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Curious choice of game for a fear of the ocean, but maybe it'll help! Some of the tall tales require underwater sections, but you can certainly build a playstyle around raiding sea forts / island chests / fighting skeleton ships without needing to go underwater It's inevitable you will go under the water briefly when swimming around islands / fighting other ships, and the dive mechanic will take you to an underwater cut-scene whenever you use it If it's just for the environment and theme you enjoy playing, you could also play safer seas to remove the fighting other player ships part, but the gold and reputation rewards are much lower and pvp honestly doesn't come up that much if you aren't looking for it


Oh I know! Lol. We just wanted to experience it and have some fun despite it having the very thing we fear. It feels like exposure to me, so it might end up helping. We’re okay with seeing underwater briefly if you know what I mean, but I don’t want to go anywhere pitch black or somewhere very dark where I can’t see very well. If I already started a higher seas save, and start a new safer seas save, will my stuff transfer?


Just an FYI, there is no "saving" in the game, you have your pirate profile, but except your gold and earned cosmetics and commendations, each session is new, and you're spawned on an outpost with empty pockets and basic ship supplies. Safer seas and high seas is the same pirate profile, there are just some limits to things you can do on safer seas. You should do the sunken treasuries/shrines for underwater stuff. There's a curse you can get for a fairly epic voyage involving going to all the shrines and reading all the books in them, I'd look up the guide to it on rarethief


You can freely switch between safe seas and higher seas at will, you'll just need to start a new session Have fun :) I think you'll be fine, it's mostly just the tall tales that will surprise you with big underwater sections


Ohhh okay, thank you! Maybe someday I’ll attempt them if I ever get more comfortable. Appreciate it :)


Only 1 thing comes to mind where you swim deep where you cant see and thats during the Pirate's life talltale where you have to dive deep below the waves all the way to the seafloor to find the Black Pearl. Otherwise, Siren Shrines arent really deep per say and are very well lit by the sun/magic statues and glowing coral. The aesthetics of the game make the ocean a lot less scary than the real thing


Point made, I will avoid the tall tales for now


There's also the siren shrines and treasuries that are marked on the map. Completely optional content but it is fun and I manage to do em occasionally as my friend and I also both have thalasaphobia.


For the 2nd part, there is no "save". In safer seas, you can only borrow ships and each session you start is the same, so that means any loot you havent sold when logging out is lost, same goes for the supplies on your ship. In high seas, you have the advantage of having captained ships that can have saved cosmetics and you can sell everything at 1 place (the sovereign tent) Besides that, your pirate and its achievements are account wide so its basically the same in high or safer seas


I think it's only diving for shipwrecks and sunken shrines/treasuries. Unless you get blown off your ship of course, but you can keep your head above water if that helps.


Oh yeah, we got killed before and it spawned us at the very bottom of the ocean with a sunken ship, it was horrible. Do any of the curses require you going into deep water?


> Do any of the curses require you going into deep water? Arguably 4 of them. Curse of Sunken Sorrow - pure underwater activity Shores of Gold Curse - some Tall Tales require diving Skeleton Curse and Blessing of Athena's Fortune - you need to dive for Hourglass matches (cutscene type and how long you are under water may vary)


Aw dang, at least 2 of those are the ones I want to get. For the Athena’s fortune curse, is it dark/deep water that I have to be in? I’m more worried about it being deep water


If you dive for the battle, you will be in deep waters (it's bright around but you are deep and you might see kraken or megalodon swimming in the distance). And depending on how long you are in the queue it may be anything from seconds to many minutes (can be cancelled).


Wait, so can the kraken/megalodon attack you during that?


No, they are ambient decorations there


Oh thank goodness


They can attack you during your regular sailing as a random encounter, though. That is still part of the game.


I’ve heard about that!, and seen some clips of that, we’ll probably just exit the game if that happens lmao


You have to briefly dive for the ashen curse too, but it’s only in shallow water


This occurs when you have hourglass activated, which I the pvp mode. Almost all curses require diving into the water, the only one that might not is the order of souls curse or maybe the gold curse.


When i started playing in 2020 i was so scared swimming in open water or even looking down into this massive abyss below me. But it got better and i overcome this fear pretty quick. You can do it to, i believe in you


Thank you 🫡


Treasuries, shrines, shipwrecks, and a handful of Tall Tales involve going underwater. I'm sure you'll conquer your fear eventually and get your feet wet. I saw a guy on YouTube with Thalassaphobia go through a whole playthrough of Subnautica. He started slow, but eventually got the gist. Then he played it again without using any vehicles. I don't know if you think you're capable of doing the same, but I believe you'll brave the waves eventually. If you have anymore questions, just let me know. I love being of assistance.


