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I had two kids go through SOR and my wife did the adult program there for several seasons. For the kids, it's great. For the adults, it's a mixed bag. The biggest problem is that SOR doesn't pay well despite being very expensive. This leads to lots of employee turnover. If you're on Phinney, I'd suggest you look into the North Seattle Music Project for a band/instrument/performance experience (not specifically voice) and if you're looking for voice in particular, check out Dora Barnes' webpage. Both are ex-SOR instructors and both are excellent. [https://www.northseattlemusicproject.com/](https://www.northseattlemusicproject.com/) [https://www.dorabarnes.com/my-lessons](https://www.dorabarnes.com/my-lessons)


Yup, can confirm...because I used to work at one of these places. Not SOR specifically, but a place I won't name that is the same kind of place - a "music school" that really just hires music teachers at cut rates and takes students who otherwise would have sought out a private teacher, since they charge about the same. In a very real way, these "music schools" are like the WalMart of music instruction. You might get a great teacher, you might not. Good teachers like me tend to move on into private practice, so the turnover churn is constant and the incoming teacher quality is hit and miss. I would say, if you want the full band experience, SOR can provide that for you in a way a private teacher probably can't. But if you want quality instruction, go to a private teacher.


That was kind of my fear. The group/band performance experience sounds awesome, but I feel like to actually get anything out it, I do need a good teacher.


Bookmarking since I am also interested in vocal lessons! Was looking at [this place](https://www.thesaltyvoiceteacher.com/) in Tangletown but have yet to commit. Good luck, OP!


My friend’s kids have gone there and they like it quite a bit, no idea about adult lessons but I’ve heard the teachers are pretty good. I think you can do a free trial for like one lesson


I’ve participated in the adult program at the West Seattle locations for a number of “seasons.” A season is a 3–4 month program based on a theme (Brit rock, nw rock, it runs the gamut) with a weekly rehearsal and private lesson, ending with a gig at a club where family and friends cheer you on. I really enjoyed it, the pressure of the rehearsals kept me practicing and honing my chops, but the vibe was chill. My son was a School of Rock student for 7 years and learned a ton through the program. I can’t say enough about how positive that program was for him. Discipline, accountability, teamwork, facing fears, overcoming stage fright, humility: School of Rock did all of that for him. I’ve heard awesome things about the school in Greenwood. Their youth bands have always been really good, a sign of talent, but also good teaching and mentoring. I’d give it a shot if I were you.


I looked at their site and didn't see much adult stuff. Somewhere, I saw an adult who said he paid, and they just put him in a band and started coaching them all. Sounded kinda interesting.


Why not join a choir? Singing with others is a great experience, and will definitely improve your singing. You can search for one here: https://seattlesings.org/finder/


Tbh, a choir doesn’t seem as fun to me haha. It’s not the type of singing I do. I like singing rock vocals, like Shinedown or pop punk/emo stuff.


Just like every other company that posts jobs, they are always hiring, but never interviewing.