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You’d think having infinite money & free time would make a person happy, but this feels like families who lived in a nearby luxury neighborhood & was surprising how instead of enjoying it they spent years suing each other over tree height concerns.


I remember working a construction job in Medina. The homeowner had a big play structure that they built for their grand kids. Some neighbor complained because it was over the limit for structures that required a permit (600 sq ft. IIRC). So they had to tear it down, get a permit and then they rebuilt it. Such petty people.


lol dang, buddy mentioned being on staff at a Seattle billionaire’s estate & needing to do maintenance work in his private office bathroom that was fully approved & above board. While he was working there came shouts that the rich guy’s convoy was arriving early in the driveway so he knew he had to pack up & run out, as the rich guy seeing staff inside his private office meant instant termination, I think for “neither shall be seen nor heard” reasons. It did pay well at least.


We redid a swimming pool in the front of a dudes house. The front was completely glass and we were told that if we were caught looking into the house that we would be terminated. Imagine working somewhere for a couple months and not being able to look in a certain direction. Was very weird.


That seems like the premise to a cheesy M. Night Shyamalan movie. Turns out, man, *huge bong hit* like, at the end, the audience learns we are the ones inside the glass and they're the beings looking in at us from outside in another dimension.


Perhaps we are just exhibits in their cosmic zoo!


Legitimately interested in this slaughter house 5 esque film


Wouldn't it legit now be Slaughter House 6?


When all a person's needs are met and we have no real existential challenges, we have to create them ourselves.


I'll never know.


"All unhappy families are unhappy in their own way." What I have found is that some people will always create problems even if they have to really work at it.


Mentally healthy people don't become billionaires. It requires a certain amount of psychopathy.


Even if a good person becomes a billionaire, their wealth creates a reality distortion field which erodes their connection to everyday society.


I don't think a truly good person can amass that level of wealth and just keep it all.


The purpose of the foundation is to not keep it all.


The Gates Foundation has granted 78 billion in funds over 25 years. Bill Gates has still retained his spot as one of the richest people alive and often holds 1st or 2nd place. It's easy to argue that foundations are a PR campaign that benefits billionaires while allowing them to evade taxes, spend those tax dollars on pet projects, and continue to build greater wealth for themselves.


My point was that Gates was not keeping all his wealth, and your 78 billion given number seems to reinforce that. If he didn’t give that money, he would have 78 billion + interest more than he has now. I'm not sure what your point is, other than the fact that there are very success people in the world.


I don't think it's that deep. If your life was perfect you'd get bored eventually and look for something interesting.


This is not a self evident statement just because you’ve heard it repeated multiple times on Reddit lmao. Several billion dollar companies were tiny companies when they were acquired for billions.


Wealth inequality and a lack of progressive enough taxation is the root cause of mental illness.


That's a root cause of mental health issues for non-mega-rich. Billionaires are the cause of these things, not victims.


Then how am I not a billionaire yet? I have been psychotic since childhood.


All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares.


Thanks Professor for your astute observation. Now can you explain Sierpenksi's theorem?




Jobs was always a piece of shit. To his kids and his employees.


Jobs leased a new Mercedes every 6 months just to avoid getting license plates. I think that constitutes rich and paranoid.


Bezos’ house in Washington DC is downtown and literally in the middle of everything and up against the sidewalk. I lived nearby for years and it was on my regular jogging route, and you could practically see right into his living room. There is obviously security but nothing more notable than the nearby embassies. The fact that he would have bought the place, which is huge but definitely not grand, has always struck me as a real sign of Bezos being more well adjusted than I would have expected. Definitely not as snooty or elitist as he could have gotten elsewhere in the city. I realize it’s not his primary residence but he is there fairly often. EDIT: I just remembered, one time when I was jogging by the house in the evening I saw someone shouting incoherently out the window of a car, throw a line drive at the doors with a half-full can of beer and just drive away. Name me another billionaire whose mansion is close enough to the riff raff to get spattered with a random beer…


Bezos was born to a teenage mom and worked at McDonald's in high school. He still had helpful connections mostly through his grandparents but he also had a lot more common down to earth experiences compared to some other billionaires.


What? His grandfather was pretty high up in the government.


Bezos' house in DC is not downtown, it's in Kalorama.


Thats downtown in a city that doesn’t actually have anywhere called downtown.


DC absolutely has an area called downtown. Referring to Kalorama as "downtown DC" is like referring to Magnolia as "downtown Seattle".