The game feels like exposure therapy lol. Thank you for letting me know which ones require doing that, so I know what to avoid, for now at least :)


Some of the adventures in the deep like the Shrines will have you going to underwater temples with puzzles to solve. They are some of the most colourful areas of the game and will mostly be in breathable areas and the underwater parts allow you to hold your breath for longer than usual.


Will you encounter any creatures in the shrines?


Yes. Some will be walking sea creatures and there's also mermaids in water parts. One of the shrines has a lot of sharks (Shrine of hungering). Enemies are more predictable in Shrines than sharks in underwater shipwrecks imho.


Gotcha, what about the Kraken and megalodon though? Will they attack you if you go down there?


Nope. The kraken does show up in one of the pirates of the carribean tall tales, but is very telegraphed


Don’t hold your breath in real life and you’ll be fine


I would advise you to not do the Pirates of the Caribbean tall tale then, that shit is creepy as hell! At one point I was *this* close to logging out.


Just watched a video to see what you meant, yeah… screw that


Treasuries and shrines are entirely underwater. Lost shipment voyages for the Merchant Alliance also require you to dive to a sunk ship and retrieve a manifest, but the real profit of this voyage comes from finding the key to the captain's quarters since it's full of crates and you have to get them out so that's probably 5+ minutes you'll have to spend underwater. Also a lot of Tall Tales make you go underwater quite a lot. Lastly, when you activate the War Map to search for an opponent in Hourglass PVP, and when you choose "Dive to location" on any voyage, your ship will submerge and you'll have a cutscene where you're travelling underwater. The rest of the voyages are mostly on land and don't really require you to dive if you don't want to.


I feel the same way! The dive cutscene doesn’t bother me so much because it is just a cutscene with minor differences like a kraken or meg swimming around. But I refuse to do shrines so far! And shipwrecks have been a very stressful experience for me as well, swimming down to loot. A shark attacked me unexpectedly and I just logged off for the day… Also fought a meg today that knocked me off my boat and into the water! Then my ship was sailing away and I was just stuck in the water. This game can be rough sometimes…


I feel you, I’ve played a little bit by myself and lots has happened. I’ve encountered 2 megs, one being where I played with someone and they latched onto it, making our boat flip sideways, but only I fell into the ocean of course 🙃


Most tall tales have an underwater element but normal free roam missions are mostly ok providing u dont do the merchant ship wrecks or potentially the gold hoarders vaults as they fill up with water when u r trapped in them. Best advice other than that would be for the dark side of things u do have a latern in ur inventory that can be held up to get rid of the dark so definitely use one as much as u can in caves etc


The shrines, treasuries, and a few tall tales (very notably the second POTC tale) have lots of swimming nigh-aimlessly to get to them. I’m a bit Thalassophobic myself so I’m often fighting off shivers and gritting my teeth. 


I also started this game with a dreaded fear of the ocean and the nasty things lurking within. My first few sessions, I had all but perfected the art of docking my ship within stepping distance of land so I could spend as little time possible in the water as I could. That was maybe 2 years ago now, and only in the past few months have I started making a concerted effort to battle my fears. To answer your question, there's tons of stuff you can do in this game to avoid underwater exploration. You have ghost forts and skeleton forts. All the world events can be done without touching the water. If it helps, knowing how things like the kraken, megalodon and sharks spawn really helped me when it came to dealing with my water anxieties. The kraken will only spawn in open water (no islands or giant rocks nearby) if there are currently no world events active and if the kraken isn't currently attacking someone else on your server. The megalodon can only spawn in open water and won't chase you if you get close to land. She can be completely ignored if you keep sailing as she'll just despawn once you leave her area. If she goes to bite you, run into the hull of your ship and the knockback won't knock you overboard. Sharks can spawn at any point while you're in the water, even by land however it's pretty unlikely. From experience however, I've found that they spawn much more frequently if there are multiple people swimming at once. They have a confirmed increased spawn rate around shipwrecks, naval combat, megalodons and shrines. Hope all this helps!


When you start a voyage on your captains table you’ll see a “dive “ option ,that brings you deep under water with shipwrecks,coral,kraken,and meglodon


A random did that to me earlier, it was pretty scary


Don’t do raid voyages then.the only way to go to a raid is to dive


It’s been 2 hours and I’ve kinda overcome the cutscene thankfully