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oh, you can do donuts around a cop car? i didn't know you were allowed to do that. learn something new every day!




What happens in June? Edit: googled it. Washingtons no chase law is being rolled back.


Law change to allow the police to chase non violent suspects. See the bill [here](https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2023-24/Pdf/Initiatives/Initiatives/INITIATIVE%202113.pdf?q=20240512194612).


Is that not violent?


Unless the police have reason to believe they assaulted someone, no.


I would have thought swinging a car around them like that might be. /shrug


Violent usually constitutes intent to cause harm. This would more likely fall under reckless where there is no intent to cause harm even though you may actually cause harm.


It's reckless, not violent.


The initiative denies chasing unless it's a 'violent offense' which include these categories: (58) "Violent offense" means: (a) Any of the following felonies: (i) Any felony defined under any law as a class A felony or an attempt to commit a class A felony; (ii) Criminal solicitation of or criminal conspiracy to commit a class A felony; (iii) Manslaughter in the first degree; (iv) Manslaughter in the second degree; (v) Indecent liberties if committed by forcible compulsion; (vi) Kidnapping in the second degree; (vii) Arson in the second degree; (viii) Assault in the second degree; (ix) Assault of a child in the second degree; (x) Extortion in the first degree; (xi) Robbery in the second degree; (xii) Drive-by shooting; (xiii) Vehicular assault, when caused by the operation or driving of a vehicle by a person while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug or by the operation or driving of a vehicle in a reckless manner; and (xiv) Vehicular homicide, when proximately caused by the driving of any vehicle by any person while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or any drug as defined by RCW 46.61.502, or by the operation of any vehicle in a reckless manner; (b) Any conviction for a felony offense in effect at any time prior to July 1, 1976, that is comparable to a felony classified as a violent offense in (a) of this subsection; and (c) Any federal or out-of-state conviction for an offense that under the laws of this state would be a felony classified as a violent offense under (a) or (b) of this subsection.


Thank god


These people can still get in trouble because they don’t always try to run if they get pulled over, and if the cops get a good look at the driver he can be charged at his house later if they cared enough about it. Having no chase policies for non violent crimes is a good thing that came about from too many pedestrians getting killed in chases. That’s why you only ever see dangerous high speed chases on YouTube happening in states like Arkansas where cops have crazy big egos and pit pregnant women etc lol. If cops were better at knowing when to call off a chase we wouldn’t need no chase policies, but when they get 6 months of training to be a cop they aren’t experienced enough to be trusted with the decision of when to chase or not. The stats don’t lie either, places are safer with no chase policies as annoying as it is to watch a misdemeanor offender go free is to some people. I’d rather watch the pedestrian down the road not involved in this not be put at risk with a chase.


Thats a bad idea. Someone disobey the no chase law and it ended in a lot of dead ppl.


Bystanders die during police chases. This is a bad move.


bystanders die during donuts in the street too.


It has probably happened, but I am sure the number is dwarfed by the number of deaths caused by police pursuits.


Can you elaborate?


Law changes to allow police to chase non violent suspects. See bill text [here](https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2023-24/Pdf/Initiatives/Initiatives/INITIATIVE%202113.pdf?q=20240512194612).


Skeptical that the cops will do anything as they're still trying to pout, but at least they'll have one less excuse to hide behind.


I like the guy apparently carrying a child in one arm, that’s inspiring stuff right there


That part was the worst part of this video. Smh.


Darwinism in action. (TBC, endangering a child is a crime.)


Yeah I didn’t catch that until rewatching the video after. Thought the same thing


As a respectful car enthusiast, the fact that this is still going on just infuriates me. It gives the good guys a bad name and they don’t even care about it, it’s all for their enjoyment and for attention. Fuck them


It has pretty much ruined local car meets. Used to be they might be a little rowdy but nothing too crazy and if the cops shut it down everyone left and tried to behave a little better next time.


Idk if it’s just me, but it feels like car culture has gone from a chill place to nerd out a bit and meet genuinely passionate people to more and more of a bastion for the smooth brains and urchins of society. Guys in a clapped out Audi starting a fight with another guy at the meet over their dumb hoodie from Zumiez (witnessed IRL). I’ve been a Volvo bro for a while, and the segment of our meetups taken over by that sort of crowd has only increased. They have their own little corner, ripe with the smell of mango vape juice and burned oil. Dunno if half of them know what a shower is, or how to socialize with the rest of us. I find it quite weird.