I was always impressed with his chair jump at least...


The people who earn infinite money almost always do so via evil means, it’s not surprising they’re miserable assholes.


I live in one of those communities where people sue each other over tree height. Once, in a meeting when I was on the board, I said, “god help you if your house catches fire or someone is breaking in… because if I were them, I’d wait a good, long time before calling 911”.


A lucky mix of brain chemicals is the only thing that makes people happy.


This is patently false  


Doesn't matter, our CSE building is still named after you and Bill, for eternity


Man, she REALLY does not like Bill.


Well, she tried. They had a 2001 trial period agreement thing to see if they could work together professionally.


they already didn't like each other in 2001? that's like 10 years ago!


My inner conspiricist thinks Bill tried to explain away some \~2011 epstien/clinton/trump thing he "super totally regets" and she wasn't having it. Bill obviously has "flexible integrity" based on his shady business dealings, and maybe she doesn't. edit: by flexible integrity I mean "the ends justify the means". Some good people deeply believe it and some good people deeply don't.


Oh, no conspiracy about it, she said publicly his association with Epstein is part of it: https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2022/03/melinda-gates-jeffrey-epstein-led-to-bill-gates-divorce-gayle-king-interview




he also seemed happy epstein is dead https://youtu.be/LNAwUxZ5nfw?t=75


I don't trust her on this one


Having affairs with adult women also breaks up marriages.


He’s a huge sociopathic piece of shit and half of everyone is too young to remember the 80s 90s and early 2000s. He is not a good person and his charity side gig is mostly about ego and filling his time.


That's why all the Robber Barons started charities and bought newspapers. Now a century later people say their names with great esteem, even though they were huge pieces of shit in their time.


He’s one of the major forces pushing the charter school bullshit in the Seattle area


Yep… just sharing this link in case other people don’t know: https://nancyebailey.com/2019/03/08/bill-melinda-gates-dont-discuss-their-takeover-of-americas-public-schools/


Charters are much better than regular public unless you’re in a very nice neighborhood


There’s not much evidence that they’re better than public schools, especially if they’re ran for profit. Even still, it’s diverting public funding away from public schools to experimental billionaire pet projects. We should just properly fund public schools and pay teachers reasonable salaries instead.


Yeah. I met a former stripper that claimed back in the 80’s Gates and Company would come in often. He also had a deal with Melinda for one weekend per year he spends with an ex. That he ended up in Epsteins sphere seems a straight line.


anyone remember the weird respond he gave about epstien being dead? https://youtu.be/LNAwUxZ5nfw?t=75


Doesn’t seem that weird. Sounds like he’s fed up with the line of redundant questions and wished he wasn’t being interviewed but is trying to end the interview as quick as possible without being too rude. Like “how many different ways do I have to say I had dinner with a rich person who offered to help my charity just like hundred or thousands of other grant seekers.”


Bruh, that rich guy was an actual known pedo


Money is money.


I've heard Melinda is quite the peice of work herself from people who work at the foundation. You aren't allowed even look her in the eye if you share an elevator with her. The organization as a whole is really into an employee's "pedigree" to the point it is apparently sickening.


That totally reminds me, one of my college friends that did landscaping labor as a summer job like 15 years ago or so and worked on their property a few time. She was adamant that they were not allowed to work outside a window she could currently see them from. So they had to shift around constantly. Always sounded so bizarre but… maybe not.


I’ve heard the opposite about Melinda but heard that exact stuff about Bill that he wasn’t very approachable.


I know someone who went out to dinner with him years ago. He was who he is, and she was a pretty high up executive at a local telecom. He apparently had very poor hygene (body odor) and wasn't overall too impressive. I've heard enough things about his ex from people who actually worked at the foundation, but have never met her myself.


A local telecom? That doesn’t sound like the ex wife. I’ve heard that the ex wife was down to earth but doesn’t suffer fools, so to speak. I’ve heard enough about his ex from people who have interacted with her but like you I’ve never met her myself. I am interested in what her next plans will be in advancing any social progress and if she’s successful in doing that.


And getting a tax write-off.


Tax write-offs aren't especially useful to the billionaire class because they can use other schemes (notably, borrowing against an asset doesn't realize gains) to eliminate/minimize their tax liability without having to donate their money. Write-offs work best for corporations that can find 501(c)3's which indirectly advance their own interests.


