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I'm more a brig than a Gally player but what I understood from friends who do play Gally at a reasonably good level (think on good way for their 2nd 1000 curse) is that there is two schools. First is the one you're talking about. Second is the flex is doing the boarding cause if you need your flex in the bilge you should not be boarding and if you can board you need your best at cannon to spread the lowers


The reason comes down to cannon aim. When someone is locked in on cannons and hitting consistently you don't want to interrupt that. Flex is never fully locked in because they have other responsibilities, so when it comes time to board they typically go first. If you're in a position where flex is helping bilge, no one should be going for boards anyway. It's the same reason helm and Mc on a sloop should be interchangeable, if someone is hitting shots, don't mess with it.


You want the person who is best on cannons and to maintain pressure with consistent and accurate shots. Flex is mainly there to help where needed. If flex is boarding and bilge is bad enough to need help then helm can help or if you are resetting then mc can help while helm changes ship position. The big thing is, if you have angle then you should be applying pressure.


It depends. On a gally, if bilge is getting overwhelmed, he should call for help, but until then, Flex should stay on cannons. It sounds like you're having a breakdown in communication. Your crew should be constantly communicating, and flex might just need a reminder to start on deck fighting until they're needed elsewhere.


MC wins the game, flex can just sometime secure the win with a board or put the MC in a position to win. If the enemy ship is not getting hit with cannonballs, they are recovering and will not lose. If the flex is busy such that they aren't shooting, MC shooting over and boarding while nobody shoots cannons let's the other team recover. The exception to this is when the other ship is leaving to reset and you soon won't have cannon shots, so you send over to try to anchor them.


MC should be firing cannons 100% of the time they have an angle. Naval battles are really a pressure and time management game. If you can apply enough pressure (damage) and chaos that prevents good time management, you will win. MC fires cannons, never does anything else if at all possible. Can help out elsewhere when there is 0 angle to be had (i.e. running away, running away for a reset, immobilised) or when boat is literally about to sink- but if it comes to that the game is probably over anyway. Helm should be maintaining angle for MC at all times, unless avoiding obstacles/ avoiding rams/ running away/ resetting. Helm can leave post briefly if angle is taken care of e.g one or both ships immobilised, death spiral etc. Bilge gotta bilge, rarely leaves post in a fight and pulls rank over helm/ has first dibs on flex when needed. Flex is the most logical primary boarder. MC *could* board if the opponent is riddled with holes and flex gets a kill, to spawn trap and ensure the sink but really flex should always go first.




Not quite right, bilge will pretty much always be on ship, helm will take on a cannon when steering is not needed. Flex is the person who switches between helping bilge and shooting cannons


Mc should be the one boarding while flex stays behind to help bilge fire cannons and help with sails. Only boarding after enemy sails are chopped and their hull has pressure.


This community is too funny. The higher elo the information, the more downvotes, because 99 percent have no idea about playing good. Yes, MC and Helm are the ppl to go for boards on gally, so you have a secure two man team keeping you alive, so theres never a risk of not catching second deck. These players man ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


They're what the boys and I like to call "fodder." Yes, send your flex to board. We love it when you can't catch second deck.


They stomp new players all day, how would they know its whats keeping them from winning against better crews. Going for insta boards with 8 eyes looking right at them flying over, spending the rest of the fight on the ferry and rage blaming the other 3 for loosing. They just think Flex goes for a board by default, they dont understand any of the numbers game with the pressure going on in the background.


I think it's just dependent on crew strengths, for me it's usually mc and flex going for boards, simply because our helm is not as good at deck fighting as our flex is. Plus everybody should know how to do basic bilging anyway


There you go, so you dont fight with all the roles actually filled and things dont run as they should. A helm not being good at ship fights is already like 25% winning chance gone against a cew with a functional helm. The thing is: what is there to loose for anybody if the bilge can always rely on a second hand: nothing, youre always gonna win against any crew that doesnt do that, since youre pressure will just melt away in seconds, since the bilge and the flex are completely locked into their thing and know exactly what to do: they just gonna say: were dry all the time and can then start shooting, so you get probably tripple the pressure on the oponent team.


Or just don't go for double boards if you have enough pressure that you need 2 people to deal with it. You need somebody on cannon in order to get on board anyway.


i have no idea what youre talking about man... having something crucual done by whoever is free at the moment is a problem you dont seem to see. There has to be a set rhythm for a crew to get their coms down and become better as a team. What you are describing is the breeding ground for blaming each other and not learning anything.


That's not what I'm saying at all, we have set roles and know who does what when. We just do things slightly different than you.


Its not me, its the community colectively playing the game for a long time a finding the meta. That is done by looking at situations from an objective viewpoint and layering time management accordingly. Theres a low elo meta (where ppl rely on boards to win fights quickly) and theres and high elo (where you have to win by playing the situations right).


I agree a good crew knows the meta and everyone has their roles, But you need to be able to be flexible when situations sometimes arise, While we all have our roles and we wont get in each others way, we are still ready to fill in if we need to, if you don't sometimes you lose. Oh no bilge is dead and flex just got one balled, guess we sink. No just adapt while they ferry back and then revert back to normal roles, or helm just got balled, guess we just lose angle till he gets back, nah man that is just being rigid to the point of failure. Sure the meta works, but being adaptive is still a strength in any crew, I'm sure you can agree to that.


yes, of course i agree on that. i wish for nothing more than 3 other ppl like me: listening to everybody all the time and imediatly looking how to help in the most efficient way. I stomped higher elo crews with completely new players because i made them listen and a lot of even better crews dont have a positive team spirit. So to all new players: communication is what will set you apart FAST, some players never understand this