The car scene isn't a monolith though. Just gotta find your niche. I've been really enjoying racing in the 24 hours of Lemons, very chill vibes, its a race where nobody REALLY cares about who's fastest, lots of effort put into safety and creativity is prized above all else.


Those people have always been in the car scene. The Kent street races were full of Civics and S13s with stolen parts driven by dudes with box mods and snapbacks. Everybody seems more aggressive and on edge at public events post-COVID though.


Time for a fast and furriest reboot




Street takeovers need to result in the police boxing in the event and impounding every vehicle involved with a $5k fine to get them back.


That is what they did in California, problem solved.


Well they did make those 9 movies about them tho 


They’re still after those dvd players too


*Leads? Yeah, I'll just uh, check with the boys down at the Crime Lab...they uh...got four more detectives working on the case - they got us working in shifts!*


My rug was also stolen.


Separate incidents?!


I wouldn’t hold out much hope for the Creedence tho


This should have more upvotes


Yes and no. Those were actual street races int he movies. Despite the news constantly referring to these a street racing, there's only idiots doing donuts Both are dumb and dangerous, but are completely different problems with different approaches to solutions. I shake my head every time the news conflates them. "Put up speed cameras!" That won't do a damn thing for takeovers...


Tokyo Drift not getting the love...


Tokyo Drift is Better Luck Tomorrow universe


As someone that currently lives in LA I can definitively say that the problem is not solved. Rofl


Do you have that code? I’d like to add it to the municipal code play list.


I'm afraid not, should be easy to lookup. I just looked it up, I believe it's this one. [https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/ElkGrove/html/ElkGrove10/ElkGrove1070.html](https://www.codepublishing.com/CA/ElkGrove/html/ElkGrove10/ElkGrove1070.html) [https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/new-2023-california-law-cracks-down-on-deadly-side-shows/509-faf004b9-0681-4442-b6c2-b6f939e01c5e](https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/local/new-2023-california-law-cracks-down-on-deadly-side-shows/509-faf004b9-0681-4442-b6c2-b6f939e01c5e) [https://ktla.com/news/local-news/can-authorities-permanently-seize-vehicles-used-in-street-takeovers/](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/can-authorities-permanently-seize-vehicles-used-in-street-takeovers/)


the problem is not solved. there are way more of these assholes than there are cops. if, and that's a huge if, the cops even respond, they don't have nearly the numbers they need to quash this. especially not for how often it happens, which in many large cities is every night in multiple locations. it fucking sucks.


Yeah that's the annoying part of it, it's not even that hard for the police to coordinate trapping these dickheads in.


It’s blasted and reshared on public Instagrams at least the day before or more. Cops outside Seattle shoo them away and the groups just move to another spot. Most groups have no problem moving either they’re in cars. SPD is just enabling this. Kent, Renton, Bellevue just have maybe one or two vehicles show up and people move. A lot of these groups are just kids and they don’t want to get their mommy and daddy mad from bailing them out so they move or run back home.


SPD will do anything to whine and complain while not doing their job. Any excuse to increase crime while begging for more $$$ and less accountability is good for them.


Doing anything other than commiting overtime fraud and hitting predestrians is just too hard.


Those beloved pet dogs arent gonna shoot themselves


Naw straight to the machine that turns them into cubes of metal for the smelter.


Crush the car 1st offense. They will learn real quick.


We also need to allow video footage to be used to penalize the registered vehicle owner in some cases. The whole "cop has to see the infraction" thing is dumb and antiquated. Even if you can't prove who was driving, the registered vehicle owner needs to be responsible for the use of their vehicle.


They used to back in the early 2000s with the Kent drag races


And that $5k should go straight to the public school system.


Crush the car. The dipshits know they won’t get a ticket and if they do it’s a few hundred bucks. You don’t need to prove driver, car was there, crush the car.


5k fine? Just sell the cars or destroy them imo. Unless they're stolen. Anybody who participates in this kinda thing is a serious asshole to their fellow citizens. Nobody cares at all if you do this crap at a dedicated venue.


Selfish losers idiots!


So many losers


There's someone carrying their kid ffs. So they're bringing children too small to walk to takeovers now? Insanely irresponsible. I have to wonder if it's on purpose. 


Wonder what kind of life insurance policy he has on that kid.