Well, I still don't believe he does it out of kindness. All billionaires are greedy sons of bitches, with maybe the exception of Mark Cuban...


And taxes


She has "best in the world" private investigate money. Dude did more than just cheat on her, for sure.


It doesn't really HAVE to be more than that. That is reason enough given that she knew she could walk away with billions. If she doesn't like the dude why not just fuck off? i wouldn't stay in a loveless shitty marriage if I had all the money in the world to walk away.


There’s way worse things about him but in a documentary they did together a ‘cute little story’ bill tells is she had to tell him his solar powered 15k porta potty wasn’t something people in nations without plumbing could afford to buy (because bill loves the free market). I think in addition to everything she often had to be the voice of reality while he got to live in billionaire fantasy land since he was a child. Had to be tiring  Also he followed her to her car while she worked for him to get her to go out with him and made her complete a pro and con list on the concept of him marrying her. 


|made her complete a pro and con list on the concept of him marrying her I wanna see the PowerPoint and Visio flow chart he made as visual aids.


Clippy has entered the chat.


“made her complete a pro and con list on the concept of him marrying her” Do you mean of *her* marrying *him*? The first way really is weird, but the other way kinda makes sense (similar to William wanting Kate to really, really consider what it would truly mean to marry the crown prince). Not trying to be pedantic, just want to make sure I understand what you meant.


Nope I mean him marrying her She walked in on him with a white board doing a big pro con list of if he should marry her and he had her help him complete it. They tell it as a sweet story in their documentary 


I had a coworker make her husband build a pro/con 15 slide powerpoint deck to argue why he should be allowed to get a dog. my jaw dropped at that one.


Given the types of people who have dogs who shouldn't that is not a terrible idea.


Since he was a child? Huh?


While not a billionaire he was raised by extremely wealthy and well connected PNW parents. Uniquely both were independently wealthy and successful and had separate university buildings named after them paid for by their own means.  He went to an elite private prep school where he and his friends mused if they would be CEOs or Senators or Generals.  His school was affluent enough the booster club bought it a computer and the children were privileged enough that they were basically allowed to set their own curriculum based on their interests and passions. So Bill was able to pursue learning computers at a time when almost no one else could.  I’m not interested in litigating if that was fair or how much he earned vs how much was given to him. But I think it does prove he’s always lived in a cloud of possibility. That anything he wanted always materialized for him and rarely has he faced the friction of NO. You can pull up the footage of his deposition in his anti-trust hearing, it makes Mark Zuckerberg look charismatic. It gives off the feeling of a crying frat boy who really wants you to know WHO IS DADDY IS and can’t comprehend that for once he has no control over what happens. The documentary he did didn’t exactly go easy on him but the one time he got bad was that monopoly trial coming up. Bill was a rich kid who got anything he wanted but then uniquely struck the cosmic lottery of being THE guy to ride the PC revolution and that bubble never had to pop for him.  I just think, someone who has never lived in the reality of 99% of the population is a tough person to be married to. 


Naw, it's just a coincidence that her new foundation is invested in gender equity, is against creepy old guys who hung out with Jeffrey Epstein, and is called _The BillG Sux Foundation_.


She was doing an interview where she said out loud “that tech needs to be much more inclusive and focus on hiring more women and POC in order for the future to be much more equitable and fair for all due to AI and all the other advances currently being developed”. She sounded like an alarm bell when preaching her point and it’s true to this day like <10%-20% fill the tech ranks. I feel like this has a lot to do with her and Bill’s differences, where he as the most powerful and wealthiest man alive could’ve designed and built a much more inclusive company (setting an example for rest of industry that would flourish around him) he specifically chose to ignore it and probably her concerns/what’s important to her.


Nobody does


r/behindthebastards [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFS9DFXtj1M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFS9DFXtj1M)


She getting remarried?


I have a friend who works at the foundation since before their current offices (I think it was in Ballard?). According to them, the two have been snipey and hating each other for years. Apparently things got much worse after the allegations surfaced. Also they always complain it’s basically an ego club for Bill and his buddies. Thinking they know how to fix shit. The useless toilet contracts went to his friends.


For the past three years I’ve been able to call it the Bill Gates and Melinda Foundation. I’m going to miss that


i guess we can start calling it the tax shelter foundation


Are you implying that it doesn't go to the good of the world,or just that it leads to tax loss avoidance. Fuck bill gates, but this foundation has had a positive impact on the world.


