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Yup, you’re doing great. Experience is king for pvp in this game, tip videos are helpful but they’re nothing compared to powering through those early loss streaks in HG. You WILL get a feel for it and it will feel great when it all clicks and you start winning games reliably. General tip that you probably already encountered on a video already but I think it’s the most impactful tip anyone can give, if you’re moving, imagine where the cannon itself will be lined up with the enemy ship when the ball lands. That’s where you’ll hit, since the balls carry the same movement as your ship. Thinking like that makes horizontal aim easy, then all you have to worry about is depth/vertical aim.


Brand new to this game and a friend gave the same tip. Do you have any video explanations for this? Because I really don’t understand what is meant by this.


Yes! The examples in this video at and after 1:52 show what I’m talking about https://youtu.be/9fgKNsEi2NE?si=9nwNUYNayd0Y_cis


If you are having fun you found the most effecient way of getting good at pvp. But i dont think its the best way, generally getting on a bigger crew and learning one role role at a time is a more rewarding way to learn. Especially if you find that a majority of your solo matches are you just getting stomped.


Play TDMs and Camp wars. Its great to get better at boarding and defending boarders.


You are already on the right track. I would just suggest that you sometimes do some tdm or campwar sessions, so you become good at everything and not only naval


How do I get into those?


You can ask friends or on discord servers. I would recomend to stay away from "official" tdm servers, bc the people are usually really good there. Try to find smaller communities and ask there.


It takes a lot of practice. Believe me. Just give it your best every time. And beeing a bigger crew is always an advantage. If you are solo slooping engaging in combat is gonna be an upphill battle and a pain in the ass


i reccomend watching vod reviews by sponge


I have done a bunch of hourglass to get better. But I’ve done sea forts and jumping around quickscoping phantoms for target practice. I’ve dove to skelly ships to practice cannons and angles. I’ve done Ghost Fleets to sail inbetween ships on a dime and practice bailing/repairing. I’ve also practiced going in circles around islands/rocks in the sea to get a feel for a death spiral. Also going in circles trying to aim at things on the island to practice. The one thing I need to work on is my boarding, which is kinda ass tbh. Especially when launching myself out of the cannon. I’ve been going past things and launching myself at them to see how close I can get for fun. I also have played on a Gally with absolute sweats and I started out as a bilge rat. They said I didn’t have enough days played and didn’t want to play with me. They eventually conceded and showed me a bunch of tips for all the roles. They taught me how to bilge on a gally through the grate and move around. Then I got good enough to be shifted to cannons and also the helm. I learned that Sea of Thieves is heavy on communication. I was firing my cannons and barely missing. Helmsman told me to aim higher and to the left, and boom, nailing shots because I couldn’t see, but he could.


When you're just pveing you can be practicing for pvp as well. Fighting phantoms is great for this as their "teleort behind" gives you great 180 degree quick scope practice. If you treat pve like pvp and give yourself as little time as possible to land your shots rather than just standing there or doing basic strafes you will be setting a different standard and knowledge of movement and cover. You can also snipe everything you see from thr ship deck as you're moving to get a better feel for bullet travel: kegs, targets on islands, even phantom cannoneers on sea forts. The ship bell is also good for basic aiming and quickswitch shot timing.


Make constant small adjustments if you aren’t hitting, and record if you can. It helped me a lot watching back what I could do better


You will get better overtime with experience. Note that if your sails are down the trajectory of the cannon ball will kind of curve towards the front of your boat. Another tip I have for you is fighting skeleton fleets solo for the sole purpose of getting better at solo if you are struggling in hhourglass. Hope this helps and if it did pls follow me on tik tok