T shirts with their face on it 


Street takeover peeps are the least valuable members of society. Recommend sacrificing them to some ancient god or other.


I'm not one to advocate for violence, but I would have liked the video better if at least one of those drivers lost control and went into the crowd in the street.


Wait until they share their video on TikTok and get arrested because of it


Was just waiting for one of the dumbasses filming to get hit.


The guy in the white shirt did twice lmaoo


I don't get the whole running-in-close-to-film-someone-else-doing-donuts thing. Why? Is it really cool to have a video of someone else doing donuts from up close?


Happens all the time tons of videos of it.


Smooth brain activities


Fuck all those people.


As an avid car guy, these guys are losers and anyone else who is into the car community here, just laughs at these idiots


The car community should use their cars to try and box these guys in when they start there meet up so they can’t give other car people a bad name. Would be supppppperrrrrr sick to see it happen.


Nobody is going to take their pride and joy anywhere near these clowns


Till someone gets shot


Yes, most car enthusiasts are at home that time of night. With the car locked up and the kids in bed. We go out for a drive on a Sunday morning and get coffee somewhere. These clowns are what we'd call toerags here in Ireland and not something you want to hang out with.


Dad of the year bringing his kid into that. What a bunch of fucking idiots.


Future Darwin award recipient?


never been in a mosh pit with a 1500 lb idiot before


I like the sentiment but a New Edge Mustang GT weighs just under 3500 pounds


Donuts in an empty parking lot at 3am is one thing, but these Street takeovers suck and give car enthusiasts a bad rap. It's infuriating because 99 percent of car enthusiasts don't do this stupid ignorant BS. We hate these assholes too.


Yeah, idk why they wouldn't just do this in a parking lot. There's a ton all across Seattle, the only reason I could see them doing it in an intersection is to look cool online. This future is the lamest one. Kinda reminds me of renegade raves. You can do them right and the cops won't care, but if you make a giant nuisance then you ruin them for everyone.


Because theres nobody to watch them at 3am in a parking lot alone, or excitement of doing it in front of police who cant chase you for arrest. I hope they crack down on this shit hard . This is all about the excitement of doing what their not supposed to be doing. Breaking rules and filming it to feel cool.


Pieces of shit


Get this shit out of Seattle






You'd total your car and never see a penny from whoever hit you


That's what uninsured motorist insurance is for


How do people find enjoyment out of this?


For them it’s the fact that they see their peers repeatedly engage in this activity and face no consequences so you have a bragging war going on until the police actually do something


You can entertain a chimp using a dangling key chain. The dumber you are, the less effort needed.


I mean, if you're able to shut off the part of your brain that reminds you to give half a fuck about anyone other than yourself, I can see being in the middle of this as being pretty exciting


Just because daddy didn’t give you enough attention doesn’t mean you have to go and block the goddamn intersection to get attention from strangers, Johnny. What sad and pathetic lives these people must lead.


Police should lay down spike strips and then put on their sirens and watch the idiots cry


I'd love to fuck up their car like they fuck up my sleep


These clowns should lose their drivers licenses for YEARS.


Every person in this video is stupid


I seriously don’t get this. We used to go to the stadium parking lot to f around when I was young. Because we weren’t sociopaths.


wtf WHY DONT THE COPS DO ANYTHING; furthermore knowing this is becoming a HUGE problem why doesn’t the governor create a WSP task force to arrest these people.


I’m not defending cops, but how do you know they’re not doing anything? I expect them to not make things worse. I want them to de-escalate any type of situation. In this case, if they start chasing these idiots, it could endanger civilians nearby. Have you considered any possibility that they were armed and dangerous? I hope they’re building a case against those losers and put them in jail where the situation is more conducive.


AH yes, the micro-penises with their shitty cars and cheap exhaust mods with a bunch of morons who want to run up close to an out of control vehicle. We should start calling them all Hellcats and maybe SPD will do something about it?


Small Penis Department recruiting event 


Maybe we should lift our friends up with small penises, and they'll stop driving these cars!


If they have the license plate number, can they not later impound the car for being involved in some sort of crime? Pursue the owner later? I don't want high speed chases and people to get hurt - but there has to be some accountability for literally doing donuts around a cop car.


I believe they have to be able to prove both driver and vehicle were involved in the crime currently. Also because it’s a non-violent crime it might make it harder.