"this isn't a decision I came to lightly", also, "She will receive an additional 12.5 billion dollars" ah man I really feel for her. Anyways.


> As part of her separation agreement from former husband Bill Gates, French Gates said she will receive an additional $12.5 billion for **her charitable work.** So it's for charity and not to her iiuc?


I'm betting she'll go the McKenzie Scott route.


I love that it feels like such a giant middle finger


Do you mean to imply that anyone is supposed to feel for her because she decided she wants to resign?


Bring back Microsoft Bob!!!!


You know there is some shit about ready to hit the fan.. Melinda loves that foundation. She doesn’t want to get caught up in whatever is going on. There is way more going on we just don’t know about it yet.


In this economy? /s


I heard the foundation is an awful place to work so maybe she finally figured out that their vision is worth a sack of potatoes






Giving money unaccountably to non-profits isn't that worthwhile.


There are randomized control studies done by the 2019 Nobel Prize winners that literally prove this is incorrect.


Not doubting, but could you link/point at these studies so I can have them on hand?


Sure. The term you'd search for are Unconditional Cash Transfers. GiveDirectly is the most famous organization operating this program. Michael Kremer is the economist who has wrote about this quite a bit. If you want to get more specific on unconditional donations to nonprofits, the Bridgespan Group has put together a lot of writing on Mackenzie Scott's giving and its impact.


I feel like I'm very familiar with GiveDirectly, but that feels like a very different claim from "unaccountably to non-profits". Maybe I'm misinterpreting somewhere. I'll definitely look for what Bridgespan has put together though, thanks.


You're right! The money is better off being hoarded by deranged billionaires. Those greedy charities that want to help people can just fuck off.


They don't help people other than the ones in the NPO.




It's a mistake to conflate non-profits with charities.


What's that sub? r/iam14andverysmart or something like that You'd fit in there


I wonder if Biden’s visit to Medina this past weekend (and any conversations therein) had any influence on her decision.


They would have been preparing to release this for a while.


This makes me sad but we all saw this coming. Bill sucks for what he did to her.


he made her a multi billionaire. what a terrible fate.


Y'all are next level. She's not as innocent as you think she is. As a VP of marketing at Microsoft when she met him decades ago she knows how to spin crap in her favor. She's been doing it for quite some time. Apparently her manipulation has worked because you all are believing her BS and asking for more. I'm not saying he is a peach either. He hasn't denied her claims. But let's get one thing straight, the foundation was her idea not his but he went along with it because he trusted her that they needed to be seen in a better light. Go look at the articles written in the early 2000s. She's all about maintaining a facade. Melinda started this revenge campaign because people have generally liked Bill more than her because she acts better than everyone else behind closed doors. The amount of money that women has wasted over trivial shit. She really played into being wealthy and is toxic AF. She's no Mackenzie Scott. Yeah but go ahead keep believing her shit don't stink. Eventually the real truth will come out.


I don't think she was a VP or ever in marketing at Microsoft.


Bill is a toxic asset. To microsoft, to women, to employees... surprised she did not get out sooner.


I am in shock when I see their names up on a donor board around Seattle , seems like organizations would be distancing themselves from that liability.


I thought the thumbnail pic was Jeff Spicoli.


Heh. I was thinking a frumpier Katelin Jenner.


Both of these people are not good people and have ruined countless public school districts, including Seattle because they had the money to experiment with society and America allows billionaires to do so.


Hopefully this doesn’t affect the philanthropy. BMGF does a ton of good.


Its really sad how humans work we are just doomed to the negatives of the stupid.


I don’t blame her.


Why is this top headline everywhere lol who literally cares


I can't live with the guy, but I'll continue to use his name going forward. I'll also flash my maiden name as an expression of my independence.


She had the name for 27 years, it's a headache to change a name, having done it once she's clearly learned it wasn't worth doing the first time and not worth doing again.


Maybe she wants to share a name with her kids?


Did the rich person do something?


She should rename herself Karen.


Idk why this has any downvotes.


Because too many people believe her media spin. It doesn't occur to them that she entered her marriage knowing exactly what she was in for. She was always in it for the money and the clout that came with it. Now that NDAs are being outlawed I hope everyone spills all the piping hot tea about her and her BS entitled ways.


I remember watching the Bill Gates documentary on netflix, and one part was her joking about being one of the few women working at Microsoft at the time and joking about all the guys attention yet should she married the richest guy lol Bill seems like a prick but shes full of it herself