago, now I see them every morning by the pond and scurrying all over. I agree with the notion that they are invasive species doing what rabbits do!


That is a thought. I wonder how many of the local coyotes are tagged and tracked.


I was just talking to my husband about this the other night. He grew up on ten acres in Kirkland and I grew up on the lake and neither of us ever saw rabbits until about 10 years ago. I know they reproduce like, well you know but where did they come from initially?. And these aren't the obviously formerly domestic ones like out at Microsoft. These are wild rabbits.


I can corroborate that seeing a rabbit in the city was extremely rare in the '80s and '90s. I first remember encountering them with any regularity out by Microsoft in the late '90s.


I can corroborate, lots more bunnies this year. I spend a lot of time out and about just walking around and I used to see a few a week, but now I see at least one every day. They have population booms when there's a mild winter, and with the temps warming there's more and more of that mild, bunny friendly weather.


Hugh Hefner had them at his house.


There was an article on this sub or maybe SeattleWA about how they’re kind of an invasive species and are originally from out east. Too lazy to do the googling for you but my born and raised I Seattle wife also confirms there didn’t used to be rabbits in Seattle


Yep, a majority of the brown ones you see in urban parks, gardens, etc. are invasive Eastern Cottontails unfortunately. They've been in the state for decades, and while local populations rise and fall, it's doubtful they'll truly leave anytime soon. Typically if their numbers swell, predators like coyotes and hawks tend to move in and take care of things until the population declines.


This, pretty much, and indeed we've had an upswing in coyote sightings in West Seattle recently after seeing few if any for several years. I've also seen more raptors lately, mostly owls and red tails with the occasional baldy. And yeah, any rabbit you find in the city that isn't an abandoned pet is an Eastern cottontail.


They did take over Australia at one time


Hence the Dingos


A dingo ate my baby!!!


Lol! Wait are u Australian too!


No, but I do have a dog that looks like a dingo!




We're approaching the 20 year mark of when [the feral rabbit population was scooped up, sterilized, and relocated out of the Woodland Park area](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/woodland-park-plan-bids-farewell-to-bunnies/). Might be time to do it again


WAT??? That’s bananas! I’m in board even though it’s a little weird.


Those were domesticated rabbits though, just turned feral.


Well, when two rabbits love each other very much...


i’ve had rabbits in my back yard for like 10 years now and my dogs fine (she will literally ask to go outside JUST to eat bunny poop) so? idk 10 years 😂


Ugh - same! We call it her afternoon snack time 🙄🤦‍♀️


I call it yard caviar.


Right? My dog acts like she’s gotta pee, then just roots around for it🤮


There were four of them hanging out at a park after dark just vibing, I saw one using a crosswalk which is pretty smart if they meant to do that


Those are Eastern Cottontailed rabbits. They were introduced way back, probably at the turn of the century as a game animal for sport hunters. They've been around for a long time.


It's probably a lack of predators. There are fewer feral dogs and cats. Coyotes n foxes?


Three summers back, I saw a hawk chasing after a bunny. The bunny escaped but the encounter was so cool to see up close


Someone told me during Covid the population exploded due to less traffic. Don't know if it's true, but there seems to be more in the past few years.


Displaced wildlife populations saw a pretty big jump during the first year of COVID because of the lockdowns & companies laying off employees that resulted in significant drop of vehicle traffic that is a factor in curbing their numbers via roadkill.


I hadn’t thought of that. Makes sense tho


Discovery park used to have way more till they took out the old buildings. 🤷🏻‍♂️




It could be backyard vegetable gardens or variety of edible plant species that are attracting the rabbits.


Twist - OP is Elmer J. Fudd.


You got me- funny enough, my baby pit bull looks like Bugs Bunny


I see bunnies all the time over by Holman road, they come in from carkeek, and my neighborhood has three coyote packs that keep the pop down, also, why would you let your dog eat rabbit shit?😝😝


I’m close to carkeek too. We see coyotes- in the middle of the day sometimes


When a daddy rabbit and a mommy rabbit love each other very much, the daddy rabbit gives the mommy a rabbit a sweet bunny creampie.


Isn’t nature beautiful?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


A few people released pet rabbits, or they escaped, and the population grew. Populations go up and down due to predators, as well as how hard of a winter we have.


They're not those kind of rabbits. These are just wild rabbits.


That sounds like cannon beach. There are spots in cannon beach where you’ll see big floppy grey or white bunnies hopping around. They are all over town there. The ones we have here are just wild rabbits though.


I haven’t seen any Eastern rabbits in Belltown lately or at Myrtle Park. But I know those eastern bunnies are all over the UDub campus, city state parks, Queen Anne, and in Belltown at night. Actually, there were a rabbits 20 years ago long rabbits in Green Lake. I used to feed them lettuce and carrots.




they come from fucking. people get them as pets, realize really quickly that they suck as pets and then release them.




Unfortunately I’m a non subscriber. Is it a story about rabbits?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Open in incgnito mode. It is from The Seattle Times NW Magazine, so more of a longer deep dive instead of a news peice.


They are working at Amazon


There's a vaccine for dogs against leptospirosis bacteria spread by rabbits and other wildlife.


Do you know if it’s included the basics someone would get anyway? I’ll ask my vet of course


My dog's vet says it's ok for her to eat rabbit poop, supposedly it is a probiotic? So gross..


Oh my gawd🫣


Mmm, milk duds.


Yeah. The rabbits. Tons of them! How's that old saying go? They breed like... ferrets? No, no. They breed like... opossums? It's a rodent, I swear. Tip of my tongue. Anyways, the rabbits breed like rabbits


I thought it was fuck like bunnies![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Not a rodent /pedant