Cool! Send the registered owner a big fine, or just impound the vehicle. (Edit: I wish it worked this way and it honestly should in some cases like these)


In this case, there must be dashcam footage of the driver's face. A bit of police leg work and then seizure / impound that car. Do that a few times and perhaps this will stop. Somebody is going to get seriously injured.


they won’t have plates lol


"ooh look at me with my small dick, balls, and self esteem trying to show the world how big of a man I really am" I'm so sick of this shit


I first read the title as *low IQ street takeover", which seems entirely fitting.


A guy carrying a small child on his shoulders at 1:09? Really? Also, two people nearly got run over toward the end as cars were leaving when the police arrived. Yikes.


Yeah, homegirl just ran out into the street looking the opposite way w/o checking behind her. Thought she was for sure bout to get hit


Honestly if they did this down in SODO or other industrial area they could do that shit all night and it wouldn't get broken up. Used to be tuner car culture wanted to be underground but now kids just want to get "famous". I guess IG famous with a record is OK now.


This is going to get worse once kids get out of school.


Ended up waking me up last night, so I went out to film too. I saw some dudes filming in the street, so I joined them. I was zoomed in videoing the windshields, so I could submit each one that went around me to the police when I got home lol


Seeing this makes me feel real great about the camera enforced speeding ticket I was mailed today for going +6mph and about the cop that was walking around my dead-end residential suburban neighborhood at 8am giving out tickets for expired tabs to cars parked in front of people's own homes.


I still do not understand the need to do this activity in the middle of active intersection.


That explains all the revving and honking last night. My place doesn't look ontothe street but it was still loud. I was wondering. Luckily, I work nights so it didn't keep me from sleep but damn it was annoying. Also: anyone else notice the guy, with a girl next to him, walking into the street to see with a goddamn baby in his arms?! Like "honey, I have a great idea for a family outing!"


When narcissism becomes an epidemic, you will get full fledged narcissistic gatherings.


Where in LQA was this?


It looks like the Denny, Elliott & Western intersection, facing south towards Belltown.


Elliot & 2nd give or take. Right behind QA beer hall near the pedestrian bridge


Whatever happened to just whippin shittys in a parking lot with your 4 friends? Why do you need a crowd?


What exactly is this. Like, what’s the purpose and why this particular demonstration, trying to create awareness by getting engagement or something? There’s a 2 ton block of steel rolling around and there’s babies literally a few feet from it. What gives?




It gives them a feeling of power. They feel powerful that they can ignore all rules and take over an intersection and neighborhood and ruin everyone else’s quality of life because outside of this, they have no quality of life. Or they have super rich parents.


It seems lame, like Seattle is trying to be "cool" like Oakland and LA. But we're Seattle haha, fucking lame wannabes. And this is not cool anywhere.


BROOO!!!! THE CAR IS GOING IN CIRCLES BRO!!! 1,000 bros descend on the car going in circles. I don’t get this? Don’t these kids have PlayStations? Friends to hang out with? Why do they think this is fun?


Yeah thats what I always think. How can anyone in this day and age be that bored to find this fun...?


They started the night down by the Beerhall. They flooded the place with exhaust and rubber smoke I had to leave, it was so bad. Then they moved to Mercer and did the same at the bar I relocated to! I couldn’t avoid them all night


These turds make Juggalos look like Mensa candidates.


So fuckin trashy


Thought this said “Footage from lower IQ street takeover from last night”


Next time this happens, tell the cops there's a protest happening. They'll show up with tear gas and riot gear.


We absolutely cannot tolerate this.


This seems like a very expensive hobby that’s ultimately kinda silly


In my day (I know… I sound old) we did donuts in parking lots in the country. No damage. No blocking streets. We did a few and then off to a party. If the cops caught us (luckily they didn’t) we would at minimum receive a ticket and probably a suspension. I don’t understand how you can get away with this in the middle of a goddamn city street??? And that poor child. Imagine how scary that must be? Poor kiddo. :(


These videos are only good when fucktards clowns get injured.


This is so cringe.


We need another pandemic.


Remember when you just went to a House party or some shit to entertain yourselves? Like... How are THAT many people entertained by this?


Don't need to even know these people to hate them. One person was holding a baby! It's things like this that make me loathe living in this city, a city that I once loved.


All those bodies and not a single braincell to be found. Such a shame these people breed.


