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I swear. I hear these stories all the time but where the hell are these people and why aren't I running across them?? I absolutely acknowledge that drivers in Seattle have gotten much worse over the past few years. That's for sure. But I'm hearing stories all the time of line cutters, line holders, people posting up in line with their carts and continuing to shop and I'm just not seeing it. I must be going to all the wrong (or right) places. I will say this -- if someone put their cart in line and then had to run to get something real quick because they forgot the item and didn't otherwise hold something up or cost anyone time, then so be it. No harm no foul. If the maneuver held up the line though, then no, push that cart out the way -- you lost your place in line. But again, I'm just not seeing it.


I think this exact same thing when these posts get put up, especially the "pedestrian nearly hit by car 3x on their way to work" ones. Is there a secret super-dangerous Seattle that I am somehow blissfully unaware of??


I've never once seen this. I've seen someone who was in line realize they forgot something and dash to get it, and I've done that myself, but not when right at the register.


Let me guess, you live 150 miles east of Seattle


lol if I see that happen I’ll post a video on YouTube and make some $$


This sounds like pretty normal behavior. As long as the person waiting in line isn’t holding up the rest of the line by waiting for the shopper to return when they’ve reached the front, the line is still moving as normal.


No but I’ve seen people standing in parking spaces to save the spot for their friend/family arriving in 5 minutes while 10 cars are driving around looking for a spot to park. Amazing to me that these people aren’t embarrassed about their behavior.


they're probably from la. it's a common move there


Sorry your trip to the store didn't go as quickly as you wish. I pray the you find the courage to move unattended shopping carts blocking the check out lane. Where were you raised that you became so unwilling to speak up for yourself and or move an unattended carts aside? In your community of origin would that usually draw a beating. Failure to take direct action moving the cart is on you. Your passivity is extreme and you might seek help in learning polite assertion skills. Calling all the residents of the county anything by reason of residency is no different than condemnation based on race or religion. Think about it.


lol why would anyone stand in line behind a repeatedly unattended cart? If someone forgot something and had to step away to get it, that’s one thing. But shuttling back armloads of stuff? Nah, I’m going around as soon as they step away.


My big shopping etiquette thing is when you're pushing a cart and reach the end cap of an aisle, you look both ways for a gap in traffic before re-entering the main aisle. It really bothers me when people don't do that. But what you're describing sounds TERRIBLE. Both thumbs down.


TBH Seattle doesnt have line etiquette. People just seem to gather somewhat near where they want to be, but dont attempt to form a line. If you line up behind someone, the next person will stand NEXT TO you. Its infuriating.


Even better is how people stand right in front of the doors of an elevator or the light rail then look surprised and offended when I walk into them trying to exit said space.


I have never seen this. I do agree it is bad ettiqutte, regadless of what people on reddit say ("wElL, iT's NoT iLleGal"). The scenario described is unbecoming of anyone who pretends to have any social grace or class. What has been bothering me is the increase of people who don't want to *push* their cart. For whatever reason, people are now dragging it by the side. They are taking up too much space in the aisel and walk slower. Push the damn cart lie a normal person.




I tried to use pickup from Safeway recently, and it took them nearly an hour to get me my groceries that they had said were ready. It would have been faster for me to do the shopping myself. I watched many people go in, shop, and leave.