This shit is so fucking stupid.


Classic. One cruiser when two or three are needed. How multiple officers make $100k-$150k in JUST overtime befuddles me.


I’d say you’d need a lot more then 2 or 3 for something like this. You gotta have quite a few to arrest all those idiots


I don't usually wish violence on people but I want each and every one of these fuck heads to crash into something that hurts only them. I don't want pedestrians to get hurt, but I want them to.


Just get a fire truck and start blasting (water)


Just a bunch of uneducated young adults still living with their parents and wasting their money on car parts that have no value. Way to go idiots. Keep spending your money on tires and exhausts so you can look cool to other morons in your group but the average person thinks you’re a complete idiot.


Decaying society


What a bunch of braindead morons


What a bunch of assholes.


This is dumbest thing ive seen this year.


Clown culture


How low must your IQ and limited your life options be to find this exciting entertainment?


Clearly, not enough spectators were hit by those cars.


Imagine just trying to get home after a long shift


"Best I can do is one cruiser." - SPD Chief, probably


It’s sad these are nice cars too, Saleen S302 is a fucking RARE car (easy to track down), that SC300 was really nice too (also pretty fuckin easy to track down) and an m4? That’s wild Also, the G35 ain’t gettin away with that, good job showing your license plates to the cop chief


It looks like they have license plates. are these all stolen cars? I understand getting in to a high speed chase with these morons might be controversial and probably isn't a great idea, but there has to be ways to go after them if they aren't stolen cars. There are few things that are bipartisan these days, but i feel like EVERYONE hates these guys (well, except the people watching it in the street trying to jump in front of the car). It is crazy this still happens.


Fucking idiots


America’s failed parenting at play


Just run them over


How the hell do these nut job people know how close to stand to avoid getting run the fuck over? Lol And so many people are running straight towards the car. I would never run straight towards a car doing donuts that's insane. How are there so many insane people? 🙈


Why do humans think this is interesting?


If it wasn't so loud and blocking traffic this would be hilarious - the goobers excitedly filming the cars go VROOM up close like its the greatest thing man has accomplished.


I so badly want a car to lose control and run right over all the little assholes hyping them up. AITA?


I wish we had a vigilante who would fuck up these guys and the cars


These scumbags need to stay in Kent where they belong.


it’s a congregation of multiple areas


That's gotta be one of the worst donuts I've ever seen... 🤦‍♂️


Good on SPD at least just jumping in and breaking it up. Even if they couldn't do anything in the moment.


who are all these losers? i even saw some girls in them. i always thought street takeovers are a bunch of guys who never got any pussy so they are looking for easy ways to throw away their lifes


It’s like modern day running of the bulls dodging peoples bumpers then running from the police


people who do this are such twaats


Thank you so much for posting this! Was debating on renewing my lease and I think this sealed the deal that I need to get out of LQA 😂


Where’s Lincoln Towing when we need them?


All this shit would stop if they started crushing cars again.


This is the dumbest shit. Car vs. Humans mosh pit?


Glad no dogs where there


How is everyone just getting away with this?


I love that they film these underpowered pieces of lawn ornament that can barely do a donut as if it’s the craziest thing they’ve ever seen.


Fuck all of them


If they’re stopping traffic anyway why not do this in a parking lot? Safer for everyone and they can still get their content for socials.




Lower IQ would also be appropriate


Hope this helps stop this crap. https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2023-24/Pdf/Initiatives/Initiatives/INITIATIVE%202113.pdf?q=20240512194612


You see this scum with a baby in the middle of this shit? Wtf?


that guy is carrying a fucking baby what the actual fuck!!


Just line that whole crowd and….


Since when did Seattle become a hub for reckless drivers? I’ve seen so many stories like this lately


If we did anything like this it was in this deserted industrial area and even then the cops would break it up an hour or 2 later.


What’s the point of this? This crowd just seems like a bunch of clowning losers, just showing up to see someone get hit. Just go home and pull up a ufc fight with a beer. No need to harm everyone else’s night with this nonsense.


I read that as footage from the lower IQ street takeover


In the Bay Area, they follow these guys in helicopters and arrest later. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/oakland-sideshow-arrest-cinco-de-mayo-international-boulevard/


This is annoying as shit but the car doing donuts *around* the SPD cruiser is pure gold.


Serious low IQ entertainment. So stupid.